; TOO BAD SHE DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Too bad she didn’t know that 9 out of 10 sex ually active women, not using contraception, will be pregnant by the end of one year* That includes those who thought it was a 'safe time of the month, who didn’t want to ruin the moment, didn’t want to see a doctor. And those relying on the effec tiveness of a last minute prayer. If you could imagine a method of contraception without the interruption of the diaphragm, i 4 the mandatory office visit required by the Pill, and the mess of some other methods, you might be able to imagine using it. Lx>nsistentiy. The Today " Contraceptive Sponge.The safe, effective, over the-counter contraceptive that doesn’t get in the way of your love life. Use it. Because birth control is more than just a really good idea. It’s a fact of life. & i. ****** — • . © N87 VL1 Corp Today is a registered tiadetuaiL ot VLl Corporation ‘Contraceptive Technology N8t> • NS7