Courtesy D.J. Leibowitz Leibowitz ‘Mermaids’ delightful look at dreamworld MERMAIDS from Page 6 In contrast is Slilwcll’s project, so fresh from the laboratory that the print is barely dry. It is hard to de scribe; except that it is very warped. Sul well may need some professional counseling, but he has produced a great short bit of cinema. It’s almost as slick as Boles’ film (former UNL student Rick Oldcrbak was StilwcH’s cameraman), although much less in nocent and more, well, indescrib able. Both films should be seen. Ro/.cma has described “Mer maids”as “completely, and not at all, autobiographical.” Sec if you can spot your own biography in it, I know they’ve been watching me. “I’ve Heard the Mermaids Sing ing” is playing at Sheldon tonight, Friday and Wednesday, March 9-12 at 7 and 9 p.m. and Saturday matinees at 1 and 3 p.m. !f I i at the East Campus Union March 5 at 1:00 PM March 6 at 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM Admission: UNL Students (ID) — $1 Non-UNL Students 0-13 —$1.25 13 —$2.00 UPC Sights & Sounds START YOUR FIRST DAY WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BEHIND YOU. Bring vour BSN to the Army, and you’ll have more than your education to hack you up. You’l! have an experienced nurse preceptor. Your preceptor will help you make the transition from schtxol to practice a srruxith one. With advice, mtorma rion on Army nursing proce dure, or just by being a friend. As an Army nurse, you’ll get rewarding nursing respon sibility and rapidly move into a leadership role. The Precep torship Program is designed to help you meet the challenges of a demanding nursing position. It you’re a BSN candidate, or if you have your BSN and are registered to practice in the Unired Stares or the US. Virgin Islands, look into Army Nursing. Grnract your lix:al Army Nurse G>rps Recniiter. Call Sgt. 1st Class Burleson in Omaha at 402/397-8869 Collect. ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. Missouri band, California piano man perform at the Zoo Bar this week By Ken Havlat Staff Reporter Two eccentrics, D.J. Leibowitz and B.C.R., will perform at the Zoo Bar Friday and Saturday nights. B.C.R., from Kansas City, Mo., has been building up a solid regional following among college radio sta tions with its debut LP, “What Earth Are We On.” The LP, recorded by Fifth St. Records, captures the es sence of the band. The seven-piece group plays a style of music incor porating African, reggae, R&B and soul. The music can captivate the soul of anyone listening. The band plays a style of music that doesn’t allow time for sitting down and soaking up the music. Pianist D.J. Leibowitz from Berkeley, Calif., uses music from the Dead Kennedys, Ramones and Bob Dylan to create his own unique brand of music. While he could be hailed as the Eugene Chadboume of the West Coast, he proves he is consistently provocative on his LP. Bill Dye of B.C.R. said they are hoping to work a few of each other’s ideas on stage as the evening pro gresses. The shows will begin after 9 p.m. both nights, with a $3 cover charge. The Zoo Bar is at 136 N. 14th St. How to stand out inacrowd. i The American Express* Card gets an outstanding welcome virtually anywhere you shop, whether it's for a leather jacket or ?. leather-bound classic. Whether you're bound for a bookstore or a beach in Bermuda. So during college and after, it’s the perfect way to pay for just about everything you’ll want. How to get the Card now. College is the first sign of success. And because we believe in your potential, we’ve made it easier to get the American Express Card right now. Whether you’re a freshman, senior or grad student, look into our new automatic „ approval offers. For details, pick up an application on campus. Or call I-800-THE-CARD and ask for a student application. The American Express Card. Don’t Leave School Without h5" TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES