The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 30, 1988, Summer, Page 3, Image 3

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    Malone debate ends in agreement
MALONE from Page 1
and a six-acre neighborhood park will
be developed by the city within two
The areas between Vine and S
streets and 19th and 20th streets, and
S and Q streets between 20th and 21 st
streets and R and S streets between
20th and 22nd streets arc set up for
UNL expansion.
A buffer will be developed to sepa
rate UNL and the Malone neighbor
hood. A 100-foot bicycle path will
also become part of the buffer.
In the implementation plan, the
city and university will have an ongo
ing planning mechanism between the
city and university. Representatives
will meet at least four times a year to
address short and long-term concerns.
A monitoring committee will also
be set up to insure that the plan is
being implemented.
A review of the area will occur
every five years at a meeting of the
planning committee, the administra
tion and the monitoring committee.
Twenty years after the agreement, a
comprehensive review will be con
ducted to determine the continued
feasibility of the plan.
There arc three phases to the
plan. Phase one will take about five
years, phase two will be from five to
ten years and phase three will be in
fifteen years.
The NU Board of Regents ap
proved the plan June 11, and the
Lincoln City Council approved
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il June 27. UNL Chancellor
Martin Massengale and Lincoln
Mayor Bill Harris will hold the sign
ing ceremony Friday in the open
space across the street south of the
Malone Center, which is designated
to become the park.
Goebel said the plan is good for the
‘‘I think this is a very workable
proposition,” he said. ‘‘It gives us all
the flexibility we need.”
Goebel said the university has
some tentative ideas for the land, but
didn’t say what they were.
Tophcr Hansen, a board member
of the Malone Neighborhood Asso
ciation, said at Monday’s city council
meeting that he was also pleased with
the plan.
“The university has the ability to
grow and the neighborhood has the
ability to grow,” Hansen said. “The
friendship that has developed (be
tween UNL and Malone) is a good
“I never thought I would be stand
ing here today and feeling the way 1 do
about this plan,” he said.
Goebel and Todd said the planning
mechanism will be very important to
the success of the plan, and Hansen
The plan “is just the tip of the
iceberg” compared to the planning to
come, he said.
Furgason hopes to minimize
T.A. communication barriers
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from this experience.
He said although a lot of inter
national students attend UNL,
most are from Nebraska and
haven’t been exposed to other
It is important for students to
surpass the barriers.between them
selves and T.A.’s so they can gain
an international perspective.
Although the new workshops
were created to help this, UNL’S
size is a barrier in itself, Furgason
For example, he said, even if 99
percent of the students are satisfied
with their T.A.’s, approximately
74 out of 7,400 sections of classes
taught by T.A.’s arc still not satis
“It does take time to work this
through the system,’’ Furgason
said, out “we are movtng in the
right direction,”
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