The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 30, 1988, Summer, Page 8, Image 8

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    UNL Campus Rec offers scuba lessons
By Mike Kluck
Staff Reporter
Although the best open water
scuba diving area in Nebraska is over
300 miles from Lincoln, students at
the University of Nebraska are still
able to learn how to scuba dive.
A scuba class taught by “Big Mac”
Scuba and Sail of Lincoln is being
offered through UNL to students and
Lincoln residents. The class is being
sponsored by the Office of Campus
Brent Johnson, an Advanced Open
Water Instructor, said the class was
set up in 1986 with “Big Mac” and
Campus Recreation and is controlled
by the Campus Recreation Depart
Johnson said Lake McConaughy
in Nebraska is the best area for open
water diving but added that there are
many other areas in Nebraska avail
able for diving.
“Virtually anywhere there is water
a person can dive,” Johnson said.
Scuba diving has increased in
popularity in Lincoln, Johnson said,
because it isn’t difficult to learn and a
person can dive almost anywhere.
He said there are between 400 and
500 scuba divers in Lincoln and “Big
Mac” has trained over 200 new divers
across Nebraska so far this year.
Johnson said the class is divided
into a classroom and pool session two
nights a week for three weeks. After
that time students spend a weekend at
Lake McConaughy where they take
four to six open water dives under the
supervision of an instructor.
He said “Big Mac” teaches stu
dents with many instructors at the
beginning of the course but gradually
cuts back on instructors as students
become more accustomed to diving.
Johnson said by the last dive the stu
dents dive on their own with one
instructor on the shore.
“The program we have is a very
educational system, jonnson saiu.
“It is an actual learning system where
we will cover an aspect of diving five
to seven times before actually div
Johnson said the program “Big
Mac” teaches is sanctioned through
Scuba Schools International. The
program uses many different forms of
multi-media equipment in the class
room, including video, lectures, text
books and workbooks.
The program can be completed in
sections, Johnson said.
“Because we have locations all
over the world a person can complete
the classroom part of the course here
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our other stores,” Johnson said.
Johnson said once students com
plete the course they are certified as
an open water diver.
Although students are certified in
open water diving, Johnson said it is
still best to take an Environmental
Orientation Dive if they want to dive
in a different environment. He said an
average scuba class at the University
has around eight to 12 students.
The cost of the class is $150 per
person. Classes meet every Monday
and T uesday from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at
Mabel Lee pool. The sessions are July
4-19 and July 25-Aug. 9.
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Coleman signs NU letter ot intent
COLEMAN from Page 6
of his, but you never want an individ
ual with the potential to do something
to be held back,” Kostek said. “You
don’t want him to ask What if ?’ later
in his life.”
Playing football should not inter
fere with his progress in track, Cole
man said. He plans to make steady
progress at Nebraska, he said, but
likes to keep his goals to himself.
One of the keys to making progress
is good coaching, Coleman said. He
said he learned the importance of
coaching from his high school track
coach, Scott Witt.
“You don’t find people like him
(Witt) anywhere,” Coleman said. “A
lot of people have the title of coach,
but they don’t really do anything. He
deserves the name coach. A lot of
limes I’d call him at night and say
Let’s go out and throw.’ He has a
wife and family, but he’d always
come out.”
Coleman said that he started
throwing the shot put in 7th grade, but
his coach didn’t leach him the proper
form. He said he didn’t begin throw
ing properly until Witt began coach
ing him his sophomore vear of high
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As a freshman Coleman threw the
shot put 48 feet. That increased to 54
feet his sophomore year, 59 feel as a
junior, and to 66 feet this year.
Kostek said that Coleman “ex
ploded on to the scene” when he
switched from the rotational tech
nique to the glide technique. Kostek
said he is unsure which technique
Coleman will use at Nebraska, but he
hopes a decision will be made this fall
and that Coleman will use the same
technique his whole career.
Coleman also throws the discus,
and finished third in the state this
season with a throw of 173-11. He will
throw the shot put, discus, and possi
bly the hammer and the javelin at
Nebraska, he said.
The college shot pul and discus arc
bigger than those used in high school,
but Coleman doesn't think that will be
a problem for him. In fact, he said it
will help his discus throw.
The high school discus “is a toy for
me,” Coleman said. “1 feel much
more at ease with the college discus,
and I’m already throwing it 175.”
Switching to the college discus,
which isaboutone pound heavier than
the high school discus, usually causes
an athlete to lose 15 to 20 feet a throw,
Kostck said. However, he said that
because of Coleman’s size the switch
would not be as difficult for him.
Coleman said he is keeping busy
this summer by competing in track
tournaments. He won the shot put
throw at the Golden West Tourna
ment in Sacramento, Calif., despite
having to throw almost immediately
after gelling off the plane. He finished
second in the shot put at the Kecblcr
Invitational in Chicago with a throw
of 63 feet, which disappointed him.
“That was a very bad throw,” he
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