The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1988, Page 11, Image 11
DAILY NEBRASKAN AD DEPARTMENT ■t«ff application* ara due today by 3.00 PM. Room 34, Nebraska Union. Pi Lambda Theta 7 pm Union Meeting will include officer elections for remaining posi tions, special education speaker, and officer training following the meeting._ __ StU Free admission to Husker Baseball game Saturday wjth student I.D. or Greek Letters. Don't miss it. ^°Don't forget to come meet CINDY DAUB, Monday, in the Union, East Campus, 3:30. City Campus, 4:30. Judy YOU ARE INVITED 1988 SUE TIDBALL AWARD CELEBRATION In recognition of students, faculty and staff who contri bute to the quality of life on the UNl campus Sunday evening April 10 700 PM St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1309 R Street Speaker: Dr. Cecilia Willis Poetry: Roy Scheele Music: Salt Creek String Band FRESHMEN HONOR STUDENTS ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA/PHI ETA SIGMA Spring Initiates Initiation postponed, and will be held on WED. APRIL 20 or THUR. APRIL 21 7 pm, City Union (room to be posted) Questions: call Jodi Hecke 477-3902 GREEK AFFAIRS Girls. Come see John Lepley *11 (the guy who made dinner announcements). Saturday and Sunday at the Husker game. _ To the three-MUTATIONS Get psyched tor Inebriation 88 on Friday. Trio in the 10-armed oephalopod suits SAE LITTLE SISTERS Heardund Run on Saturday. Meet at house at 6:40 a m. — bring checks for sweatshirts. PLEASE ATTENDII Kim J. (AOII) and Brad S. (Sig Ep) Congratulations on your pinningll The Women of AOII P S Oh Yeah, conf 'ats to Angie and Scott too Alpha Delts Get psyched for State Deyl What a great way to celebrate a great traditionl Pi Love. Pam H. Beta Theta Pi Alpha Chi Omega Hippie# and He eels ns Far-out manl It'll be grooveyl ADPi STATE DAY A Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Alpha Epsilon's Recolonization Apnl 7-9, 1988 Cassv U. (Gamma Phi) Congratulations on being selected a cheerteadmg alternate' We're proud of youl Love. The Gamma Phi's House with most people at Husker game Saturday wins SCASH. “Frank Bums will never be caught with his pants down I* Frank Burns Not until he attends M“A*S*H 88 •The Deft Way* BMO.C Top five houses after lour days: 1. Farmhouse 2. ATO 3. S 4. 5. Last chance to vote—today until 3.00 Sue Lyn and Jamie (Pi Phi's) CONGRATULATIONS on making Nebraska Yall Squad. We re so proud of you. Pi Phi love, your sisters PERSONALS Jsmie, I think I've figured you out. Call me. Larry Noi How about Birthday and Engagement Party together7 We n have Putu Ayu OKI Happy Birthday. Roommates. Adren, Azmi, Johar. Krwu, Mail, Farid Hairy Kneee (AOPI), Great Job on Greek Singl ___ Wally JrA Tom: H«!py ??*h Birthday, little brotherl Hope it's great. Hemember if you still need me to risk my life on a horse with you tomorrow, I will. __Love from your sis - Deanne Jack!, HAPPY BIRlfe|are * 6-* ** teve y°U a"yWay' _____ Jodi, Jenny, Deo JAY BEE: geometry is not your STONGEST SUBJECTI WITH LOVE. YOUR __ TRI PELT TRIANGLE Lynda T Wow. Nice legsl Olive Juice. __RH Dear News-Ed Profs: You're our Journalists of the Year. _ Love, The Seniors Hey Squids. f ormal is off I Jokes are too muchl P.S. PSYCHEII (Gotcha Jay) °'H" P‘K* L S' * Linda A, Happy 21stl Even if you are 3 days latel?l CHILD CARE Looking for a rewarding and exciting challenge'’ Con necticut mother of 2 year old twin boys needs help with childcaie/housekeepmg. Summer/year placement. Must have references, non-smoker, competitive salary. Call 203-268-9295 Take a Break! Be a Northern California Nanny. Call 415-686-0766 HELP WANTED AMIGOS REUNION CENTER OPENING SOON $3.75 to start (M-F day or closing shifts). Up to $4.25 after experience. Great work environment. 50% meal discount. Paid vacation. Flexible schedule. S.T.E.P. Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarship Plan. Up to 40% college tuition reimbursement depending upon college, work availability ft job tenure. Amigos, an expanding quality oriented mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time ft full-time job opportunities at it's newest location in Lincoln at The Reunion Center. If you are an aggressive customer oriented person ft Ike to work at a fast intense pace, apply NOW at Amigo's, 1407 Q Street. ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISER POSITIONS April 8 is the LAST DAY to apply for undergraduate Student-to-Student Adviser and Advising Assistant posi tions in the College of Arts and Sciences. Applications available in 1223 Oldfather.__ CAP STUDENT STAFF Positions Available 1988-89 Academic Year The Campus Activities and Programs Office will hire students to till these positions for the 1988 89 academic year: Activities Assistant Publications Assistant Graphics Assistant Programs Assistant Culture Center Axfe I (4 positions) Culture Center Night Manager Work-study oositions will also be available. (See Scholarship ft Financial Aids) Applications and position descrptons will be available beginning Wednesday. March 30, 1988; deadline for completed applications. 5:00 p.m. Friday. April 15. For more information contact the CAP office, 200 Nebraska Union, 472-2454 or CAP-East office. 300 East Campus Union. 472-1780. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. . DANCE!* 111th & 0 Gold’s Galleria X Business Student todo lea work necessary to start a small business. Call 435-7133for details. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary: $800 or more plus R&B. Marc Soegor, 1765 Maple, Northfield, IL 60093, (312)446-2444._ FULL-TIME SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Painters, multi-crafted skilled trades, and custodial open - ings available for the coming summer. Apply in person to 1100 Seaton Hall receptionist. GREAT SUMMER JOBS Flexible schedule, raise in pay after training, halt-priced meals, free uniforms. Schlotzsky's The Nations Leading Gourmet Sandwich Restuarant is hiring for this summer at all 3 locations. 12 & "P“, 54th & "O", and 33rd & Hwy 2. Apply in person 2-5 weekdays, CAMP COUNSELORS - Male/lemale - Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Campus: Tennis, dance, slimnastics, WSI, athletics, nutrition/dietetics. Age 20<. 7 weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massa chusetts, Pennsylvania. No. Carolina. California. Con tact: Michele Friedman. Director, 947 Hewlett Drive, No. Wood mere, N.Y. 11581.800-421-4321. Lifeguard positions available in Waverly. Applications available at Waverly city offices, 141 and East Corn husker Highway. Offices open M-F, 9-5 or contact Diane at 786-5263. _ NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS - (Mass) Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor positions for Program Specialists: All team sports, espe cially bastvball, basketball, field hockey, soccer and vol leyball; 25 tennis openings; also, archery, riflery and biking. Other openings include performing arts, fine arts, yearbook, photography, video, cooking, sewing, roller skating, rocketry, ropes, and camp craft. All waterfront activities (swimming, skiing, small craft). Inquire Action Camping (Boys) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028; (Girls) 44 Center Grove Road. H-21, Randolph NJ 07869 Phone (Boys) 201-429-8522; (Girls) 201-328 2727. Now Hiring at CELEBRATION All positions available. Must be 19 years of age and willing to work in high performance atmosphere. Stop in and fill out application between 12-4 pm, Monday-Friday. No phone call please. 1033 O Street Lower Level Golds Galleria Occasional baby sitter needed for the summer. Needs own transportation. 421-1800,475-2302. Opportunity for ambitious and competent students to lead other students in summer employment with Fortune 500 Company. Work from your hometown. Potential $8000 o< more. H you have leadership ability, send resume to 1001 W South Street. Hastings, NE, 68901. Part-time Supervisor This position requires a mature individual with good communications skills who can motivate newspaper carriers and work with parents and customers as a City Carrier/Route Supervisor. This is an exoellent opportu nity for a university student which requires being available by 2:30 pm daily, 9 00 am Saturday, and some Sunday mornings. This position requires approximately 35 hours/ week, rour own vehicle is required with mileage ex penses paid. Applications will be accepted at the Journal/ Star Office. 926 P. 8am-4pm through Friday, April 8. Journal/Star Printing Company _ EOE/AA COMPUTER CONSULTANTS Now taking applications for Fall 1988 positions as student consultants in our micro or mainframe computer labs. Experience in the following preferred. -Mainframe: CDC/NVE. VAX/UNIX. IBM/CMS (SPSSX.SAS) -Micro: IBM-PC, Macintosh $4.00/hr. 10-20 hrs/wk, at least Junior status Apply at room 326 Administration, call 472-5879 for more informa tion. CUSTODIAN 20-25 hours/week. Early evenings. Cal! 435-1200. Weekdays between 1-5 pm. DAILY NEBRASKAN AD DEPARTMENT staff applications are due today by 3:00 PM. Room 34, Nebraska Union. FLEXIBLE HOURS For part-time custodial and light housekeeping workers at the Reunion. Call Mike 466-7894 evenings best. Frozen food person able to work from 7:00-3:30 M-W-F, Also part-time sign maker should have experience or art background. Starting wage for both jobs — $4.00/hr. Apply in person 1340 Focxf Bonanza West "O". Part-time Babysitter Needed Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am-2pm. Starling May. Non-smoker. S3/hour. Someone good with 2 year old. 488-1647. Part-time now, full-time in summer help needed for cash grain farm in Ceresco, 665-2464 between 7-8 a.m. and 6 :30 p.m. Person, over 21, required for summer jab on Newport Beach Horse Ranch in Southern California. Work with animals and live on ranch + salary. Veterinary or animal science student preferred; not required. Must love ani mals and country living. Please send resume and some information regarding your health and activities ASAP so that an interview can be scheduled. Travel costs will be provided. Contact: Barbara Adams, KK Ranch, 2242 Mesa Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 SEARS needs part-time auto dispatch clerks. Variety of hours needed. Liberal company benefits included ApplySears personnel. Monday 10X50 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday 12XX5 - 4X30 p.m. Equal Opportunity Em ployer M/F. Shoe sales for the Instep at Ben Simon's. Good pay if fashions is your major. A great opportunity in a growing company. Apply inpersor. Gateway Mall 467-4421 State Campaign Coordinator for the Nebraska Peace Pac to organize and coordinate volunteers, list management and 'work with political campaigns. Position runs through the November elec tion. Community based and/or political campaign expe nenee desired. Salary $800-$1200 monthly. Submit resume and letter of application to Nebraska Peace Pac 129 N 10th Street, Suite 426, Lincoln, NE, 68508 by April Summer einployment opportunity. Major oorn breeding corrpany is looking for students to assist in various aspects of plant breeding. Prefer agriculture majors, however, all applications will be considered. 4.65/hour. Cail for further information. 523 5215 business hours. 435-2549 evenings only. SUMMER JOBS $3,300 GUARANTEE OMAHA AND LINCOLN PLUS 5 NEBR. TOWNS 488-1227 SUMMER WORK $3.55Tiour. Data entry, book stocking, other miscellane ous light warehouse duties. Have immediate openings if you have daytime hours open now Also taking applica tions for full-time summer employment. Equal Opportu nity Employer. Nebraska Book Company 6400 Cornhusker Hiway 1988 SUE TIDBALL AWARD FOR CREATIVE HUMANITY HONORS: William Ahrens Patricia Andersen Miguel Carranza Kim Cole Luis Diaz-Perdf>mo Galen Dodge Donna Harler Barbara Meister Neil Munson Marty Ramirez Marylin Salyer Betty Vodehnal AWARD EVENT AND RECEPTION SUNDAY, APRIL 10 7:00 P.M. St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1309 R Street Speaker: Dr. Cecilia Willis Poetry: Roy Scheele Music: Salt Creek String Band PUBLIC INVITED INK FAR SIDK By GARY LARSON i... / "i BLOOM COUNTY_ _by Berke Breathed on. py the by.. poptnoy KtCKBP OFF LAST NtOHT, 50 M HAP HIM FFteze-pp/ep anp pvt on me WH$T?/ MANTEL. / " "LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH" ALL WELCOME TO OUB SEEVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:30 AM WORSHIP HOUR — 10:30 AM EVENING SERVICES — 5:00 PM PASTOB HABBY SBOMAKEI 1 4M-UII MEETING TEMPORARILY AT NORTHEAST YMCA 2601 N. 70th Stre«<t {***) The Daily Nebraskan changed their lives For better or worse? You decide. TVK and JVK ^ v Apply NOW The fall Daily Nebraskan needs a managing editor, associate news editors, editorial page editor, wire editor, copy desk chief, sports editor, arts and entertainment editor, graphics editor, photo chief and assistant photo chief, night news editors, art director, senior reporters, columnists and editors for Diversions, Sower and supplements. Apply and sign up for an interview at the Daily Nebraskan. 34 Nebraska Union, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday, April 4 to noon Friday, April 8. Interviews will be April 7-11. j (Applicants must be UNL students during tall 1988 semester) UNL does not discriminate In its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to the same.