Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1988)
AGS Little Sister Meeting Sunday, Feb. 7 Exec. • 7:30 Chapter - 8:00 Angie Millikin (AOTT) - Congratulations on bemg appointed to the ASUN Intercollegiate Athletic Committee1 Libby York (AOTT) - Congratulations on be ng appointed an ASUN Journalism Senator! Julie McPhetters and Terri Dondlinger (AOTT s) ■ Congratulations on being chosen as New Student Enrollment Hosts I! Your Proud Sisters CONGRATULATIONS to the newly initiated men of FARMHOUSE FRATERNITY! You have our support in a continued commitment to excellence. The Men of Farmhouse Fraternity Libby Y. (Sigma Nu Little Sister) Congraiualtions on your appointment as an ASUN Journalism Senator. The Men of Sigma Nu DU LITTLE SISTERS' Hey guys, it's P.0 Pears time this Sunday1 Meet at the house. 4:45 sharp! Alpha Chi Omega CRUSH Will YOU be invited? ic'k Congratulations to the New AGS Little Sister Actives We re PROUD of youl! Love, AGS actives and Little Sisters A hearty CONGRATStothe newly initiated pledge class of SAM Welcome to our Brotherhood. PERSONALS * PIGGLY WIGGLY! Thanks for making the trip. Looking forward to my bedtime story Love you. Jean Pierre Hey Mike How about those Lady Huskers! Those Gymnasts are lookm pretty HOTi Don't forget their season opener this Friday night. Can't wait to check them out in their new leotards See you there. Jack THINKER. FEELER. DOER. GIVER SM. 25. 58 . blonde, dazzling blue eyes, available for friend relationship'’ I'm responsible, sensitive, affec tionate I value warmth, honesty, physical and intellec tual flexibility I like casual clothes, comfortable "people and clean air Would like to meet attractive, fit. SF, 21 28. to share interaction, indoor relaxation, outdoor recreation. Interested RSUM SM, Box 4236. Lincoln. NE. 68504. Kelly M. (You stinker1) Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY come Sunday the 7th!l! Your Roome KM Roses are Red Violets are Blue and all this mush for you. Happy Birthday r’eak. Freakzoid 1c Jeff, Gus, “2-punch Mefford” (DTD): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry I'm late! /P Carmen. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY The last year has been great1 I hope there are many more. I Love you very much Jeffrey James ★ Next time you see Bill, tell him to have a coke and a smile and shut the ???? up!! ECH: I regret having wronged you, I really do But let's put aside the past. And begin anew as FRIENDS. I love you. DWJ Han (SAM) Happy B-Day dude1 Lets party at the Hunan Cafe Your Bros WALLY 14 DAYS IS WAY OUT OF LINE I'm suing Dr. Lew s for malpractice I love everything about from A to Love, you Cuteness Don Robert us. Single or Taken? Interested J.C. Penny (DTD) Here s to cookie douah fights, hyperventilating, your expensive pm, Toga 86, getting the bottom. Imperial Palace, and a fantastic year of being friends.1' I love you. Wana Puff Looper (AXO) P.S. Does this mean we re off to the coast with our fish plates on my salary’ ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 'ggy Life's been great having you for a mate! Happy One Year Anniversary. Cubby YOUNG ATTRACTIVE MALE NEEDS VALENTINES DATE. Relationship possible. Reply to P O Box 2294, 3256 S 13th. 68502, with photo and personnel info. CHUNK, YOU ARE GREAT, ABBA DABBA 27 CHILD CARE BOSTON NANNY Professional couple seeks reliable, young woman, 21+, non-smoker, to provide live-in childcare for one toddler Good salary, pleasant household, 1-year commitment Beginning 8/88. Call collect 617-237 4179, 6-8:00 PM. HELP WANTED INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED Starting Wage: S3.65/hour. No previous experience is necessary, although it is very helpful. A meeting for soccer officials will be held Sunday. Feb. 7th at 3:30 in theCook Pavilion. This meeting is very important. We will be holding a rules clinic at this meeting OFFICE OF CAMPUS RECREATION, 1740 VINE STREET, LIN COLN, NE 68588-0601,472-3467. PHOTOGRAPHIC DARKROOM ASSISTANT Good pay, flexible hours, near downtown. Must have experience1 R. Bruhn Photography, 474-6434 Telephonetleket sales. Teletalkers needed. Pays cash. Day or evening shifts. Call 466 Merrill Lunch part-time lunch help needed apply in per son Monday-Friday 201 N 8th in the Haymarket. INTRAMURAL INNERTUBE WATER POLO/WATER POLO OFFICIALS NEEDED STARTINGWAGE. S3.65.hour Nopreviousexpenence is necessary, although it is very helpful. A meeting for water poloofficials will be held Sunday, Feb. 7th at 3:30 at the Mabel Lee Hall Pool. This meeting is very important. We will be holding a rules dime a* this meet i OFFICE OF CAMPUS RECREATION, t 740 VINF STREET, LINCOLN. NE 68588-0601, 472-3467. Kitchen Counter Help Full and part-time, flexible hours, excellent tor student or housewife Apply in person Run/a Drive-Inn 33rd 8 Pioneer AMIGOS 14th & Hwy 2 OPENING S60N S3.75 to start (M-F day or closing shifts). Up to $4 25 after experience Great work environment. 50% meal discount. Paid vacation Flexible schedule. S T.E P. Tuiton Reimbursed College Scholarship Plan Up to 40% college tuition -eimbursement depending upon college, work availab lily 8 |ob tenure. Amigos, an expanding quality oriented mex can fast *ood Cham, has excellent part-time 8 full-t me ,ob opportun ties at it's newest location in Lincoln at 14th 8 Hwy 2 If you are an aggressive customer oriented person 8 like to work at a ‘ast intense pace, apply NOW at the corporate office at 5500 Holdrege. from 8am-6pm, Mon Thurs. CAMPCOUNSELORS-Mae female Outstanding S m and Trim Down Campus Tennis, dance, WSI, athletics, nutrition dietetics Age 2C» 7 weexs CAMPCAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSESaf Massa chusetts. Pennsylvania. No Carolina, California Con tact: Michele Friedman. Director, 947 Hewlett Drive No Woodmere, N Y. 11581.800-421 4321 -’art-time help needed Sales, service, and construction. Could be increased to full-time in summer Previous swimming pool experience helpful. Apply in person Bonsall Pools of Lincoln 33rd 8 Hiway 2 Ask for Mike. HELP WANTED Must by 21. PO Pears SUMMER EMPLOYMENT at Camp l ncoin Camp Lake Hubert ■ Minnesota resident summer campus A strong commitment to working with children required along with activity skills and teaching experience Specific |Ob information and applications are available at Financial Aids Office - 113 Administration Building sign up, in advance, for personal interviews to be held on campus Thursday, February 11th and Friday. February 12th, 1988 CELEBRATION Now hiring all positions. Motivated people good parv time during school |ob. Apply at Celebration, lower leve Gold's Galleria, between 9 and 5 weekdays 435 $4.00 per h our sta rt. Part-time bus person possibly d ays or nights. Neat appearance, willingness to work. Tam O'Shanter, 105 South 25th, no phone calls. RECEPTIONIST/DESK CLERK Part-time days, evenings, and weekends. Apply at YWCA. 1432 N Street, by February 12. AA/EOE SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS The beautiful Colorado Mountains are calling. Nurse, cooks, wranglers also. ANDERSON CAMPS, near Vale, will interview students, with a strong commitment to working with children. February 12. Sign up and pick up applications at office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Temporary flower delivery. 12th- 14th. Apply 3225 S 14th. ROOMMATES Female to share nice 2 bedroom apartment. Si 59.474 6830 Male roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom house. Call after 5 pm 435 5612. Roommate needed to share large apartment m near south area. SI60 plus utilities Call 476-7993 M F NON-SMOKER rents 140-month + 13utilities. 435 2787 after 4:30. ___ Male to share 3-bedroom house 2 blocks from city campus. S120/mo., 1/3 utilities. 475-4500,477-0702 Somewhat studious M F roommate Needed immedi ately. Share large bedroom (no snoring) S' ' 5 plus 1 3 utilities. "Large Pantry" Dwe'ler S75 plus 1 3 utilities. Call 4 76 6721 M F roommate needed’a share large 3 bedroom house S175 + 1/3 utilities 475-1708. Roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment 24th & W. Call 476 8875. Female Roommate S87 per month 1/4 utilities, own room W D available 435 0302. ROOMS FOR RENT Hu^e bedroom, large quiet home, near downtown and East campus Bus one block. Includes laundry, own telephone, all utilities S175 435-576' Small, furnished room in totally remodeled house at 1 144 F Kitchen and lounge privileges Everything is newt S150 month All utilities paid. 475-0884 423 9800. HOUSES FOR RENT Nice 5 6 Bedroom Home Close to campus. 621 N 24th. $550 488 0061. VPARTM* \ * s W' \ j‘| \ | East Campus, Suitable for single person Basement apartment, $195 Call 472-2175 or 489-6668 927 S 11th, Sparkling clean, 1 bedroom, new carpel, laundry, shower Nice!' $200 477-2610.423-9800 CRESCENT PLAZA, 3636 NO 52ND 1 and 2 bedroom, all appliances, laundry facility, oh street paiking 2-bedroom otters 1 3-4 bath and ba cony, garage ava able. Call 464 4 751 Monday-Friday, 3 00 6 00pm Saturday 9.00 12:00 noon Mega Corporation, 475-8407 NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new. 2 bedroom, from $335 a month 474 1064, 477-4434 One bedroom also available, $275 2406 J Efficiencies in historic build ng, $210 & $190 Utilities paid 4 75 9663 AVAILABLE NOW-NEWER 2 bedroom, close to campus Carpet, appliances, laundry, parking, no pets S345 ♦ . * 521 North 25th 475 0539 1910 Knox 435-7770 Owner 477-7684 Hayward Place 1223 N 9th 1 bedroom available now in unique historic building just blocks away from campus Microwave and dishwasner 476 8566 or Mega Corp 475-8407 Mon day-Fnday. MOVE IN NOW NO RENT UNTIL MARCH 1109 North 28th, 1-bedroom, new decor, ceiling tan, microwave, all kitchen appliances, swimming pool $200 deposit and move in 489 3387,423 1463, ABC Rental 931 South 11th Clean, one bedroom apartment Laundry, shower, pri vate entrance, new paint and blinds. $210. 477 2610, 423 9800 ^m 90 T. FEB.G *2 900 THE RETURN 1100 OUT OF HABIT BLOOM COUNTY_by Berke Breathed 1 PONT WANT VO ELECT A COMATOSE CANPIPATE. HOW BOUT BRUCE BABBTT T T MZlUtNKS you OVERLOOK OUR CfiNPimre'S JNI0U6 RPFBRL \ INSWAP OF A PRE5IPBNT WHO '5 ASiBEP F/OUKfmmY, we CAN HAVE ONE PA5S6P OUT UWtALVf/ no woNoemo. FUU, PISClOSURE/ trv 3e an exa mo NEW FRONTIER 60 INOUCP IN RRESIPENTIAL A NAME COORACtE. UKE 2301 A 475-7262 1-bedroom, laundry, bus. $240 East Campus One bedroom, one block from campus in brick 1,2-p ex Off-streot parking and laundry facilities. Call Mega at 475 8407. LOST & FOl ND FOUND: Ring fulT of keys south of Memorial Stadium. Call 435-6878 to ID and claim. LOST: Pair of perscription glasses in black case. Reward 472-3745/472-0506. AU. THE CCWtoHTS OF H<»*IE WITHOUT THE RELATIVES &3°:r 52WSIgrboc* te"™™ ADOPTION ADOPTION: Lawyer and professor with lots of love m give seek a newborn to make their family complete Wonderful, loving home awaits arrval of baby who will h« surrounded by warmth and security. Expenses paid Ptease call collect, after 5pm o' weekends (212) 249! ADOPTION. CHOOSE THE BEST FOR YOUR BABY Happily married professional couple promises a lovina and secure future for your newborn. Expenses paid Confidential. Call Leslie and Fritz collect after 5 00 om or any time on weekends. 212-260 4358, "pontpeTay"" ^-aOp-321-5911n The matador’s nightmare CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edite.l by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Shaded retreat 6 Obstacle 10 Sikorsky 14 -firma 15 Goddess of youth 16 Exploding star 17 Writer Hammond 18 Author Wister 19 Please 20 Calm 22 French depa rt merit 23 She, in Paris 24 Dodged 26 Objects 30 Global area, in poesy 32 Immediately 33 Kan. city 35 Wall recess 39 Expanded 41 Underwater fisherman 43 Saying 44 Famous Italian family 46 Approaching 47 Motionless 49 Late bloomers 51 Box 54 Verb suffix 56 Samoan seaport 57 Calm 63 Fcrth-down play 64 Hence 65 Motherless calf 66 Gaelic 67 Yemeni seaport 68 Fla. city 69 Marshy plant 70 G.O.P. candidate 71 Garment inserts DOWN 1 Suffix with system 2 Las Vegas rival 3 City SE of Prague 4 Pitcher Hershiser 5 Bacon slice 6 Sand bar 7 FDR shibboleth 8 Have-in one’s bonnet 9 Masculine, e g. 10 Calm 11 Small-necked bottle 12 Like sheep 13 Appr aised 21 Actress Jams 25 Queue 26 Art style 27 Okla. city 28 Ocean sunfish 29 Calm 31 Speedy 34 Frankfurt’s river 36 Mont Indian 37 Listen to 38 Slips 40 Sinew: Comb, form 42-Melba 45 Baseball's Casey 48 Group of nine 50 Mariner 51 Frisk 52 Venezuelan river 53 Wash c ycle 55 Type of pastry 58 Catholic booklet 59 Off one’s rocker 60 Jelly thickener 61 African river 62 Cambric and oolong