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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1988)
Grace lands basketball coaching job at Cornell College Tim Hartmann Senior Reporter__ Former Nebraska basketball graduate assis tant Gary Grace’s enthusiasm helped land him the coaching job at Cornell College. Steve Miller, the athletic director of the NCAA Division III school in Ml. Vernon, Iowa, said Grace was interviewed by a committee comprised of four faculty members and four members of the physical education depart ment. “He just impressed everybody on the com mittee,” Miller said. “The members loved his enthusiasm, he’s young, and he fits our needs as far as the teaching aspect.” Miller said Grace will teach several recrea tion classes next year. After meeting with the committee, Grace met with Cornell ’ s basketball team and with the dean of the college, Dennis Moore. Miller said both the team and Moore were impressed with Grace, so the committee offered him the job. Grace, who graduated from Lincoln South east High School, served as a graduate assistant toComhusker coach Danny Nee for two years. Miller said that Nee highly recommended Grace for the Cornell job. Before coming to Nebraska, Grace was the coach at Lexington St. Ann’s High School. He led St. Ann’s to a 34-8 record in two years. Last season, Miller coached the Cornell basketball and football teamsand also served as athletic director. Miller said because he had to devote his time to two sports, the performance of the basketball team suffered. “The first month we got off to a slow start because of the cross over and overlap between football and basketball season,” he said. Cornell finished with a record of 7-15 over all last season and 4-9 in the Midwest Colle giate Athletic Conference. Miller said Cornell’s record was deceiving. “We lost five games by a total of a nine points, which was probably the difference be tween a winning season and a losing one,” he said. “It was just one of those years.” “They feel they’re going to be a contender for the conference championship, which is a real positive thing,” he said. Because Corirell retumsall their players this season, Miller said, Grace won’t need to recruit more than a couple players this season. But Cornell has five seniors on its team, Miller said, which will mean that Grace will need to recruit heavily next year. for sale 1980 CB 125s Honda Street B ike for sale. $300, red, less than 2,100 miles. Brad 467-2249. 1983 NightHawk 650 Burgundy, looks, and runs great. S1000. 477-9130Rich_ 2nd Annual Manheim Steamroller Sale! t:,ir* ng Friday. April 29th-May 8th. Drop in and pick up y-u'favor ite Fresh Aire release or other American Grama phone artist tor $7.99, tM>e or LP. Way Home Records and Books 4203 South 48th interesting Music and Books for inte'estmg People" r. month old Commodore 64 computer with disk drive. 488 0511. _ Brown imitation leather queen-size hide-a-bed $195. 423-6953 after 4:00._ For sale 1981 750 Suzuki motorcycle. Only 3100 miles, excellent condition, extras 489-6044 HP 1220A oscilloscope,2chan, 15MHz.S320;Sherwood S 7110 rece.ver, 17 watts/chan. S70; LED power meter, 520, Heathkit oscilloscope, $20; Audio signal gen, $20; Koss Pro4AA headphones. SIS; Color organ, 3 chan. S10C; Walnut speakers. $60 pair; 489-4950 after 6 p.m. UNCOLN POUCE DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF SALE of Unclaimed Bicycle* *nd Property May 7 at 10 am at Lincoln Land Towing, 410 Wes! P Street, by the Properly Division. No checks accepted. Marantz 4 way speakers with 12 inch bass. Look great. Sound great. S200 pr 489 0298 Bound trip to Boston May 12 — Return May 16. $175.00 Call 489 5263. 469 0530. _ Selling Sports Courts membership. Lower rale than Current rate 488 8825. Technic Stereo System Components. 4 speakers and ste'eo stand 477-7667. Used O ivetti electronic typewriters $250. See Dan at the Da y Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street 472 • 769 ___ Wntripoo! energy saver dishwasher. S250 or best offer Like new' 435 8687 VEHICLES FOR SALE .icort Must sell 474 6803 86 Honda Civic: 4 door Sedan, 5 speed, air. arrVtm cassette, soft cloth interior. 23.000 miles. Excellent condtion throughout. $7.150 or otlers Baer s Automo tive 1647 South 3rd 477 6442 '981 Fiat Spider Convertable. Hard'sott top, 477-2748. Leave message 1970 Fiat 850 convertible low miles, new lop, tire, paint. 488 3906. TICKET EXCHANGE Round trip Lincoln to San Francisco, May 11th through 15th $195 Call 483 6857. SERVICES NEED A BABYSITTER? EXCELLENT CARE AND ATTENTION EAST-CAMPUS AREA CALL ANYTIME: 466 2746. (24-HOUR SERV ICE) TYPEWRITERS WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL SALES -SERVICE BLOOMS 323 North 13th St 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES ADVENT. INC. WORD PROCESSING Report*, returnee, etc. Fast, quality service. _ 476 9194 _ BONNIES WORD PROCESSING Term papers, theses, resumes, letters, tranacrption. Professional 476-1635 EXECUTIVE RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphic Free Initial Consultation Suite 111. 1919 So40th 469 WORD WORD GRAPHIC __ LETTER QUALITY TYPING Papers. Forma, Resumes, Letters Reasonable Prioet 435 0145 MY OFFICE 421 South 9th Street, Suite 107 474 6346 Resumo* report* and morel Quality typing quick turn around on most projects. 10% off with this ad. Need time for other subjects or just for yourself? Call Darlene at 464-3015 for all your typing needs. Quick, Quality, and Efficient. Paperstyperi. Quick service. Professionally done. Call Ginny at 480-2633. RESUMES BY ANN Employers dont care WHO wrote your resume, only that it tells them what they need to know. We develop personalized resumes that stress your strong points and open doors. 464-0775. ( RESUMES ^ PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET, *15 + TAX. DAILY NEBRASKAN. ROOM 34, NEBRASKA ^ UNION. 8 AM 5 PM. MONDAY-FR1DAY, ^ There is An Alternative! Resume Service Laserprinting from disk, 9 typestyles DeskTop PubLshing & CopyCenter NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE 1300 Q Street 476-0111 Typing & resumes — low pr ces. Call 476-0121 after 5. WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes, Reports, etc 489-WORD MISCELLANEOUS TIRED OF SELLING PAPERBACKS FOR PENNIES? Page One pays 30%for most paperbacks used in litera ture classes. Page One Bookatore 206 North 13th St ANNOUNCEMENTS INTRAMURAL OFFICIALS Please return your black and white |ersey to the Office of Campus Recreation, 1743 Vine Street before you leave for summer vacation. UNL Professor looking for place to housesit during June within walking or bike riding distance ot city campus willing to do light yard work, care for animals. Call 475 1588. ATTENTION FITNESS ENTHUSIASTS Campus Recreation is looking for students who are interested in teaching fitness classes (aerobics, water exercise and toning). for the 1988 89academic year Pay range begins at SSOO/hour. We are taking names to be contacted over the summer concerning auditions and training sessions to be held tne week of August 22nd. Anyone interested please contact Campus Hec'eation, 1740 Vine Street or call 47? 3467. Applications accepted until May 15th. Actuarial Science Club meeting Friday. See bulletin board for details. __ O’ROURKES OPEN 9 am FINALS WEEK Budget Self Storage College student special 5X10 units, $20 Limited time onl/464-6351 or423 3467, Nodeposit.mustshowl.D. TIRED OF SELLING PAPERBACKS FOR PENNIES? Page One pays 30% for .most paperbacks used m htera ture classes. Page One Bookstore 206 North 13th St Students for Hal Daub Last meeting of the year Thursday, 8 pm, in the Union. Students for Jesse Jackson Presents FREE PARTY with Laurie McClame Trout Mystery '• - Elysium Crossing Friday, April 29 8-12pm At the Reunion 16th and W Because Jesse Jackson cares about the student vote FORFEIT FEES REMINDER A reminder to intramural teams to pick up their forfeit lees The last date to pu* up 17 1988 Forfeit fees may be obtained at the Campus Recreation Ottce, 1740 Vino Street SKYDIVING CHEAPER THAN DRUGSI SAFER THAN SEXI 474-6083 HOOPSNAKES PARTY Minneapolis finest R8B Fri„ Sat. at Zoo Bar GREEK AFFAIRS AI1 °Show your support for the Huskers this weekend against the #1 ranked Cowboys at Buck Beltzer FiekT vSear your Greek letters and get in free. Largest group both days dombmed wins $50. See you there.___ rh„ year. SAE TRUE Serf.rfll ^ H*nHope to see you at the Husker baseball games this weekend All you have to do is wear your Greek letters or show your student I.D. and you get in free. Congratulations to Chris L. and Lisa G. on their engage man ' The Men of Alpna Gamma Rho Diane C. (Alpha Delt) , . Congrats on being chosen rank leader for Flag Corps I Way to pol p( always, your ADTT sisters Rod Krogh, Beta Sig Congratulations on your appointment to the University Appeals Board. Todd P.S. What more can I say except To hell with you Teddy.' SAE salutes its Senior Class Wade Anderson, Greg Andrew. Bob Bates, Mike Brady, Jim Correll, Mark Ed wards, Tom Haley, Troy Kastens, Layne Marsh, Jon Moss, Tom Nelson, Steve Person and Kirk Stingley. Phi Alpha, Your Brothers EH Little Sisters Remember Sand-n-Suds SATURDAY Food and fun first at FH! Any questions, call your favorite social chair. Who loves ya Stoots Debbie (Tn-delt) and Tom (FH) Congratulations on your pinning! It's about timel! The Lad es of Delta Delta Delta Congrats to the new officers of Theta Xi little sisters. Pres - Dawn Eloe Pledge - Jenny Blume V.P - Rose Ramirez Social - Can Marr Sec - Grace Kopycinski PR ■ Amy Siebert Tres - Stacey Kuhl - Julie Naughton Rush • Helen Paulos Intramurals • Kelly G'een Get PSYCHED for a great year! Meeting 9:30 tonightl Suz e (Tn-delt) and Matt (ATO) Congratulations on your pinmngl We're so happy for you I The Ladies of Oelta Delta Delta PERSONALS Babe, Now you know what women talk about. Want to make me breakfast again sometime? Lennon Lips * BLAHA. Happy 21st Birthday. Party hardyll The beaches are waiting tor you. I miss you lots Love. Amy Jo Susan (G-Phi), Thank you for being a kindred spirit. ^ Jon (The Man with Moore) Congratulations on your lobl I'm so happy we'li get to spend tne summer together now. I'm looking forward to it more than you can know. All my love -Lucy Lynn Marie H.. Happy Anmversaryl I love youl SASH ** T.O. (Sig Ep) How many miles9 Best of luck Sunday in the mara thon. Just an adrrvrer HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY MICHAEL F. Soott (Sigma Nu). Have a happy birthday todayl Love. Marci Loud Lady (Poll. Sci 230) Today is the last day of class could you please shut up. The class Abel 5. You guys are the greatest. Good luck with everything. I'm really going to miss you next year Love ya. Doc Come on— exclusive I really need morel S.P. The 2 girls we sat with at the redrwhite game: Sorry we didn't get to ta.k to you more at the parly Saturday night, would like to give your autographs back Please Respond. John;Jim Red haired SA in Smith. Like to get to know you. Lets have dinner sometime. Guy with the green station wagon. My Little Baby, Happy I9thl Ready to Jam Out?l With Love. Your Man From Woody River MEN OF UNL BASEBALL: Wishing you the best this weekend as you take on AAl i_i ■ iflQ_ I. .aL Let Ik. Q.„ Eight Tournament. The loyal redhead To whomever took my blue backpack from the bookstore 4/25, would you please, at least return contents to union desk. _ __ Jules, Good luck at Drake Relays Cruise to victory lane. Stereo Al. Happy 19th Birthdayl Heart's in the Snow and Bo Fiji John Looking forward to knowing you more. You're a wild and cra?y guy - but what a sweetheart May even miss you this summer. Could have been one h... of a time if you were here. Croissant? Your Honorary D.U. Little Sis CHILD CARE COULD YOU BE A BOSTON NANNY? Are youa loving, nurturing person who enioys caring for children? Live in lovely, suburban neighborhoods, enjoy excellent salaries, benefits, your own Tivtng quarters and limited working hours. Your round trip transportation is Provided. One year commitment necessary. Call or write: Irs. Finch, Child Care Placement Service, Inc. (CCPSJ, 149 Buckminister Road, Brookline, MA 02143. 1-800 338-1836 Is spring fever setting in? Would you Ike a change of pace? BE A NANNY Nationwide piaoement, one year committments Nannies of Nebraska. P.O. Box 463 Norfolk, NF 68701. 402-379 2444. __ Need babysitter for the summer in my home northwest Lincoln. Good pay, cute kids — 3 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. Kris 435-3612 Need non-smoking female to care for 3 year old girl. My home, evenings. 475-1104 HELP WANTED Ag Students Midwest ag. chemical co. is looking for part-time or full time summer help across Nebraska. Potential for contin ued fall' Winter internships. For interview send resume to: Sales Manager, P.O. Box 6544, Lincoln, NE 66506 AMERICAN RED CROSS SUMMER SWIM INSTRUCTORS Currently certified WSI, to teach beginner through "swim mer' - June 27th through August 5th, mornings; apply at 1701 E St or 471-7997. EOt AMIGOS REUNION CENTER OPENING SOON $3.75 to start (M-F day or closing shifts). Up to $4.25 after experience. Great work environment. 50% meal discount. Paid vacation. Flexible schedule. S.T.E.P. Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarship Plan. Up to 40% college tuition reimbursement depending upon college, work availability & |Ob tenure Amigos, an expanding qual.ty oriented mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time &full-t:meiob opportunities at it's newest location in Lincoln at The Reunion Center. If you are an aggressive customer oriented person & like to work at a fast intense pace, apply NOW at Amigo s, 1407 Q Street. Boys' group counselor, asst, cook, dishwasher, secre tary, maintenance, nanny, and instructors: riflery, drama, gymnastics, nature, gardening for coed Mountain Sum mer Camp, P O. Box 711, Boulder, CO 80306 (303)-442 4557. Circulation Department rr.imeo and distribution clerk requires approximately 19 hours per wee* Work involves printing, folding, label ng and organizing various mimeo items and prepa'ation ot mailings Also involves some lifting Flexible hours including .afternoon and early evening hours. Please apoly at the Journal Star Person nel Office 926 “P" Street. EOE/AA COMPUTER OPERATOR Lincoln data processing company needs part time com pu'er operator s Will train Must be oe[>endab!e and available to work weekend shifts. 16 24 hours per week Apply at Technical Management Inc. 815 "K“ Street, Lincoln. NE 68508. CUSTODIAN 20-25 hours/week. Early evenings. Caii 435-1200. Weekdays between 1-5 pm DATA EDIT OPERATORS We are looking fo» individuals who have good leading comprehension skills and a strong desire to achieve high production standards. Our company, an operating uni! of the Dun & Bradstreet Corp . compiles and maintains a current database of names and address Information A typing skill of 50-55 wpm is required. We have openings on both first ard second shifts with regular full-time employees being offered an excellent benefit package. Apply in person, Bam-4:30pm, M-F, at Donnelly Market ing Data Processing Operation. ann p EOE/M/F/H/V DIETARY AIDE Part-time position working 4-6:30 pm. Approximately 10 15 hours per week including weekends and holidays. Previous food service experience helpful. Ability to communicate with others, basic reading, writing, and math skile Apply in the Personnel Department, Ma donna Centers, 2200 S 52nd Street. EOE FLEXIBLE HOURS For part-time custodial and light housekeeping workers at the Reunion Call Mike 466 7894 evenings best. Fluent speakers of French, German, and Spanish needed for foreign language distance learning program. Flexible hours beginning approximately Aug. 15th. Apply to Dr. Beverly Planner Nebraska Department of Education, Box 94987, Lincoln, NE 68509 by May 27th._ GREAT SUMMER JOBS Flexible schedule. Raise inpay after training. Half-priced meals. Freeuniforms. Schlotzskys, the nation's leading gourmet sandw ch restaurant, is hiring for this summer at all 3 locations. 12th & P, 54th & O, and 33rd & Htway 2. Apply in person 2-5 pm weekdays. __EOE Hall Director /Graduate Assistant Hall supervision of approximately 100 students with administrative duties, supervision of R.A.'s, and custodi ans. A commitment to programming, student develop ment, and own professional growth a must for this dy namic division. In state tuition paid for graduate programs and related area at University of Nebraska. Salary $5,000 of residence life. Nebraska Weslyan University. 5000 St. Paul, Lincoln, NE 68504 HAMBURGER PATTY S in the Reunion 905 No 16th Street * $3.50 to start. $4.25 after experience. * 50% meal discount * Flexible schedule. Hamburger Patty's is a fast food outlet with excellent part-time and full-time jobs. Our new location in the Reunion Building is now open We are looking for individuals who take pride in their work and enjoy working with customers. Phone 476-7865 for an interview. Hiring Summer Basketball Officials for High School League. Apply at YMCA, 1039 P Street. 475-9822. Hiring Youth Softball Officials Apply at YMCA. 1039 P Street. 475-9622. Weeknight games. Will train new officials Immediate opening for summer employment: Full time and part time snackbar cook and counter help. Branched Oak Marina. Call for interview: 783-3311. JOBLESS THIS SUMMER or WANT SOMETHING BETTER? $160CVmonth average * EXCELLENT resume experience The Southwestern Co. is looking for hard-work ing students for our summer internships (pos stole college credit) in sales andbusiness/mgmt training. All majors qualify For interview ap pointment, leave message at 473-7950 Lifeguards and swim instructors needed. Apply North east YMCA, 2601 North 70th 464-7481. Need extra money? Dial the phone wth us. 6:30 pm-6:30 pm. 489-57/9 Need summer help for tower maintenance. Travel and work at heights to 500 feet. Start $6.00/hoor 489-7976 evenings. _ Now hiring part-time sales person. Previous outdoor experience necessary. Apply m person. Moose's Tooth 40th & “O' _ ___ Part time afternoon and late evening hours. Apply in person Mike's "O' Street Drive In ??rd & 0 Part-time help wanted apply in person Gas N Shop 2801 O Street. POSITIONS OPENING RESIDENT LANGUAGE PROGRAM ASSISTANT MOD. LANGUAGE FLOOR Located in the Neihard! Residence Center Modem lan guage Floor is a living-learning center where both lan guage and a sense of community are promcteo. The Modern Language Floor is currently accepting applications for the Language Assistant positions. QUALIFICATIONS -Reasonable fluency in French. German, or Spanish -Good interpersonal & commumcahon skills -Ability to design & promote group activities Resident hall living experience (Helpful) BENEFITS -Develop foreign language skills -Opportunity for personal and professional development -Residence Hall room For additional information regarding job description anc dates of application process, please contact Oemta Stein bach, Director at 472-9349 or leave a message at 472 1044 by Friday, May 6. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Seeking responsble individual for general cooking, household duties for retired couple in summer home in Minnesota. Duties include preparation of meals, daily and weekly household maintenance. Ample free time, recreational opportunities, attractive weekly salary. Available May-mid-August. Call 423-6300. SUMMER HELP Jan Drake's Garden Cafe is now taking applications for the following positions: tood prep, dishwasher, delivery, waitery, and hostess/cashier. Apply at 131 South 13th between 9 a.m. and 11 a m. or 1:15 tc 3:00. SUMMER JOBS EARN $1100/MONTH. LINCOLN, OMAHA, Gl. HASTINGS. NOR FOLK.COLUMBUS AND KEARNEY. 466-7246 10AM-1PM. DAILY SUMMER WORK Nat I. Corp. with 150 offices nationwide accepting appli cations for fulltime, parttime summer positions. $9 25 starting pay rate. If you qualify, cooperate scholarships are awarded, internshps possible, and you may earn 2. 3, 4 credits-'semester. (402)393-1992 M-F 9am 3pm The division of University Housing invites appScationsfor Student Assistant positions for the 1983-89 academic year To apply contact Charlie Strey, 1104 Seaton Hall. City Campus (472-3880). Qualifications: 1. currently carry and maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and preference will be given to those candidates with a 2.5 cumulative GPA or better, 2 Be of sophomore standing by August 1988; 3. commit togoals of residential education. Benef.ts: 1. free room and board. 2. experience for resume and future employment; 3 solid training in human relations Applications deadline: Monday, May 2. 1998. THE NU FOUNDATION has immediate openings for enthusiastic and reliable students to assist with fund raising phonathons. Correlated to the U mvers'ty Sumn*r schedule, the flexible M-Th evening hours make these ideal positions for students wishing to work 8-16 hours/ week STRONG COMMUNICATION SKILLS A MUST. $4 per hour minimum, based on experience For an interview, call 472-2151. Warehouse and delivery person full or part t ime Apply at Lincoln Lumber Company 932 N. 23rd. ROOMMATES 1 male roommate needed for summer apartment $150 ♦ 1/3 utilities, free cable, washer/dryer. Call 477-9258. Leave message 2 female roommates needed $81.25 month plus 1/4 utilities.Close to campus call 475 0903 Female roommate wanted Smoking okay. May 1st. $168 all utilities paid. 474-5079 after 5 pm. Female roommate needed $130 per month. 1/3 utilities. 18th 8 "0*. Great apt new carpet, bay windows, call 477 4011._ Female roommate needed to share 2 bdrm apt. in 4-plex across from Peter Pan Park. Call 472-2818 day or 435 8343 eve. Male roommate wanted Good location. Nice apartment, P.all ai*. IkrJAt nt A1A . 1 rUd Male roommate needed to sublease a furnished room $99/month ♦ utilities. Call 467-2726, Mark. Moving to Dallas? Roommate needed by former UNI students. For nice, large house in Dallas $300 month all utilities paid. Contact Keith Gonzales 214-326-4004 Need non-smoking female roommate 2 bedroom $145 plus 1-2 electricity 1724 \" 4 77 18 78. 4 76 0796 Non smoking female wanted for Summer. 2 bedroom apt., 19th & rR", furniihed Call 435'4354. Non-smoking female with good housekeeping habits io share nine home 2 blks from ag campus Wasner/Dryer, ac, $155/month plus share utilities, garbage 464-5226 Grad student preferred Responsible roommate for spacious 2 bedroom apart ment. Close to campus. $145-r 1/2 utilities Dishwasher, laundry 474-7727. Responsible non-smoking male roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apartment, 21st and C $110 ♦ 12 utilities Call 476 8503 Roommate needed, $150. mo ♦ 12 utilities Close to campus 475-5018 Roommate wanted lor large 5 bedroom, good neighbor hood, own room, AC, cable many appliances $110 mo ♦ 1/5 utils 489 6940