Michelle M. (G-Phi), You are the best grandma everl Thanks for making initiations so special. Love, Colleen CHI PHI LITTLE SISTERS meeting tonight at 6:00. Election ol officers See Ya Therell CONGRATULATIONS NEW ALPHA DELTA PI INITIATESI Dianne A. Deana B. Carol C. Tiffany C. Amy C. Lynette G. Michelle G. Sande G. Jennifer H. Michelle K. Renae K. Stacey R. Dawn L. Amy M. Jodi N. Ann P. Carre R. TeresaS. Janel S. Amy S. Chen V. Heidi W. Kalhy W. Tina W. Welcome to the First and the Finestl You Rulel Pi Love The Actives THE CRAZY FAMILY from Japan Those Zany outcasts ol Urban Japan move to the Sub urbs - Whoall - And what follows is one hilarious explo sion ol events after anothor. Sunday, Feb 14, at 3,5,7, A 9 pm. At Sheldon Film Theatre. Adm - Students (w/ID) $2 75 — General $3 75. Presented by UPC Foreign Film Series Congratulations Deb C. and Dave S on your engage ment! We couldn't have received a nicer surprise1 Love, The Women of Alpha Delta Pi CONGRATULATIONS To Tom M. (AKAK) on your appointment to the ASUN Publications Board. The Men ol Acacia PERSONALS Chewy, Can we still do lunch? Call me sometime, please. Mike Patti Better luck next time. There's a strung-out, fine lingered pony tail man out there for you-trust me. Love. Mark John, Congratulations on jumping 69 (and a quarter) in Saturday's meet! Love, Tracy P S You looked greatl * CraigjFH)- Violets are Blue, Roses are Red, But wouldn't you RATHER have a PERSONAL mstead9ll Your Anonymous Valentine ADMIRER." Tim and Jen CONGRATULATIONS!! From The Advertising Buds and our mentor P S. Pretty original tor adv. students huh? DORKWFEDS, Vou better get on the hall and give me that DAILY NEBRASKAN PERSONAL for V-day that I have been dying to receive! Or else.... ^ News Desk, Woody. Production. Night News and count less others. Thanks for help Monday night. P S Curt, what a way to spend a birthday. Jen LET THERE BE FUDGE! -E.L. Very special guy. lookmgtor a very special girl. Relaton ship/friend. Interests; Bicycling, skiing, music, theater and playing in the park Respond to: UNL Senior Bon 4754 Lincoln NE 68504 Glen (FH), This is Sue, your secret valentine. So much 'or the surprise!! P S (I told you I was gorgeous!) RABBIT SUICIDE When will the terror end9 YOUNG ATTRACTIVE MALE NEEDS VALENTINES DATE. Relationship possible Reply to P.0 Box 2294, 3256 S 13th. 68502, with photo and personnel info Dearest Smooky, Do you know what I want more than anything for Valentines Day9 You guessed right, my little teddy bear. A PERSONAL IN THEDAILY NEBRASKAN II Don't keep me waiting I Love, your Tootsie ( Mil l) CARE Now Available Quality child care at The Kid's Cottage.Call 477-8219 to enroll. BOSTON NANNY Professional couple seeks reliable, young woman. 21+ . non-smoker, to provide live-m childcare for one toddler Good salary, pleasant household, 1 -year commitment Beginning 8/88. Call collect 617-237+4179, 6-8:00 PM HELP W ANTED ADVERTISING AND ART STUDENTS Ideal part-time position weekday mornings. Call 475 5000 weekdays after 3:00 p.m. Ask for Patrice Merrill Lunch part-time lunch help needed apply in per son Monday-Friday 201 N 8th in the Haymarket. Part-time help needed. Sales, service, andconstruction. Could be increased to full-time in summer. Previous swimming pool experience helpful. Apply in person. Bonsall Pools of Lincoln 33rd & Hiway 2 Ask for Mike SUMMER EMPLOYMENT at Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert - Minnesota resident summer campus A strong commitment to working with children required, along with activity skills and teaching experience. Specific job information and applications are available at Financial Aids Office - 113 Administration Building, sign up. in advance, for personal interviews to be held on campus Thursday, February 11th and Friday, February 12th, 1988._ CELEBRATION Now hiring all positions. Motivated people good part time during school |ob Apply at Celebration, lower level Gold's Galleria, between 9 and 5 weekdays 435-3296. Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department pb opportuni ties for: assistant pool managers, lifeguards, and cash iers. Contact the Athletics and Aquatics Office 3001 S 9th 471-7892. EE/OA RECEPTIONIST/DESK CLERK Part-time days, evenings, and weekends Apply at YWCA, 1432 N Street, by February 12. _AA/EOE Live-in personal care attendant for young working woman with disability start immediately. Free rent plus salary. Area of 18th 4 Knox. Call Eileen 9-5 p.m. 471 7871, evenings 483-5437. Household Assistant Needed Part-time job for students. Approximately 15 hours per week. Flexible. Starting $4/hour. Call 488-5526. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS The beautiful Colorado Mountains are calling Nurse, cooks, wranglers also. ANDERSON CAMPS, near Vale, will interview students, with a strong commitment to working with children. February 12. Sign up and pick up applications at office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. 3 Bedroom near UNL at 1404 N 24th. $395. 423-1535 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 Bedroom apartmentclosetocampus Recentlyremod eled, appliances, off street parking, A/C, $200/mo plus utilities and deposit. Available now. 488 2088 East Campus. Suitable tor single person Basement apartment, $195. Call 472-2175 or 489 6668. Great apartmentl Between campuses Newer architect designed, two bedrooms, loft, fireplace, walk-in-closets, hook-ups. 1 1/2 baths, beamed ceiling, 1721 N. 26th. $400 4 76 8413 or477-6010.___ 927 S 11th; Sparkling clean, 1 bedroom, new carpet, laundry, shower. Nice!! $200 477-2610,423-9800. NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new. 2 bedroom, from $335 a month. 474 1064, 477-4434. One bedroom also available, $275. 2 bedroom. Nioe, large, wood floors, blinds, shower Move in Now. No rent until March. 476-1461_ AVAILABLE NOW-NEWER 2 bedroom, close to campus. Carpet, applianoes, laundry, parking, no pets, $345 ♦. 521 North 25th 475 0539 1910 Knox 435-7770 Owner 477-7684 Hayward Place 1223 N 9th 1 bedroom available now in unique historx: building just blocks away from campus Microwave and dtshwasner. 476-8566 or Mega. Corp 475-8407 Mon day-Friday. MOVE IN NOW NO RENT UNTIL MARCH 1109 North 28th, 1-bedroom, new decor, ceiling fan, microwave, all kitchen appliances, swimming pool. $200 deposit and move-in 489-3387,423-1463, ABC Rental 2301 A 475-7262 1 -bedroom, laundry, bus. $240. Eaat Campos One bedroom, one block from campus in brick 12-piex. Off-street parking and laundry facilities. Call Mega at 475 8407 WANTED Reader Needed Blind student seeks volunteer readers to read class materials out loud and assist in library research Please call 475 3450 for more information English 102FileCorrespondenceClass. ForminFiction 477-8587. NEEDED an accompianist for audition in Kansas City this weekend Must be good sightreader Contact Kay at 472-8787. ADOPTION ADOPTION: Lawyer and professor with lots of love to give, seek a newborn to make their family complete Wonderful, loving home awaits arrival of baby who will be surrounded by warmth and security. Expenses paid Please call collect, after 5pm or weekends (212) 249 5954 SOCIAL SERVICES SINGLE & PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative. For confiden tial information call: Nebraska Children’s Home 483 7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING ROOMMATES Maleto share 2 bedroom apartment S112/month. Close to campus 435 8098. Roommate needed. M/F, graduate student or senior pref Large 3-bedroom apt near 17 & G. $100/mo + 1/3 utilities Amailable immediately. Quiet, roomy, and you can smoke all you want. Phone 435-0353 evenings. Male to share 3 bedroom house 2 blocks from city campus. S120/mo., 1/3 utilities February $70 475 4500, 477 0702 Roommate needed to share large apartment in near south area. $160 plus utilities Call 476-7993. Female Roommate $87 per month 1/4 utilities, own room W/D available 435 0302 ROOMS FOR RENT Huge bedroom, large quiet home, near downtown and East campus Bus one block Includes laundry, own telephone, all utilities. $175. 435-5761. Small, furnished roommtotally remodeled houseat 1144 F. Kitchen and lounge privileges Everything is newl $150/month. All utilities paid. 475-0884 423 9800. HOI SES FOR RENT Nice 5-6 Bedroom Home Close to campus. 621 N 24th. $550. 488 0061. ror more miormauon. uan 4/z-ZDtty Si^ff37777i£EMlt JAZZERCISE DOWNTOWN Eagles Lodge, 14th & P (Across Irom Hitchin Post). M W, 4:00, T-Th, 5:30. JAZZERCISE - Four tree classes for new students. Expires 2-15-88. 423 9682 DIAL-A-VALENTINE Send your sweetie a Balloon Valentine. CAII Dial-a-Gift, 435-7123. I PAY MORE FOR GOLD Rings, necklaoes. dental gold, chains. DICK'S 909 O Street. 474-4007 Downtown Boot and Shoe Repair Holes, worn heels? Same Day Service. Monday-Fnday. 8 500 1230 P Street Career Centers, Inc. 11711 Arbor Street Omaha. NE 68144 | 334-5659 Comprehensive career services lor college graduates. | Pregnancy tests, counseling, confidential. Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy Center 941 O Street #B1, Terminal Building 475-2501 KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER Number one in test preparation For more information ca( 475-7010. I CATCH THE I THINGSVILLE I VALENTINE'S DELIVERY |H It’s easy. Have a special delivery of balloons H| and gifts by a member of the Nebraska |H Masquers February 12, 13 & 14. ||j The prices range from $15 to $30 and can be |H customized by choosing from our store mer ||| handise. ip To order call 475-1655 or stop in our HI Centrum or Gateway store. 1 Thingsvi lie mj *A portion of the proceeds will be donated to !S| the Nebraska Masquers. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON V Dinosaur nerds I firm Nebraska,,. with Love! Valentine Sweatshirts H adult or child Reg. $22.95. Packed in a red Valentine bag with a hand-tied bow. Can be personalized. FREE DELIVERY in Lincoln, Omaha, Grand Island and Hastings. SHIPPED TO kids and grandkids anywhere in U.S. Miller & Paine charge, Visa, Mastercard and American _ Express accepted. Bikini Underwear & men’s boxers with Nebraska Valentine Design available too! Great Plains Gourmet, Miller & Paine - Lincoln & Grand Island. Michael Daniels Country - Hastings. T.L.C - Omaha. CALL TOLL FREE, 1-800-742-7741 In Lincoln, 474-2111 Great Plains. Miller & Paine