The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 22, 1988, Image 1
§ T'V2i'f1\7 BfflSBBBBHHBBBBHi 1 «*pi j$ ,gT ijL* m M Weather: Monday, partly sunny and A&E: Still can’t get no S X ^ J ■ windy, high around 50 with NW winds ‘Satisfaction’—Page 6. ■ n|gf X ..--"p, jm ^pa^ X JH °f 20-35 mph. Monday night, colder || I X with a low in the mid to upper 1 I iKf BH X X X Tuesday, partly cloudy and cold, high Sports: Nebraska defeats 1 \wUlCI9lVcll L coi,,rado~pa8tg ASUN officials see good, bad in 2-party ballot By Jamie Pitts Staff Reporter_ Several ASUN members and present and former candidates said fewer parties on the ballot means students are taking the student government more seriously, but agreed that non-Greek students need to be involved. Last year six parties ran for offices in the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska. This year two are running. Marlene Beyke, director of development for ASUN, said 15 applications were picked up, but only two parties returned the application to be put on the ballot. “I was as surprised as anyone that only two ■ parties are running,” Beyke said. Denise Wenke, a sophomore French major at UNL, said she attempted to form a party with Jeff Porter, who ran last year for first vice president with the TREK party. Wenke’s party eventually dissolved be cause of personal problems, but she said she intends to stay involved in ASUN by being on committees. Beyke said there have been more than two parlies on the ballot since she began her job in 1979. ASUN first vice-president Shawn Boldl said campaign rules were changed this year to make the elections more serious. This year ASUN increased the number of signatures needed for a party to get on the ballot from 200 to 400. ASUN also prohibited cam paigning before the Feb. 10 filing date. In previous years, parties were able to campaign immediately after Christmas break. Jeff Petersen, ACTION presidential candi date, said he thinks ASUN doubled the number of signatures and prohibited early campaigning to deter joke parties from running. Petersen said he is glad there are no joke parties this year because it will help students focus on the seriousness of ASUN. Christopher Stream, VOICE presidential candidate, agreed with Petersen about the number of signatures but said he didn’t feel the deadline affected the number of parties. Beyke said the two parties running this year are serious and there are no joke parties on the ballot “This is going to be a learning experience for me as well as for the student body,” Beyke said. Beyke said she hopes voter turnout doesn’t drop from last year’s 15 percent. Stream, who ran last year as second vice president for the HUGE party, is optimistic about voter turnout this year. “I suspect it will be rather large this year because the non-Greek students will be well represented,” Stream said. But Stream said he thinks it is “ridiculous and embarrassing” that no non-Greek parties are running this year. He compared the elec tions to belonging to a country club. “You have to be Greek, the right Greek and know the right people to be involved with ASUN,” said Stream, a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. Petersen said the lack of involvement from non-Greeks is notan “intended problem,” but a “lack of communication.” “I don’t think ASUN has anything to do with where you live,” Petersen said. ASUN president Andy Pollock said he doesn ’ t th ink students have to be Greek to be on the ASUN ballot. Pollock said it is important students remember that Boldt lives in a resi dence hall. Pollock said ASUN doesn’t favor the Greek houses but agreed that there should be more representation of residence hall students. Bill Bade, Residence Hall Association vice president, said it’s difficult for a non-Greek party to win because it is easier to find support in a Greek group. Bade said it is also hard for residence halls to get good representation in a Greek party. “It’s difficult for a split party or even aGreek party to take a stance oh issues that effect the residence halls without losing the Greek vote,” Bade said. Boldt said although ASUN is “more or less Greek dominated,” it is not the fault of the Greek system. Boldt said he thinks ASUN needs to do “some heavy recruiting” of both residence hall students and off-campus students. After all, he said, there are more off-campus students than residence hall and Greek students combined. A -w E Jessie Tucker of Omaha Flanagan squeezes Albion’s Bill Ransinon his way to third place in the 189-pound class in the Class C wrestling championships. Mini-course on AlUb may become full class By London Bridge Staff Reporter Students who were turned away from the University of Nebraska Lincoln mini-course “AIDS: People and Problems” this semester may be able to lake a full-semester, three hour course next spring, said Richard Boohar, course instructor. Boohar, an associate professor of biology, said he didn’t know how many students were turned away, but only 82 were allowed in the class about acquired immune deficiency syndrome. If the course is offered next year, 180 students could attend, he said. “I’d like to offer this class to as many students as possible,” he said. Student evaluations of the class called it a “roaring success,” Boohar said. Boohar said he got the opportun ity to teach a mini-course last year. _ UNL’s School of Biological Sci ences let him choose the topic. “Once I knew I was going to do a mini-course, AIDS was the thing to do because it is so current and so important,” he said. Boohar credited the successor the class to student participation. “I don’t think there was anyone who didn’t speak out at least once,” he said. “People came into this class frightened of AIDS,” he said. “I was surprised at the degree to which I saw people opening up their eyes and stop being scared.” The class was offered as pass/no pass only, Boohar said. Grades weren’t given for student work be cause of the difficulty in grading objectively when opinions are in volved, he said. He said the students could partici pate in class without worrying about the grade they would receive. The full-semester class also will be offered pass/no pass, he said. I Majority of students favor Initiative 300 By Julie Dauel and Jeff Beals Staff Reporters______ State senators are awaiting court decisions on the constitutionality of Initiative 300, a law that prevents corporations from buying Nebraska farm land. And if many University of Nc braska-Linco'n students had their way, the arnctidment would stay as is. A majority of 221 students polled on City and East campuses supported Initiative 300. But the Legislature has yet to throw its support behind the amend ment. It withdrew bills to amend Ini tiative 300 this session to allow the courts to determine if the law was constitutional, said Sen. Dennis Baack of Kimball. “As it stands now, no one fully understands Initiative 300,” he said. “So now we have shifted from the legislative to the legal arena. The courts will find if it is unconstitu tional,” Baack said. Sen. Rod Johnson of Sutton, chair man of the Agriculture Committee, said the Legislature will not debate the bill in the 1988 session. “Probably later in the year a law suit will be filed on the constitutional ity of the initiative,” Johnson said. “Opponents hope that a decision will be made before the next year’s Legis lature meets.” Aside from the Legislature and courts, some UNL students alsoques tion the constitutionality of the law. The Daily Nebraskan survey showed that 56 percent of the students polled supported Initiative 300, 28 percent opposed it, and 17 percent were undecided. Students were asked if they supported Initiative 300; why they supported the law or why not; and how they thought the bill will affect the economy. 'Do you support Initiative 300?' Of those opposing Initiative ■ from family r-i not (pm ■farms Ufamily farms Figures rounded to the nearest whole number. Source: Daily Nebraskan random survey John Bruce & Tom Lauder/Daily Nebraskan The figures revealed that 58 per cent of the students who approved Initiative 300 were from family farms. Students from family farms who approved Initiative 300 had many reasons for their support. Paul Hecht, a junior economics major, said many family farms are disappearing. “As someone who comes from a small family farm, I find it hard to watch more and more farms disap