Butch !reland/Da!f^leSraskan Two spectators sit alone on the east side of Memorial Stadium Friday night. The UNL Marching Band performed the last night of band camp. W.A.L.K. club combines exercise and fun WALK from Page 12 Walking also has a social side to it, Highstrcct said. One of the goals of the W.A.L.K. club is to meet new people in a positive and healthy at mosphere. “When I go out with my family this is a time to catch up with what hap pened during the day,” she said. Annita Krcps, who works at the university’s library, joined the W.A.L.K. club last year. She said that when she wears her W.A.L.K. T shirt, other walkers come up and talk to her. Krcps said walking is a lot of fun. It’s a way to enjoy the outdoors and makes you feel good, she said. Membership to the club is $1.50, but members receive t-shirts, ccrtifi l---1 cates and free blood pressure checks. The members fill out a medical waiver for personal risk factors and monthly screenings are offered. The monthly screenings vary each month from dental checks to study skills. The screenings are offered to the whole university. Members earn awards for the amount of time they spend walking. When members walk for 50 hours, they reach the first level and receive a W.A.L.K T-shirt. When members reach level six, the highest level of achievement, they receive a trophy. Kreps received her trophy last year for walking 250 hours. “Vicki is going to make us work for it this year,” Kreps said. Members walk on their own, but organized group walks arc on Tues days on East Campus and Fridays on City Campus from 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. , Barber / Stylist Gary Parker Larry McNeese Cathy Knollenberg Appointments Preferred Tues.-Fri. 8:00-5:30 Sat. 8:00-4:00 Closed Mondays 1320 Nth 48th Union Bank Building 464 - 2259 CONGRESS INN Restaurant and Lounge *Daily Specials *Happy Hour 5-7 ♦Free Hors d'oeuvres Wednesday & Friday We serve the finest Chinese and American Food 2001 West "O" 474-6590 w Remember the little w (o) shop at 33rd & B. Vy VV Cannondale Centurion yy v? and Diamond Back Y’r yr Bicycles. £y " S. We g Ip) service & u v (t) a** makes yV W Best deal in town! Y7 g BIKE PEDALERSft g 33rd & B 474-7000g M don’t want a lot of hype. I just want something I can count on.95 Some long distance companies promise you the moon, but what you really want is dependable, high-quality service. That’s just what you’ll get when you choose AT&T Long Distance Service, at a cost that’s a lot less than you think. You can expect low long distance rates, 24-hour operator assistance, clear connections and immediate credit for wrong numbers. And the assurance that virtually all of your calls will go through the first time. That’s the genius of the AT&T Worldwide Intelligent Network. When it’s time to choose, foiget the gimmicks and make the intelligent choice—AT&T. Ifyoud like to know more about our products or services, like International Calling and the AT&T Card, call us at 1 800 222-0300. AT&T The right choice.