Group to debut at Duffy’s From’Suff Reports Fourwaycross, a Californian quartet, will be making its Nebraska debut tonight at Duffy’s Tavern, 1412 O St. Considered one of the top new music bands in the Los Angeles area, Fourwaycross combines deft lyrics with driv ing sound. barja^ The band’s three albums and an EPcan be broken down into two periods. The first two re leases were done with the origi nal 11 neup of Tom Dolan .Court ney Davies, Steve Gcrdcs and Biff Sanders. These two re leases were more atmospheric in nature with Dolan handling the vocals. Following the release of their second LP, Dolan left and was replaced by Beth Thomp son, whose vocals on the criti cally acclaimed third LP “Home” brought a drastic change within the band. While the first two albums w ere more of the heavier sound ing Tangerine Dream/Faust/ k raft w erk variety, Thom pson' s vocals brought a shimmering icy gla/e to the harsh realities of the music, making for a delight ful intertwining of sound. Their first cassette was re cently released on LP by Nate Starkman/Fundamcnial. l ourwaycross most recent re lease is the F.P “Shimmer.” Opening will be Stahlvcr sion and Baylish, formerly Pla\ ground. The concert begins at') p m. _ —Ill —■—~l ■■■' ■■!■■■■ ■ I—i~ C-- --1 Buy your course packets from Astro's NOW...and we'll buy ^ them back LATER! c ^=3 Dont leave your money all tied up. a When you're finished with your course packets, bring them back to Astro's and /f ^ we'll buy them back. We know how important these packets are to you, but C we also know how important money is to <• you. That's why Astros is the only copy ^ center to buy them back! Astro's Copy ^ Center is the only place to go for your course packets and all your copying needs. Astro's Copy Center In the Reunion • 16th & W . C 477-9011 <• Open 7:00am to 2:(X)am We Accept Visa Mastercard «# •t $.50 OFF i Any pizza | 475-6363! NAME_ £ ADDRESS_ " DATE_ J EXPIRES 12-25-88 ? "■$1.00 OFF . Any Pizza Ordered ® 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 8 475-6363 | Name_ | ADDRESS_ ■ DATE_ ■ EXPIRES 12-25-88 ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ "I Non-smoking travel minded roommate seeks same for kin aid adventure. Tins semester, move in w ith a Macintosh personal computer K>r starters, it's inoredibK light .uul compact. So you am Like it places. Hut more importantly Macintosh am take w places From Biologv 101 to advanced physics From Ivgmnmg French to the Italian Renaissance From an average student to a Magna (!um Linde The poit it bei i ig. Maci ntosh I lelps sti idei its work smarter, quicker anu more creatively And the beauty of Macintosh is.vou don't have to know diddlev about computers to use one So li ir best * UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE COMPUTER SHOP Lower Level-Student L’nion Hours: 8-5 p.m. 472-5785 I ■ ><:r. CTOLDS GYM Exercise In The Best Health Facility In Lincoln. Come to the World Famous GOLD'S GYM. Don't settle for second best. REGISTER TO WIN A FREE TRIP TOTHE UCLA GAME Based on a l*ycar membership w ith S50 dowm and 12 payments of SI9.96 a month. COLD'S GYM. 1 11 HIM I ^ . . >j '!*■— ,m, i.iuttmnti