Doug Carroll/Daily Nebraskan Nebraska’s Dave Brown releases the discus at the Nebraska Intercollegiate track meet Sunday. Brown won the shotput and placed third in the discus. Huskers perform well at Drake Relays, but claim no titles at ‘roller coaster meet’ By Kyle vSchurman Staff Reporter Nebraska did not win any champi onships at Friday and Saturday’s Drake Relays track invitational in Des Moines, Iowa, but the Com huskers, especially the men’s dis tance runners, performed well, ac cording to coach Gary Pepin. Pepin said the Huskers performed much better this year than they did last year at Drake. “It was a real roller coaster meet,” Pepin said. “A big meet like Drake is going to be up and down. We had a much better meet than we had a year *» ago. Nebraska had three second-place finishes at Drake, including the 6,400-meter relay team of Jacques VanRensburg, Harald Graham, Jody Fischer and Frank Graham, whose timeof 16 minutes, 28.27 seconds pul them third on the Nebraska all-time list. VanRensburg finished third in the 1,500, while Fischer and Harald Graham were fourth and sixth respec tively in the 3,000 steeplechase. “The men’s distance runners had a real good meet,” Pepin said. Distance coach Jay Dirkscn said the distance runners arc running very well right now. “I’m real pleased with them,’’ Dirkscn said. “They’re running well and should help us in the (Big Eight Conference championship) meet.’’ Dirkscn said Nebraska did well at the meet, despite not winning any championships. “We had a pretty good meet,” he said. "Wc would’ve liked to come away with a victory, but it was a good meet. With so many teams there, winning championships isn’t that easy.” i— Dale Burrage, who was trying to win the “triple crown” of the Midwest relays at Drake in the 400 hurdles, clipped a couple of hurdles in the preliminaries and did not qualify for the finals. Burrage won the event earlier in the season at both the Kan sas and Texas Relays. Nebraska’s other second place finishers were Dave Brown in the shot put and Tammy Thurman in the high jump. Jean Mon ter added a third in the women’s discus. The Husker men’s 800 relay team of Bill Trott, Dale Burrage, Mark Perry and Bob Jelks set a school rec ord of 1:23.27, but failed to win. The women’s 1,600 relay team of Michelle Milling, Karen Kruger, Sharon Powell and Linetta Wilson set an NCAA championship meet quali fying mark of 3:35.16 in the prelimi nary heat, but did not compete in the finals because Wilson was ill. Along with the competitors at Drake, Joe Kirby competed in the 5,000 at the University of Oregon Invitational in Eugene, Ore., Friday night, and finished second in a school record 14:03.04. Several Huskcrs also competed in the Nebraska Intercollegiate meet Sunday at Ed Weir track. All college track athletes in the state of Nebraska were invited to the meet, which had been rescheduled from April 9. Pepin said the Intercollegiate was a good meet for Nebraska. “It was kind of a low-key meet and the kids had fun,” he said. “It let those people who cither didn’t compete at Drake or competed in only one event to get into their second event. We got to sec some people run in different events. It gives us a lot of insight as to whatevents we’re going to be running people in at the conference meet.” i--1 Concordia, Doanc, Hastings, Kearney State, Midland Lutheran and Nebraska Wesleyan joined Nebraska at the meet. The Husker women had 11 cham pions, while the men won lOeventsat the Intercollegiate. Redshirt Renita Robinson, while competing unattached, tied the Ed Weir record of 40 feet, 1 1/4 inches in the triple jump. She also had a wind aided jump or 41-7. Toyia Barnes, while competing unattached, won the shot put and was second in the discus. Monter won the discus and was second in the shot put for the Husker women. Powell won the 800 and Kruger won the long jump, and both ran on Nebraska’s winning 1,600 relay team. The Husker men were led by Craig Aiken and Ken Dixon. Aiken won the 400 and was second in the 200, while Dixon won the 200 and was second in the 400. Both ran on Nebraska’s winning 1,600 relay team. James Morris won the long jump and was second in the triple jump, which was won by Nebraska’s Dwight Mitchell. In the men’s half of the meet, Doane and Kearney State each won three events, while Concordia won two and Midland won one. For the women, Concordia won four events, Doane won two and Midland won one. -. CHARTROOSE CABOOSE Eat in or famous steak sandwiches Lincoln’s Own Carry Out or- Famous MC\AI "7*. ~ a jr-|U p Ct “HOT PHILADELPHIA NEW Corner of 15th & O St. steak sandwich DELIVERY 475-nm R Ws Proudly Support the Big Red Card JU1 b The only Chartroose In Town -ICOUPONbzJIL^^^^^^" i MH M IKH^I M M ' I > IMJ! I»l^l L^- — — -• Beck presents many awards Nebraska women’s basketball coach Angela Beck presented more than 40 awards to Comhusker coaches and players during a banquet April 24 at the Cornhusker Hotel. Beck, the 1988 Big Eight and Converse District 5 coach of the year, presented the coaching staff awards to Phazaria Wilson of Omaha as the outstanding scout-team player; Kim Harris of Decatur, 111., as the out standing rebounder; Amy Stephens of Alliance as the outstanding free throw shooter; and Amy Bullock of Norton, Kan., for outstanding contri butions in recruiting. Team awards, which were se lected by the players, went to Stephens for hustle and defense; Ann Halsne of Spencer, Iowa, for most improved; Deb Hoffman of Lincoln for top reserve; Harris for most dedi cated weight lifter; Stephanie Bolli of Burwcll for outstanding leadership; and Maurtice Ivy of Omaha for the team’s most valuable player. Varsity letters were presented by assistant coaches Theresa Becker and Steve High. Receiving fourth-year awards were Bolli, Ivy and Pam Fiene of Elmhurst, 111. Third-year awards went to Stephens, Wendy Kriebel of Benton, Pa., and Heather Smith of Hurlock, Md. Second-year awards were presented to Hoffman and man ager Barb Kiel. First-year awards went to Bullock, Halsne, Harris, Wilson, Sabrina Brooks of Bay View, Wis., Kelly Hubert of Peoria, 111., Tami Marks of Bellevue and Melissa Sanford of Lincoln. Stephens, a two-time second-team All-Big Eight selection, was named captain for the 1988-89 season. 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