The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 22, 1988, Page 11, Image 11
[Coach optimistic after tie with Sooners I NEUMANN from Page 10 neously on two mats. The 118 through 150-pound weight classes wrestled on one mat, while the 158 through heavyweight classes wrestled on the other. The Huskers won the first three matches against Oklahoma and took an early 9-0 lead. But the Sooners quickly tied the dual in the next three matches, and the team score remained tied going into the final two matches. ■ — At 150, Oklahoma’s William “Junior” Taylor, ranked No. 10 in the nation, decisioncd Keenan Turner 9 5. Taylor originally had signed with Nebraska in 1983 and qualified for the NCAA Championships at 142 that year. He moved to 150 the next season — the same year Turner be came a Huskcr. Taylor was dismissed from the team later that season. “Taylor against Turner was an emotional match for everyone in volvcd, since Taylor used to wrestle here,” Neumann said. The dual came down to the final match in the heavyweight division. Nebraska’s Joe Malcccck defeated the Sooncrs’ Mark Tatum, ranked eighth in the nation in his class, 7-4 to ensure the tie. Neumann said he was counting on Turner winning his match and Malcccck coming up short in his. “Honestly, I thought it was going to end up in a tic, but not that way,” he said. “Malcceck beating Tatum that way was a real big step for him.” Malcceck called the match his best performance of the season. “It was the first time this season that I beat somebody I wasn’t sup posed to beat,” Malcceck said. Other Husker winners against Oklahoma included Terry Cook at 118, Wallace Dawkins at 126, Dave Rowe at 132 and Jeff Coltvet at 158. Against Northern Illinois, the Huskers won their first five matches and drew a forfeit on the sixth to put the dual away early. Highlights in cluded Cook’s 21-6 technical fall against Scott Swanson at 118 and Dave Drocgemueller’s 16-0 techni cal fall against Mike Gonio at 134. Nebraska, now 7-9-1 in dual competition, will finish its dual sea son Wednesday at Drake University in preparation for the Big Eight ^ Championships March 6 at Norman, Okla., and the NCAA Champion ships the next week at Ames, Iowa. * FOR SALE Condo, close to capital,' bedroom. New carpet, paint and bath fixtures. Large living room/dinmg area, stove and refrigerator $30,000. 423-2210. CIGARS FOR PINNING Cliffs Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street NEW LOCATION 476 0119 Mountain Bike 1986 specialized Rockhopper $350 Windsurfer Freestyle $350; GREAT SHAPE!! Call After 5 at 413-6701._ Used Olivetti electronic typewriters. $500. See Dan al the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street 472 1769. VEHICLES FOR SALE 7984 Honda Interceptor 1000 9400 miles. Great condi tion. $24C0 or best offer. Call Terry at 476-0975. SERVICES AVIS PROFESSIONAL typing & WORD PROCESSING Resumes, term papers,masters/doctrites, books, misc. typing, laser/letter quality printers, copier, Dictaphone. Near UNL campus Experience the professional differ ence Call 435-AVIS. MY OFFICE 421 South 9th Street, Suite 107 474-6345 Resumes, reports and morel Quality typing, quick turn around on most projects. 10% off with this ad PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced. ZAGEH STUDIO 423-2709 TYPEWRITERS WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 No'lh I3th St. 4 74 -4136 NO COST ACNE CARE! If you are a student covered by insurance, you may have your acne treated at no cost including medications. Family Dermatology, 483-7806 TYPING & RESUMES RESUME SERVICE Nebraska Bookstore 1300 0 Street One page resume only $12 95 COPYCENTER AVAILABLE EXECUTIVE RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphics Free Initial Consultation Suite 111, 1919 So 40th 489-WORD WORD GRAPHIC -^ RESUMES $ 5 ^ SSo^^^SSSSw?iSISSrA5,CA j WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hin*. 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers Quality work Reasonable prices. COPY SERVICE-reduct'ons and enlargements WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes, Reports, etc 489 WORD PEREECfWORD TYPING SERVICE Reasonable rates—quality service. Call Connie at 466 8751 after 4. AMERICA S OLDEST AND LARGEST PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing 'Printing Competitive prices - Student discounts. RESUMES 10% OFF WITH THIS ADI Lifetime nationwide updating. 475-6738 3701 O St. #87 ANNOUNCEMENTS MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 22 DIALOGUES IN CHRISTIAN FAITH "Does Sexuality Only Mean Intercourse?" 6:00-7:00 PM Harper/SchramrrvSmith - Smith Main Lounge Selleck Quad. - Athletic Dining Room Burr/Fedde/Love - Burr Pit Sponsors: Housing/Residential Education Umhe-Lincoln Hey you I Couch potato! Yes YOUI Learn to do something with your money! Come hear investment brokers speak on "Socially Responsible Investing" Tuesday the 23rd, 3:30 in the Union. Room posted. UPC Talks & Topics UPC Concerts & Coffeehouses Presents Laurie McClain In The Crib Tuesday. Feb. 23. 2-3 p.m. INTERNSHIP JUNIOR HIGH TEACHER PREPARATION PROJECT LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLS'UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN A filth year internship experience is being offered for people specifically interested m teaching in thejumor high. This is a unique experience designed to provide support between the student teaching practicum and a full-time teaching position. The internship is part of a collaborative project between the Lincoln Public Schools and the Uni versity of Nebraska Lincoln Teachers College This in ternship is a full year's experience, combining a half time teaching assignment in a junior high with a half-time graduate studies component. A stipend will be paid for teaching three classes in a junior high in Lincoln. Nine hours of graduate credit pei semester may be earned from UN-L. Completion ol the Internship may lead to a middle school endorsement. Students who will have graudated by August. 1968 and have applied for both a teaching certificate and intend to see admission to a graduate program are eligible to apply for an internship. CONTACT: Dr. Lynn L. Mortensen for information of application forms at: 114C Henzlik Hall, UN-L 472-1992 APPLICATION DEADUNE: FRIDAY. MARCH 4. 1988 SUBMIT TO: Junior High Project Team c/o Dr. Lynn L Mortensen 118 Henzlik Hall University of Nebraska-Lmcoln 68588-0355 The Lincoln Public Schools and the University of Ne braska are equal opportunity employers. AG ECON AGRA BUSINESS CLUB Speech contest for club members, March 1st, 6:00 PM at the East Campus Union 2 DIVISIONS: PUBLIC SPEAKING EXTEMP SPEAKING CASH PRIZES AWARDED Nominate your favorite T.A for the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Assis tant Award! Forms available m 1223 Oldfather. Deadline: April 1. 1988 MONDAY NOON EAST CAMPUS UNION FEBRUARY 22 FOOD FOR THOUGHT DEAN KAREN CRAIG "Values & Stumbling blocks in the Academic Vocation" Brown Bag Lunch Faculty, Staff. Grad Student Welcome Last Chance F or Spring Break 881 Limited space remains at South Padre, North Padre, Daytona Beach. Fort Walton Beach and Steamboat. Colorado for skiing. Hurry, Call Sunchase Tours toll free 1-800-321-5911 for reservations and information TODAY. Credit cards aocepted ■ t .. ' - ' ■ in _____ I rapher JON! SEAGER, co-i the Women inthe World Atlas will give a speech February 24 at4pm, inthe Nebraska Union, Room to be posted. Government Liaison Committee Meeting February 23, 1988 6:15 p.m. Nebraska Union Get Excitedll SPRING BREAKI S. Padre Island, TX. Condos & Motel. $90-138/night. Sleeps 4-6. Spa, color cable TV. Bro chure (214-259-8787). _ State Collegiate Powerlifting Meet Saturday, February 27, 9:30 a m. at Union Ballroom. Sponsored by UNL Power lifting Team. The recruiter is coming! The recruiter is comingi Get your application ready and make appointments now tor interviews' PEACE CORPS Application Workshop Thursday, February 25, 1988, 7 p.m. NE Union Room Posted AMATEUR NIGHT $50.00 - 1st place: $25 00 - 2nd place Every Thursday night at the Happy Hour Lounge. 17th & O Street Sign up by 10:30 pm. PADRE AHEAD Better hurry, spots almost fulll For more information, call 472-1760. Sponsored by UPC East Main Events. UPC BLACK SPECIAL EVENTS PRESENTS DR. HARRY EDWARDS! 7:00 PM, Friday, Feb 26th, Union Ballroom Get your ticket today thru Tuesday, February 23rd UPC BLACK SPECIAL EVENTS PRESENTS DR. HARRY EDWARDS 7:00 PM. Friday, Feb 26, Union Ballroom Advanced tickets on sale now! Today thru Tuesday, February 23rd. Students $5.75, non students $6.75. General admission tickets with out meal; Students $1.00, non-students $2 00. SKI VAIL/BEAVER CREEK!! lodging A Lift packages from $019/person Pool, hot tub, fireplace, ski shuttle Call Sun n' Ski at 800-822-6755 today. Nebraska Wesleyan University Theatre is presenting A Lie Of The Mind by Sam Shepard Shepard s mesmeriz ing drama, filled with enormous vitality and humor, ex plores the destinies of two families linked by marriage, but set apart by jealousies and distrust Winner of the New York Drama Critics Circle Award as the best play of the 1985-86 season Production dates are February 24-27 at 8 p.m. and February 28 at 2 p m. The production is in the Enid Miller laboratory Theat re m the E Ider Speech and Theatre Center, at 51st and Huntington. Admission is $3.50 per person Tickets can be reserved by phoning the box office, 465-2384, Monday through Saturday between 2:00 and 5:00 p m , beginning February 15, 1988 Ski Beaver Creek/Vail Spring Break. 3 bedroom townhouse. (303)526-0064 FRESHMAN ■ APPS AVAILABLE INNOCENTS SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIPS CAP CITY A EAST _DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY 24_ * UPC SPECIAL EVENTS A ARTS PRESENT: U.S. College Comedy Competition 8:30 Tonight in the Crib. FREE DORITOS at booth todayl* (Save those bags they're UNL's future comedy SI) FRESH TOBACCOS Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 GREEK AFFAIRS Jackie (Pi Phi) Congratulations on being chosen for Traveling Guid ance Counselor. We are so proud of you! Love Your Sisters Sigma Nu Little Sisters Meeting Tuesday Night 10:00 Any Questions call Brent 474-9525. DU PLEDGE CLASS Congratulations on becoming full-fledged DU's last Satur day! Good Luck! Connie Husa Delta Upsilon Congratulations on your initiation! You guys are the coolest! Love, Your Little Sisters STUDENT GOVERNMENT Government Liaison Committee Meeting February 23, 1988 6:15 p.m. Nebraska Union _ Get Excited 11 PERSONALS Corey, Deanne, Lisa, Stacy. Susan, Dave, Hank, Pat, Steve, Thanks for the good time Thursday night. It made turning 21 worthwhile. Todd P S. I'm Hip, I'm Cool, I Was a Drunken Fool! Ever wonder how to spot a Prince Charming? You use a paint roller Tigger Denise, If lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right. Todd (Studmuffin) Brett W. (FH). Happy 21st Birthday, Sweetie. KW Brett (FH) - Happy Birthday 21" Love your Little Sisters Ingra & Sue To the guy that helped the white Ford out ot the tight spot in the East Campus Lot on Wednesday - Thanks Female from Omaha CHILD CARE NANNIES NEEDED: MATURE, OUTGOING, PROFES SIONAL PEOPLE with ability to relate to children needed tor high paying nanny positions. Pretei 20+ year old and willingness to commit to summer or 1 year positions E ast or West Coast. Contact Nannies of Nebraska, P.O. Box 463. Norfolk. NE 68701, 402-379-2444 SUMMER NANNY Family seeks reliable young woman, non-smoker, with driver's license, to provide Mve-m child care and house keeping fortwo young children. Maprity of summer by the beach. Write with expectations, past experience and reasons for wanting position. Varod, 7 Carriage Court, Marlboro. NJ 07746. Wanted Responsible, non-smoking, female to watch 3 year old girl evening hours in my home. Call 475-1104 weekdays between 8:00-2:30 or anytime on weekends. * HELP WANTED OUTDOOR ADVENTURES STAFF The Office of Campus Recreation is now accepting appli cations for 2 UNL students (prefer freshman, sophomore, or beginning graduate student) to work in Outdoor Adven tures prog'am and equipment rental. Applicants must f possess or be willing to learn outdoor adventure skills and leadership ability. Send letter of application and resume to Bruce Rischar. Graduate Assistant, Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0601 by February 26, 1988. A TASTE OF INDIA Full & part-time help needed days, evenings and week ends Apply in person Monday-Friday. at A TASTE OF INDIA1, Glass Menagerie (Old Taco Johns) EOE/AA AMIGOS REUNION CENTER OPENING SOON $3.75 to start (M-F day or closing shifts). Up to $4.26 after experience. Great work environment. 50% meal discount. Paid vacation. Flexible schedule. S.T.E.P. Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarshp Plan. Up to 40% college tuition reimbursement depending upon college, work availability & job tenure. Amigos, an expanding quality oriented mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time & full-time job opportunities at it's newest location in Lincoln at The Reunion Center. If you are an aggressive customer oriented person & like to work at a fast intense pace, apply NOW at Amigo's, 1407 O Street. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following posrtxans: boy's counselors, girl's counselors, lifeguards, waterfront director, wranglers. crafts instructor, maintenance person, assistant cook, and health care supervisor Call or write Camp Office 1039 "P” Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 (402)475-9622. 99* WEDNESDAY Everything all drinks AND « j pitchers Summer Editor in Chief The editor is one of the most powerful students on campus. He or she formulates editorial policies, oversees newsroom operations, hires the editorial staff and reports to the Publications Board. The summer edition of the Daily Nebraskan publishes weekly during the two 5-week summer sessions plus a special New Student Enrollment issue. Applicants must be UNL students this spring, summer or fall and have at least one year of newspaper experience. Applications and samples of writings (preferably editorials or columns) must be submitted by 5 p.m., Feb. 26. UNL cfees not discriirLnate in its ncxtrdc, xtrLssisns a e-pUyveri prcgnns and afccdBS by all Sederai naj-ia- ! tiers partairing tc sane. FAMOUS HOT HOAGIES •ryW',■' *rr• -w., . ^ •.' vr.1 ^ •+r£&'lZriL \>0>1 \>vav"\~ 2-12” ASSORTED \ COMBINATION HOAGIES ! ONLY $5.95 piust^ I Our famous hot hoagies made with Italian loaf sliced & S spiced with garlic butter, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, may- * onnaise, special dressing and ham, salami, lunch meat || and mozzarella cheese. * One coupon per order please. ^ % ftl Expires 2/29/88 ■ 1246 “Q” Street * vVf*V' I mm mm ^2 ■■ ■■ WOIIPONm | 12” HOT HOAGIE 5(K OFF j or 6” HOT HOAGIE 25<t OFF £ Your choice of our famous hot hoagies: Combination, ■ Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef, Pizza hoagie, Salami, Tuna, I Cheese, Lunch Meat, Meat Ball, Vegetarian, Pastrami. ■ One coupon per order please. Expires 2/29/88 - | 1246 “Q” Street ^f©^^ J 476-1246 . mm wmmmmmwm ■couponi mt ■■ ■■ mm mm mm