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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1988)
. Pase Mowc Tlio-pcf KS-prsl Nebraskan 2 lN ^ \J ^ ^ Edited By BoB Ne SOn Tuesday, February 23,1988 Officials order treaty pace increase MOSCOW — The United States and Soviet Union told their negotia tors Monday to draft anti-cheating and other key provisions of a new arms agreement within a month so the treaty can be signed this spring. Defense Minister Dmitri T. Yazov said the Soviets would begin withdrawing shorter-range SS-12 missiles from East Germany and Czechoslovakia late this month as a display of goodwill. The missiles must be eliminated under the inter mediate-range arms pact signed in December. Secretary of State George P. Shultz reported progress on human rights and emigration, and professed not “the slightest doubt” that Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev would make good on his pledge to pull Soviet military forces out of Af ghanistan. A joint statement said progress was made toward banning chemical weapons and verifying nuclear test limits set by unratified 1974and 1976 treaties. A report by the official news agency Tass, however, quoted Gor bachev as telling Shultz the U.S. stand on a chemical weapons ban “hampers the working out of an inter national convention.” Addressing a news conference about arms negotiations, Shultz said it was “extremely important” to ac celerate work in Geneva if President Reagan and Gorbachev are to sign the treaty at their fourth summit, planned for May or June in Moscow. He spoke after two days of talks with Gorbachev and Foreign Minis ter Eduard A. Shevardnadze. Shultz said anti-cheating measure espe cially were “an extremely important thing to gel nailed down” in a pact on strategic, or long-range, nuclear weapons. Shevardnadze told his own news conference later the meeting pro duced headway toward agreement to cut strategic nuclear weapons, which he said “can be accomplished” be fore the summit. Both men said their Geneva nego tiators were instructed to work out the key elements in time for their next meeting, March 22-23 in Washing ton. Church officials take up Swaggart’s case ALEXANDRIA, La—Television evangelist Jimmy Swaggart was summoned to appear before elders of the Assemblies of God on Monday, one day after he delivered a tearful confession of sin and stepped down from the pulpit. “I think he is a man of integrity. I think he made a mistake. I don’t think it’s a fatal mistake,” Cecil Janway, district superintendent of the 2 mil lion-member Assemblies of Cod, said late Sunday. The evangelist flew from his head quarters in Baton Rouge to Alexan dria where he was expected to meet with the district presbytery. Jan way said the group would report its find ings privately to the general council of the country’s largest Pentecostal denomination, in Springfield, Mo. Swaggart did not describe his misconduct Sunday in his confession, which drew gasps and tears from his congregation. An overflow crowd packed his 7,500-seat family worship center af ter reports that church officials had been given photographs purporting to show Swaggart and a known prosti tute going into and out of a motel room. The Washington Post reported Monday, quoting a source who spoke to a Jimmy Swaggart World Minis tries board member, that Swaggart said he did not engage in sexual inter course with the woman but “paid her to perform pornographic acts.” The evangelist had confessed to a fascination with pornography stem ming from his boyhood, the source said. Cal Thomas, a columnist who once worked for the Rev. Jerry Fal well and has written about the evan gelical movement, said the same thing Friday on ABC-TV. The Rev. William Bibb, pastor of the First Assembly of God Church in Baton Rouge, said the denomination’s rehabilitation proc ess usually calls for a minister to stop preaching for a year. UPI ‘frozen’ while company’s future studied WAS HINGTON—The new managers of United Press International said Monday that “everything is frozen” at the wire service for at least two months w hile they study the company s future. Paul Steinle, UPI’s new president, said that the new management team has not decided on what course to follow with the financially ailing C0IWhile Steinle would not deal in specifics, he said he believes that America’s news executives “want two wire services” but he said he still needs to talk with people in the news industry because he and others want UPI to become a “market-driven company.” Meantime, he said, “everything is frozen with no hinngs or firings or changes in its services scheduled for at least two months. Proponent says lottery would benefit education Slate Sen. Stan Schellpeper of Stanton says a statewide lottery could j generate much needed revenue to fund education. But Schellpeper was the only person to speak in support of Legisla- j tive Resolution 252, a proposed constitutional amendment to allow voters to direct the Legislature to set up such a lottery with proceeds ! going to education. Seven people spoke against the measure. Schellpeper said lotteries have been around for a long time and arc in use in 28 states and the District of Columbia. He said the people who participate in other forms of gambling — namely horse racing and pickle cards — aren’t the same as those who would play the lottery, so those already legalized forms of gambling wouldn’t be hurt by the lottery. j Reagan renews attack on Democratic welfare bill WASHINGTON—President Reagan Monday renewed his attack on a Democratic welfare reform bill and cautioned the nation’s governors against looking to Washington for solutions to the problems of child care. . His remarks were a disappointment for governors lobbying for Senate passage of a welfare reform bill, including Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, a Democratic presidential hopeful. Dukakis told reporters on the White House lawn, “A number of us arc disappointed that die administration won’t support the governors’ welfare reform bill and 1 think we are going to push very hard to get them to do that.” Court rejects fundamentalist attack on school text WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court dealt a blow to religious fundamentalists -* Monday when it killed a challenge to the re quired use of “godless” textbooks in Tennessee public schools. Ending one of the most widely publicized frecdom-of-religion cases in recent years, the justices, without a recorded dissenting vole, rejected an appeal by seven families. Monday’s action left intact a federal appeals court ruling that said it was constitutional to require fundamentalist Christian children to read the objectcd-to books. Beverly LaHaye, president of Concerned Women for America, a conservative group that aided the families’ legal battle, said following Monday’s ruling, “a dark cloud of religious oppression looms over America’s school houses today.” “Religious tolerance in our nation’s class rooms has been dealt a devastating blow,” Mrs. LaHaye said. Mike Farris, a lawyer for Concerned Women, called on bom-again Christian fami lies in the school district involved to remove their children from public schools. “I hope ... there is a mass exodus from the public school system tomorrow, or at least by next fall,” Farris said. But Tennessee Attorney General W.J. Mi chad Cody praised the court action, saying, “Any alternative disposition would have been the cause of chaos in the school system." The Court was at full strength for the first time in eight months with the addition of An thony M. Kennedy. The Tennessee textbook controversy began in 1983, when the Hawkins County Board of Education adopted a new reading list for stu dents in grades one through eight. Pupils ini tially were allowed to read from other text books if they desired, but the school board later eliminated that alternative. Ail county schoolchildren were required to read the chosen textbooks or leave public school. The seven families sued the county school board in late 1983, listing more than 300 objec tions to the assigned readings. The law suit objected on religious grounds to themes or passages in, among other, such works as “The Wizard of Oz” and “Cinderella," sci ence fiction by Isaac Asimov, fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen and stories by anthro pologist Margaret Mead. The lawsuit said the objcctcd-to books vio lated the families’ beliefs by teaching evolu tion, secular humanism, the occult, feminism and other beliefs, theories or philosophies they consider gtxllcss. Act of heroism forgotten by hero SALT LAKE CITY — A man who helped rescue an elderly woman from one of Amtrak Train i No. 342’s smoke-filled cars in I Nebraska over the weekend says he didn’t remember his act of heroism until someone told him about it A Saturday fire in Hastings killed a crewman, injured 19 others and damaged two cars on the 14-car . California Zephyr. Among the weary passengers I getting off the train in Salt Lake City Sunday morning was Pete Trimble. “I didn’t even remember (rescu ing the woman) until someone told ; me I was the guy that went back in,” said Trimble, who was traveling to California on a business trip. Trimble said he was in his sleep ing compartment when the 2:35 a.m. fire broke out on the train as it > pulled into the Hastings station. ‘‘I heard someone next door yell get dressed fast,” Trimble recalled, i *‘I opened the curtain and saw smoke in the hallway.” Trimble, who was riding in the car immediately behind the burning crew car, rushed outside and said he heard knocking on the train win dow. Thinking a child was trapped inside, he warned a firefighter. While the firefighter ran for additional equipment, Trimble and ! another man ran inside the smoke filled car to find an elderly woman. As they rushed her outside, the Andy Manhart/Daily Nebraskan woman was overcome by the fumes and fainted. Trimble said he wasn’t scared until he had left the burning train and realized what had happened. Susan Juvdirc, another passenger debarking in Salt Lake City, said authorities handled the fire well, but she was unhappy with a near 10 hour delay. “It seemed to have been handled pretty well, but they could have kept us better informed about the delay,” she said. However, Amtrak Supervisor Leon Batanian said scheduling in formation was readily available to those who asked. Nineteen Amtrak employees and Eassengers were taken to a Hastings ospital where 12 were admitted and seven were treated and released. Captors give demands BEIRUT, Lebanon — The kid nappers of a U.S. Marine officer re leased a videotape Monday in which he recited their demands, including withdrawal by Israel from its border “security zone” in south Lebanon. Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, who appeared to be reading from a text written by his captors, said President Reagan “has to take responsibility for the crimes he has committed against the oppressed people in the region.” Higgins was abducted last Wednesday on a highway south of Tyre, the ancient port 50 miles south of Beirut. A group calling itself the Organi zation of the Oppressed on Earth, which claimed responsibility for the abduction, released the 70-second tape. The kidnapping increased friction between two Shiite Moslem forces vying for domination in south Leba non; the moderate Amal militia, which is trying to rescue Higgins, and Hezbollah, or Party of God, which is loyal to Iran. Albion wrestler Bill Ransen’s name was misspelled in a cutline in Monday’s Daily Nebraskan. In the article, “Inmates show gang youths prison life,” Jasper Falkner is the chairperson of Project Youth, the program which was scheduled last Saturday. Project Youth, part of the Seventh Step Foundation, started in 1979, not 20 years ago. NelSaskan Editor Mike Rellley 472-1766 Managing Editor Jen Dasalms Assoc News Editors Curl Wagner Chris Anderson Editonal Page Editor Diana Johnson Wire Editor Bob Nelson Copy Desk Editor Joan Rezac Sports Editor Jett Apel Arts & Entertain ment editor Geoft McMurtry Asst Arts & Entertainment Editor Micki Haller Graphics Editor Tom Lauder Asst Graphics Editor Jody Beam Photo Chief Mark Davis Night News Editors Joeth Zucco Scott Harrah Art Director John Bruce General Manager Daniel Shattll Production Manager Katherine Pollcky Advertising Manager Marcia Miller Asst Advertising Manager Bob Bates Publications Board Chairman Don Johnson, 472- 3611 Professional Advisor Don Walton 473- 7301 The Daily Nebraskan (IJSPS l44-080)it Rublishod by the UNL Publications Bnara lebraska Union 34, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb (except holidays); weekly dunng the surrme session. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan Dy phoning 472-1763 between 9 a m and 5 pmv Monday through Friday. The public also vz access to the Publications Board For informa tion, contact Don Johnson, 472-3611 Subscription price is $35 lor one year Postmaster Send address changes totN Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,140_ St„ Lincoln, Neb 68588 0448 Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 19«« DAILY NEBRASKAN