The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1988, Page 3, Image 3

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    Impeachment impels RHA president to quit
By Victoria Ayotte
Staff Reporter
Russ Johnson resigned Friday as
Residence Hall Association presi
dent following the start of impeach
ment proceedings against him by the
RHA Senate Thursday night.
On Monday morning, another
RHA official followed suit.
Doug Breuer resigned Monday
from his position as RHA residen
tial enhancement director. Breuer
would not comment Monday on the
reasons for his resignation. Breuer
said he plans to tell RHA members
why he resigned at the organization’s
next meeting.
Johnson said Breuer resigned
because he was upset about the im
peachment proceedings.
Johnson said other executive
board members are also considering
Johnson said he resigned because
he didn’t want to deal with the situ
Vl' . • si :'•=
7 restored respect
in the office of
president of RHA. ’
ation,especially sincchisterm would
end in three weeks.
The call lor impeachment was “for
failure of Johnson to discharge the
duties of his office as of Feb. 8, 1988,
and for the commission of several acts
which were judged to be unfitting for
a person holding the office of RHA
President,” twelve RHA members
stated in a signed impeachment reso
lution Thursday.
Johnson said the senators were
trying to impeach him because they
wanted to ruin his good name.
“They arc well aware they do not
have a ease. I haven’t done anything
wrong, and they know that,” he said.
Johnson said the senators were
trying to impeach him because he
wasn’t doing die job die way they
“They had the impression that if
they said jump, the RHA president
would ask how high,” he said.
The RHA Senate didn’t appreci
ate his work, Johnson said, but he got
a lot of support from residents in the
form of 30 phone calls during the
Johnson said he was upset that he
didn’t know about the impeachment
resolution before it was passed.
“My hands arc cleaned, it’s the
senators’ hands that arc blood
stained,’’ he said.
Johnson said he has mixed feel
ings about leaving the office, because
he liked being an RHA member.
“I really fell in love with what 1
was doing. There were some really
good memories there,’’ he said.
But, Johnson said, al ter becoming
president he became disillusioned
with the office.
“One day 1 was out of energy. 1
was no longer happy with what I was
doing,’’ Johnson said. “I was just
going to ride out to the end of the
Johnson said he thinks he has
accomplished some things in his term
as president, such as helping Grcck
rcsidcncc hall relations.
“I restored respect in the office of
president of RHA,” he said.
Johnson was also hoping to get a
more organized RHA office that
would better serve students’ needs.
“But it all kind of fell short,” he
RHA isn’t an effective organiza
tion,^! it was going places under his
leadership, he said.
RHA will not become an effective
organization, he said, because no
body cares.
Johnson said the RHA makes ac
tive students feel they arc accom
plishing something, but the organiza
tion doesn’t really have a purpose.
Bill would make state IDs harder to get
By Larry Peirce
Staff Reporter
If LB 1008 gels first-round approval today,
the wishesof nine local liquor-business owners
will be one step closer to coming true.
Sen. Patricia Morehcad of Beatrice said
Monday that LB 1008, which requires that two
forms of identification be shown before a stale
ID can be issued, should be debated today for
about 15 minutes and then approved.
The only current requirement for a state ID
is a birth certificate, and liquor retailers have
told the Legislature they would like it changed
because minors are using adult birth certifi
cates to get IDs.
Even though the state IDs arc legal, some
liquor stores and bars arc cautious about accept
ing them as proof of age.
Todd Lohr, cashier at Herm’s Liquor Store,
1644 P St., said he is told to check IDs closely.
“Some people use them (state IDs) quite a
bit,” he said. “We ask for one or two other IDs.”
Lohr said if an ID is questionable, a cashier
can hold onto it and call the police for verifica
tion. He said minors don’t wait for police to
Several employees said they almost have to
accept the IDs, since they arc issued by the state
and arc supposed to be legal.
One liquor store manager, who said he
didn’t want his name or store mentioned, said
his store accepts the stale ID card without
question. He said it was the state’s responsibil
ity to check people out. However, he said, stale
ID cards arc too easy to get.
Jon Stenbergh, who checks IDs at the Royal
Grove Nile Club, 340 W. Cornhusker High
way, said he sees “quite a fe w” slate ID cards.
He said the stale ID should have more informa
tion about the card ’ s owner. S talc ID cards have
pictures and birth dates on them, but no physi
cal descriptions of the person.
One bar manager would like to see the stale
do more than make the state IDs harder to get.
Horny Bull Night Club at 2630 Cornhusker
Highway, said state liquor officials told him
there is no card that shows “definite proof’ of
a person’s age.
Gilman said the state should issue a special
ID for entering bars and buying liquor.
“They should have people come in and show
their right arm to prove their age,” he said.
Survey: Ag college must recruit
By Amy Edwards
Senior Reporter
University of Ncbraska-Lincoln agriculture
students said in a survey that the Agricultural
Advisory Board needs to address recruitment
for the College of Agriculture.
Although recruitment wasn’t a category on
the annual survey, it was the issue students
added to the survey the most, said Bryan
Kliewer, sophomore board member. Currently,
the Agriculture College has no recruitmcni
Kliewer said he and several other members
of the advisory board arc working to develop a
volunteer high-school graduate recruitment
program to help UNL compete with Kansas
State University and the University of Iowa.
Seventy-one UNL students said they would
be w i 11 i ng to work as vol un leer rcc r u i tc rs for t he
College of Agriculture.
Kliewer said without the survey, he
wouldn’t have known so many students were
concerned about recruitment in the college.
Kliewer said the survey is an attempt to let
agriculture students voice their opinions.
Too often, he said, the issues discussed at
student government meetings arc the concerns
of the board members, not the students they arc
The survey is given each year in beginning
level courses to get an equal distribution of
students, Kliewer said. Students rank the im
portance of issues the Agricultural Advisory
Board has discussed and can list issues they
think the board should address.
Kliewer said the survey is done at the end of
the fall semester each year, so the results arc
available to the new board after the Association
of Students of the University of Nebraska elec
tions in the spring.
Students ranked drop/add services on East
Campus as their biggest concern, belter infor
mation on scholarships second and parking
Drop/add services were offered on East
Campus this semester during free drop/add.
Kliewer said the Advisory Board is trying to get
the service continued during regular drop/add
Sometimes the board tries to cover loo many
issues and doesn’t do a good job with any of
them, Kliewer said.
The survey is a good way to narrow the
number of issues to the few that arc important
to students, he said.
John Bruce/Dailv Nebraskan
Library clinic simplifies research
By Larry Peirce
Suff Reporter
University of Nebraska Lincoln stu
dents can now learn to research papers with
.the help of a free clinic offered by Love
Three students and nine librarians are
helping students at the clinic, which began
Feb. 22 and will end April 8,
The students work ing at the clinic, cal led
peer information counselors, have been
“extensively trained” since last August,
said librarian Terry Nolan.
Nolan said the clinic is mainly for fresh
men or sophomores who need help with
fundamental research problems. He said
students working on advanced research can
receive help from librarians,
Many UNL students have never used a
library as large as Love Library, he said.
Love Library contains about 2 million
Nolan said die student counselors are
trained to research government documents,
business, humanities and social-science
sources. £
Students interested in the clinic should
sign up at the information desk in the Love
Library link.
Students must describe the paper they
want to write. This gives their interviewer
an idea of what to look for.
Nolan said students who use the clinic
are asked to evaluate the help they get from
the 30-»ninute interview.
“We’re hoping to find whether trained
students can do this or not,” he said.
If results reveal that student counselors
are effective, Nolan said, more may be used
in the future. He said using students for the
clinic allows librarians to do their regular
.-...-. ’■
CBA Action Council focuses on salary hikes
By Victoria Ayotte
Staff Reporter
Alumni of the University of Ne
braska-Lincoln College of Business
Administration have taken action to
improve the college anc! faculty/staff
members’ salaries.
Members of the CBA Action
Council, made up of businessmen,
students, parents and alumni, have
made promoting faculty and stall
salaries their major goal, said J.B.
Drcssclhaus, council chairman.
“We know that the College of
Business Administration cannot
stand alone on salaries,” he said.
Since the council was formed by
alumni last fall, members have sup
ported salary increases by sending
letters to editors, senators and the
University of Nebraska Board of
Regents, and by direct contact with
senators, Dresselhaus said.
Dresselhaus said members of the
council have made two appearances
before legislative committees to tes
tify for salary increases.
But he added, “We are not lobby
ists; we are educators.”
' CBA Dean Gary Schwendiman
said hiring the best faculty is crucial
to maintain UNL students’ competi
tiveness in the international market
and to make UNL’s education com
parable to that of other universities in
the area.
Schwendiman said CBA has six
faculty positions open. The college
recently lost one prospective profes
sor to Georgia Tech, he said.
“It’s a very, very competitive
market,” he said.
CBA now has 20 percent of UNL’s
students compared to 10 percent
when the college first opened. Dc
spite this increase, CBA still has the
same number of faculty,
Schvvendiman said.
Alumni of the college formed the
action council to create greater state
wide awareness and support for CBA,
Dressclhaus said.
The council has gained members,
said Mary,director of special
programs for CBA. Ten to 12 people
were recruited at the first meeting,
and now the council has about 120
members, she said.
“We felt we needed a mechanism
to gather information from citizens as
to what their needs arc,” Hard ing said.
The council is organized by legis
lative districts. The goal is to have
four members from each legislative
district: a parent, a businessman, a
student and an alumnus.
Bob Bcllchausen, alumni member
of the council, said CBA has a big
impact on Nebraska.
U S West’sdecision not to locate in
Nebraska demonstrates that a high
quality school makes a big difference,
he said.
Jan Thayer, a parent member of the
council, compared U S West’s deci
sion to the Russians’ launching Sput
nik before the United States.
The state realized it was behind as
far as UNL was concerned, she said.
Dressclhaus said the action coun
cil wants to add space to the college
and increase faculty positions.
Schwendiman said the college
gels $120,(XX) each year for new
equipment, which will make it one of
the best equipped colleges in the
country, but CBA has no place to put
that equipment.
CBA is also the most heavily used
college at UNL, he said. Other col
leges in the area have an average of
three times more space, he said.
Enrollment at CBA has increased
82 percent since the college first
opened, but it still operates in the
same space, Schwendiman said.
CBA currently ranks seventh on
the regents’ list for space improve
ments. The action council hopes to
move CBA to the regents’ top prior
ity, Schwendiman said.
Schwendiman said he would like
CBA to get 20 more faculty members.
The University of Iowa business
college lias 120 faculty members
compared to 68 at CBA,
Schwendiman said.
Dresselhaus said the action coun
cil is shooting for long-term goals.
“We know it’s not going to happen
in one, two or three years: w e re just
trying to help the College of Business
Administration in some of their pri
mary needs," he said.