The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1988, Page 4, Image 4
Page E ft | {-Avi :;?i 1 Nebraskan 4 - % % / H * Monday, March 28,1988 I Nebraskan University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mike Rcilley, Editor, 472-1766 Diana Johnson, E-dilorial Page Editor Jen Desclms, Managing Editor Curt Wagner, Associate News Editor Chris Anderson, Associate News Editor Joan Rczac, Copy Desk Chief Joel Carlson, Columnist Pay lor players Chambers’ good intentions miss mark State Sen. Ernie Cham bers of Omaha has mis sed the mark with his bill to pay Nebraska football players, but he has unearthed some problems that college ath letes face today. Chambers’ bill, LB 1226, would treat scholarship football players at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as employees of the university and allow them to be paid for their efforts on the field. An amendment was added to the bill requiring four of the other five Big Eight schools’ states to enact similar legislation for tiie bill to take effect. Chambers argues that football players are being “exploited” be cause they generate big bucks for the university, while receiving no compensation. But Chambers needs to remember that these players aren’t being forced to play football. No one held a gun to their heads and made them sign that letter of intent to play football at Nebraska. They’re here because they want to be. Granted, the university rakes in thousands of dollars from TV contracts, ticket sales and other revenue generated from football. That money finances UNL’s “non-revenue” sports such as volleyball, track and women’s basketball. Football and men’s basketball arc the only money making sports at UNL.. If the football revenue were to be reinvested in the football program to pay players, the other ! sports would suffer. Programs would eventually be cut, and UNL would lose quality student athletes to other universities. Nebraska Athletic Director Bob Devaney also brought up an interesting point. If UNL were to pay its players and other univer sities didn’t, UNL would have no one to play. Nebraska’s play ers would be considered profes sionals and would be ineligible "for NCAA-sanctioned games. And that’s something UNL Chancellor Martin Masscngale doesn’t want. “If this bill revolves around the professionalization of ama teur athletes, our supporting it would send out the wrong sig nal,” Massengale said. “It would give the appearance that we’re emphasizing athletics more than we should.” And it’s not as if col lege foot- | ball players are starving. They already have two sources of in come. Although they can’t work during the school year, they can hold summer jobs. Scholarship players also can qualify for up to $1,4(X) a year in Pell Grants. The NCAA raised the Pell Grant amount for athletes from $9(X)to $1,4(X) last January. Over the years Chambers has had good intentions with his leg- I islation concerning UNL athlet ics. A few years ago he pushed a bill to guarantee scholarships to athletes who were injured. And Chambers is again look- . ing out for the interests of col- | lege athletes with his “pay the players” bill. Unfortunately, the proposal, if passed, would sack \ UNL and its athletic department for a big loss. Reader: Bible does not demean women i nave never attended a brown bag Lunch at the University of Nebraska* Lincoln, and if Professor Elaine Kruse is a typical example of the kind of speakers at these events, I plan not to attend one in the future. A March 18 Daily Nebraskan story shows Kruse s anti-Bible predisposition toward in vestigating the role of women. Kruse gave many examples of “religious” perversions and also said that the Bible demeans women. 1 can’t deny that some lunatics in the past, and no doubt today, have missed the entire message of the Bible and have created their own methodology and hokey rituals for “worshipping” God. But to attribute these perver sions to God or His Word is going much too far. The bizarre actions Kruse dis cussed arc not based on the Bible, but rather on cull-like devotion to pseudo-Christian themes. If Kruse tries to equate the Bible and human philosophy of religion, she will find that the two are incompatible. To choose human religious philosophy over the Bible as the norm is a fallacy. The Bible doesn’t say that women are to be “pus suckers” or anything of the kind. The Bible has many ex ampies oi women wno louowea God’s leading and contributed a great deal to the real universal church — the one that is composed of persons who, regardless of what denomina tion, are followers of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. Even in the Old Testament, there are examples of women who were leaders and hero ines. This is not to say that the Bible doesn’t differentiate the role of women and men. The one who made man and woman is well aware of the differences he made in the two and has accordingly set up guidelines to help us know how we can be most useful to him. Those who refuse to accept that there are at least some differences between men and women will find themselves, so to speak, kicking against the goads. We should be united against the human conventions that have pre vented women from living up to their potential. But we shouldn’t be fight ing against God, who has thankfully made us different. Gene Wiggins senior computer science Editorials do not necessarily re flect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. The Daily Nebraskan’s publishers arc the regents, who established the UNL Publications Board tosupcrvise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the edito rial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student edi tors. - • " THATA RlfeHT^TADA^^T'LL COLT W 15i To MAH. THAT ^ LETTER... MAW, would You Also LIKE IT DELIVERED?" I__ What you see is what you get Dressing for success is an uncomfortable societal institution ou mignt nave seen u— tnai stylish shampoo commer cial being run on the air waves lately. This attractive young woman is talking to her handsome boyfriend, trying to convince him to use the shampoo. She says something like; “You may never get a second chance for a first impression.” What she said is true. The first time we see someone makes a big differ ence as to how we perceive that per son later. If a person has, God forbid, dandruff, we may never again look at him or her in the same light. This also holds true for clothes and hair styles. The trend of cosmetic plastic surgery is now even being advertised. I guess everybody wants to be like Michael Jackson. Some people just have to be in style; they have to make a certain statement with the image they create for themselves. And then there arc the people who create the fashions for the workplace. A second edition of the best-selling book “Dress for Success” has recently hit the bookstores, telling people how certain colors work best to give one the proper image for the office. Ac cording to the book, this will, in the long run, help people be successful. It’s dress for success, so to say. An image is being created solely for one’s success. People seem to be more concerned about the facade of their appearance than the perform ance of their work. But who am I to talk about style? I’m the kind of guy who worships Oscar Madison, that slob sports writer on “The Odd Couple.” My roommate can attest that I pattern my style after Oscar. So can my mother. I buy a lot of my clothes at used clothing stores, and what I get isn’t fashionable. Nor can 1 dress up with them. All ties do is choke me. I don’t want to meet my end with a piece of cloth. I like to follow the advice of Henry David Thoreau, who in his book “Walden” declared that clothes are designed to keep a person warm and nothing else. But just looking around campus, I see a great many people who are influenced by present fashions. I don trcaducniicman squarterly,so I can’t name the fashions. However, I can identify them. Personally, I w ould be happy if on just one day everybody from the top levels of administration to the low li est student would come to school and work wearing w hat they were most comfortable in. Why not this Friday? People who follow the current styles are primarily looking for an image, something a little bit different than themselves — something that shows they arc not totally happy with themselves. But image doesn’t necessarily have to be an individualistic state ment in the style of clothing. Any thing can have an image. While people will have some sort of image no matter what kind of efforts they put into it, too often their image is manu factured. The same is true of numerous uni versities across the South that have turned down the opportunity to have a major motion picture shot on their campuses. Newsweek On Campus recently reported that the upcoming movie “Everybody’s All-American* was turned down at North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. Finally, Louisiana State University allowed film crews on its campus. The film, which deals in part with the racial tensions that pervaded the South during the 1950s and 1960s, was turned down by those universities because they didn’t want to hurt the image they had worked so long to build and maintain. “Everybody is real careful about image these days. We’ve worked very hard to overcome the effects of past discrimination,” said Steve Frankel, special assistant to the president of the university oi ueorgia, according 10 the maga/inc. I’m glad they’ve worked so hard to fight their racial problems. But that image they’ve worked so hard to maintain is not what is important What is important is what they ha\o actually accomplished. Maybe there is not as much racism as there onto was. But wc can’t be sure of that because the image says so. Images can he misleading. Maintaining that image so strin gently may only foster further dis crimination and racial tension. It is almost as if they arc embarrassed about any gains they might have made since that time and do not want to show the difference. It could he that they don’t want people to see hou racist they still are. But no matter what their image may be now, those schools cannot erase the past by merely denying a movie to be shot in their midsts. Film ing “Everybody’s All-American” isn’t going to make them appear racist any more than they might deserve to be by any of their actions. If the pride Frankcl has for the University of Georgia is so deserved, then it should be willing to allow such a production. There is nothing to he feared any longer with such a stand. People and institutions seem too concerned about their images. A per son doesn’t have to follow the latest fashions from GQ or Vogue. The same is true with something as large as a university. Image, therefore, should not be that important. But try telling that to most people today. Being successful, for many, is crucial to a happy life. Subsequently, they think they have to be able to “dress for success.” Success shouldn’t be measured by the way one looks. Or the way an institution appears. It is measured by what is done underneath those looks. When we don’t worry so much about image, only then can we defeat those things we so much like to say wc disdain. Fry is a graduate student in news-editorial and is the editor of The Sower maga/Jne. i IIC L/dliy HUUld^Kdll WCIIUIIIC5 brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publi cation on the basis of clarity, origi nality, timeliness and space avail able. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit all material submit ted. ivcaucrs aiso arc welcome to sutv mit material as guest opinions. Whether material should run as a let ter or guest opinion, or not run, is left to the editor’s discretion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous suomissions win noi be considered for publication. Letter should include the author’s name, year in school, major and group af filiation, if any. Requests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 14(X) R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448.