The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1988, Page 2, Image 2
News Digest SsstfSKu Exploding ammo dump kills 60 in India ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A huge ammunition dump exploded Sunday, sending flames 500 feet into the air and grenades and anti-aircraft missiles screaming in all directions. Officials said more than 60 people were killed and almost 800 wounded. The Pakistani capital looked like a city at war after the exploding dump showered it and adjacent Rawalpindi with weapons of all shapes and sizes. “It’s the worst disaster we’ve ever had in Islamabad, said an emergency room doctor at the National Medical Institute as he directed ambulances with a bullhorn. Prime Minister Mohammad Khan Junejo ordered a high-level investiga tion into the blast, which officials said was apparently caused by a fire. Casualty counts were still unoffi cial Sunday night in the twin cities, which have a combined population of more than 4.5 million. “Our hearts are broken and our eyes are welled up,” said President Monammaaz,ia ui-naa in a statement from Kuwait, where he was to attend an Islamic summit He announced he would return immediately to Islamabad. The initial explosion occurred at 9:55 a.m. shortly after the start of the Moslem work week. Within minutes, hundreds of gre nades and missiles took off, some landing and exploding more than six miles away. For the next 35 minutes, projectiles whizzed overhead, slam ming into building and roads. Hijackers hurt captive atter massacre threat LARNACA, Cyprus — The hi jackers of a Kuwaiti jumbo jet started to hurt passengers Sunday after au thorities refused to refuel the plane and release pro-Iranian bombers imprisoned in Kuwait, the flight engi neer said. In Lebanon, a pro-Iranian group threatened to kill American and French hostages if any attempt was made to storm the plane. The statement from the Islamic Jihad was delivered to the Reuters news agency in West Beirut, along with photographs of journalists Terry Anderson, an American, and Jean* Paul Kauffmann, of France. “To the families of the hostages, we declare that,we shall execute the Western captives in Lebanon if the plane and holy warrior (hijackers) aboard is subjected to any military foolhardiness,” the statement said. In Cyprus, the Arab hijackers, who have killed one passenger since seiz ing the plane Tuesday, threatened to kill their captives in a “slow and quiet massacre.” The hijackers also threatened to force the pilot to take off and crash into the royal palace. The Daily Nebraskan changed their lives ^ For better m or worse? You decide. £y>Av _ f ***** ^ ApplyNOW The fall Daily Nebraskan needs staff reporters for the news, sports and arts & entertain ment sections. The DN also needs copy editors, staff photographers and artists. If you want to gain valuable job experience while going to school and having a good time, apply for these positions. j Apply and sign up for an interview at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, between 8 a.m. and 5 Tuesday, April 12 to noon Friday, April 15. Interviews will be Monday, April 18 through Wednesday, April 20. Interview times will be posted. (Applicants must be UNL students during fait 1988 semester) UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to the same * Running Short of Time? Now Godfather's Delivers Lunch. That's right, now Godfather's Pizza delivers lunch. Almost everything we have on our menu can be delivered. Hot Slices (Combo, Beef or Pepperonl) Walk Away Garden Salads Mini Pizzas Garlic Cheese Bread Any of our Regular Sized Pizzas Monday-Friday 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. We'll deliver your lunchtime favorites to the UNL city campus and downtown area. I 474-6000 ’s^S-c<S££rt I' S Call early for faster delivery. Minimum $5.00 order.I More than 1,000 arrested in Los Angeies LOS ANGELES — More than 1,000 people were arrested in a weekend police blitz against drug dealers and street gangs responsible for waves of violence mat have been claiming hundreds of lives a year in the City of Angels. _ .. A1,000-officer task force flooded streets in gang areas Fhday night, and Police Chief Daryl Gates ordered he officers out again Saturday ; night , _, - It was the department’s biggest attack ever on gangs, which special ize in the cocaine trade and were blamed for 205 killing in the city of Los Angeles last year. Gang killings in all of Los Angeles County reached 387 last year. . _ About half of the special force, formed by putting officers on overtime at a cost of $150,000 a day, went to augment regular patrols j in the south-central area, where gangs are the most active. The rest of 1 the officers spread out citywide. Reagan sees Soviet withdrawal as aid to relations LAS VEGAS, Nev. — President Reagan said Sunday the expected withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was “a major contribu- I lion” to improving East-West relations and pledged continued U.S. military aid to the Afghan rebels. Differences over U.S. and Soviet aid to nval faction in Afghanistan 1 had been a major obstacle to negotiations in Geneva on a settlement of tire eight-year war and the withdrawal of an estimated 115,000 Soviet troops. However, the two sides appear tohaveagreedonacompromisfeunder which the Soviets will continueprovidingaid to the Marxist government while the United States gives assistance to the anti-communist insur gents. Reagan, in a speech to the annual convention of the National Association'of Broadcasters at a downtown hotel, said he anticipated an agreement would be signed in Geneva “in the very near future” for a Soviet withdrawal. Ne&an 1 Editor Mike Rellley Photo Chief Mark Davie 472-1766 Night News Editors Joeth Zucco Managing Editor Jen Deseims Kip Fry Assoc. News Editors Curt Wagner Art Director John Bruce Chris Anderson Editorial Page Editor Diana Johnson General Manager Daniel Shattll Wire Editor Bob Nelson Production Manager Katharine Pollcky Copy Desk Editor JoanRezac Advertising Sports Editor Jell Apel Manager Marcia Miller Arts & Entertain- Asst. Advertising ment editor Oeoff McMurtry Manager Bob Bates The Dally Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb (except holidays); weekly during the summer session. Readers are encouraged to submit story Ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, oontact Don Johnson, 472-3611 Subscription price Is $35 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Dally Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St , Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1988 DAILY NEBRASKAN i I -ill •■■■ M I I .Ml 'll". *'■■■.Ill, Ml 'I I ' I- I. ' SSittX T w v v \ More Golf For Less Money \ ( $6.00 r (f ' Daily Course Fee ' I $7.00 Weekends & Holidays C / I C Call fora tee time. ^ v/ Walk 10501 Pinelake Rd. 483-2532 y