The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1988, Page 2, Image 2
News Digest SSswr— Gorbachev: Soviets plan for Afghan pullout in May MOSCOW — Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Monday that the Kremlin would begin pulling its troops out of Afghanistan on May 15 and complete the withdrawal within 10 months if U.N. -brokered talks on the conflict reach a settlement. Gorbachev also said his country wants no say in who governs Afghanistan or its politics after the estimated 115,000 Soviet troops bat tling Afghan guerrillas come home. “The Afghans themselves will decide the final status of their country among nations,” Gorbachev said. Afghanistan’s future “is none of our business.” Gorbachev’s remarks left the future of Afghanistan’s Marxist president, Najib, in seri ous doubt. The Soviet leader’s statements were the clearest indication yet that he is moving rapidly to extricate his country from the conflict he has termed a “bleeding wound.” The Kremlin sent troops, tanks and military hardware into Afghanistan on Dec. 27, 1979, and presided over the replacement of one Marxist ruler by another. The invasion has been a major irritant in Soviet relations with the United States and has soured Kremlin relations with many Moslem and third world countries. It also has been opposed at home as Soviet casualties have mounted. Western diplomats estimate as many as 1(),(X)0 Soviet soldiers have been killed in the war and that tens ol thousands have been maimed. The cost ol the Soviet involvement is thought to total billions of rubles. Monday’s statement was the first mention by Gorbachev of a specific date for the with drawal of the Red Army units in Afghanistan that prop up INajiD s government against a widespread insurgency. Gorbachev said the date of May 15 was fixed for the beginning of the Soviet pullout based on the assumption that U.N. sponsored negotia tions in Geneva will reach an agreement no later than March 15. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said Gorbachev’s statement “sounds like a positive step and we hope it is, but we need to sec the fine print (to sec if there are any conditions). We’ve got to know what it means.” Nebrayskan Editor Mike Reilley 472-1766 Managing Editor Jen Deselms Assoc News Editors Curt Wegner Chris Anderson Editorial Page Editor Diana Johnson Wire Editor Bob Nelson Copy Desk Chief Joan Rezac Sports Editor Jeff Apel Arts & Entertain ment Editor Charles Lieurance Asst Arts & Entertainment Editor Geoff McMurtry Graphics Editor Tom Lauder Asst Graphics Editor Jody Beem Photo Chief Mark Davis Night News Editors Joeth Zucco Scott Harrah Art Director John Bruce General Manager Daniel Shattil Production Manager Katherine Policky Advertising Manager Marcia Miller Asst Advertising Manager Bob Bates Publications Board Chairman Oon Johnson. 472 3611 Professional Adviser Don Walton. 473-7301 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published oy the UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln. Neb o8588-0448. weekdays during academic year except holidays), weekly during the summer session Subscription price is S35 for one year Postmaster Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 1400 R 3t.. Lincoln, Neb 68588-0448 Second-class postage paid at Lincoln. NE ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1988 DAILY NEBRASKAN Contras to delay peace talks MIAMI — Contra leaders an nounced Monday they will delay peace talks with Nicaragua’s Sandin ista government in the wake of con gressional rejection of their aid pack age. Contra director Alfredo Cesar said neither the rebels nor Roman Catholic Church leaders mediating the negotia tions would be able to attend a meet ing scheduled for Wednesday in Guatemala. The delay will be for only “a few days or a couple of weeks,’ said Cesar, who said that Wednesday’s meeting date had been tentative in any case. The Contra leadership also an nounced a formal fund-raising drive that has already received $500 from presidential candidate Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., and $4(X) from Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. But Director Adolfo Calcro said “private funds can never replace the aid’’ turned down by Congress. Navy plans exercise near Korea WASHINGTON — The United States will conduct naval exercises off the South Korean coast next fall as part of a campaign to deter North Korea from disrupting the Olympic Games in Seoul, administration offi cials said Monday. The officials, who agreed to dis cuss the matter only if not identified, refused to characterize the moves as a military buildup. The presence of at least one and perhaps two aircraft carriers off the Korean peninsula during the games will be “just a little overt warning that we’re watching them,” one source said. The administration believes the recent announcement by the Soviet Union that its athletes will participate in the games has reduced the possibil ity that North Korea will take any military action during the contests, the sources said. Weeks before the games start, aerial and satellite reconnaissance of the region will be stepped up to keep close track of military movements in communist North Korea, the official said. LETS FAME ★ ★ ★ FEATURING PADRE S PREMIERE ACCOMMODATIONS ★ ★ ★ SOUTH PADR^ HILTON SHERATON SOUTH PADRE HOLIDAY INN To Sign Up Or For More Info Call Liz Alfred at 488-1439. Leave message on recorder if there is no answer. V Driving Package , *““”=:> $192.00 Full Package . *“=>$275.00 Arrangements by ECHO TRAVEL INC Number one to the sun tor over 9 years YOUR TRIP INCLUOES: * Seven nights accommodations at one ot the big three hotels in South Padre Island without a doubt the hottest spots on the island during spring All located tight on the ocean in the very center of the strip Each hotel has a nice pool sun deck pool bar restaurant and some ot the hottest nightlife during spring . 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Panel concludes Waldheim knew of atrocities VIENNA, Austria—President Kurt Waldheim knew of Nazi atroci- j tics during his German army service in the Balkans and did not try to stop ; thcrrl, but there is no proof he committed war crimes, a panel of | investigation historians said Monday. . “To deduce that knowledge constitutes some kind of crime is simply not correct,” Waldheim said after a meeting with the commission. “Every person who served in the war knew about the events — not about everything, one person knew more, the other less....From today’s | time, it is perhaps easier to criticize if you don’t know the surroundings of the time then.” He told Austrian television “I am happy” there was no proof of his participation in war crimes. Noriega says Poindexter told him of invasion NEW YORK — Former national security adviser John Poindexter told officials of Panama that the United States planned to invade Nicaragua, indicted Panamanian leader Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega said in an interview broadcast Sunday. Noriega, who faces U.S. charges that he trafficked in drugs, said on CBS'“60 Minutes” that Poindexter told him in a Dec. 17,1985,/neeting that the United States wanted Panama’s cooperation in the invasion. Strong earthquake shakes Mexico City MEX ICO C ITY, Mexico — A strong earthquake shook Mex ico City Monday, causing downtown buildings to sway and creak. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The 7:52 a.m. quake lasted for at least 30 seconds, with an intensity of 6.0 on the Richter scale, the National University of Mexico’s Tacu baya Scismological Institute reported. Are those long walks to class wearing on your feet? aul Klawitter and Dr. Martha Thornton Ambulatory Foot-Ankle Clinic THINK OP YOUR FOOT FUNCTIONING VERY SIMILAR TO THE FRONT END OF YOUR CAR. When your car's out of alignment The tires wear out Uneven stress is placed on the frame The steering wneel begins to shake Soon the car functions so badly, you can't drive it THE MISALIGNED FOOT DOES THE SAME THING. Pressures develop and trouble starts immediately Bones move against bones Ligaments become stretched Soon the entire alignment of your entire body is faulty SYMPTOMS OF FAULTY FOOT FUNCTION localized foot pain * then bunions, corns, and calluses * before long, pain in the knees * hip pain, leg cramps * back pain * and even neck pain-headaches * fatigue YOU JUST HURT ALL OVER! WHAT CAN YOU DO'r Call Dr. Paul Klawitter and Associates at Ambulatory Foot and Ankle Clinic forfree consultation orexam through the month of February. We are not listed under pediatrist in the yellow pages but under physician D.P.M. 600 N. Cotner Suite 116 4418 Farnam Omaha, Ne.