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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1988)
Classified 472-2588 OAVtMCTS IS NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS AND LUNCH HELP PART AN" FULL TIME POSITIONS ALL LOCA TIONS. CO AND APPLY OR CALL FOR APPOINT MENT.___ Dental Ami*ant Group practice ’-■art-time Certification required, starting wage fc.OO/hr Ca" 123-4777_ FREE TRIPS TO MAZATLAMt! Be a representative for the be* tour company in the nation. Earn Ireetrps plus money. Call College Tours 1 - 612-893-1906 collect. _ Full-time and part-time positions available. Apply in per son at the Plump Tomatoe in the Atrium. 12th & N Street. Great part-time job for atudenta. Lincoln Janitorial Sorvice is now aoceptmg applications tor early and late evening positions. Call 43S-1200 be tween 1-5 p.m. Mature, raliablepart-hme weekend help wanted Apply* the Antique Market. 48th & Old Cheney Hoad. Mon-Fn. Micro Computer Consultant Consultant needod in the humanities resource facility for 20/hours week Knowledge of MS DOS. word perfect. Lotus 1.2.3, Macintosh. MS Word. McDraw $4.25/hour. Apply * 326 Ad mm., 8am-12prr, 1pm-5pm. M-F. Can 472-5879 for more information. _ Need a gram cart/truck drver for harvest. Close to Lincoln. 789-5135 Need sitter, my home Monday-Friday. 3:30 pm to 12:30 am Must be retidole S50/week. Call 477 7989 or 464 2541.___ _ PART-TIME JOBS $l00/week guaranteed, evenings, need car, call 466 7246, 4-6.00 pm only, for interview Part-time delivery and warehouse person, Monday-Fri day. 8 a.m. noon Apply * LinYel Systems 2201 Wmthrop Road. Part-tima heip needed in room set up and custodial department. Afternoon hours, some nights, and week ends $3 60/hr, apply m 314, East Union Part-time parts help Aim Auto Parts, 3630 Cornhusker Highway. 466-6515 ask lor Bob Parttime On Campus Small beachwear company needs 1 to 2 on campus sales reps Must be bright, enthusiastic and motivated to sell, i Make your own schedule. Serious inquires only. 472- i 7085 ___ RUN7A DRIVE-IN 13TH * E and Belmont locations are now being part-time day and evening hours Ideal lor student with Aexble schedules Please apply m person to the manager Monday Fnday We otter compebtr/e wages and a good working environment The NEBRASKA ARMY NAT ONAL GUARD wants to pay lor your college education. Interested7 Keep reading. The Guard often $140.00 a month to undergraduate students who qualfy lor the new G.l Bd and wil also repay student loans of up to $10,000 Al tooether.the Guard offers educatonal benefits totaling nearly $30,000 Stil interested7 Call: 473-1586 for more information. WEEKENO CUSTODIAL Individuals needed to dean to women's bathrooms and lounge areas. Saturday A Sunday mornings. Rotating schedule with some weekday hours poss We $3.6Q/hrto start Apply in person at 11(fo Seaton Hal. ROOMMATES Female roommate wanted Non-smoking girl to live in nice house with three roommates. $175/month ♦ util*ies. 435-2111 Ask (or Kathy. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE a|h|e|m j> O JD 1 *51 OXE s fToT«|e|s|tpfHaTt[hTeTrMB c|o|n]s p T|r]a1c| yM i|d eTei IMNIs e tIoinItopIrIT sTwfl idr|e!e'pMolFfsp lTeTn C]E l|aIwthmaimIa wpTma[rTw| A v E cBv E R I [ L VflT eIrIeHa1rIfItIeis™eIwie' dale roommate wanted BOOH St. $210 include® util* ms. (160 deposit. 435-0383 _ dove in Odobei 1. $85 a month. 1/5 utilities + deposit Sail 476-2306 Tony., __< ilonsmokino roommate needed in nice lame 3 bedroom . ownhouseontd 30 Vine Street No deposit 1/3 rent and itilities. Cat1467-5723 Responsible female roommate wanted $140/month ♦ 1/ ; I utilities. 477-5548 Reeponeibte! Non-smoking male roommate needed to share 2-bedroom apartment at 21st $ C, $110 + 1/2 itilities. Call David. 476-8503. Roommate to share 2-bedroorn apartment. $ 140/mo+1/ . ’utilities. Close to oampus. ContacS Rich at 474-1565. Roommate wanted. Utilities paid Own rooom, nicely urnished.$133/mo. plus deposit 477-3071. _! Roommate Wanted to share 3-bedroom house near East Campus. $135 ♦ 1/3 utilities. Call 467-4796. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 539 N 24th Two bedroom All amenities 423-102V. 477- ; 2177. ___ Beautiful, spacious. 3 ♦ bedroom Available October 1. 2301 Vine $600 month 475-1579.466 1168 Extra moe2bedroom. East campus 469-6668 after 5:30 | Lovely 2-bedroon units available October 1st. Dish washer-disposal 636 S 27th, $335 423 5800 3535 Vine. 2-story. $400. 466-1544 or 423-5800. 1625 Garfield. $325 471-9671 or 489 2395 NEAR DOWNTOWN - ACROSS FROM GOVERNOR'S MANSION • NEWER BLDG. * One Bedroom. * Parking * Laundry Hoorn. • Security Lighting * Central AvrGes Heat. ^235/month ♦ deposit and utiWies Utiitias very reason able Deposit * one month rent erfiieh can be paid m 2 nonthly installments. Phone 488-6889 NEED PRIVACY? ^nebedroonVefletency. fumished/unfurmshed near Capitol $200-210 ♦ low utilises. Non-smoker 47B-7416 on riiMfin .sroe, new 1 -bedroom apartment, utilities paid. $285/nC. IXafl 475-2453, ask for Chris or Norm. j'^JEWELRY0***"' ^ ^^^^Ince 1901 ^ 4 WEDDING RING4 4 SPECIALIST 4 ^ Wholesale Prices ^ ♦ Newest Styles A Custom Design ▲ ♦ Shop and compare ♦ but see us last. A 311 i "O” St. 474-6044 TIRED OF THE OORHS YETT Me have a good variety ot efficiencies'•"d ■partments dose to campus. Starling at S215.476 3403 Century Realty Commercial Dept Inc. LOST & FOUND OST- September 12 keys with red plastic triangle Cached 464-5687 =OUN0: Set d ca; keys in women s basement restroom >( Hen*. Claim in 61 Hen*. WANTED__ * <eyboardist/baok-up vocalist lor rock band Call 435 1569 or 435-6054 ADOPTION ’ ADOPTION 1 lease, please call us. tMe are a happily married, iffecttonate couple who dream d having a neatoom d our wvn Your baby will have every opportunity fora wonder ul life; education, world travel, loving parents and grand >arents. Expenses paid Call colled anytime 2,2-932 >649 FROM LAWRENCE, KANSAS THURSDAY, SEPT. 22 DUFFYS 1321 P Street 476-2039 New Laser Printer • Resumes • Reports • Career Placement Forms • Programs • Newsletters _ ADOPTION WANTED: Happily nwried for an Want to bus and oarefor. Ptaae oaH our Attorney collect 2* hrs. (408) 266-7100 A149_ ADOPTION. Loving California cocpfe pTOS^ona^ 5S. «8tsS"&3S3 weekend* _ ENDLESS LOVE _ We have endless love to give a precious nevteom Married eight years and childless .we can otter *«P^out country home, filled with warmth and eecurity We prem ise love devotion and afu* time mrther Expense* paKT Leoal and confidential. Please call Claudia and Ed oolect any time. 01A-496-2048 -—-— SOCIAL SERVICES Adoption is a loving choice No fee tor our oonfafentiel help. Nebraska Children's Home 483-7873 FREE PREGNANCY TESTWG PREGNANT? MRTHHKaHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy teat, please oafl us for appoint ment. 483-2600 I • Zorak. you Idlotl You’ve mixed Incompatible species in the earth terrarium!" CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA I ^AKT<Nt>IN< 475-6363 475-63*3 CON ' X 5* I WANTED TONITE PIZZA DRIVERS ©old'* Galleria Doors open a» 5 p.m. Si'Sr- sigma flhl EpiHo* ° 5pm-3am Blko pecja|Grl _ ♦Must have a car with proof pizzazl Applause Video of insurance. Darold'* Jewlers &Gem6loglst$ I J |— *$3.75/ Hr. Starting pay. European TanSpa I kL- I— *$3.90/Hr. After 30 days M“l plus miles, bonus, and ups! Muslrtlme D.J. Sorvlcos I I ‘Make $50-$80 per night Husker Hecivon *3 29 hncOLN ‘Apply at 230 N 17th Proceed* Benefit the FOOP DANK OF LINCOLN Plzzazt Applause video Darold'sJewlers&GemOloglsts ] |—I European TanSpa , K| -pi— Stuart Theatre I 1^1 I I Pickle* Thlngsvllle | I I | Muslctlme D.J. Sorvlco* I „ HiiiIim Hficivon $2*00 Oovor Proceed* Benetlt Ihe POOP DANK OF LINCOLN I - 1 I I BLOOM COUNTY_ by BerKe Bwathec ACROSS 1 Writer Hecht 4Grendel, in “Beowulf" 0 Agt.'scut 11 Gator’s relative 13 Kind of lute 14 Town in Iran 10 Creator of 8 Down 18 Old-womanish 19 Elephant’s-ear 20 R^x Stout's sleuth 22 Caesar s last day 24 River in Spain 25 Food preserver 28 Leg armor 30 Puccini piece 31 Does 34 Papuans of New Guinea 30 Abelard's “-et Non" 37 Plasterers' hawks 39 Nothing 40 Ollie’s friend 42 Nora-, memorable ballerina 43 Behold: Lav. | 44 Quick-bread biscuits 40 Troy escapee 48 Composer of “Te Deum" 49 -de bandera (flagstaff) 50 -Wimsey, Sayers sleuth 54 Wood sorrels 57 Eulogize 58 Author of “Trent’s Last Case" 01 Teeny 02 Come in third S 03 Realty J investment *4 Indian CimDer w iouiik ihwk acme tree It Loquat or 17 Full suit of 4S Convex cycad armor molding 12 Keel 38 Congou and M Chinese 1« Halfpennies hyson Olympic II Parka 41 Holmes’s diver: 1984 17 Predicament home 21 “-the 42 Plays DOWN ramparts..41 Hydrocarbon ■ a 22 Wagnerian suffix I S,frm^rK,re^ earth god^88 47 Shelley’s *["' *• 11Buu school • i inur in 22 Alexandrian 4t Wheel spindle i iq*i sect founder SO Salacious a F^rtinred 27 Famous 8,euth II Sponge spicule e ciCJ?fLfnC eU of ,he pulps 12 Invertebrate i C^nr!!c„ 28 Zane or Jane shell 7 Ss&r »"" », ■ «sa 8 HerooTThe order gMing 8 Hero oi me 33 Guidoman note Si Stiff hair “en!\on ^ .. It Hock member Murder Case 00 Hankering I ^