The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1988, Page 8, Image 8
HELPII Need to learn how to speak German. 483-0601 Kiffball Hall House Managers (3 openings), (or school year of '88/89 with possible extension. Requirements: applicant must be UNL student taking at least 7 credits (undergrad) or 5 credits (grad) with good knowledge of performing arts events and ability to deal with public politely but firmly. Applications available at Kimball Hall Box Office, 113 Westbrook Music Bldg, between 11 a.m. 8 5 p.m. Deadline April 1, 19es. Part and full time help needed for cash gram farm near L.mooln. 665-2464 between 7-8 a.m. and6-9:30 p.m. Person, over 21, required for summer job on Newport Beach Horae Ranch in Southern California. Work with animals and live on ranch + salary. Veterinary or animal science student preferred; not required. Must love ani mals and country Irving. Please send resume and some information regarding your health and activities ASAP so that an interview can be scheduled. Travel costs will be provided. Contact: Barbara Adams, KK Ranch, 2242 Mesa Dr.. Newport Beach, CA 92660. SENIORS SHERWOOD CAPITAL INC. A ma|or brokerage firm with 30 off ioos from coast to coast will be holding a Career Seminar, April 4th at 7:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Interviewing will follow on April 4th and 5th tor positions as a sales representative in the securities industry for our Phoenix, Arizona branch office. Seethe Business Career Planning and Placement Center for details Or send resumes to: Sherwood Capital Inc. 11024 N. 28th Dr. #260 Phoenix, AZ 85029 (602) 375-9500 The YMCA is looking tor volunteer youth soccer coaches. Contact 475-9622 for more informa tion. Wanted: part-time in order department; 15-25 hours per week, reply to P.O. Box 80008. Lincoln, NE 68501 ROOMMATES female Roomate needed April 1. 6wn room and bath Fireplace, pool and balcony. $220. Call Kristie evenings. 464-2828. _ Looking for a roommatefor a 2-bed'Oom apartment, close to downtown. 477-8632. M/F Roommate Wanted. $147 ♦ utilities. Washer/Dryer. 16th 8 C Street. Call Steve 476-1744 around 5 pm. NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new, 2 bedroom, from $335 a month. 474-1064, 477-4434 One bedroom also available $?75. M/F roommate needed, luxury apartment. $158+ utilities. 403-7064 anytime. Roomates wanted, 19th & B, $125/month 476-2583 Two roommates 3181 "R", Male/Female. Nonsmoker/ Smoker, Pets negotiable. $110plus utilities (Water and garbage are paid) 435-4294. ROOMS FOR RENT burnished room In large family home. Kitchen priviledges,utilities included. Women only. 476-9437. HOUSES FOR RENT 2217 Dudley, 3bedroom house, very nice, close to UNL, $335 Available immediately. 477-1886 or 474 4488 4-Bedroom Houae Close to campus, garage, parkinq. $500 475-1579.488 0061. Why rent when you can own? Great duplex close to campus. Rent out one side to make your payment. Call for more information, Kelly Kuhl, Austin Realty. 464-9102 (work). 423 7551 (home) APARTMENTS'FOR RENT 2 Bedroom Apartment. Close to UNL Heat free. Air Conditioning. Microwave and Garage optional $315/ month. 474-1958. 2740 R - Nicer, 1-bedroom apartment Laundry, air, garage. No pets. $145. 488 6738 3179 "R" Street - 1 bedroom, very moe, |ust remodeled, wood floors, walktoclass-$250. 4907Lowell, 1 bedroom apartments, $200 and under, very nice. Call Kim 421 1871 or 477-0491. 640 SOUTH 20TH Spacious 1 -bedroom, new carpet. $285 2 bedroom. $300 up. $25 for 3rd person. Pool. Summer leases 475-7262. AVAILABLE SOON 2 bedroom in 4-plex. Appliances, new carpet, fireplace, air, parking. No pets. $320+. 1833 Knox. 476-9050,435 7770_ __ CLOSE TO CAMPUS Two bedroom, appliances, carpet, drapes, all electric. FREE CABLE, laundry, parking, no pets. $345 plus. 521 N 25th 477-7684 435-7826 NEAR DOWNTOWN - ACROSS FROM GOVERNOR S MANSION NEWER BUILDING SUMMER LEASE * One Bedroom * Parking * Laundry Room * Security Lighting * Central Air/Gas Heat $235/mo + deposit and utilities. Utilities very reasonable. Deoosit is one month's rent which can be paid in 2 monthly installments. Deposit by April 10th will hold unit until school is out in May. Call 468 6889. LOST & FOUND LOST: 3 14k rings, diamond, black star saphire, S signet. Call 476-7906. WANTED Wanted: Drummer for Blues/Rock Band or just for jam min’. Call Steve at 476-8233. ADOPTION _ " ADOPTION Our arms wart for a baby to hug. our home waits for a child's laughter Let us give your baby all our love, security and a bright future.Legal, confidential, expenses paid. Call Sue and Jay oollect 718-633-5105 ADOPTION Singer and Executive promise love, devotion, andopportumtiesgalore to a very special baby. Expenses paid. Strictly legal Call Cindy and John Call oollect anytime 212-689-8414. ADOPTION: Loving couple married 12 years, desires to give newborn all the advantages of a loving home and family. All our home needs to make it complete is a very special baby. Time, love and dedication promised. Please call Cathy and Len collect, anytime, 718-937 0862. Loving oouple wishes to adopt newborn to share caring home. Legal, oon'idential, expenses paid. Call Barbara and Robert oollect anytime. 718-596-6309 SOCIAL SERVICES PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping I land. Call usl 483-2609. BLOOM COUNTY _ _by Berke Breathed g IT AN VERY P/SAPPO/NTEP / „.PUmN(? 5UPER0UJE IN NY NORMALLY, WORTS BCfORE MY PATE HE MMJP'VE n/Vj'T TONKtHT... FLUSHEP YOU V™*. *j| I AM VERY WINN THE FUllf WRY, VERY CONNOPE 5/X fyu/*T \ PISAPP0IN1W SECONPO AM WN! — tNYOU' \ \ • I I L THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON l-: n © IBM Onivaraart Pr«M Syndicate “So then, when Old McDonald turned his back, I took that ax and with a whack whack here and a whack whack there, I finished him off.” -—-1 PIZZA SHUTTLE - 230 N. 17th 1 Use these Coupons I or ask for our B TWO-FER Special g $1.00 OFF S Any 2 or more pizzas ay 475-6363 ! Ejynres 5/1/88 $1.0o"oFF | Any Pizza Ordered 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 475-6363 ■ _ I Expires 5/1/88 I IMIBF Cycle Works’ 7th Annual Season-Opening IJi wjm jiui CLOTHING Shorts Only $14.95 CANNONDAL.E and ST cycling shorts. A great first or spare pair - now at a great price. Gloves An unbelievably low $5.99 Giveaway prices on top-quality riding gloves. Stop in and try on a pair. Shoes Mow at the season's lowest prices Choose from our huge selection of cleated, sport-fitness and mountain bike styles. All this and much more! Pick up a complete sale list at the doer. Prices good at 27th and Vine Cycle Works only. ACCESSORIES Eyeshades Save up to $10.00 All your favorite OAKLEY styles, including Pilots, Blades and Frogskins. BOLLE sunglasses Reg. $24.00, Quality construction with only $14.95 French styling. Bicycle computers Mow on sale, Avocet Cyclometer 20, only $29.95 the computer the pros use. Tubes 5 innertubes for only $8.95 Stock up now at our lowest price ever! Roof racks Save 15% YAKIMA, the best name in cartop racks, on sale at the best price of the year. cs; m -.-_ I Sale hours: Friday Noon-8pm Saturday 9am-8pm 27th & Vine Sunday 11am-5pm 475-BIKE Mon-Wed 8am-8pm