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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1988)
iii Thursday’s Diversions, and in an earlier schedule that also appeared m the Daily Nebraskan, the Mueller Planetarium laser show for this week end was incorrectly listed as “Laser Rhapsody.” The correct planetarium schedule for Saturday and Sunday is as follows: Saturday, 2 p.m.: Planetarium show, "First Light” Sunday, 2 p.m.: Planetarium show, "First Light” Sunday, 3:30 p.m.: Laser Show 50s Flashback” The “'50s Flashback” show is a collection of popular ’50s songs set to the usual inimitable planetarium la ser-show style. The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error, and apologizes for any incon veniences this may have caused. Professor: Beethoven not ‘boring’ On Feb. 1, a review- of ihc Borodin Trio concert appeared in your paper. Because such rcvicw-s are seldom, I was pleased to see it there — that is, until I read it. One of the weakest areas of modern journalism is music criti cism. It is usually done by unquali I ied people w ho do not have suffi cient background to make knowl edgeable judgements. Your senior reporter, Micki Haller, made that obvious once again, and painfully so. Pulling something in print lends that something an air of authority. In this ease, whatever authority might be vested in Haller s review was undeserved. Haller should not be w riting music criticism for pub lication. What Haller thinks about music is Haller’s own right, but Haller clearly lacks credentials for music criticism as well as an under standing of musical art. While Halleraccuses Beethoven ol “mutating into pomposity,” Haller’s review had the strong aroma of arrogance about it. Haller found Beethoven and Brahms boring.’ T he adjective “boring” is one that people should leave behind after getting out of junior high, for it belies adolescence of mind. 1 am reminded of my own story of the person who stood at the foot of Mount Everest and said, “You bore me.’ Certainly Mount Everest is not diminished in stature by such an observation, and Beethoven and Brahms have a wide enough circle of admirers, that Haller's remarks will not diminish their stature. Haller’s statement that “prob lems and situations involved with this music have been solved or for gotten’' is narrow and arrogant. When Beethoven and Brahms set down the final notes of the music in question, they had solved the prob Icms with which they were occu pied. It is, in fact, the solutions they reached that are of continuing inter est and enrich the lives of those persons who know how to listen to such music. Listening to music as a back ground to doing something else — especially Beethoven and Brahms — is an American disease. It is brought upon us by the constant din of worthless non-rnusic that plagues us in stores, offices, air ports, restrooms and elsewhere. As a result, many Americans do not know how to listen to music intelli gently; they have no immune sys tem to ward off the trivia. What is unfortunate is that a fatal illness of that part of the brain that receives intelligent and indeed ennobling messages from great minds, past and present, results, and paralysis ensues. Raymond Haggh professor of music Reader praises men s lounge stance Well, now, is this the same Daily Nebraskan I’ve been reading for years? Finally, in Tuesday’s paper, Trevor McArthur somewhat whim sically stood upon the gender equal ity issue and came down on the men’s side. He asked, “Why do women gel a lounge?” And rightly so. In all the mad feminist hoopla these days, it is good to see a man speak out without footprints across his back. I support a men’s lounge or none at all. And I support McArthur; pul him on the editorial page. Donn Gray senior biological scicnces/philosophy P.S. I also support non-athlete stu dents. ‘Broadside’ continues ‘Capital Punishment’ RELIC from Page 6 since Lincoln music slipped into scattershot complacency sometime during 19X4 and let rampant Finnster ism steal every stage, festival and street corner in town. Randolph Bourne” jumps zeal ously into a scattered funk riff that weaves around an assured pop mel ocl) to die for. Like a clean, tight version of 13 Nightmares, Holiday in Baltimore need gigs, or a tape, or even a street corner. For historical reasons, this song goes along perfectly w ith Jim Jones’ mildly self-serving piece in Broadside’s maga/ine, detailing the conception of the “Capital Punish ment” tapes released from 1980 until 1984 (12 tapes in all), that gave Lin coln bands a steady forum for their music and their written and artistic ideas. Broadside continues that effort, and it is the noblest of efforts. I’m glad we're not just fondly remember ing the "Capital Punishment” days like the old and in the way often do, but recreating its energy, passion and, most importantly, its product. Deadline for inclusion in the next Broadside is March 31. Art, tapes, poems, short stories and conceptual whatchamacallits should be sent to: Broadside P O. 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