Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1988)
FOR SALE SKOAL, COPENHAGEN, ETC. Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No, 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) ________ 476-0II9_ Used Minolta plain paper copier. $100. Daily Nebraskan office. 472-1769. Ask for Dan. Used Olivetti electronic typewriters. $450. See Dan at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street. 472 1769. VEHICLES FOR SALE 75 Chevy Caprioe. New brakes, new battery, runsgreat. Call after 6:00. 483-0477 74 BMW 2002, excellent performance, must sell. $3,500 or best offer. 475-0403 1978 white Ford Mustang. Good condition. Low milage. $1200 or best offer. Call 476-2696. 1976 Subaru 4-speed. Please call 466- 7404 or 489-7959. SERVICES Danielson Floral Co. 127 South 13th 476-7602 Flowers for every occasion. Quality Service. WeDeliveri No-oost stop-smoking program. Call464-1072, after 5:00 p.m. or weekends, PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION > Beginners or Advanced. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709_ SAVE BIG BUCKS AT DUDS N’ SUDS Tuesday, Happy Hour, 4-7:00 PM, 2 washes for the price of 1. $ 50 large drinks, $ 50 hot dogs, DUDS N' SUDS 039 NORTH 27TH TYPEWRITERS WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL- SALES -SERVICE BLOOMS 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES ADVENT, INC. Word processing. Reports, resumes, etc. Fast, quality service. 476-9194. EXECUTIVE RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphic Free Initial Consultation Suita 111, 1919 So 40th 489-WORD WORD GRAPHIC GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE IBM WORD PROCESSING AND TYPING REASONABLE 488-9294 ( RESUMES PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET, »15 ♦ TAX. DAILY NEBRASKAN, ROOM 34, NEBRASKA V UNtOK 8 AM -8 PM, MONDAY-FRIDAY J I WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes, Reports, etc 489-WORD WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz, 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers Quality work. Reasonable prices. COPY StRVICE-reductions and enlargements. PERFECTWORD TYPING SERVICE Reasonable rates—quality sen/ice. Call Connie at 466 8751 after 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MEETING Tuesday, March 8, 5:30 p.m. Henzlik Auditorium •Herb Shimick, State NE A President will speak on current and state education legislation and issues. •The Outstanding Teacher's College Educator will be selected. ACTION SCHEDULE Debate, 3:30 pm, Crib Meeting, 10 pm, SAE house Kickoff, 7:30 am, SAE house BE THERE Call 488-3642 tor more details. IT’S UP TO US a film shown to recognize Internationa! Women's Day is scheduled for tonight at 7 pm in the Multi-Cultural Center. Call 472-269? for more information. VOICE The VOICE of the STUDENTS PADRE AHEAD! Pre-trip planning meetings are Wednesday and Thursday at 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM in the City Campus Union (room will be posted). You MUST attend 1 meeting. Any problems call 472-1780. Sponsored by UPC East Main Events. UNL STUDENTS Show your support for your university! The bill to increase faculty salaries will be debated this week in the legislature. Call or visit your state senator in support of faculty salary increasesll ACTION 488 3642 488 3642 488-3642 Call, Call. Call, Call, Call INTRAMURAL WRESTLING The intramural wrestling tournament (mens and women's) will be held Monday, 3/7 through Thursday, 3/ 10 Weigh-ms for weight classes 98lbs-158lbs will be held Monday Weigh-ins lor weight classes 167-unhm ited will be held T uesdav. Check the event flyer or with the Campus Recreation Office for details. Competition will be held in the Coliseum. 472-3467. 488 3642 ACTION 488 3642 _ Stand up and make your voices heardl Tell ASUN what you think of theml VOTE ARF Write: Jacques/West, President/1st Vice; Write: Fynbu, 2nd Vice. If elected we will dismantle ASUNIII VOTE TOMORROW Let your VOICE be heard VOICE IS THE CHOICE! PEK JUMP ROPE FOR HEART 3-15-88 evening. More information: 472-3882. ■--1 Suddenly, time stoc© still ,birds feu. silent. CO-EDS QUIVERED IN ANTlCIf^TiON SHELDOl- THE ZENITH COMPUTER NERD HAD-STEPPED OFF THE BUS Here’s Sheldon the Computer Nerd... the hottest new hunk on your campus! He’s hip. He’s cool. He’s the I new wave nebbish. Now you can discover Sheldon’s secret to Computer Nerd success with this special offer from your Zenith Data Systems Campus Contact. Sheldon gives it a big thumbs up! Here’s the Sheldon Special! Special Spring Break Pricing EZ-2.$599.00 EZ-20.$899.00 Z-181_$1199.00 Z-183_$1799.00 Order now while in stock! Visit your Zenith Data Systems James Friesenfq Campus Contact today: ' Campus Computing Center • 472-2543 wth data "on,c',6' n,,‘’2 systems THE QUALITY GOES IN BEFORE THE NAME GOES ON' Ask about how you can qualify for easy monthly payments with a Zeruth Data Systems l redil Lard. Spriial pncmn otter pood only on purchase* through Zenith ConUtK*) hsted above by studnMs. faculty arid stall h* their own use Vo Other discounts apply l.unil one perinatal computer and one nnaidoi per individual in any IZ mnnth pernal I nces sub)eil I . tunpe wit hr ail nutter __1 IW7 Zenith Hat* Systems Pre-Vet Club Cow Patty Bingo Win up to $125.00 PETERSEN - GEISERT - BEAVERS Talk Is Cheap... TAKE ACTION^ INTRAMURAL FLOOR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT The intramural floor hockey tournament entries are due in either Campus Recreation Office, Tuesday, 3/8. Sepa rate Men's, Women's and Co-Rec tournaments will be held. 472-3467._ JOIN THE FUN Thursday, March 10, Rick Kelley performs Beach Music/ Classics in East Union—Great Plains Room— 7.00pm. IJNL Students—Free (w/ID) Non $1.00 Sponsored by UPC-East/Kaleidoscope VOTE ACTION A vote for ACTION if a vote for SPECIFIC, POSITIVE IMPROVEMENTS, not vague, negative attacks. VOTE MARCH 9TH ASUN STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS 8:00 AM TO 8:00 PM POLLING SITES: NEBRASKA UNION - CITY CAMPUS WALTER SCOTT ENGINEERING CENTER NEBRASKA UNION - EAST CAMPUS STUDENT 1.0. & PICTURE I.D. REQUIRED TO VOTE. PETERSEN-GEISERT - BEAVERS Ideas and the experience to make them happen. ATTENTION CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS Early Registration Meetings Wednesday, March 9, 1988 Freshmen meet in Room W347 NH Upperclassmen in Room W357 NH time: 5:30 PM Mech Ag Club is sponsoring tour of National Crane in Waverly. Wednesday 3-9. 6:15 p.m., room 112, Chase Hall. New members welcome. SIGMA PHI EPSILON LITTLE SISTERS Extremely important informational meeting, March 13th, 6:30 PM at the House. __ Last Chance For Spring Break '88! Limited space re mains at South Padre, North Padre. Daytona Beach, Fort Walton Beach and Stearrboat, Colorado f or ski mg. Hurry, Call SunchaseTourstollfree 1 800 321 -5911 for reserva tions and information TODAY. Credit cards accepted CORNCOBS Very important I Dues,football blocksign-up. No show, Noticketl Bring checkbook. If conflict call Glen 477-0983. Tuesday. 4:30 City Union 13 Nightmares Live in KZUM's studio tonight 11:00 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Support KZUM during their 10th anniversary marathon. Important 4-H meeting this Tuesday, March 8 at the East Union at 7:30. Executive officer nominations will be taken. Ski Spring Break' Condo sleeps 4 BeaverCreek 10 miles west of Vail. Indoor pool- sauna- hot tub. $75 per night. Week $480. 488-2747._ BUSINESS COLLEGE SENATOR VOTE for Write-in Candidate RICH MUNAR TO KEEP ASUN ON THE MOVE! r - ACTION Petersen Geisert Beavers Specifics, not vague generalities AMATEUR NIGHT S50.00 • 1st place: $25.00 - 2nd place Every Thursday night at the Happy Hour Lounge, 17th $ O Street Sign up by 10:30 pm. LENTEN VESPER SERVICE “WE HAVE SEEN JESUS” Wed. Evenings Cornerstone-UMHE March 2,9, 16 640 N. 16th St. 9-9:30 PM Join us for a quiet moment of prayer and meditation on the way to the Cross ACTION ROCKS LINCOLN 488-3642 Call it or elselll BACKGAMMON GAMES Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) — 476-0119 _ ★ ★ Pre-Dent Meeting On-Hands Radiology Tonight 6130 p.nv East Campus - Dental College Government Liaieon Committee Meeting Tuesday. March 8 6:15 p.m. Student Union Get psychedll DAILY NEBRASKAN CAMPUS NEWSPAPER THE PUBLICATIONS BOARD IS THE ADVISING BOARD FOR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THIS BOARD HIRES THE EDITORS AND ACTS AS THE PUBLISHERS FOR THE BOARD OF REGENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION AND A COPY OF THE APPLICATION CONTACT STUDENT GOVERNMENT 115 NEBRASKA UNION ACTION STALUONS Dial 488-3642 to find out the latest party gossip and info. Don't forget, Tuesday, 10 pm, SAE house * East Campus Organizations Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Treasurers remember the brown-bag lunch and round table discussion on Wednesday at noonl Go to the East Union Activities Suite for this super opportunity to exchange ideas' HELP SAVE A LIFE TODAY Give the Gift of Life Give Blood 10:00-3.00 East Union Sponsored by UNL 4-H Graduate/Professional Students: Register for Graduate/Faculty Social Event on March 15, 4 30-7:30pm. To Register: Call Maureen Moeglin (2-5227) before 5 pm, March 8. $2 charge. Foreign Film Meeting Tonight at 6 pm in the Union (come get some posters) * ACTION A VOTE FOR YOU * Take action _VOTE VOICE_ ECUMENICAL LENTEN LUNCHES Wednesday Noons St. Marks Episcopal March 9 and 16 1309 R Street "MY BIBUCAL BOTTOM UNE ’ March 9 - Fr. Don Hanway March 16 - The Rev. Mark Randall OPEN TO CAMPUS & LINCOLN COMMUNITY GREEK AFFAIRS FOOD. FUN AND FESTIVITIES KAPPA DELTA CHIU FEST 88 March 13th. 5-7:00 PM Buy tickets from a KD or at the Union. Sigma Nu Little Sisters Meeting Tonight at 10:15 pm. Bring your checkbooks I Terry D. and Beth K. (AOTT's) We had a great time Saturday. Thanks for the hard work and great ideas, you're the Bestl The Men of Chi Phi CONGRATULATIONS New SAE Little Sisters your Brothers Kim Beavers: Good luck with elections on Wednesday. We're behind you I Love, Delta Gamma To the Men of Sigma Chi Belated Congratulations on the addition of 17 MORE fun,good lookingandabovealll.OYALnewbrothers. We know where the quality isll Love. Shannon and Angela Thanks A10's for doing Jaibreak '88 with usl You guys are greatl Love, The A-Phi's Kappa Kappa Gamma's Heyl We enjoyed last nights dinner exchange. Ya'II are definitely classy. The Kappa Sigs The Brothers of Chi Phi congratulate: John D. and Derek M.—First Place AOTT Hoop It Ban ner! Sean W.—AOTT's Mr. Legs. Great Work Guys FH LITTLE SISTERS Reminder: Tues. Harshers 4:45pm in Kitchen TEN YEAR PLANS - 7-10pm GOOD LUCKII SHE WEEK 88 Congratulations to: Kim Degarmo Kelly Fanning Melanie Jones Cathy Lorenzo Gina Troia Love, Your A-Phi Sisters SAE LITTLE SISTERS Meeting on Thursday 6:15. BE THEREII Please bring your checkbooks. STUDENT GOVERNMENT Government Liaison Committee Meeting Tuesday. March 8 6:15 p.m. Student Union Get psychedll UTS PARRS ★ ★ ★ FEATURING PADRES PREMIERE ACCOMMODATIONS ★ ★ ★ 4 SOUTH PADRE HILTON To Sign Up Or For More Info Call Liz or Joel at 488-1439 or 488-0185 Leave Message on Recorder if there is no answer SHERATON SOUTH PADRE Driving Package . Without Transportation4 Q 1 Q O HH Quad Occupancy^ ^ Full Package . With Transportation 4 CQTC fill Quad Occupancy" Y^1 ' W« I/I/ Also Available: Gulfview Condos With Transportation $239 Without Transportation $175 Arrangements by ECHO TRAVEL INC Number one to the sun tor over 9 years HOLIDAY INN YOUR TRIP INCLUDES: » Seven nights accommodations at one ot the big three hotels in South Padre Island without a doubt the hottest spots on the Island during spring All located right on the ocean in the very center ol the strip Each hotel has a nice pool sun deck pool bar restaurant and some ot the hottest mghtlite during spring . > Transportation package includes round trip motor coach transportation to your hotel in South Padre Island Unlike others we use the newest style coaches available > Free pool deck parties and activities featuring ou' famous Echo belly flop contest > Optional excursions available into Mexico and more > Discounts at local bars restaurants and stores > The services ol lull lime travel representatives to throw parties and take great care ot you all week > All taxes and gratuities THE BEST OF EVERYTHING TO INSURE YOU THE BEST SPRING BREAK! Best Hotel Guaranteed You know where you will be ,■ slaying on this trip (with other trips??) ★ Best Location in Padre Don t lei a poor location ruin your trip (the Padre strip goes . for miles!) I ^ Shouting Distance from Everything The top bars restaurants stores and tree concerts (not a taxi ride away, like other trips) * Top of the Line Luxury Coaches For the most comlortable party trip to Florida it Pool Deck Parties The hottest biggest parlies in South Padre Island1 it You might lind a cheaper trip but why risk your Spring Break cash on a cheap imitation11 I _