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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1988)
Minority links needed, Beavers says APU from Page 1 also be relieved, Beavers said, be cause minority and non-minority stu dents would be interacting. The minority representatives would not be the only minority link to ASUN, Beavers said. ASUN will continue to consider the opinions of individual groups, she said. Petersen said he and Sen. Jeff Gromosky, chairman of the Special Topics Committee, will meet with members of other student minority groups this week. Petersen said AS UN will try to draft legislation that represents the opinions and suggestions of minority groups. He said he expects the minor ity bill to come before the senate next week or the following week. THURSDAY NIGHT! Live jazz every Thursday night. No cover charge. . Appearing this Thursday: / Fusion Force with Andy Had / / fvljQ f I It 's Cookin! Free Parking After 5 at 132 S. 13th State Federal Securities 477-5122 Residence halls worker shortage spurs employment incentive By Eve Nations Staff Reporter University of Nebraska-Lincoln residence halls are experiencing a shortage of food service workers because of a fast turnover rate, ac cording to Douglas Rix, assistant di rector of housing and food service. Rix said that while he is unsure how many workers the university needs, the current shortage has not changed significantly from last year. I.. .. I “This time of year has a particu larly high rate of turn over,” he said. “Many students want to work and then they decide they don’t want to work after all,” Rix said. Rix said another reason for the shortage is students’ skepticism about their schedules. “Many students expect to have their schedules one way and then they have to change things so they aren’t able to work,” he said. Rix said no specific complex has more of a shortage than another complex. “No dorm has a big shortage,” he said. “Each one is short of some workers.” Cheryl Card, Cather-Pound Neihardt food service manager, said her food service has a problem on lunch shifts. “We have a little bit of a problem of student shortage over the lunch hour,” Card said. ‘That is the hardest time we have to fill. Most students like to take classes during this lime.'’ An incentive of a 15-cent raise per hour between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. is offered to those students who are willing to work over the lunch hour. All new employees have a start ing pay of $3.85 an hour during nor mal meal hours. Card said the management team has to work harder when there is a shortage of workers. The shortage does not affect the quality, she said. “Quality is still there because we still want a good product for the stu dent,” she said. Food service managers from Abel and Harper hallsdeclined tocomment on the situation. Then get in on the ground floor in our Platoon Leaders Class program ■ Seniors and graduates can be commissioned through the Officer for college freshmen, sophomores and juniors. You could start Candidate Class Program planning on a career like the men in this ad have And also have some ■ You can take free civilian flying lessons great advantages like: ■ You're commissioned upon graduation ■ Earning $100 a month during the school year If you're looking to move up quickly, look into the Marine Corps' ■ As a freshman or sophomore, you commissioning programs You could could complete your basic training -- star off making during two six-week summer Iff ^ _ more than $18,000 sessions and earn more than $1200 a year during each session WWiUMl OJIMMJW ■ Juniors earn more than $2100 dur- _ __ 0 <0 ing one ten-week summer session fJUtCKiW0 baking tor a towgood mm. See Capt Halterman at the Career Fair in the Student Union Ballroom or call (402) 221-3400 collect. I JAM SESSION! UPC BLACK SPECIAL EVENTS z/y/4 PRESENTS A PARTY ON THE V FRIDAY-SEPT 23, 1988 4:00 P.M. OUTSIDE THE UNION (BROYHILL FOUNTAIN) 5 “ LIVE SOUNDS BY JAMES “CURLY” MORRIS RAIN DATE- SAT., SEPT. 24, 1988 CULTURE CENTER 10:00 P M.-3:00 A M CONTEMPLATING YOUR CAREER? ATTEND CAREER INFORMATION DAY ’88 ’** retreeentatlaee IfcjB Eycltiaac. Mwli| ami Qecameitmi ^ °**“ 'OA SUCCESS alyta aha. al 100 W SHTmo ,W*N*°N ■**"*• * too a.«. •~r '"BE career Inter eta lien aaaileMe W- AU STUDENT! WELCOME