for sale 25” RCA Color $40, 25“ Zenith Color $40 & 17" Zenith Color $50. 467-5189 Mademoiselle membership + 20 tanning sessions. Make offer. Call 464-7169. Royal 560 electric typewriter with deluxe stand. Excellent condition. 423-2843. ask tor Greg. SKOAL, COPENHAGEN, ETC. Clift's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0II9 Yamaha digital, programable synthesizer. DX21. Like new, $520. Negotiable. 476-2871 TICKET exchange airline coupons wanted: United Bonus Tickets, Northwest, Delta, etc. Will pay up to $350 each. 800-255-4060.__ WANTED: 8 tickets to Iowa State game. Phone: 474 0584 Ask for Kenny. SERVICES__ TYPEWRITERS - WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOMS 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 1 PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 *LOVE NOTES* Send your VALENTINE a message on the LT&T INFOR MATION KIOSK, located at the Student Unionl See KIOSK lor rates or call 476-4879, 8:00-4:30 pm, M-F. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAYI TYPING & RESUMES f RESUMES PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET, $15 ♦ TAX. DAILY NEBRASKAN. ROOM 34, NEBRASKA j ^ UNION 8 AM-5 PM, MONDAY-FRIOAY. J LETTER QUALITY TYPING Brother EM 250 Word Processing Call Jon at 435-0145 GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE IBM WORD PROCESSING AND TYPING REASONABLE 488 9294 RESUMES BY ANN " Employers don't care WHO wrote your resume, only that it tells them what they need to know. We develop personalized resumes that stress your strong points and open doors. 464-0775. ANNOUNCEMENTS Walpurgisnacht meeting tonightl! 10:00 pm at the Gamma Phi House. MEN’S SWIM MEET The intramural men's swim meet will be held Tuesday, February 9 in Mable Lee pool. Pool will open 6 p.m. for warm-up. Competition will begin at 6:40; enter on sight. 472 3467. Mech Ag Meeting Chase Hall Rm 112 Wednesday 7:00 p.m. VALENTINE ART DISPLAY February 8-14 East Union Loft Sponsored by UPC-East Visual Arts BACKPACKING IN THE GRAND CANYON Spring Break March 18-27, 1988 Grand Canyon, Arizona, 7 day backpacking trip through one of the most spectacular natural wonders in tne world. Trip includes transportation, meals, camping, equipment, leadership and more Cost S225. Contact James Smith at the Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine Street, 472-3467. Sign-up by February 11, 1988. * ORCHESIS First meeting of second semester Thursday, February 11th, 6:30pm. Room 109. Maybel Lee Hall (Officers: 6:00 pm for meeting). Dress to dance I Student Education Association will meet Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 5:30 in the Henzlick Auditorium. Featured speaker will discuss student teaching and |ob interviews. Be therel1 SenatorsOn-Campus Brown Bag Lunch With YOUR State Senator * CITY Gerald Conway - Wayne Arlene Nelson - Grand fsland ** EAST Jerry Miller - Davenport Richard Peterson - Norfolk Carson Rogers - Ord Wednesday. February 10. 1989 12:15 pm. Campus Unions ★ Foreign Film Committee Meeting TONIGHT AT 6 PM in the UNION Undergraduate English Organization meeting Wednes day, 1(3 February, 3:30, Andrews 228. All undergraduates welcomel Mary Kay. Skin care for women and men. New oily and blemish prone products. Glamour, f ragrences, bodv care. Free gift wrap and delivery for Valentine's. Darlene Moore 423-8359 COLLEGE REPUBUCAN meeting tonight, 7:00 in the Union. SEND A VALENTINE SING-A-GRAM to your lover or friend Union Booth Monday and Tuesday University Ambassadors CORNCOBS Important Meeting Today at 4:30 KLPAC There is another adventurous meeting today in the city union at 5:30 p.m. I _ THE CRAZY FAMILY from Japan Those Zany outcasts of Urban Japan move tothe Suburbs - Whoal! - And what follows is one hilarious explosion of events after another. Sunday, Feb 14, at 3,5,7, & 9 pm. At Sheldon Film Theatre. Adm - Students (w/ID) $2.75 — General $3.75. Presented by UPC Foreign Film Series_ BACKGAMMON GAMES Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 ★ See what it's really like! Short film and information about PEACE CORPS Tuesday, January 26, 1988 Ne Union, Room posted THIS IS 1988.... BE INFORMEDI STOP BY THE DAVE KARNES INFORMATION BOOTH (CITY UNION) TO DAY I Ward. Wally found the condoms and he's asking questions. Let's give him condom sense. June Sponsored by Cather Seven Condom Week Foreign Film Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 9 at 6:00 p.m. HARD BODY AEROBICS MWF, 5 pm, M&N 2nd floor. Cardiovascular and circuit training. $5this semester. Harderthan 101 and condition ing classes! For a harder body. Government Liaison Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 9th 6:15 Union_ BLOODMOBILE AT CORNERSTONE Feb. 9. Tues. 11-3 640 N. 16th Comfortable Chairs, Pleasant People. Neat eatsll Help us help you to help others PLEASE GIVE Send a Valentine Cookie to Someone Special!! On sale Monday-Wednesday. East Campus Union-AGR Little Sisters__ GET THEM NOW! UPC chair applications are available in the CAP Offices of both Nebraska Unions. Show you care about your Universityl Attend GLC Brown Bag Lunches With State Senators Wednesday. February 10, 1988 SKI STEAMBOAT Celebrate Spring Break at Steamboat Springs Colorado. Great 2-5-7 day packages. Call for details. Four Seasons Travel 476-8795 NEBRASKA UNION BOARD is looking for Students to be Advisory Board Members For more information and a copy of the application stop by 115 Nebraska Union Deadline February 12, 4 p.m. /N SKI VAIL/BEAVER CREEK!! Lodging & Lift packages from $219/person. Pool, hot tub, fireplace, ski shuttle. Call Sun n’ Ski at 800-822-6755 today. DOLLAR DAY SALE □i nsiniF 1ST ITEM REGULAR - 2ND ITEM $1 (winter clothing &jewelry) View Duran Knudtaen 'a Spring Designs 117 N 14th - next to The Mill Daily 12-7 p.m. UPC TALKS & TOPICS New meet ng time Tues 2:00 p.m. Room will be posted Lots to do, See you therel Considering Law School? Representatives from the UNL College ofLaw willanswer your questions and comment on the “Realities of law school. Join us Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. in the Union. Pre-Law Club. GREEK AFFAIRS_ CONGRATULATIONS TO , G'eg Johnson-Greek Week Banquet Chairman Shawn Luetchens-NSE Host The Men of Delta Upsilon Foreign Film Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 9 at 6:00 p m._ Bryan Hill Congratulations on being appointed to ASUN Senate. * -Your ATO Brothers Tracy Lucas and Doug Curry (Sigma Chi), Congratulations on your appointment as a member of the Greek Week staff. The Men of Sigma Chi CONGRATULATIONS To Tom M.. Harold P„ and Craig S. on your selections to Greek Week committees. The Men of Acacia Congratulationsto the new initiates ol Pi Beta Phi. You're the best!! Love, Your Pi Phi Sisters ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE [ UNL Dairy [ * BIACK FOREST WAFFLE SUNDAE ^ Waffle dish with vanilla and chocolate ice | cream,hot fudge and marshmellow topping, I whipped cream and a cherry. i 2 for $1.50 ■ Both Campus Unions 1 Tues.-Thurs. 2:30-3:30 and 7:30-9:00 I M M Ml NO COUPON NECESSARY GOOD THIS WEEK ONLY M M CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Mexican sandwich 5 Dog’s bane 9 Escape 14 Payment for Charon 15 Mislaid 16 Venerable, to Virgil 17 Scram 20 Changed 21 Ab-(from the beginning) 22 Canadian export 23 American thrush 24 Title for Emma Bovary 25 Ballet bird 26 Feminine suffix 27 Balletic knee bend 29 Actress Woodard 30 Patron saint of cripples 32 Obscures 33 Deeply 36 Hawed’s partner 37 Dissolute dandies 38 Photographer Diane 39 Stop up 40 Target of Philip Wylie 43 “South Pacific” ingenue 44 Campanellaor Rogers 45 Bakery bonus 47 Orch. section 48 Court follower 49 Ebbs 51 Scram 54 S-shaped moldings 55 Famous sister ship 56 "Fish Magic" painter 57 TV actress Volz 58 Ben Adhem 59 Fast fliers DOWN 1 Start of a Hemingway title 2 White poplars 3 "The Dam Busters” composer 4 More antiquated 5 Drifting sea ice 6 Mountbatten, for one 7 Superlative finish 8 Awaiting visitors 9 Alpine sound 10 Chou En 11 Illicit 12 Blockheads 13 Ancient group of mystics 18 Use a spider 19 Night before 24 Penurious 25 Wild plums 27 Walk wearily 28 O.T. book 29 Sheltered, at sea 30 Entire range 31 March 15, eg. 32 Puff 33 Birthright 34 Started out 35 Kanga’sbaby 36 U S. fashion designer 39 Type of cigar 40 Paragons 41 Egg concoct lor 42 The common people 44 Auto maker’s monogram 45 “-Du Lieber.. 46 Exudes fumes 48 TV’s” Living” 49 Gambler’s town 50 A son of Isaac 52 Ending for auction 53 Projecting end BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed COULP YOU OWE OUR CANPIPATt SOM outpeupes AS 10 WHAT SORT OF PFHAWR IS POLITICAL suicipe FOR A PUPUC F/OURe T APULTERY.. LIKE HART'S. PLAGIARISM... LIKE 31 PEN'S. RACIAL INSULTS...LIKE JIMMY THE GREEK'S. MIXING IN RELIGION..LIKE ROBERTSON. CRYING... LIKE PAT SCHROEPER HOW 'BOUT CBUINO New yORK HYmWWN" BNP COZ/INO UP to U>ut5 oh, mn FBRRBKHBN ? COOL WMm* iSRlsIfijNfJSmHl tHIWbM ■ ' " * . ' "' ”"1 mBsm H s I