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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1988)
Suppression of gays, pay unfair Homosexual prejudice reflects historical hate It is very interesting that Jon Dewsbury has chosen to respond to Rodney A. Bell II’s guest opinion in such a manner (Letters, Feb. 16). The prejudices you have for homosexuals reflect the same igno rance and haired toward “unpopular groups” that have created the ideo logical backbone for Nazi Germany, the Ku Klux Klan and white su premacists, just to mention a few hale groups. These biased and intolerant views are based on the same ones that kept the black in the field and the woman in the kitchen, murdered mill ions of Jews, and refused to al low non-Christian religions a voice in this country. If you represent the “majority” as you say you do, then the melting pot of the United States has developed a crack. The crack only allows for the freedom of the “acceptable” expres sion of a very few, and suppression for everyone else. Kristine L. Wood junior biology Sexual preference ‘God-given instinct’ “Contempt prior to further inves tigation is a sure sign of ignorance.” — Herbert Spencer In response to the letter written by Jon Dewsbury (Letters, Feb. 16), I would like to pose this question to him: Who made you God, sir? And, while you are so viciously condemn ing homosexuals, why don’t you add blacks, foreigners, women and handicapped people to that list? Why is it whenever there is some one different from ourselves we feel the imperious need to damn them? Is it not because of our own insecurities that we fear looking at another person’s point of view or lifestyle? Why are we so quick to judge? I think it’s sad that in the 1980s we still have racial prejudice, sexism and dis crimination based on someone’s sexual orientation so prevalent in our society. Furthermore, why should homo sexuals have to adapt as you sug gested by going “back to the closet.” I mean, what “causes” a person’s heterosexuality or homosexuality anyway? I feel that sexuality of any type is a God-given instinct, neither to be despised nor loathed. Judi Unger junior music Workers should earn what they are worth This is lo declare my extreme opposition to LB 1096 as reported in the Daiiy Nebraskan (Feb. 9), and to pledge my support to all who share my concordance with Sen. Ernie ^Chambers and the Nebraska Coali tion for Women. The bill is an affront to human dignity. It devalues the labor of a segment of the population who, by virtue of their status, should have their wages increased if a change be made at all. From the words of Dairy Queen operator Paul Eldicn, “Most student employees are in a transitional stage between unskilled and skilled labor,” arc we to infer that the possession of a college degree is a prerequisite to serving the public ice cream? Or that all of Eldicn’s non-student work force arc college graduates? This is typical of employers; they love to revel in the respectability and virtue of their own trade and enumerate its various “professional” demands. It represents either an unsound appraisal of reality or an inferiority complex. Let us not equate soda jerking with social work, accounting and finance, leaching, and the like. But to the point, 1 venture that some of Eldien’s non-student employees do not have college degrees. This being the ease, should not the stu dents, who have the benefit of “some” higher education under their belts, be paid more, not less than the others? This is not a demand, but serves only to highlight the reverse logic of Eldien’s proposal. I also suggest that if businesses have pains in the scheduling of stu dent workers, they should cease from such an unhealthy practice. I shudder to think that I could vex my employer to that extent. Students do not require your patience and charity. Why is it that countless employers arc con vinced of the enormous favor they extend to their workers? 1 speak here not with reference to studcnlcmploy ccs alone. Employers behave as if all the benefits of the relationship were conferred upon a single party, the employee. It is not conceivable that the employer should receive parity through the cmploycc,\s labor. Em ployers so often perceive an imbal ance in the pact in which they them selves play the role of a kindly, big hearted benefactor — one who sacri fices profits to bolster American youth and insure the future of this “great nation.” Shall we not, at the foot of the Capitol, erect a memorial to the patriotic efforts of these em ployers? If students can’t do the job, fire them; if they perform their tasks satisfactorily, give them their just dues. Remember, our incomes are lower than the employers’, and the “kids” support them. My grandmother began her col lege career at age 61 equipped with decades of skilled work experience. She also maintained an expensive household whose various annual taxes are in excess of $2,000. Thank goodness she was a resident of Pcnn sylvaniaand not subject to the hypoc risy of an LB 1096. What would the consequence have been had her employer dec ided to com prom i se her deservedly handsome wage as a tech nical drafter solely on the basis of her status as a student? Here is my de mand: Equal pay for equal work! (1 have heard that remark before some where.) Marty Howell senior English/sociology Unsigned editorials represent offi cial policy of the spring 1988 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Its mem bers are Mike Rcilley, editor; Diana Johnson, editorial page editor; Joan Rezac.copy desk editor; Jen Deselms, managing editor; Curt Wagner, asso ciate news editor; Scott Harrah, night news editor and Joel Carlson, colum nist. Editorials do not necessarily re fleet the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. The Daily Nebraskan’s publishers are the regents, who established the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set oy the regents, responsibility for the edito rial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student edi tors. .. .Contact Travel— Summer 1988 Europe Airfare Sa<e! Purchase tickets by Feb. 29th, travel anytime for great discounts Frankfurt save $254 Amsterdam save $216 * Munich save $254 Save $100 per person on hotel bookings, paid by March 15 (minimum 7 nights) Eurail Passes from $298 * Britrail Passes from $166 Call for special rates on Youth Passes for travelers under 25. Free passport photos when you book your ^x international travel with us. 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