The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 1988, Page 7, Image 7

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    Trip proves enlightening
UNL students learn about world from Haitian children
By Lori Beckmann
Staff Reporter
As Chris Schneider rode from the Port Au
Prince airport to a hotel in the “tap-tap” —- a
brightly painted pick-up truck that served as a
public transportation system — he was in awe
of the poverty in Haiti.
“There were naked, malnutritioned chil
dren, dogs, goats and chicken everywhere,”
said Schneider, a University of Nebraska-Lin
coln secondary education sophomoref.’Pcople
were living in shanties made of aluminum and
the road was ruined,” Schneider said. “I felt like
I was paging through a National Geographic
depicting the Third World.”
Schneider was one of 17 members from
Lincoln’s Christ Lutheran Church who visited
Haiti this summer to help church mission work.
The trip, “Haiti ’88,” was co-organized by the
church’s vicar and David Brummond, a chemi
cal engineering senior.
Church members spent about 70 to 90 hours
planning the trip. They had a fund-raiser and a
car wash to help pay the cost of the trip, which
was $650 a person. Members picked up the part
of the tab themselves.
The group also attended orientation sessions
to familiarize themselves with the culture and
arranged its own travel plans.
Brummond said the group spent 10 days in
July teaching day-school at Petionville, a sub
urb of Port Au Prince in the eastern part of Haiti.
The group taught school and poured concrete
for improvements at the church there. They also
visited and comforted sick children at the Grace
Childrens’ hospital.
Brummond said the group taught children
ranging in ages from 3 to 30. Brummond said
the first day, they taught 175 students. By the
third day, he said, attendance had jumped to
“The Haitians are hungry for education,”
said Kris Buethe, a junior interior design major.
“They want to better themselves.” Interpret
ers were used to teach school to the Haitians
who speak Creole, which is a mixture of Afri
can, French and Spanish.
“Some understood French,” Buethe said,
“and we learned to speak some Creole. They
were amused that we were trying to speak their
The group members said they learned a lot
from their trip.
“They have it all right and we have it all
wrong,” said Kevin McReynolds, a sophomore
mechanical engineering major.
Mi mm mama Mi mm i^M MM I
“Their priorities are in order. They’re the
poorest people in the world, but they’re
friendly, trusting, happy and proud of their
families. Here, everyone is unhappy if they
don’t have certain things. Here it is material,
there it is spiritual.
“I learned a lot I learned what my priorities
should be. There, people walk up to you and say
‘I’m a Christian’ and know that you love them
for it. Here, people try to hide it.”
“Not just in a spiritual sense, but in an
individual sense,” Buethe said. “We need to
wake up and smell the coffee. The United States
is not the world and we can’t ignore others
because of where we live.
“It’s easy for people to tum the other cheek,
but when you’re there, you see it, you experi
ence it and you can’t tum away.”
tarisam blasts Keagan
Dissident doubts U.S. president’s support
FARISANI from Page 6
positive aspects of American invest
ments in the country.
“While money is donated to
blacks, so much more is given to the
white apartheid regime through
taxes, it isn’t even a valid argument,”
he said. “Don’t believe that some of
these companies seriously want
apartheid to come to an end.”
Farisani contrasted the delay in
sanctions against South Africa to the
immediate action against pro-Soviet
countries. He suggested that U.S.
conceni for sanctions hurting the
South African people is hypocritical,
since this concern is not raised when
imposing sanctions on Nicaragua or
“I’ve never known Reagan to be a
fighter for human rights — except in
Nicaragua and Libya,” Farisani said.
“Do you seriously expect him to help
black South Africans?”
While insisting that he has never
advocated the use of violence against
the government, Farisani said he re
fuses to condemn those who see vio
lence as the only alternative. Quoting
a 1960 Nelson Mandclla speech, he
said the time has past for “sitting by
Farisani went further to describe
the deployment of Cuban Poops in
neighboring Angola as an act of So
viet “liberation.”
“Every presence of the Soviet
Union (in Africa) is the result of the
refusal of the white Christian nations
to help,” he said. “We will accept
Soviet help.”
Farisani gave statistics which
show thousands of South African
exiles attending universities in Cuba,
East Germany and other Soviet-block
countries, while a significantly
smaller number study in the United
States and other Western nations. Fie
suggested that Soviet help is perhaps
more sincere, attributing this to the
fact that they have never colonized
the African continent.
“I’m not like Senator Helms who
believes that Communists were cre
ated by Satan,” Farisani said. “And
when God says love your brother, he
means love Gorbachev too.”
“Very often, Mozambique, An
gola and Zambia have gone to the
Western world to ask for help,” he
said. “It’s denied.”
According to Farisani, this is what
leads them to embrace the Soviet
Property owners are expected to teel
impact of Malone redevelopment plan
MALONE from Page 1
detailing process. But if there arc, the
regents could request to rcapprove the
plan, McGee said, which could delay
redevelopment plans further.
“We (the Malone study commit
tee) arc estimating toward the end of
this year, possibly November, they
(the city) will take action,” McGee
The plan was to be completed in
three phases within 15 years of its
approval. McGee said completing the
plan in 15 years is not as important as
completing the plan in phases.
The park, which is required in the
plans, will be completed in Phase I. It
will include a bike path that will serve
as a l(X)-foot buffer around the park.
‘‘1 here will be a substantial impact
on property owners and residents in
the neighborhood,” McGee said.
McGee said he estimates about 20
homes in the park site and about 20 in
the phase I area will need to be relo
Gary Targoff, president of the
Malone Neighborhood Association,
said the city has allocated money to
the association to hire a staff person to
help residents relocate.
“The neighborhood association
will be hiring that staff person who
will act as a liaison to the city (coun
cil) and individuals who are directly
affected,” Targoff said.
“Our (the neighborhood
association’s) purpose of staying
involved is because it is an emotional
issue for those directly affected and
we want to make sure they arc treated
fairly,” Targoff said. “Over the his
tory of this problem they (Malone
residents) have been treated unfairly
by a lack of action.”
Targoff said although there are
residents upset by the plan, most of
them are glad something is being
done after a 25-year-old debate.
McGee said the study committee is
working on some relocation assis
tance “to help the residents who will
have to relocate receive the same
quality housing, if not belter than
what they arc currently in.”
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