The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 1988, Image 1

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WEATHER: Monday, partly cloudy and
cooler with a 30 percent cnancO of shdwers, M n.,.„ct P
high in the mid to upper 70s with NE winds at p.‘ ’ 4
10-15 mph Monday night, considerable „ t ' 9
cloudiness and cooler with a 20 percent AK»fc„t„tNnmoni ia
chance of showers, low in the mid 50s Tuos .‘ f ' 1Q
day, partly sunny, high in the mid 70s uiassmeas.
September 12, 1988 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 88 No. 10
Graduates earning more
Salary increases reflect trend
By Jerry Guenther
Staff Reporter
If a national trend continues, this
year’s college graduates can
expect to receive higher salary
offers than in previous years.
Larry Routh, director of Career
Planning and Placement at the Uni
versity of Ncbraska-Lincoln, said last
year’s college graduates nationwide
arc earning on the average between 6
and 7 percent more than graduates
from the previous year.
But the amount of salary increase
varies depending upon each field.
For example, Routh said, account
ing graduates averaged a 10.9 percent
increase over last year, earning
$2,010 per month, while electrical
engineers earned 2.7 more than the
previous year, receiving $2,474 per
Kouth, basing his information on a
survey from the College Placement
Council, said the data showed general
increases in most fields with a few
registering insignificant declines.
In business administration, Routh
said, graduates received a 4.1 percent
increase over last year, averaging
$1,772 per month.
Somcothcr fields where lastycar’s
college graduates earned more are:
marketing and distribution, an in
crease of 3.6 percent; computer sci
ence, an increase of 3.6 percent; and
mathematics, an increase of 3.5 per
Although the survey did not list
geographic areas where jobs are most
prevalent, certain areas of the country
appear to have more jobs available,
Routh said.
“Generally, what I’ve been hear
ing, it looks like the Northeast has a
high-tech area which has developed
up around Boston,” he said. “I con
tinue to hear that there’s a lot of
opportunities up there.”
In addition, even though some
areas in the Southwest have slowed
down economically, Routh said, a lot
of places still show opportunity.
Routh said there’s areas where the
military defense industry is prosper
“Military defense expenditures
See CAREER on 6
- 2630485 !
2.192,100 J
4. COLORADO 2JM6.954
6. IOWA STATE )«&Z)3
UNL library system competitive
on regional and national level
By Adam T. Branting
Staff Reporter
□he University of Nebraska-Lin
coin library system is in step
with other Big Eight libraries,
avw.ding to a 1988 report by the As
sociation of Research Libraries.
Larry Kahle, associate dean of
administration for UNL libraries, said
the report for fiscal year 1986-87
ranks 118 universities in areas of
collections (volumes, periodicals,
microfilm), interlibrary loans, per
sonnel and expenditures.
Kahle said the rankings arc not
representative of the quality of the
university in question, but the actual
amounts of material or finances the
university uses.
“The ranking shows us where we
arc measured against our sister insti
tutions. If we know what academic
programs those institutions arc offer
ing, we can see if we arc comparable
to them or if we arc being outdis
tanced,” he said.
For example, UNL ranks 61st in
the number of volumes with
1,889,500. Harvard ranks No. 1 with
11,284,170. Among ihc Big Eight,
UNL ranks fifth, with the University
of Kansas being first with 2,620,805
volumes. Kansas Stale University is
not a member of the Association of
Research Libraries.
Other institutions are ranked lower
than UNL. They include Brown Uni
versity, Notre Dame, State University
of New York at Albany and Stony
Brook, Tulane, Dartmouth, Brigham
Young University, Case Western
Rcserver, University of Miami and
Kent Slate.
The report indicates that UNL
ranked highest in spending for peri
odicals at $2,115,082 in the Big 8.
UNL ranked lowest for the number of
student assistants. UNL has 44 com
pared with 84 at University of
Kahlc said the report is an impor
tant reference in determining how
money should be allocated, but it is
not a deciding factor.
“We determine based on process.
What students arc saying, what fac
ulty is saying what the staff is saying.
LIBRARY from Page 1
Details between city staff and committee
keep Malone plan from being implemented
By Jamie Pitts
Staff Reporter
Apian to redevelop the Malone
neighborhood is currently
being amended but has not been
implemented yet, said Dallas McGee,
community development program
The redevelopment plan is an
eight-block section in the Malone
Neighborhood between 19th and
22nd streets and V ine and S streets.
The plan was approved by the NU
Board of Regents and the Lincoln
City Council in June.
Controversy over the neigh
borhood’s redevelopment first began
in the summer of 1986 when adminis
trators discussed a proposal to expand
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s
Agreements were reached this
summer between the regents, the
neighborhood and the city council.
The proposed area includes some
property owned by UNL and some
The reason the plan has not taken
effect, McGee said, is because details
must be worked out by city staff and
approved by the study committee.
The committee, which was appointed
in April 1987 by then Mayor Roland
Lucdtke, drew up the original plan.
The city staff has been work/ng
since August to begin negotiations for
five properties at the owners’ request.
It must decide which houses will have
to be relocated, what property must be
acquired and where the funds will
come from to buy the land. It must
also decide how to construct the park
and the rest of the redevelopment and
construct a timeline for all three
phases, McGee said.
McGee said he hopes the study
committee will have the plan in-hand
by early October.
After the plan is approved by the
committee it must be accepted by the
Malone Neighborhood Association,
the Malone Community Center and
the Radial Reuse Task Force. The
Radial Reuse Task Force was ap
pointed by the mayor before the
Malone debate began, to oversee all
development in and around the
Malone area, McGee said.
Before any work begins, the mayor
and the city must reapprove the plan,
he said.
McGee said he doesn ’t foresee any
majorchangcs taking place during the
See MALONE on 7
UNL seniors dress ‘Red’ to teach awareness
By Julie Dauel
Suff Reporter
Although the U.S. Army places great
importance on knowledge of the
Soviet military, some soldiers in
the Army Reserves need to know more about
Soviet history, culture, and beliefs, two
University of Nebraska-Lincoln students
Chris Sempek, a senior Russian major,
and Rich Cooper, a senior history major,
both corporals in the Army Reserves, told
their units about the Soviet people and army
Friday night at a monthly reserve weekend
at the Gen. John J. Pershing Army Reserve
Center on East Campus.
Dressed in mock Soviet uniforms and
displaying mock Soviet weapons, the two
addressed about 30 members of die Army
Sempek said the U.S. Army already has
some knowledge of Soviet weapons and
tactics but needs to learn more about the
people behind the weapons.
Some people are interested in knowing
about the Soviet Union, Sempek said, but all
they know is what they hear.
Soviet people have the same problems
we do, he said.
“I want to get through to this class to be
aware of world politics," Sempek said.
Sempek, also a Slavic studies minor, said
informing and preparing soldiers about the
Soviet Union might help them determine
who “the enemy* is and who isn’t in a
combat situation.
Sempek said understanding the country
leads to understanding its military.
For example, Sempek said Soviets speak
150 different dialects. This can lead to
communication problems, he said. The
Soviet Union is also a huge country, he said,
with many different ethnic groups.
UNL senior Chris Sempek talks to a group of army reserves Friday night. Sempek, a Russian major, gave a
presentation on the Soviet Union to the reserves in order to acquaint them better with the Soviet people.
Who thecivilians are and what languages
they speak will help soldiers make better de
cisions about life and death, Sempek said.
“You have to know the history or back
ground to know who this guy is, what he
thinks and how he was brought up,” Sempek
Sempek said he is not an expert on the
Soviet Union, but is learning about it
through political science classes and refer
ence materials.
He said he finds most of his information
in periodicals, transcripts of Radio Europe
and through talking to people.
But through all of his studies, Sempek
said, even he sometimes doubts the validity
of the information he receives.
Sempek and Cooper said the demonstra
tion took them a couple of weeks to prepare.
They used books and class notes to develop
the Presentation.
Cooper told the group about the history of
the Soviet army and tactics.
“Russia is a controlled society,” he said.
“They are constantly training people to
Sempek said all Soviet citizens must
serve in the military for two years.
“Russia’s army may not be that great, but
in some ways they are,” Cooper said. “Some
people say they outnumber us 10-to-l. Big
ger is better.”
Sempek said he hopes this first class will
turn in to a series of classes on Soviet aware- .