RHA begins presidential impeachment process By Janel Fuhrman Staff Reporter University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Residence Hall Association unani mously passed a resolution in execu tive session on a secret ballot to start impeachment proceedings against Russ Johnson, president of the asso ciation. Peg Kalvoda, RHA treasurer, said the Senate went into executive ses sion because senators were uncertain if the bill would be passed and they wanted to prevent the information from being released before the Senate came to a decision. Executive sessions require that only official members be present. The call for impeachment was “for failure of Johnson to discharge the duties of his office as of Feb. 8,1988, and for the commission of several acts which were judged to be unfitting for a person holding the office of RHA President,” twelve RHA members stated in the signed impeachment resolution. Johnson was given previous writ ten and oral notice to be present to represent himself, but because of a previous engagement was unable to attend, said Shari Klippenstein, RHA adviser. Johnson could not be reached for comment This is only the first step in the impeachment process. Next, RHA will file a petition with the RHA Judicial Board, which will then vote on whether to impeach, said Harper Sen. Chris Lehan. A two-thirds vote is needed for impeachment, he said. The specific reasons behind the impeachment are being withheld pending a RHA Judicial Hearing. In other business, ACTION candi dates for ASUN Jeff Petersen, Nate Geisert and Kim Beavers told RHA members they would like to see better communication between ASUN and residence hall students. UNL organization helps needy families By Adam T. Branting Staff Reporter Five members of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Student Social Work Organization got a taste of their profession Thursday by helping the Nebraska Department of Social Services distribute food to needy families. The group helped other vol unteers distribute rice, flour, cheese and powdered milk at the Naval Reserve Building, 1625 N. 10th St. More than 7,000 families received goods in the quarterly government program in the last two days. Three semi-truckloads of food were distrib uted. Brenda Bagger, president of the UNL social work organization, said the project changed her views on who she thought would receive govern ment assistance. Families and the elderly are helped, she said. The students got favorable com ments from Doug Fleischer, coordi nator for the food distribution. Fleis cher said he enjoyed the students and they were a valuable source of help. “It’s the community helping the community,” he said. “(Volunteer ing) makes people feel good, and it’s a less dollar cost.” Bagger said the student group is organized with the University of Nebraska at Omaha School of Social Work for undergraduates. Bagger said UNL and UNO clubs have three goals this year: to support one an other, to get some recognition for the group and to do projects for the good of the community. “All the different people are inter ested in different things, but the idea of helping people is kind of what brings us together as a group,” Bagger said. Scott Goering, a UNL senior and member of the student group, said members “try to help contribute to social work as a whole, and it’s a good experience.” The group now has 17 members, and anyone with a social-work major can join. “Social work is becoming a good field to get into; there is more money now,” Bagger said. “Also, I think students are, in general, returning to care about people.” Black athletes topic of Edwards speech By Anne Mohri Senior Reporter Harry Edwards, professor of soci ology at the University of California at Berkeley, will speak on the exploi tation of black athletes tonight in the Nebraska Union. Edwards will speak on the impor tance of school books rather than play books for black athletes, said Tonya Hom, chairperson of Black Special Events. The exploitation of black athletes begins at home and contin ues through to college sports, Hom said. She said coaches make prom ises to athletes that are not always kept. Edwards also blames athletes for their own exploitation, Horn said, because they need to take care of themselves. Horn said black athletes often go through college without learning because they plan on playing profes sional sports. Some athletes graduate from college and are unable to make a professional team. Horn said some times the athletes are unable to read. Horn said Edwards will talk about the importance of blacks in profes sional sports administration. Edwards spoke at the Big Eight Black Student Government Confer ence in 1987 at the University of Oklahoma, she said. University of Nebraska-Lincoln students who attended the confer ence said they wanted Edwards to speak here because his message was dynamic and they saw similar prob lems with the black athletes at UNL. Horn said the students wanted UNL’s black athletes to hear him speak. Although students can no longer buy tickets for the banquet before the speech, they can purchase tickets to hear Edwards in the Nebraska Union Ballroom, she said. Edwards is scheduled to speak at about 8 p.m. Tickets are $2 for non-students and $1 for students. I BUY 1,GET 2 FREE! Buy any Pizza with One or More Toppings and Get 2 More Toppings FREE! Ho c6ssatV ft ; n*** | 1 Medium 12" Cheese Pizza Plus Additional Items: . Black Olives Pineapple Green Olives Green Peppers Pepperoni Sausage Mushrooms Ground Beef Smoked Ham Extra Cheese Onions Extra Thick Crust 'ilapenos DELIVERS Our drivers carry less than $20. Limited Delivery Area. *> 1986 Domino's Pizza. Inc. 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