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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1988)
$*\ve ■' ee „akes de 3 bedroom C%\p'tol Beach home with 3 others 435 3390. ROOMS FOR RENT Coed Summer Housing ’ 235 N 1 (3t*v Double rooms under S30 week per person G'eat rooms AC. vending, and laundry facilities Call 472 0589 or 472-1184. Ask for Kurt Rohlfs. On campus, coed summer housing at Chi Phi Fraternity ac, laundry, parking and more. $30 per week. For more information call Troy at 476-9307. HOUSES FOR RENT Available m May: Near UNL at 823 N 26th. 3 bedroom, with study, dish washer, microwave S365. 423-1535. Clean two bedroom house 3235 T\ Available May 8. Pay no rent for May. 477-9332 Excellent duplex, 3 plus bedrooms. 2 baths, central air, laundry option, between City and East campus, low utilities $395 477-9258 or 435-4580 FOR RENT 3.4 and 5-bedroom houses near Harper Hall and Memo rial Stadium; walk to campus. All have showers, AC, Water qarbagepad, no yard work Available May 7. 477 5049 hr. msg. Four bedroom house garage close to UNL, 2314 Holdrege $525. 475-1579,488 0061 Four bedroom, summer or longer, close to UNL Newly redone S525 475-1579 488 0061 Near East Campus — 2 bedroom, study, garage with workshop, large fenced yard, covered deck, appliances including wasner dryer NO PETS $400 plus deposit. References 467-3064 STUDENTS Four bedroom house 317 N 18th (one block to UNL). $480. month 489 8620 SUMMER LEASE East Campus. 4 bedroom, deluxe kitchen $480 483 6549 after 5.00. Walk to UNI 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, washer,dryer, new furnace, central air. S360, month, plus some utilities. Available May 15th 466-1838 evenings APARTMENTS FOR RENT Lcve'y unfurnished 2 bedroom. 1615 Garfield $310. 0 W. disposal 474 2490. 489 2395 2125 A Two bedroom. S325 One bedroom. S29C, including heat 477-3477,423-5800. RedecxDrated furnished one bedroom. All elecfnc. One bedroom, $250 summer Efficiencies S180-$221. 4 74 3365. 423-5600 648 S 12th Efficiency, S213. including heat. 435 8131.423-5800 $150 MONTH 3 month lease — 1 bedroom partially furnished. 2120 "T" Street 476 8679 14 2 bedroom unfurnished units 22nd 4 ' P" — $220 6 $250 per month 464-8355. 488 2228 1 and 2 bedroom apartments $245-5395 summer leases accepted Northcentrai and Northeast area 489-3387 Cherry Hill Rental f Bedroom Summer Specials 2540S Si85 3179 R $250 1948K $210 BEST IN TOWN ’ Call Kim, 477-0491 1316 N St. Gateway N. 476-1492 464-7969 Great Tans Great Prices 30-minute sessions SAVE $2259 ON TEMPO! List Prlco $11,627 Ford Fad. Discount_-$1,000 $10.6?/ Guy Doan Discount -S75> Soiling Prlco 19 $66 Ford Cash Robsto _-$500 $9,368 Down Pmt 6 Trade_-$936 Final Soiling Prlco *8,432 *1 77"mo , 60 mos. 9%% APR GUY DEAN’S FORD 1901 West‘O’ 475-8821 M-F, 8AM-9PM, SAT. »-«, SUN. 10-S, SAT. SERVICE S-5 1209 F Street One bedroom, carpet, appliances, all electric, ott street parking, coin operated laundry. Call 474 4625 or Mega Corporation 475 8407, Monday Friday 1742 K Street One bedroom $200 + deposit. 435-7191 1821 F. Sharp one bedroom. Shower S225. No pets 423-4000 2101 D Street Nice, clean, one-bedroom in newer 14-plex Carpet, appliances, coin operated laundry, off-street parking. Call 474-4625 or Mega Corporation, 475-8407, Monday Friday. 2345 Randolph Cute one bedroom. Summer school rates $245 + electricity. Free cable. 476-1368. 240 N 24TH Newly redone 1-bedroom. Ideal for serious student. $215 plus deposit Call 483-2804 3133 S Street 2 bedroom, newer duplex all appliances. No pets. $325 plus deposit. 466-6763,476-2313 640 SOUTH 20TH Spacious 1 -bedroom, new carpet. $285. 2-bedroom. $300 up. $25 for 3rd person. Pool. Summer leases. 475-7262 APARTMENT FINDERS Look at these Finds I STUDIOS 1739 "G" Street - Sunny and bright $269 1948 "Q" Street $225 1 bedroom* 1035 South 17th - incl util S310-324 4912 Cleveland - heat paid $279 453 South 26th - new paint/carpet $260 1223 ”B" - good value $239 4900 Huntington - heat paid $295 2 Dedrooms Woodshire Manor ■ $304 and $316 447 So. 26th - $310 2901 North 56th $367 4700 Baldwin • great location $349 1845 "F" Street $400 435-5555 Joseph E. Kean Company CALL TODAY FOR SUMMER SPECIALS' Close to Campus 2736 “Q" St , 2 bedroom, laundry, a/c. $275 month. 435 7708.__ Downtown. 2-bedroom. Furnished or unfurnished Newer Cable paid $292 477-1878. EAST CAMPUS late cancellation. Newer 4 bedroom, deluxe kitchen. $480 483-6549 after 5 00 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Beautiful Long Nails I Initial Acrylic Application just $30 Call for appointment Darlene's Nails 3531 N. 72nd 464-3015 East Campus Unfurnished one bedroom. One block from campus in brick 12 plex A/C, laundry facilities, and off streot park ing. Call 467 1612 or Mega Corp 475 8407 HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS Enioy Our Lovely Courtyard tor Sunning 1 and 2 bedroom units • walk to East Campus, close lo downtown. (Sorry No Pels or Children!) Call NOWI 466 8611 3300 Huntinoton Avenue or Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 SUMMER LEASES AVAILABLE NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new, 2 bedroom, from S335 a month. 474 1064, 477-4434. One bedroom also available, S275. NEED TO SUB LEASE Two bedroom. Close to campus, AC, walk-in closet, laundry. FREE CABLE. Available weekend after finals. $325/month. 521 N 25th. Call 4754236. STUDENTS Two bedroom apartment. 335 N 18th (one block to UNc). $300. 489 8620. ___ Sub lease for summer 1910 Knox. Newer 2 bedroom apartment. Air conditioning, laundry, parking, well groomed 477-8587._ SUMMER LEASES AVAILABLE OR RESERVE FOR FALL One and two bedroom Appliances, carpet, drapes, all electric, FREE CABLE, laundry, parking, no pets. $275 and $345 plus. 521 N 25th 477-7684 or 435-7826 1900 Knox 477-7684 or 435-7770 SUMMER LEASE NICE ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT. MID-MAY — AUGUST. 466-3499 SUMMER LEASE 1 and 2 bedrooms, swimming pool, AC, laundry facilities, off-street parking ♦ more! CRESCENT PLAZA 3636 North 52nd FRENCH QUARTERS 4645 Dudley Call the rental office 464-4751, for information or Mega Corporation, Monday-Friday, 8-5:00, 475-8407. I I 1 Ask about our special rates for students! ■ ■ ■ ■ mmmm-pm >!■■■■ lyyniMMiniiii ■ ; Dancercise Studio ■ ■ “Lincoln 's professional aerobic dance studio. " * ■ 2 for 1 l ■ 2 four-week sessions for the price of ■ f one when you bring a friend. m ■ »■■■■■*■ ■ a a m£mm mmmmm mm mm bbbbbb b b b b The final exam is the most important! Jon’s Notes can help by providing you with a complete set of accurate notes. We’ll type papers also. Jon’s Notes Upstairs in the Nebraska Bookstore Open Monday-Friday 9:00-4:00 476-8006 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed AS) THAT OU? expResstoN boeo ■ "YOUR CAMPRI6N 0 IN peep punc? wneN ~me COCKROACH MTS ON YOUR 5PAT5 ~ Summer rates. Newer 2 bedroom. $295. 2412W. 489 2203 Summer Rental: Basement apartment. 2 rooms plus bath, own entrance. $ 125/month plus 3 hours yard work per week. Near South. 435 0225. Two bedroom apartment. 24^2 W Street. $314. Will leave deposit, 477*0823, Rob. VICTORIAN BEAUTY One or three bedroom, ALL NEW. Fireplace, oak floors. 489-1938. WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS Splash and Tan on our Beautiful Redwood Deck and Pool. 1 and 2 Bedroom units - close to work and campus. (Sorry No Pets or Children) Call NOWl 4766200 1800 Knox Street or Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 SUMMER LEASES AVAILABLE LOST & FOUND FOUND: Pendant at Pound Mall. Please call 4)2-9194 to identify. Lost: Australian Wilderness DailyCalendar. Sentimental value. Reward. Phone Kari at 474-0501. WANTED tttin wuns usHUiirPrigifgfi aussia.. vitii pay ju% for most literature paperbacks. PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE 206 North 13th St ADOPTION - - AMPWiM -- Happily married Colorado couple wanta newborn to love. Offering secure home with bright future in loving family Legal and confidential. Please call Kris or Tim, evemnga/weekends, collect 303-223-3224. H Highest $ paid for used records, H cassettes & compact discs! 114th & 0 St. East Park Plaza THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON lihMimi C -1 Suddenly, throwing the festivities into utter contusion, Ujang begins to play "Stardust." CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Synthesizer inventor 5 Health plans 10 Weaverhird 13 Showy 15 She had a boxful of troubles 16 Certain amblers 18 Concerning 19 Masc. title 21 Aerie fledgling 22 Hwy. 23 Boredom 25 625-mile river 26 Uri family 28 Where Innsbruck is: Var. 30 Never, in Bonn 31 Plus items 33 Shoot a sc i-fi villain 34 Relative of P.D.Q. 35 “Boar Hunt" painter 38 A B A member 41 Retired ring master 42 Small shore birds 46 Refrain syllable 47 Taken - (disconcerted) 49 Sky blue 50 Pliant, supple 52 Hosiery shades 54 Stannum 55 Moss Hart’s story 57 Celtic Neptune 58 Group giving out F.mmys 59 "The World Of Henry Orient" actor 61 Clammer’s interest Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 63 The Catwoman’s first name 64 "... towers of Ilium": Marlowe 65 Atomic number 86 66 Couple DOWN 1 Places for trophies 2 Church calendar 3 Gold, in Genova 4 Famed contractor? 5 -stick (lapidary item) 6 Dies 7 Ultimate goal 8 Dance for a duo 9 Georgian family 10 Laconian capital 11 Delivers a haymaker 12 "-It Beautiful 1930 song 14 Female counselor 17 Prepare hyson 20 Derisively ridiculing 23 Punta del-, Uruguay 24 Foe of Iran 27 Tax 29 Musical work 32 Thick slice 34 Abdul ibn-Saud 36 "Dear me?” 37 Greek letters 38 Cartologist's tome 39 Instants 40 Stool pigeon 43 More kooky 44 Groups of three 45 Imports 47 Virgil epic 48 Showed deference 51 Exultant shout 53 Sag 56 Conductor Rapee 58 Gudrun’s king 60-Remo, Italy 62 Org formed in 1935