The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1988, Page 10, Image 10

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- Does not Include New Relaaaas or Adult Till#*
Senators discuss campaigns
SENATE from Page 7.
, Daub says he has more agriculture
experience than both of his opponents
combined. He refers to Karnes and
Kerrey as his opponents, because, he
said, Michaelis is not a “major con
tender.” .
Daub said he has written several
pieces of farm legislation. He said he
was fighting for the 1985 Farm Bill,
when others were criticizing it.
Both Karnes and Daub received at
least part of their education at UNL
and said their top goals include im
proved education and increased fed
eral financial aid for students.
Karnes said he co-sponsored a bill
that would allow people to buy sav
ings bonds, without paying interest,
to pay for tuition.
That kind of legislation, Karnes
said, goes back to the good old days of
planning education.
* “We need to recognize the fact that
people need to start planning and
r''*' saving for education,” Karnes said.
Daub said he would like to revise
the repayment schedule for coLege
student loans.
Students shouldn’t have to pay a
given amount each month toward
their student loan, the payment
should be based on income, he said.
Kerrey, who was unavailable tor
comment last week, will be running
against Michaelis in the Democratic
P Michaelis said he was elected1 to
Cuming County Attorney in 1978, but
did not serve. . .
Michaelis said the reason he is
running against Kerrey is because
Kerrey “did nothing” as Nebraska s
governor and Democrats need some
one to believe in.
Michaelis said his other motiva
tion for running is his concern for the
plight of the poor and the disadvan
tages of the oppressed.
As a U.S. senator, Michaelis said
he would work to improve education,
not only at universities but at elemen
tary and high schools.
Michaelis said there hasn’t been a
decent Nebraska U.S. senator since
George W. Norris was in office.
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Speech team
places 13th
in Arizona
University of Nebraska
Lincoln’s forensics team earned
its seventh national top-20 fin
ish this decade when it placed
13th in the national individual
speaking events championships
at Arizona State Universitv •
April 21-25.
Greg Coffey, a senior from
Lincoln, placed 14th among the
estimated 1.000 competitors. In
individual events, Coffey fin
ished in the top 10 in persuasive
speaking and extemporaneous
speaking and in the top 20 in
impromptu speaking and rhe
torical criticism.
The team’s coach, Jack Kay,
professor of speech communi
cation, said he was thrilled with
the team’s 13th place finish
because six of the eight UNL
team members were in their first
or second year with the team.
Eight contend
for positions
on NU board
REGENTS from Page 6
zations,” he said.
Prokop said the Curtis school
should remain because it is an educa
tional program.
However, he said, he doesn’t think
anything needs to be cut now because
the university has enough money.
The Nebraska Legislature has
given NU too much help in some
ways, he said.
Margaret Robinson of Norfolk is
the only candidate running in district
Robinson has been the chair
woman of Norfolk Iron and Metal
Company since 1974 and was also on
the Norfolk Board of Education for 14
years. Robinson has been a member
of the Board of Regents for six years.
Robinson said school districts
need to prepare students belter before
they come to the university, but the
university also has an obligation to
provide students with the education
they need.
“We’re going to have to do more to
attract to the university the outstand
ing students,” she said. “We have to
do a belter job of selling the univer
Robinson said the university has
programs of excellence now, but the
university needs to do more public
’ relations to attract outstanding stu
I dents not iust from Nebraska, but
surrounding states.
“We have to commit ourselves to
the growth of the university,” she
Robinson said that the university
has come a long way in faculty sala
ries, but “we are still not where we
need to be.”
Robinson said she wasn’t sure
what the role of Curtis should be, but
“that wasn’t a decision that was mine
to make.”
Running in district five are incum
bent Robert Koefoot of Grand Island
and Robert Allen of Hastings.
Allen has been the owner of
Allen’s of Hastings department store
since 1958. He was on the school
board in 1972 and was mayor in 1976.
“I’ve always had my eye on the
"Board of Regents," Allen said.
Allen said a main issue is how to
keep talented leaching staff and get
new ones. NU ranks near the bottom,
he said, but “they’ve done belter re
NU administration is unwieldy
and “needs to be looked at,” he said.
Allen also stressed that NU can t
be all things to all people.
“Mediocrity has to be eliminated,
Ailen said. “You have to or you don’t
survive. It’s a constant battle.
“I have the feeling in education
that some of the programs should be
adjusted and be really good Where
we can’t do a good job, we have to
admit it.” „
Allen said, however, that the Cur
tis school should remain open. j
Koefoot was on vacation and un
available for an interview last week.