it HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARI Have a good time tonightl Cyndi Shawn-boy, H you didn't want to have the primer for tonight at your plaoe, all you had to do was tell mel You didn't have to bum the whole apartment down I (and the hamster too...) "Always", Dawnie Michele and Teresa, Happy Birthday to two of my greatest friends I Steph 1. Molly (G-Phi), My Grandmommy is 211 Happy Birthday I Love, Angela Q. Who is tall, blonde, and having a birthday? A. CHAR Love, C & K Dear Scott I hope no one Kills you for that letter. Joe Sherry F. Happy Birthday to our 21 year old idol. Have a good one 11 S & H To The Ladies of Chi Omega, You are the greatest I Thanks to you all for such a wonderful dayl Tnanks also to the Sig Eps for the songs and rose. Everything was the best I I Love you all, Barb Andy H., Saw you in ECU (2/'11) 6 pm. Would like to meet you. Interested? RSVP. J&J CHILD CARE Female tocare for two children (10 and 12) on Saturdays. Call 488 8814 Wanted: Responsible, non smoking, female to watch 3 year old girl evening hours in my home. Call 475-1104 weekdays between 9:00-2:30 or anytime on weekends. HELP WANTED AMIGOS REUMON CENTER OPEMNG SOON $3.75 to start (M-F day or closing shifts). Up to $4 25 after experience Great work environment. 50% meal discount. Paid vacation Flexible schedule. S.T.E.P. Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarship Plan Up to 40% college tuition reimbursement depending upon college, work availability & job tenure. Amigos, an expanding quality oriented mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time & full-time |ob opportuni ties at it's newest location in Lincoln at The Reunion Center. If you are an aggressive customer oriented person & like to work at a fast intense pace, apply NOW at Amigo's. 1407 Q Street. _ SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: boy's counselors, girl's counselors, lifeguards, waterfront director, wranglers, crafts instruc tor. maintenance person, assistant cook, and health care supervisor Call or write Camp Office 1039 "P' Street. Lincoln. NE 68508 (402)475-9622 DANCERS WANTED Toplessornon topless Earn up to $8 00/hour part-time Must be 18 or older. Call 474 6469 after 12:00 noon. Cashier wanted, 3pm-7:30pm, Monday Saturday Apply at 1745 O COMPUTER PROGRAMMER To revise NCR 8271 system (COBOL), and work toward up and down loading into IBM PC s Apply at 1112 "O" Street Stephenson School Supply No Phone Calls Please. Earn $50-5100 per day marketing credit cards to stu dents on your campus. Work F/T or P/T. Call 1-800 932 0528 __ CAMP COUNSELORS - Male-female Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Campus: Tennis, dance, slimnastics, WSI. athletics, nutrition/dietetics Age 20*. 7 weeks CAMPCAMElOTon COLLEGECAMPUSESat Massa chusetts, Pennsylvania, No Carolina, California Con tact Michele Friedman. Director. 947 Hewlett Drive. No. Woodmere. N Y. 11581.800 421 4321 Jon’s Notes Part time office help 1 30-4 M/W-'F, 2-4 M F Type 65 wpm. Macintosh Apply at Jon's Notes in upper level of Nebraska bookstore. MARKET RESEARCH ANALYST Several part time positions now open. Desirable candi - date will have experience in market research for retail and-or heallh care clients Necessary qualifications include BA or BS in Marketing or related held, 2 semesters of Statistics, including Multivariate Statistics; working knowledge of SPSS or SPSSX, excellent oral and written communication skills, experience in survey development and research design Position will involve analyzing survey results and writing reports Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience Position will be on call with variable hours Posstoility for full-time employment based on ability. Please bring resumes, references, and writing samples to: National Resource Corporation Golds Galleria. 4th Floor 1033 0 Street SUMMER JOB INTERVIEWS: Average earning* $3,100. Gain valuable experience in advertising, sales and public relations selling yellow page adver tising (or the Nebraska Telephone Directory. Travel opportunities. Expense paid training program in Chapel Hill, NC. Looking for enthusiastic, goal-ori ented students for challenging, well-paying summer Job. Sian upforinterviewswith University Directories at the Office of Scholarship* & Financial Aid by March PART-TIME TELLER Part-time teller position available immediately at Main Bank. Hours 11:30a.m.-5:30p.m. M-F. Minimum quali fications: cash handling experience, good communica tion skills necessary, high school diploma or equivalent. M ust be able to work the regular hours throughout school and summer months. Apply in person 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. M-F in Human Resources Division, lower level. Main Bank Firstier Bank 13th and M EOE/M/F Room, board, and salary. South Lincoln. All students are okay. Help with general housekeeping for 4 elderly ladies. Nicehome. No calls between 1-3pm. CallGayle 483 5385. Taco Inn Gateway Part-time lunch help needed. Apply anytime in Gateway Food Court or call Kelly 464-1390. Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department |ob opportuni ties for: assistant pool managers, lifeguards, and cash iers. Contact the Athletics and Aquatics Office 3001 S 9th 471-789?. EF/OA Weekend hours available. Need sewing and craft expe rience Apply at Northwest Fabric $ Crafts, Gateway, 464 3935. ROOMMATES 3BR Duplex between campuse*. Washer/Dryer, Dish washer, more extra’s. S12b/month 474-1430. Male roommate 1/5 utilities. $50 deposit. $100/month. For March. Move in now? 476-1836. Need one M/F to share 3-bedroom apartment at 24th and D. Dishwasher, washer/dryer. $160 plus 1/3 utilities. Call Nancy or Gonzo 477-2765 Non-smoking female with good housekeeping habits. Share large home one block from East Campus. Equal share of utilities $155/month. 464-5226. Wanted: Male roommate good location $125 call Mke or Joel 435-5263. ROOMS FOR RENT Small,furnished room in totally remodeled house at 1144 F. Kitchen and lounge privileges. Everything is newl $150-month. All utilities paid. 475-0884 423-9800 HOUSES FOR RENT 3+ bedroom, parking, garage, dose to UNL, 728 N 20th. $550/month. 475-1579. 488-0061. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE lEiNlplsBBlElsl°K [~L O oTBBa MARA [superhuman I A IIP L A U o' M swds T j Cl A P| I T A _L SlBE A R N SB A L MjE ■ s' ' lOlGliA D I ols M'dWf LEE Tpl I M A lUr E P u| l|s|e|d[ GAL O PllL E S TpjpBI u « I M A C E SfllR A N G E 7 R O O MBIa S' T O U N D I N cT A T U ABT 0 A D S||^ 0 1 T "EtE|s|slElslTlEIElRlElDls |^Spec/a/s For All I 99C call drinks | 99C imports I 99C ice cream drinks I $1.49 pitchers I fyfingfes "t Beautiful 4+ bedroom home. Ideal for students. 621 N. 24th. $550/month. 475-1579, 488-0061._ Two bedroom clean, shower, appliances, 30th & Hodrege; $285. 475-6669. Welovestudentsl ThreeBedroomat 1404N. 24th. $345/ month, 423-1535. APARTMENTS FOR RENT East Campus. Suitable for single person. Basement apartment, $195. Call 472-2175 or 489-6668. 2403 Lynn Tired of living in a dull apartment? How about abright one bedroomwith patio doors facing east? You can have this plus cable and close to campus. $255 + deposit and utilities. 464-7977. AVAILABLE SOON Quiet, newer 2-bedroom, all electric, appliances, laun dry, parking, no pets. $345+. 1910 Knox. 435-7770,477 7684._ Available March 1—2 Bedroom apartment, 1900 Knox. $345.00 per month plus deposit and electricity. Cable is free. Lease until July 31. Contact Margaret. 477-7684 $150 DEPOSIT and move in 2504 Vine. 1 bedroom. Ceiling fan, all kitchen appliances, no rent until March 489-3387, 476-8856. ABC RENTAL 2301 A 475-7262 1-bedroom, laundry, bus. $240 East Campus One bedroom, one block from campus in brick 12-plex. Off-street parking and laundry facilities. Call Mega at 475 8407._ Efficiency apartment, 14th & E. $175/month. 474-5830, leave message. NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new, 2 bedroom, from $335 a month. 474 1064, 477-4434. One bedroom also available, S275. One bedroom, close to campus, 2513 S Street. Recently remodeled, appliances, off street parking. A/C, $200/ month + utilities and deposit. Available now 488-2088. Two coeds to share very nice, newer home completely furnished including laundry. All utilities paid. Very accessible to campus $250 each. Send references to PJDJiox 851MUinooln, NE 68501. Available March 1 $50 DISCOUNT Nice, newfv remodeled, furnished, efficiency, 502 South 12. Laundry, security building $195. Zimmer Management. 475-0180. LOST & FOUND Summer Editor in Chief The editor is one of the most powerful students on campus. He or she formulates editorial policies, oversees newsroom operations, hires the editorial staff and reports to the Publications j Board. The summer edition of the Daily Nebraskan publishes weekly during the two 5-week summer sessions plus a special New Student Enrollment issue. Applicants must be UNL students this spring, summer or fall and have at least one year of newspaper experience. Applications and samples of j writings (preferably editorials or columns) must be submitted by 5 p.m., Feb. 26. UN 1 ctes rut diBXta’i.mfte in its acacfcric, adriasicr* ctr srpjcyr*r£. prognns aid art das fcy ail federal regula Licrs pa tarring to sane. BLOOM COUNTY By BerKe Breathed __■ — i "i i ■ I meep m gooKStDRe I FOR 56LF-HELP500KS I AREN'T THEY TO HELP ME CORE WITH I WONPERFUL t or/ ootp-UFe snit... I I a vbritaoce 1 1 TOWER OF RSYCHOOAB&Le / MY (rOOPNZtt, rr'9 ORSAT TO LIVE /N AN tee wherb we EMOTIONALLY PI5COM9O0ULATEP CAN 50 EXPERTLY TREAT vm&Lve5\ WHAT, OH WHAZ I i Mm OUR. TAKEN I ANCESTORS A HOT t HAVE PONE ?' BATH. Found: Pair of Calvin Klein glasses in front of Nebraska Historical Society. 476-7430 to claim. Lost: Blue book bag between 22nd & Vine and City Campus, Friday 12th. Call477-6840or 475-2242, ask for Kevin. LOST: COMP BOOK 2-24-88 IN CY THOMPSON IMPORTANT SEMESTER NOTES CALL 474-7504. LOST: Guy's class ring - gold with blue stone. H found call 421-3795. ADOPTION EMPTY NURSERY Loving couple with warm extended family longs to adopt a baby. Your special neMfeorn will have more love and happiness than anv baby in the world. Expenses paid. Call Michelle and Spencer, collect, 212-473-3421. LOVING. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE WISHES TO ADOPT BABY AND PROVIDE WITH BEST OF EVERY THING. PLEASE CALL BARBARA COLLECT: 206 765-3187 (DAYS). 208-772-7638 (EVES). SOCIAL SERVICES PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT 7s a confidential helping hand. Call usl 483-2609. I ELYSIUM crossing ROUND! :—-.-fra_ T8VGRN i i- ■ — ■■ ■ "" - i THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I-1 fbVvY'C)