The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1988, Page 10, Image 10
l ip DYNASTY rests *uant_l| Lunch Buffet.$5:00tax included M-F 11:30-2:00 Menu Choices**** »*$3:25tax included Almond chicken Broccoli Beef Lemon chicken Beef chow mein Broccooli chicken Hot Garlic pork Chicken chow mein Sweet & Sour pork Szechuen Chicken all dinners include fried rice. I 476-8688 r 14th * P | 1 101 N. 27th 476-1566 COORS 1 MEISTER KEG.-LIGHT BRAU $8.99 $5.69 $5.97 $3.99 WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK MILLER BUD-BUD LIGHT 16 OZ. $9.48 $5.87 $12.99 $3.55 WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK WARM CASE COLD 6 PACK PRICES GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! Nejraajskan 34 NEBRASKA UNION 1400 R ST. LINCOLN, NE 68588 This could be you! ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE (402)472-2589 The Daily Nebraskan is currently accepting applications for summer and fall Account Executives. The position requires approximately 25 hours per week. If you are comfortable with a selling situation, can motivate yourself and are interested in applying your academic background in advertising sales, we have an opening for you. Pay is based on a commission structure and applicants must be UNL students. Pick up an application at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Applications must || be turned in by Friday, April 8, at 3:00 p.m. Daily Nebraskan Room 34 Nebraska Union UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all Federal regulations pertaining to same -- XT : ... A Good Chance to Win One Free Year! Come liveat Amberwood now... get one month’s rent Q*) free automatically... plus an opportunity to win free CD apartment rent for an entire year at a value of ^*4 $4000-$6000! We’re offering this prize only to new renters and renewals, so the odds that you’ll win are very favorable. Choose your favorite 1,2 or 3-bedroom apartment today. g—« Then we’ll give you a coupon book you can use like a checkbook to pay for one full month’s rent or to reduce several monthly payments. 1^5 Hurry! Call or come in now, this is a limited time offer. GS "S3 I li M lAVUIU IB 423-0978 40th & Highway 2 Open 7 days a week Sanders exicted to play on home turf By Steve Sipple Senior Reporter Buck Beltzer Field is looking awfully good to the Nebraska base ball team. After playing its last 17 games on the road, Nebraska will play its first home game since March 15 when it faces Kansas in doubleheaders Satur day and Sunday in Lincoln. The games begin at noon Saturday and 12:30 p.m. Sunday. “It will be fun to get back home,” Nebraska coach John Sanders said. “I know our players are excited, and the coaches arc also excited to gel back to Buck Beltzer. It’s been a long time.” Nebraska, ranked No. 13 in this week’s Collegiate Baseball/ESPN national top 30, lost 8-3 to No. 15 Wichita State Wednesday in the final game of its road stint in Wichita, Kan. The Huskers, now 23-8 overall and 3 1 in the Big Eight, won 10 of their 17 road games. Sanders said he hopes good weather and a big crowd greet the Huskers. He said he hopes for a big crowd from promotions in which all Nebraska students who show their student ID cards will be admitted free and the largest group from a fraternity or sorority wearing their house letters will receive a cash award during Saturday’s game. “It’s a pretty good deal,” Sanders said. First-year Kansas coach Dave Bingham said he isn’t as excited about coming to Lincoln. The reason for the skepticism, he said, is the Jayhawks’ youth. Kansas has three seniors on its roster, and only one — center fielder and team captain Rocky Helm — starts. “We’re a really young team trying to compete in the Big Eight with inexperienced players and, really, inexperienced coaching,” Bingham said. “We’re all feeling our way through it right now. It will be really hard to compete in this league, at least for now.” The Jayhawks won one of four games in their conference-opening series against Missouri. Kansas’ 15 wins already equals last season’s total, but Bingham said the Jayhawks have made no big strides. He said last season’s record was misleading because the Jay hawks learned midway through the season that former coach Marty Pauin’s contract wouldn’t be re ncwed. After news arrived that Pattin wouldn’t be back, everything was in disarray, Bingham said. Bingham, who spent his last 14 years at Emporia State in Kansas, said he will have his eye on at least two Huskcr players this weekend because he will serve as an assistant to Stan ford coach Mark Marquess for the U.S. baseball team at the Summer Olympics. Bingham said third baseman Ron Crowe and shortstop Ken Sirak arc among the players being looked at by the Olympic staff. Sanders said the Huskers are virtu ally injury-free heading into the weekend. He said pitcher Joel Sealer, who injured his elbow earlier this season, is the only Nebraska player who is questionable. Sanders said three of his weekend starting pitchers will be John Lepley, Rocky Johnson and Pat Leinen. He said he is no decided who his fourth starter will be. Bingham said Kansas will counter with four right-handers. Juniors Scott Taylor and Craig Mulcahy will start Saturday, and sophomores Brad Hinkle and Tom Bilycu will pitch on Sunday. New State Games board members named George Davis Jr. and D.C. “Woody” Bradford have been named to the Board of Directors of the Com husker Stale Games. Davis, a transportation develop ment analyst for Union Pacific Rail road and a former track All-America selection at the University of Ne braska-Omaha, was appointed to the board by Gov. Kay Oit. Bradford, a partner in the law firm of Bradford, Coencn, Ashford and Stangle, was elected at the March meeting of the 16-member board. “George and Woody both have solid sports backgrounds and arc committed to continued development of a program that has proven its ap peal all across the state,” board presi dent Jim Dill said. “Both will be great assets as the Games continue to grow and improve.” FOR SALE Baldwin Organ/Cinema III Super Series Book $4500 Asking $3200 Kimball 5 8' Grand Piano. Appraised $7400. Asking $6500. Call 488-2646 or 423-8523. 19" Zenith solid state color TV. Good deal tor just $65 Eureka vacuum cleaner $40. 467-5189 Bike tor Sale: '86 Univega Supra Sport. Men s black 26" frame Excellent condition, optional rear rack. $185080. 475-7966, ask tor Joe Call after 4:30. Brand new wedding dress and headpieoe. Call Amy466 Double size waterbed with six drawer pedestal with padded rails. Excellent condition. $75 472-9627 Chuck. For Sale: 1978 Buick Skylark Low mileage, new paint, S1.000 Call Mike Feduk or Chet Kincaid 472-3611. Used Olivetti electronic typewriters. $300. See Dan at the Dailv Nebraskan. 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street .472 1769 USHER S GIFTS! Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1961 Bug. Rustedout;engineoverhauledm 1986. Runs excellent. Brakes need work. $150 472-9627, Chuck. SERVICES Guaranteed Home Shopping Credit Card, $1,000 credit line I Build or reestablish credit. No credit checkl Nobank acotHintl Pre-approved lor »ir„ $100 caller. Call 1-800 *>27-6826, axl. 991. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 SAVE BIG BUCKS AT DUDS N’ SUDS 30 cents per/lb. Drop oil laundry every Fri day Try us becauae nobody "DUDS it cleaner. DUOS N SUDS 939 NORTH 27TH STREET TYPEWRITERS WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL- SALES -SERVICE BLOOMS 323 North 13th Si. 474-4136 Wedding and Flower Supplies. Call Mary at 466 2440. Discount prices. TYPING & RESUMES EXECUTIVE RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphic Free Initial Consultation Suite 111, 1919 So 40th 489-WORD WORD GRAPHIC GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE IBM WORD PROCESSING AND TYPING REASONABLE 488-9294 Professional word processing of reports, term paper; manuscrpts, resumes. 488 1557. E-Z MAIL. Clocktowe 70th & A. C~ RESUMES PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET, $15 ♦ TAX. DAILY NEBRASKAN,ROOM 34.NEBRASKA V^UNION.8 AM-8 PM, MONPAY-ERtQAY. > There ie An Alternative! Resume Service Laserprinting from disk, 9 typestyles DeskTop Publishing A CopyCenter NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE 1300Q Street 4760111 WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes. Reports, etc. _489 WORD_ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hm*. 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers Quality work. Reasonable prices COPY SERVICE-reductions and enlargements. WORDPROCESSING SERVICE Resumes, thesis, tern papers. Quality work, spelling guaranteed. Call M.J. oi leave message at 421-3497. ANNOUNCEMENTS * UPC Concerts A Coffeehouses Presents JOE KING CARRASCO on the City Union Plata Monday April 11 Free to the Public EUROPE. $29 50 A DAY: Visit 7 oountnes by bus. camp *,_5*9ht Contact your travel agent or TRADEWIND TRAVELLERS CLUB. 212-832 9072 CASIO NIGHT Be our friends, as the cards will be yours, the moht of April 14, 8-10pm • East Union. $1 w/ID $2 all others UPC Kaleidoscope ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS Student Alumni Association Sr Sondoff is coming ‘Oon'ItwiH be held April 12 beginning at 7:00pm at the WICK Center Presentation of Outstanding Sr. Awards at 7:30pm TIRED OF LIVING A LIE? Help your parents and friends learn to accept your homo sexuality. “Coming Out: Telling Family and Friends You re Gay or Lesbian " Saturday. April 9lh, 2:00 PM. u*rVo£n n e? ?£97,0f in,°.fo°mnumber UPC. Free studenCYsP’RAG 51 REQISTRATION FOR NON AG ECONOMICS/AGRI BUSINESS CLUB Awards Banquet When: April 12,6 pm Where Legionnaires Club 57th A O Street INTRAMURAL STAFF ASSISTANTS NEEDED Applications will be accepted in the carpus Recreation Offices. 1740 Vine Street A 32 CAB For _ the Position of Intramural Staff Assistant March 28 April 15. 1988 Application Deadline April 15, 1988 Pay Rate: $3.9Q/Hour Starting Date: Fall Semester, 1988 Job Descrphon. Intramural Staff Assistants are the on srte supervisors for inframural activities They are respon St!*!®r.9a7r,e/*?e management, problem/protest resolu r^,a!'onS; APPllca*.®n forms may be obtained at the Campus Recreation Offioe, 1740 Vine Street Previous otticiating and/or supervising experience is preferred. What do UPC Special Events, RHA, Panhellenic, IFC, KFMQ, Coca-Cola, Colby Ridge, TCBY, and hundreds ot enthusiasts have in common" CLUB COCA-COLA ...a party for Special Olympics Wednesday. April 13. EAST UNION —Tickets at both unions 2 for 1 Videos $.95 ‘Member Special Fri. A Sat. Only Nebraaka Bookstore _ _13th A "Q" _ Applications must be turned in to either Campus Recrea tion Office no later than 5 pm on Friday. April 15. 1988 Interviews will be oonducted with all applicants. Inquiries: 472-3467. UNL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER POCKET CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Cliff 's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 CHICANO AWARENESS DAYS PANEL DISCUSSIONS 'Nebraska's Mexican Heritage' 10am 11:30pm. 'Racial Diversity on campus" 1:30 3:00pm. Both April 8 in trie Nebraska Union. Georgian A Room. — LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS Meeting this Sunday at 2:30pm in the Union Chi Phi Little Sister Car Wash Sat April 9th 12 30-5-00 66th and O Men's vintage overcoats and clothes. 25% oh. Great selection. Burlington Arcade. 210 N. 7th. Lincoln. Neb UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL is not |ust a place o! worship. There are Inends. fun. and much, much more. Come check us out I Sunday Services at 9 and 11 am. On Sunday evening. April 10. at 10pm. Arnold Aif Society will be sponsoring a candle light vigil to help promote awareness o( American POW/MIA's. The event will be held at the Broyhill Fountain, just north of the City Campus Union. Please attend and show your support for American Soldiers missing in Southeast Asia SUMMER 19M UNO INTENSIVE FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES UNO will offer team-taught Intensive German. Intensive Japanese and Intensive Spanish, each worth 16 credit hours, in a 8 week long program which will start on June 13, 1988 These courses have morning and aflernon sessions. No prerequisrtes Alter these are complete, students can enter Junior level courses For more infor mation: Department of Foreign Languatges, UNO. Omaha. NE. 68182 402-554-2403 LAST CHANCE! Taxes are due April 15thl Beta Alpha Psi can help you! Monday. 5-7:00 Pm, East Campus Union Tuesday, 2-4:00 PM. City Campus Union MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER April 7th at 6:00 PM April 8th at 700 PM April 9th at 8:00 PM EAST CAMPUS UNION UPC SIGHTS A SOUNDS MEET CINDY DAUB Monday at the Union, East Campus 3:30 PM. C«y Cam pus 4:30 PM Have your concerns heard UNITED STATES SENATOR DAVE KARNES on Campus FRIDAY, APRIL «, 9:00 A M. BROYHILL FOUNTAIN Everyone Welcome Sponsored by students tor Senator Karnes CASIO NIGHT April 14 East Union 8 10pm $1 w/ID $2 all others UPC Kaleidoscope MOUNT RUSHMORE BICYCLE RIDE MAYA-15, 1968 Ride through the Pine Ridge of northwest Nebraska to Mount Rusnmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota Trip cost $175, includes transportation, meals, camping equipment and support vehicle Contact Bruce Rischar at the Ottioe ol Campus Recreation. 1740 Vine Street, 472 3467 Sign up deadline: April 28th