Ghost alive and well in Selleck, residents say GHOST from Page 9 _ Lisa seems like a very normal college student in a typical dorm room. A macaroni-and-cheese-en crusted hot pot sits on the floor, her walls are decorated with a poster of a half-naked man, a picture of New England and a giant-size beer label. The decor is Early Disarray. When she talks, she speaks like any student discussing a serious mat ter, such as the Persian Gulf or reli gion. She is sincere. Very sincere. But her words, when taken alone, can seem almost crazy, and Lisa real izes this. “You can’t explain what its like to have a roommate in your own body,” and she smiles as she says this. “She really wishes I wasn’t talking about this.” She smokes during the interview and her hand trembles a little bit, and her voice sometimes cracks. Lisa said that when Marie mani fests in Lisa’s body, her voice be comes deeper and her eyes turn from green to blue. She said her eye color has never changed before. Lisa laid she doesn’t mind that Marie is possessing her. “When she’s not here, there’s an emptiness inside me,” Lisa said. “If I let her go, she plays havoc with every one else. I can handle it.” “She has the strength 1 don’t have,” she said. “I have a lot of per sonal problems at this point.” “We’ve got to share,” she said, when asked if she wasn’t worried that Marie would destroy her. “She can’t live without me at this point.” However, Lisa said, she could banish Marie into limbo if she really wanted to. “She’s not evil. She’s nothing to be scared of.” But Marie wants to change Lisa’s life, she said. Marie, when she was living, lived in Connecticut once. Lisa said she spent a summer there. ‘We’ve got to share. She can’t live without me at this point.’ —Lisa “She wants to go back to Connecti cut, but I’m not sure I want to go,” she said. “There’s somebody I have to get to and I have to save him before he hurts himself.” Lisa said she’s always been recep tive to things. “I just know — I know a lot of things without people telling me.” Although Lisa says she can control Marie, sometimes she gets tired, or not in the mood for her and lets her go. That’s when Marie shows up on the floor. Lisa said Marie showed up in late February, when Lisa was having problems with her boyfriend. Lisa is also estranged from her parents. “I just couldn’t go on hurting them anymore,” she said. Lisa said Marie came because she needed her. “I can’t imagine anyone not be lieving in it (the ghost situation),” she said. Lisa said Marie is not really like a spirit or a poltergeist. “She’s like Marie, that’s all she’s like.” Not everyone believes in Lisa’s story. “I don’t take it on faith, but I’m not going to say it’s impossible,” Pursell said. ‘‘We have a ghost in my home, so I believe in it easier,” she said. No one can say for sure what is happening on 6300. Anyone who has lived in the dorms can attest to the strange drafts and oddities of the /architecture. Shorts can turn on hair dryers, doors could be locked without a thought, keys are lost and found in strange places everyday. What happens on 6300 could be just end of the semester silliness in spired by some strange coincidences. It could be a poltergeist generated by a disturbed woman. Or it could be the fight of a once-living woman to be whole again. It’s not everyday that the twilight zone comes So close to home. Congrats. Un Kappa Feu/. The fun's just beginning. Best wishes to the class of '88 from the beers that are in a class by themselves. HJ and HJ LIGHT There's no smoother or better way to celebrate your success. The smoother, Ihe better. Dental students take studies to heart CADAVERS from Page 6 dents use to apply what they have learned. The lab is a serious place. Dr. Stan Ham, associate professor of oral biology and course director of gross anatomy, said the cadavers are important to the students in the lab. “This is a place of learning,” Ham said. “Without them, we can not learn anatomy properly.” Ham expects students and visitors in the lab, such as reporters and high school science classes, to treat the cadavers in a respectful manner. “These people have donated their bodies for the learning of the stu dent,” Harn said. “I ihink that’s a really important point to remember.” CLASS Of ’88 YOU’RE INVITED TO ATTEND A COMMENCEMENT EXERCISE 1 WHERE: Guy Dean's Ford WHEN: MARCH 1,1988-DECEMBER 31,1988 FOR: • PRE-APPROVED CREDIT FROM FORD CREDIT • $400 CASH BONUS FROM FORD It you ve graduated, or wi* grad uate with a Bachelor s or advanced degree between October 1.1967 and January 31. 1909. you re invited to attend a commencement exercise at Guy Dean * Ford Vhu may qualify tor $400 from Ford and pre-approved credit from Ford Mcrtor Credit Company To quality tor pre approved credil. you need (1) verifiable employment begin rung within 120 days alter your vetw to purchase (2) a salary sufficient to ewer normal trvinq expenses plus a car payment and (3) it you have a credit record, it /rrr* \ must Indicate payment made as agreed The $400 from Ford is yours whether you finance or not Keep it or apply it to tt» purchase or lease of an eligible Ford or Mercury vehicle For a» the details, contact us or call Program Headquarters, to* free at 1-800-321-1538 But hurry This limited time offer is only available between March 1 and December 31,1988 So take advantage of the Ford.Mercury College Graduate Purchase Program now m f 8am 9pm Guy. 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