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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1988)
Arts & Entertainment i Jewish, lesbian folk-singer Phranc to play UNL stage By Ken Havlat Staff Reporter Phranc, a self-defined “basic, all American, Jewish, lesbian folk singer,” will make her Nebraska debut Saturday night at 8 in the Great Plains Room of the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln East Union. The performance is part of Women’s Week, sponsored by the University Program Council’s Women’s Words and Music Com mittee. Her only album, “Folksingcr,” on Rhino, is a refreshing blend of styles. Unfortunately, it was accepted more by European than American audi ences. It introduced her not only as a singer for feminists or lesbians, but as a universalist with subjects every one can relate to. The Smiths thought so much of Phranc that they made her the open ing act for their 1986 American tour. Whilecritics were trying to figure out whether the Smiths were art or drone, Phranc was described as phenome nal. Phranc has paid her dues. She moved from radical feminism to Los Angeles’ punk-art underground, where she was part of the duo Nerv ous Gender. Then she became guitar isl for the influential post-punk combo Catholic Discipline (in the film “Decline and Fall of Western Civilization,” Phranc can be seen wearing an interesting hat while in troducing the band). And now she is a folk singer. For'RadioTokyoTapcs, Volume 3,” one of the strongest anthology scries ever produced, Phranc contrib uted “The Strange Death of Mary Hooley,” which is about a slice of life in her community. Several magazines from her hometown of Venice, Calif., wrote about her attending her 10-year class reunion a few years ago. While most people looked older than they actu ally were, Phranc said, she felt like a kid who had walked into the wrong place. Most of her former classmates had become materialistic yuppies with kids. Except for a couple of women who’d been members with her in a Bluebird troop, no one knew who she was, and when they saw her they yelled, “Susie Gottlieb! Susie Gottlieb!” No one knew she was now Phranc the folk-singer. She has toured regularly since “Folksinger” came out in 1985. Phranc is now writing material for a new LP. While her manager said no contract has been signed with anyone yet, Phranc deserves the best. F^oof of this should come to anyone attend ing her show. Tickets are $4 for UNL students, $5 for the general public. Jaci Au gustin and Kathy Tejcka of the band Amethyst will open for Phranc. Lawyer performs one-man play By Mark Lage Staff Reporter A one-man play based on the life of famed trial lawyer Clarence Dar row will be performed by Donald B. Fiedler on Tuesday. “An Evening With Darrow” was written by David W. Rinicls and is based on Irving Stone’s novel “Clar ence Darrow for the Defense.” The production is directed by Suzanne Dieckmann. The play details several episodes in the life of Darrow, one of the greatest and most famous lawyers of all time. Darrow was known as a great champion of the working class, freedom of speech and equality for minorities. During his career, Dar row successfully defended 102 men who could have been executed if convicted. Fiedler, a lawyer from Omaha, said he began his avocational career 15 years ago when he made an impor lantdiscovcryabouthimsclf:“lhada big ham in me.” He made this discovery during “spoof days” at work, when he and other lawyers would act out practi cal-joke scenarios for the benefit of unsuspecting co-workers. These ac tivities aroused his interest enough that he look some beginning acting classes, eventually leading to a re gional acting career in theater and commercials. His roles have included Oscar Madison in a Lincoln-arca produc tion of “The Odd Couple” and Lenny in “Of Mice and Men” at the Omaha Community Playhouse, for which he won the Fonda-McGutrc Award in 1981. Fiedler became interested in the Darrow story before he began his acting career when he saw Henry Fonda portray Darrow in the public television movie version. Relatively early in his acting career, Fiedler was involved in lob bying the stale government, which included numerous trips between Omaha and Lincoln. He cured the boredom of these trips by using the time to familiarize himself with Rintels’ script, and by the end of the lobbying stint, he was well-versed enough to audition for the one-man performance. Fiedler said the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln Law College’s early interest in this production was instrumental in getting it started. In tact, one of his earliest, incomplete performances was at UNL. For this reason, Fiedler said, he is excited about returning to UNL for a com plete performance. Being a lawyer doesn’t help with the role as much as some people may think, Fiedler said. He said he may be able to relate to some of the scenes better than other actors, but he is not presumptuous enough to say profes sional actors can’ t do as well or better in portraying Darrow. Fiedler’s role as Darrow hasn’t affected his own trial experiences much. “A little of it may have sifted through, but my style is completely different,” he said. Fiedler said he secs many simi larities between acting and being a lawyer. In fact, he is preparing a 10 or 11-point lecture on the subject. The most important similarity, he said, is that both actors and trial lawyers must be able to “focus.” An actor must be able to look at a script and focus on the most important points for his character and then concentrate on bringing these points out during his performance. Simi larly, a lawyer must be able to pick out the most important aspects for his . side of a case and then stress those points during the trial. Fiedler has never had the luxury of being able to choose acting as a full- j lime profession, but said if he had the 1 choice, he would probably continue ' to practice law. He prefers to balance 1 both careers, hopefully keeping them 1 both fresh and challenging. ® “I really enjoy the practice of law, jj as well as doing Darrow,” he said. I Fiedler will give his free perform- * ancc at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the College I of Law Pic Room. 1 i ■ I I WWHTWWf ! Phranc ■ Tonight and Saturday! It's Our Wierd Music Weekend Featuring IlilllKansas City's B.C.RJIlllll And From San Francisco 1111111 OllWID.J. Lebowitz 111 llllllllllllllllllllllllll Only D. J. Lebowitz plays heavy metal and punk songs on ! acoustic piano. He's from another planet, so don't miss him i from 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. ^^^^March4-5i$3jO(^nh^Doo^^^^ pizza shuttle; 1 230 N. 17th | Use these Coupons I or ask for our m TWO-FER Special | NO COUPONS ON TWO-FERS B 50' OFF I any 1 pizza B | 475-6363 ■ NAME __™ ADDRESS __ y DATE_ B _Expires 5/1/88 I $1-°° OFF I pn 475-6363 ! | ^■fiiiiirjr — | iV^^V. $1.00 OFF i /T?D22fl\ ‘T.Kflsr1 ■ fSfflODUHEHl 475-6363 ■ HI WUt 88 J!