Four Comhusker seniors to play last home game tonight By Mike KJuck Staff Reporter Four seniors on the Nebraska men’s basketball team will be making their final home appearance tonight when theComhuskers take on Kansas State at 7:35. Senior guard Henry T. Buchanan and forwards Jeff Rekeweg, Derrick Vick and Bill Johnson will make the game against the Wildcats their last at the Bob Devaney Sports Center un less Nebraska receives a post-season tournament bid. Nebraska coach Danny Nee said the seniors will be missed. They are just four quality guys,” Nee said. “They have had success not just on the basketball court, but also in the classroom and with people. These are all-around five-star guys.” The seniors agreed that although this season’s 13-15 record disap points them, they consider this year a success in building a quality basket ball program at Nebraska. Buchanan, a transfer from Hutch inson (Kan.) Community College, said his success at Nebraska comes from being named to the academic all-Big Eight team and graduating this December. Nee said Buchanan was the first black basketball player at Nebraska to be named to the academic all-Big Eight team. Buchanan said the honor was his best achievement during his two-year career at Nebraska. “Basketball is what got me here, but to get my degree and be able to work has been my goal,” Buchanan said. “I feel pretty good about it. There are very few things that a per son can be first at at an institution, and it is just a great feeling to have done it. “It is my best accomplishment since I have been living, and it is noticeable and will help me in the near future.” Vick, a starter who played on last year’s 21-12 team, said the bright spots of his two-year career included the Huskers’ third-place finish in the National Invitation Tournament last season and the last-second shot he made in overtime to give Nebraska an 83-81 victory against Kansas last year. Rekeweg said that although the highlight of his two-year career in cluded defeating Kansas 70-68, he hopes for a new highlight in one of Nebraska’s final games. Nee said the success of the seniors came in the classroom as well as on the basketball court. He said all four seniors have been working toward their degrees and will graduate by next December. Nee said tonight’s game should be emotional for the seniors because it is important to them to go out as win ners. “It is emotional for me because these are my guys and my first group I recruited at Nebraska,” Nee said. Buchanan, Vick and Rckeweg agreed that they would like to end their home careers with a win. But they also said they are not looking at tonight’s game as their last. “We are going to take this game like we have taken every other game this year,” Buchanan said. FOR SALE 1986 Bianci Broadway 10 speed, blue/gray, almost new, $ 150. Call 475-520L_ _ CONDOMS LTRA THIN-RIBBED Order24hrs aday. 1 doz.$8.00,order3doz..$24.00. get 1 doz. free. 12 doz.$60.00. Next day FREE SHIPPING in unmarked mailers. Place your confidential order nowM-800-545-4141 Ext. 300. Maatercard/Viaa accepted or mail your order with check or money order to: LAKE MEDICAL PO BOX 17517 Milwaukee, Wl 53217-0517 FINE AND BAD CIGARS! Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street /NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 Movingl Kenwood stereo w/Garrard turntable. King-size, 6-drawe' watertoed, table, couch, end table Make offer 477-1088 MUST SELL Two Nishiki 12-speed bikes. Need tune up. $100 each or best offer. 421-2725. N U COED NAKED LACROSSE T-SHIRTS, call Mark or Jerry at (402)345-8937 for an order, perfect for Spring Break. User! Olivetti electronic typewriters. $450 See Dan at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street . 472 1769 VEHICLES FOR SALE ' 76 Subaru lor parts Overhauled engine has 2500 miles 5 speed Must sell by 3/10.88 Make oiler 464 6157. SERVICES BOOY FLEX Tan lor Spring Break 2 weeks-$?5 00 1316 N Street 476-1492 Gateway North 464-7969 Danielson Floral Co. 127 South 13th „ 476-7602 Flowers lor every occasion. Quality Service WeDeliver! 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March 2 at 7 pm in the Union. Please attend, it will be great* VOICE Stream • Wupper • Showalter _ New approach for a troubled system UPC CHAIR APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED to March 4 at 5 pm. Applications available at both CAP offices, the Culture Center, and Multicultural affairs. All chair and executive positions open. Apply now* UPC Concerts and Coffeehouses Presents Jim Bryan/John Baylor Thursday. March 3rd 11-12 p.m. In The Crto ACTION 488 3642 ACTION Acacia amt Community Blood Bank Presents VEIN DRAIN March 3 Sign up in the City Union March 2 for a time STOP thinning hair. Doctor approved - stops hair loss - make', ha*r thicker - fuller • grow fasterl For men and women. Flair and Scalp Cline of Linooln 466 8095 i ■' ■ —■ ■ ' ■ UNL Marketing Club General meeting and elections Thursday, March 3, 6 pm in union. See you therel UPC CHAIR APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED io March 4 at 5 pm. Applications available at both CAP offices, the Culture Center, and Multicultural affairs All chair and executive positions open. Apply nowt WOMENS’S WEEK!!! It's almost here, watch for ill (Call 472-2597 for information) ELECTIONS!!! Thursday. March 3rd, 7:30 pm in the Union. Your atten dance is vitall UNL YOUNG DEMOCRATS SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON LITTLE SISTERS Extremely important informational meeting March 13, 6:30 pm. at the House. A smile s just a phone call away. Dial 488- 3642 and Vote ACTION._ ASUN DEBATE Today. 12 noon. City Union lounge Action vs. Voice President and 1st • Vice CandOates UPC Talks A Topics AMATEUR NIGHT $50.00 1st place: $25 00 - 2nd place Every Thursday night at the Happy Hour Lounge, 17th A O Street Sign up by 10:30 pm --- HEAD HUNTERS!! The Nebraska Calendars are presently hunting down people for your campus calendar We need your helpl Send in an application for someone you want to see in your campus calendar. And if that someone is you. then get off your behind and pick up an application a! the Student Information Center or call 476-0550 and ask for Rhett. DAILY NEBRASKAN CAMPUS NEWSPAPER THE PUBLICATIONS BOAHD IS THE ADVISING BOARD FOR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THIS 80ARD HIRES THE EDITORS AND ACTS AS THE PUBLISHERS FOR THE BOARD OF REGENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION AND A COPY OF THE APPLICATION CONTACT STUDENT GOVERNMENT 115 NEBRASKA UNION CELEBRATE LIFE GIVE BLOOD Tuesday, March 8 10:00-3:00 East Campus Union Stop by info, booth Wed-Fn to sign up Sponsored by Com. Blood Bank __and UNL 4-H Club _ NU TIMERS Import ant meeting (the last one!) Wednesday. 4 pm. in the Press Room at Devaney. UNL STUDENTS Have you dialed 488-3642. Messages change daily and it's freell __VOTE ACTION! NUMEDS March 3 Meeting City Union, 6 pm Join Free University on atrp. Register lor Soul Travel now in Rm 200, Nebraska Union. BEST PRICES ON CIGARETTES! CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 College is a time to expand one's knowledge. This is YOUH opportunity! UNL'S Liz Grobsmith speaks on Native Americana A Religion TODAY. TODAY. TODAY! 3:30 pm, City Union, room posted. UPC Talks A Topics Faculty Series ARTS A SCIENCES IN BUSINESS WORKSHOP AND PANEL DISCUSSION. Thursday, March 3rd, 3:30 in the Union. STUDY OVERSEAS "Fall. Spring. Summer terms" For information on programs, costs and procedures see the UNL Institute for International Studies, 1237 R Street. Room 201, 472-3076, Monday-Friday. 1-5:00 PM Last Chance For Spring Break 881 Limited space re mains at South Padre. North Padre, Daytona Beach, Fort Walton Beach and Stearrtboat, Colorado lor skiing Hurry, Call Sunchase Tours toll Iree 1-800-321-5911 for reserva tions and information TODAY Credit cards accepted Free University wants to helpyou take good care ol your Rat Register now lor Proper Care of your pet. Room,200 E Union. Make sure he/she is the right one. Free-U's class on Love, Sex and Choosing a Mate may be just what you need. Registration the week in CAP office. Rm 200 NE Union. ACTION/VOICE Senate debate Thursday. March 3 in the cnb at 3 pm Sponsored by the Arts A Sctenoes SAB ■ n ■ Mid-Week Mania Tuesday & Wednesday 6:30-Close • 75$ Draws • $2.25 Pitchers • 95$ Drinks • 95$ Longnecks • 95$ Canadian Imports Tuesday Burger Two-Fers 11 AM-10 PM Any two hamburgers ONLY $4.95 CHESTERFIELD’S & THE BIG RED POOL ROOM 13th &Que CHESTERFlELD’SjP , , , 1. 1 1 i » I t t I ; 11 * I t m • M t t » • H M I I ' M. • t 11 f 11 « < » t • r f • ■ i ; > r \.t ; i ‘ LENTEN VESPER SERVICE “WE HAVE SEEN JE SUS” Wed. Evenings Cornerstone-UMHE March 2, 9, 16 640 N. 16th St. 9-9:30 PM Join us for a quiet moment of prayer and meditation on the way to the Cross Krishnamurti: Here views fromthis religious philosopher along with a theoretical physicist and a psychiatrist. Free-U registration this week. Rm 200. NE Union. Students of UNL, Come VOICE your support at todays debate -12:00 noon in the Union. Improve any aspect of your life with Self-Hypnosis. Free-U registration this week in Rm 200 Nebraska Union. AZD _ TAN._OFF Pi Lambda Theta meeting Sunday, March 6 at 7:00 Nebraska Union, room to be posted. Bring money for jewelry. To be discussed: elections and interview fair. INFORMAL MEMORIAL SERVICE for JULIE A. BOYCE Died January 2. 1988 Wed. Mar. 2 Cornerstone-UMHE 7:30 PM 640 N. 16th St. Friends and classmates welcome. Pre-Law Meeting Wednesday at 7 pm in the Union. Officer nominations. Committees. ARE YOU TIRED OF LOSING MONEY WHEN YOU BUY AND SELL YOUR BOOKS? Only the ACTION party has definitive ideas to help students in this area _ Vote ACTION. LENTEN DRAMAS illustrate Chnst's |Ourney to the cross. Jom us tonight at 6 pm or 9:30 pm. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (LC-MS)-1510 Que-477-3997 ACTION Work night Wednesday at the DU HOUSE. Poster Patrol, Thursday and Saturday and don't forget about the meeting Sunday. Students for Hal Daub meeting Tuesday following College Republicans. * STUDENT FOUNDATION MEMBERS MANDATORY MEETING THURSDAY MGHT AT 5:30 IN THE CITY UNION PRE-LAW CLUB Meeting 700 pm Wednesday night Need a study break? Call 488-36421 ACTION GREEK AFFAIRS AOPi -and Michelob Light present Hooplt '88 if if FIG11 and 2 HEY GUYS! Ready for Saturday9 We are. and you know we are going to win Hoop-lt '88! Remember to bring your power, and who has the sexy legs for us? Don't forget to strut your stuff I See you Saturday morning I Love, Your Coaches Ann, Susie, Lorie and Jean Greek Dessert #3 An all Greek study break with 3 purposes: 1. Build unity in Greek System. 2. Have fun I 3. A time to kick back and relax in a unique way. The theme for this Greek Dessert is Love. Sex. and Dating, -featuring a 30 minute tak on, "What Does It Mean When Your Boy/Girlfriend says, 'I Love You'?" This exciting event will be hosted tonight from 10-11 pm in the Alpha Phi sorority. Be sure to bring a friend. Sponsored by Campus Crusade. Spikers of KKG, Winning isn't everything, but we had a blast. The Men of SAE Sigma Phi Epsilon Golden Hearts important meeting March 13,6:30 pm. Contact Chp Dreesen or Mike Ham for ?'s. Congratulations to Jimmy G. for being .mtiated into Phi Upsilon Omicron honorary and being elected as observer for A.S.I.D. The Men of Acacia Congrats on your little sister activation. Chi Phi - Kathy W, Kim B Ag Men - Penny H, Danene H, Michele F, Lisa S Theta Zi - Grace K Beta Sig - Melissa G Pi Kap - Erin A Love the women of Phi Mu Arriba' Arriba' Andole' Andole' Ptt-ESTA is coming' Farmhouee Team #2: We're set lor Saturdayl How about you? Rumor has it you guys have the sexiest legs ot allll Love, your coaches -Shell and Susan P. Tracy K (AOTT) and MAe O (Sigma Chi), Congratulations on your pinning) Love, The Women of AOTT HOOP-IT TEAMSI Start shootm' some hoops I AOPi A Michelob Light present HOOP-IT 88 March 5. Coliseum Open to the Public! Amy F. (ADPi): YOO RULE!! Thanks for putting up with all my zany antics this week. But just remember: Thursday is when the party really begins. So relax, shoot some hoops, fly a kite...the fun a on me! Have a good one. MOM (?) Acacia and Community Blood Bank Presents VEIN DRAIN March 3 Sign up in the City Union March 2 for a time Pi Kappa Phi little sisters meeting tonight 10:00 p.m. Officers 9:00 Upcoming events will be discussed MEN OF DELTA TAU DELTA: Congratulations on winning another Hugh Shields Award and being one of the top 5 Chapters in the nation. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ' Your education will not end with graduation. As a grad uate nurse at Rochester Methodist Hospital, you will receive a comprehensive twelve-week long orientation where you will further develop your professional skills Beyond orientation, you will have the challenges and the growth opportunities that a world-class medical center can provide. Spring graduates apply now for positions available in 1988. Starting salary $24,627. Attractive benefit package. Rochester Methodist Hospital is an 800-bed Mayo Foundation Hospital Choose challenge Choose growth. Choose Rochester Methodist Hospital Rochester Methodist Hospital, Personnel Services. Nursing Recruitment Section, 201 West Center Street. Rochester, MN 55902, (507) 286-7091 (Collect). Rochester Methodist Hospital A MA\0 lOUNOAIION IIOM’IIAI An Equal Opportunity Employet