The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 1988, Page 16, Image 15

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    ' Susanna Williams/Dally Nebraskan
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Wednesday, September 14th
1 5-9 p.m.
! Free
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aM| h C a % COLLl Gt « * N O "»
Op*n Mon-Fn 8-5 30 S*l 9-5 30 Thur* HI 9pm
More than ever,
more than a Bookstore.
^ 13000$^
Symphony looks forward to new home at Lied
mr a. *r
SYMPH from Page 14
That is their advantage artistically.
But Vierk also said the symphony has
a good situation when it comes to
more earthly matters like finance.
“The other reason is that there’s a
broad base of support for the sym
phony in Lincoln, he said. “We are
not relying just on corporate money.
In fact we get almost as much — I
think we do get as much—individual
money (contributions from private
citizens). In other words, individuals
who just contribute, as opposed to
businesses that contribute. And when
you gel that kind of a mix, you’re not
relying on any one supporter. So if
you lose them, you don’t get that (a
sudden financial crisis).”
Also as a strong pillar in that base
are ticket sales. This year there has
been about a 25-pcrcent increase in
sales. Ticket revenues make up a
quarter to a third of the budget — an
amount which a larger symphony
with a bigger budget would not be
able to get.
Vierk said he thinks the Lied
Center for the Performing Arts is al
ready affecting ticket sales. Although
the symphony will not be playing at
Lied this season, subscribers for this
year will get preferential treatment
for seats when the symphony does
move into its new home.
‘There’s a lot of
people who’d like
to see us be
downtown. ’
— Vierk
! I
Right now, the symphony holds all
its concerts, except for certain special
events, at Nebraska Wesleyan
University’s O’Donnel Auditorium.
O’ Donnel has been described as a hall
with excellent acoustics but is only
about half the size of what the Lied
Center will be. Lied’s downtown
location should help the symphony’s
attendance as well, drawing more
UNL students and Lincoln residents.
“We’re looking forward to it,” he
said. “There’s a lot of people who’d
like to see us be downtown, as far as
having access to going out to eat and
other things before concerts.”
The symphony also is bringing in
guest performers to augment its
lineup. Vierk said the symphony is
not able to afford to bring in the top
“name recognition” artists, but in
stead attracting artist who are not yet
famous but are working their way up
and just starting to attract attention.
This season’s guest performers
include violinist and Russian emigre
Mark Peskanov, pianist Lee Luvisi
and tenor Tonio Di Paolo.
Court»«y of Lktootn Symphony Orohaatra
1920s theme kicks off season;
Peskanov to violin at Kimball
James Lantz Septem
ber Pops
Lincoln Symphony Or
chestra and the Buffalo
Music of the 20s
Sept. 16
The first special event of the
Lincoln Symphony Orchestra’s
fall season will have a “Roaring
Twenties” theme. The audience is
invited to bring picnic lunches and
dress according to the theme.
There will be prizes for the best
menu, decor and costume. There
will also be an auction. Whoever
donates the most money at the
auction will be able to lead the
band in a rendition of John Phillip
Sousa's “Stars and Stripes For
Pershing Auditorium’s doors
open at 6:30 p.m. and the concert
begins at 8. Reserved sealing is
$22.50 and balcony seating is
$7.50. Student tickets are $6.50.
Mark Peskanov
Oct. 11
As one of the new generation of
Russian violinists, Peskanov has
risen to the lop of the international
music scene. He has won the Avery
Fisher Career Grant and the Isaac
Stem award and has been greeted
with rave reviews in every major
American music capital. Peskanov
will appear at 8 p.m. in Kimball
Recital Halt
Works will include Mozart’s
‘Titus Overture," Lalo’s ‘‘Sym
phonic Espagnol" and Men
delssohn’s ‘‘Symphony No. 3."
Lee Luvisi
Nov. 1
The New York Times has de
scribed this American artist as a
“model of grace, energy and musi
cality.” The Washington Post had
equally nice things to say. On the
program is “Concerto for Orches
tra” by Bartok and “Piano Con
certo No. 2” by Brahms. The con
cert will be at 8 p.m. in the
O'Donnell Auditorium at Ne
braska Wesleyan University.
Anthony Plog
Dec. 6
Plog has traveled from coast to
coast making his music. He com
bines technical ability with show
manship in presenting classical
works lor the trumpet.
“Symphony No. 41 in C minor”
by Mozart, “Sonata for Trumpet
and Strings" by Torclli, Tull’s
“Concerto for Trumpet” and
oranms variations on a inemc
of Haydn” will be performed at 8
p.m. in the O’Donnell Auditorium.
J. Edmunds and Thel
ma Miller Audition A
ward Winner
Feb. 7,1989
The J. Edmunds and Thelma
Miller Audition Award is pre
sented annually as part of the Lin
coln Symphony Orchestra’s
Young Artist Competition. The
winner of the competition gets the
chance to perform for this Lincoln
Symphony Orchestra subscription
All Orchestral Concert
featuring Charles
Thicker Cello
March 7,1989
With so many Lincoln musi
cians in the area, the orchestra
chooses some to come to the front
for recognition each year. This
year, the Lincoln Symphony ia
honoring its principal cellist, Char
les Tucker, who will perform
Bloch's Schelomo.
Also on the program is
Smetana's “Moldau" and “Con
certo forOrchestnTby Paul us. The
performance will beat 8 p.m. in the
O’Donnell Auditorium.
Tonio Di Paolo
April 11, 1989
Critics rave about Di Paolo’s
voice, calling it “exquisite" and
“like spun gold.” This young per
former is also a verteran of operatic
productions across the United
States, including appearances with
the Lyric Opera of Chicago and at
Carnegie Hall. Di Paolo will per
form some opera and other songs at
8 p.m. in the O’Donnell Audito
Di Paolo’s program will include
anrl I Dralh” from
Wagner’s “Tristan and Isolde,”
“Ah! Icvetoi, soleil” from
Gounod’s “Romeo and Jul
iet,””Una furtiva lagrima” from
Donizetti’s “L’Elisir d’Amore.”
“La donna e mobile” from Verdi’s
“Rigoleuo,” Tosti’s “Four Songs”
and "Vanaciones Concertantes”
by Ginastera.
Cecile Licad
May 2,1989
The seasons' close features pre
eminent pianist, Cecile Licad.
Licad has appeared before several
major American orchestras, and on
television with Sir Georg Solti and
the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
The concert will begin at 8 p.m. in
the O’Donnell Auditorium.
On the program is “Russian
Easter Overture,” by Rimsky Kor
sakov, Ravel’s “Concerto in G for
Piano,” and “Symphony No. 5” by