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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1988)
r j« DAILY • I -1 diversions QY go to those in-the-wail bars? i the BIG PARTY is at A(GLfES 9TH&P :AL THURSDAY DCK NIGHT 75$ Mixed Drinks 'ER ALL NIGHT )ress (shorts, etc.) elay at 11 p.m. LES * VIDEO GAMES * DANCING * MUSIC >ORTS BAR UPSTAIRS * ALL ROCK MUsfc Come celebrate youn graduation in the Orient, FREE! With a party of four or more, House of Qenji will buy dinner for the most honored, a com plimentary photo for this special event. One free combination steak chicken dinner per party of four or more with three full price adult dinners TSix. tip, beverage not included. Offer good Nay 15 thru June 30. House of MM Finest Japanese Cuisine pWlWI SSSg Dod* , i Slprif 28■‘May 4 DAILY DIVERSIONS is part of every Thursday's Daily Nebras ■ kan Please tetue know about any special events, meetings and other activities your group has planned Send and/or bring Information to; DAILY NEBRASKAN 34 NEBRASKA UNION 1400 R STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 68588-0448 Leave information with secretary for Chris Albright Deadline is Monday at 6 p.m for publication Thursday of the same week. Sites to See Ferguson House 700 S. 16th St Tues-Sat: 9:00 a.m.-Noon, 1-4:30 p.m. Sun: 1.30-5.00 p.m. House museum restored and furnished to 1900-1915 era. Harris House 1630 K St. Tues-Sat; 10.00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Kennard House 1627 H St Restored as statehood memorial Tues-Sat: 9.00 a.m.-Noon, 1-4:30 p m Sun: 1:30-5.00 p.m. Hyde Observatory South road of Holmes Lake Slide Show presentation. 70th & Van Dorn St Voyager s View of Jupiter and Winter Constellations” Sat: 7-10:00 p.m. Reiter Planetarium Morrill Hall Sat: Sky Show. “More Than Meets the Eve" 2:00 p.m. Sun: Sky Show: “More Than Meets The Eye" 2.00 p.m. 7 Sun. Laser Show. “50’s Flashback" 3:30 p.m. (Bands & (Bars i ■ ' ■. . . ' . .’ '<■ %'' ' / ' " ^ ' ■' Clayton House Oasis Room 10th & O St Fri: 5-7:00 p.m. Laurie McLain Free hors d’ourves ft%Sj£sern 1412 0St Sat: The Limit (Album release party*) Sun: Flysteric Narcotics Thure-F?:*Loose 2630 Cornhusker Hw* Thurs: Spuds Mackenzie night Sat: Return of Human Hurricane/Rip Rock with Split Image and Extasy ?2rnyo®i,,o ^ ^ 2630 Cornhusker Hwy. Thurs-Sat: Sandy Creek 7 Sj, Lower Level Gunny's Fri-Sat: Rockin Billy and the Red Hots 12th of Never: Trout Mystery? Royal Grove 2340 Cornhusker Hwv Thurs: 9-10:30 Comedian Keith Gisser 10:30 Vandelyn Kross Mon: Misstress Tues: High Heel and the Sneakers Wed: Misstress Sidetrack 935 q gj Fri-Sat: Joyce Durand and John Bryan ?0° Bar a _ 1336 N 14th SI Thurs: Switch 1 Fri-Sat: Hoopsnakes Mon-Tues: Junior Medlow and the Bad Bovs Wed: Blonde Waltz feu Moon 80s p st Fri: 5-8:00 p.m. Jazz with Nancy Marshall Trio i Celebration 11th &O St Thurs: Sirius Fri: Swim-suit fashion show 8:00 p.m. Nebraska Union 14th &R St Thurs: Latin American Solidarity Committee Benefil with New Brass Guns and Trout Mystery 8:00 p.m. Headings & ‘Theater §< jk T/' iiiiSiii* _ _ Place 15th & E St Wed: Bill Avery: El Salvador, the problems and solu tions; UNL Professor of Political Science, Common Cause President. Noon Howell Theater at Temple Bldg. 12th & R St Thurs-Sat: “As You Like It" 8:00 p.m. &i J, ; • p0j & • -?;' ,, * 1 Cinema r wf "••*/' ' ' l- ' ■, < 6102 Havelock Moonstruck (PG) 7:30 p.m. Plaza 4 12 & P St “Seventh Sign" (R) 5, 7 9 “Biloxi Blues" (PG-13) 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 Above 'h«, Law” (R) 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 The Unholy (R) 5:45, 7:45, 9:45 State 1415 0 St “Beetlejuice” (PG) 5:30, 7:30. 9:30 Kj? Pa£ 3^ ., East Par* Plaza Mall Johnny Be Good” PG-13) 5:20, 7:20. 9:20 Casual Sex” (R) 5:30. 7:30. 9:30 Above the Lav/(R) 5:15. 7:20. 9:25 Cinema 1 & 2 13th & p st “Casual Sex" (R) 5. 7. 9 i3th&p«. “Hairspray” (PG) 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 I Cooper 54th &0 St ■ Return to Snowy River Part 2" (G) 5:10, 7:20, 9:30 Douglas 3 13th &P St “Stand and Deliver" (PG) 5:30, 7:30, 9 30 “The Last Emperor" (PG-13) 5:20, 8 30 “Good Morning Vietnam" (R) 5:15, 7:35, 9:45 Stuart 13th &P St “The Milagro Beanfield War" (R) 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 Qatteries Coffee House 1324 p st exhibits by 4 artists Ga Porchas, Rob Benton, Bill Shaffer, Bob Meier QMnmK?rkecAKrlGallery 1 19 S 9th St Sun: New Exhibits; Pat Collins, Faribault MN, jewelry c1'nlHLincoln, mixed media paintings; works ^ ^mi^’ ^edar Rapids Iowa, handmade paper Joe Wedding, Salina, KS, pottery Speciat 'Events Pershing Auditorium 226 Centenial Mall South Thurs: Dallas Brass 8:00 p.m. Sat: Jefferson/Jackson Day Banquet 6:00 p.m. Selleck floor 'different’ I By Micki Haller Senior Hduor_ The dimly lit hall is quiet now, and it seems typical of all Sclleck halls. But 6300 floor is a little different. Some residents believe they have a ghost named Marie. “I have ghosts in my house, and I have ghosts in my floor,” said Amanda Pursell, who lives in the south end of the floor. ‘ It came and visited me last night,” she said. Pursell said she closed and locked her door Monday night She said she pushed it until the latch clicked to make sure the door was shut But around 2:30 a.m., the door slowly swung open. Amanda said her windows were open, but the door didn’t open like the wind pushed it It only opened half-way. “Someone was holding it,” she said. Pursell said she could see there was no one in the hall, but when she goi out of bed, the door slammed shut. This wasn’t the first time the ghost bothered Pursell, she said. One Thursday, she threw her key on her vanity, and watched it fall to the carpet. Pursell said she was on the way to a neighbor’s room for pizza, so she left it. Later, she couldn’t find it. On Monday, another neighbor, Wendy Bradley, said she found Purscll’s key on her desk. “How it got there, I don’t know,” Pursell said. “Amanda’s always losing her keys, so no one thinks anything of it,” Bradley said. Bradley also has had some sirange experiences with the ghost the floor calls Marie. One Sunday, Bradley said, she left her blue straw hat on her dresser. But on Monday, she found it in the bushes next to the 8000 building. ‘ So now wc just blame everything on Marie,” said Wendy Abbott, an other resident of 6300. Abbott has had mysterious hairdryer episodes with theghosl. She said she left for class and her hairdryer turned on while she was gone. Her neighbor became concerned and got Kim Grasso, the student assistant for 6300, to open the door. Another time, the hairdryer turned on for no apparent reason while she and her neighbor were in the room. The red hairdryer, a well-used General Electric Go-dryer 1200, seems normal, and Abbott said it didn’t fall or move to cause it to turn on spontaneously. Hairdryers aren’t the only thing. During floor picture night on April 4, one of the residents leaned against the door of a vacant door. The knob turned and opened. But when the residents called the SA, the door had locked again. “No one’s lived here since the first week of the semester,” Abbott said, pointing at the door which had myste riously opened. Gras so said she was a witness to the hairdryer incident. “I filed some incident reports,” she said. During the second hairdryer epi sode, a month later, she said she heard the screams of women and the hairdryer was just sitting on the counter. “And it had turned on all by itself,” Gras so said. “We went around chanting Hail Mary’s and the Apostles’ Creed... to exorcise the ghost,” she said. Mary Pat Dolata said the ghost lived in her room for a week. Dolata was locked into her room for 20 minutes on April 8. The window was open, she said, and the door slammed shut, but in stead of opening when she tried it, it stayed firmly closed. She called Grasso, who laughed, but came to rescue her anyway. The door was solidly closed, but the door knob turned. This happened again that afternoon. Dolata said she also heard things moving around in her closet at night. A maintenance man was called to file down part of the door latch. “The new theme for Selleck is, The SAs will check you in, but they won’t check you out,”’ she said. Marie is a “floor joke among the residents,” Grasso said. jj “So she’s the one who put my pajamas in the linen,” Dolata said, illustrating the tendency to blame everything on the ghost. j Grasso said no psychological problems have resulted from the “haunting.” But my door is open to any coun- I seling that would be necessary,” she I;. quipped. She said SA’s have no spe- fl cial training in ghost-busting. || Grassosaidthere’samixofbelicv- H ers and non-believers. fl Manijeh Delalat said she doesn’t fl believe either way. fl “But it’s nothing that happened to fl me — it feels like a joke to me,” she B said. “I don’t think anything.” j£j On the other end of the spectrum is j| Lisa (not her real name). * “Pete says she wants to be part of [raj me,” Lisa said about Marie. X Pete is a Selleck resident who is fl often on the 6300 floor. X ‘ He’s talked to her. I know most of |K what they say,” Lisa said. “I can hear B her.” fl According to Lisa, Marie is 23, fl five-foot-three, very petite, with fl long, black hair. fl “Shecan be areal bitch,’’Lisa said. B Lisa said Marie is taking over her If body. fl See GHOST on 10 CHESTERFIELD’S I Presents 1 Sidekick-Thurs., April 28 9:30-close I The best dance music of the 60’s, 70s & 80s 1 Rockin’ Billy & The Red Hots I Fri. & Sat., April 29 and 30 1 Gunny’s Mall | 13th & Q I Celebrate with the Be$t{ I Michelob Reg. or Light, warm case .'10.49 I Old Style warm case bottles . . . . *6.29 I Old Milwaukee warm case . . . . *6.29 I Battles & Japes 2 2 *5 I Original, Red, Berry & NEW Peach 4 pk I Bacardi Rum... liter.<6.99 I Pape Lopez Tequila... 750 ml_<5.99 I Bel* Triple Sec... 750 ml.<5.99 I ... and much, much more thru 5/4/88 I Just North of 27th & Vine 1 __ 477-7516 |