Chicago, Louisiana bands to hit Lincoh By Ken Havlat Malt Reporter Dully s Tavern anu me Zoo bar arc splitting up the action this week as the tall music season winds up. On Monday, Miss Molly and the Passions, a band from Lake Charles, La., will play at the Zoo Bar. Miss Molly has been tearing up the club circuit in Houston. The band plays a sophisticated style of rhythm and blues, and appar ently Miss Molly is something to behold in both body and voice. “She sings like an angel and talks like a sailor.” according to the Houston Post. The Service, a Chicago band, also will play Monday night at Duffy’s. The Service has recorded three al bums with Pravda Records and has plans for a fourth. The band played several limes at the Drumstick, creating a fervor with its rock-n-roll sound. Opening will be the Wild Carrots, a local band made up of former members of Holiday and Mudslide. Tuesday and Wednesday at the Zoo, the Vccs (the three sons of rock legend Bobby Vcc) will be making their Nebraska debut. They have a cut on an album by various artists re cently released by Pendulum Records and should have a record coming out soon on the same label. They have been recording in their father’s St. Cloud, Minn., studio, and working with former Suburb guitarisi/vocalisl Bcej Chaney. The brothers, Jeff, Tom and Rob Vcllinc, have been louring on occa sion with Chancy. Chancy has been able to get them the exposure in the Twin Cities that the Vees need as they work on their pop/rock-n-roll sound. The style is a definite departure for the Zoo. Alice Donut, playing Wednesday night at Duff\ s -eiiasci ..*• ,c ill bum Iasi 'cat ot ■*. a * ,r i c uicics, the torniei home t i the Du»u Kennedys. With suen songs as ! ip per Gore ’ and “World Pro! it, which the band made into a video, the New York City-based band has its political com iciions in order. Tom, the vocalist, sings w high pitched voice and usualh wears a raincoat on stage. Trout Mysten opens tor the band. The bands at the Zoo and Dul l > s charge S3. The music starts at 9 p.m. ^Courteiiy of ZooVai Entertainment and food create nice atmosphere at the Nebraska fair Hy Mick Uyer Senior Reporter It was a great day at the Nebraska State Fair. It started at 8 a.m. The sun was shining warm and the air was cool as I rode my bicycle to Slate Fair Park. T he Chinook winds were just begin ning to blow mountain air down onto the plains, creating the weird high I always have this time of year. The fair always has a variety of things to challenge my senses.' ■8, mmmhm1 i The winds energize me. My mind races and it’s nearly impossible to keep thoughts from leaping out of my head to soar in that magic breeze. Everything and anything seems pos sible and I want to do it all. At any rate, the fair always has a variety of things to challenge my senses. I started by interviewing one of the ■■uuiy Mill |K. I mm Ills WHO was IIIUK mg a special appearence at the lair. We sat at a picnic table together, sipping coffee and talking. Wc w atc hed as the small trickle of people wandering around the fair grounds turned into a steady stream and then an (xiean of faces. There were all sorts of Nebras kans. There were little kids squealing, aroused by the energy in the wind, harcly able to contain their excite ment in their small bodies. There were old people — couples walking arm-in-arm, exploring the fair that they have come to together for the past 50years, remembering the famil iar and discovering the new wonder ful things. fhere were young couples walk ing slowly, hand-in-hand, the wind gently kissing their peaceful faces. And there were sounds. Bands marching by in magnif icent forma tions and horses braying and whinny mg in stall al ter stall al ter stall. Carni val rides compressing air and pushing metal into the sky over and over again and the fresh foot-longs popping and sizzling on ihc grill. The wind make it all sound bigger and fuller. The food was my favorite. I ate four comdogs. I reviewci each one for freshness, quality of thi breading, flavor of the dog and hov much fun they were to eat. I ate ; funneleake and a pretzel. I rcall; loaded up on all the greasy, bad fo you kind of food I don’t usually allov myself. It was great. My favorite thing about the fair though, is the animals. I’m a city boy and don’t get to sec many of th< animals found on Nebraska farms. I saw a cow. She was a lot bigge than I thought they were. I stood ir front of her and made mooing sound; and tried to imagine what it was like See FAIR on 18 INTRODUCING I 100% Nonfat ; Frozen Yogurt! with No Cholesterol! <1 Can’t Believe lt's\ YOGURT! 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