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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1988)
Freshman leads Cowboys with 27 points By Nick Hodge Staff Reporter One of Richard Dumas’ ears was hurting Thursday night, but it didn’t bother the Oklahoma State freshman’s shooting touch. Dumas scored 27 points in a 72-56 w in against Nebraska despite suffer jnt> an ear infection. He sank 9 of 14 field goals, hit 9 of 10 from free throws and. pulled down five re bounds. Oklahoma Suite coach Leonard Hamilton said Dumas' performance was outstanding considering his car infection. i have to take my hat off to a guy w hoputson a performance like he did tonight when you consider the fact that he had eaten little, and had been taking antibiotics for the last couple of days,” Hamilton said. Dumas, who scored 21 second half points, attributed his ability to score against Nebraska to hustle and good teammates. "1 just wentoutand hustled, which often results in the ball coming your way a lot,” Dumas said. “I just got lucky.” “I couldn't have scored as much if the rest of the players on my team weren’t good,” he said. “They got the ball to me, and I scored.” Dumas entered Thursday’s game as the Cowboys’ leading scorer and rcboundcr,averaging 15.7 points and 6.8 rebounds a game. During his three-year letterman at Booker T. Washington High School in Tulsa, Okla., Dumas averaged 22 points a game. His prep career high was 33 points. Oklahoma State, 2-3 in the Big Eight and 11-8 overall, led 30-22 at halltime. Ncbraskacut the Cowboys' lead to 32-27 with 17:05 remaining in the game. Dumas scored eight straight points for the Cowboys to give them a 40-27 lead with 15:07 remaining. “When they (Nebraska) caught up, they sort of slacked off, so I started looking for the shot,” Dumas said. “Coach told me to look for my shots.” Dumas said the Cowboys’ main goals were to stop Nebraska’s fast break and to keep the partisan crowd out of the game. “We wanted to get Nebraska’s guys frustrated,” he said. “Other than that, we just went out and played.” Doug Carroll/Daily Nebraskan Oklahoma State’s John Starks yells out instructions as Eric Johnson defends during Thursday’s game. Nebraskan Classified 472-2588 FOR SALE 13" COLOR TV FOR SALE EXCELLFNT CONDITION, ONLY ONE-YEAR OLD OFFER 5110, PHONE: 474-2155 193' Ctal on. 4 door $1,400 Sola and chair, $50 Ch©c' 525 Call 472 2635 and ask for Helen 3 St no Tickets, 8th row center mam floor Make offer 558 5554 (Omaha) Ask for Jenny. De'uire answering machine with remote Used little Great unitu Call Patty 464 0513 after 6 p m. Full-Size Kenmoore Microwave less than 7 months old Call 474 09'7 or 474 0918 2 YEAR WARRANTY!! USHER S GIFTS! Cliff s Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1973 Cnevy Nova Runs well. A little rust Good school Co' A ,» •’gSaoOo'beslofler 792 2943after6p m (local call) TICKET EXCHANGE 6 tickets to iowa State qame Phone 474 0584 Askfor Kenny AIRLINE coupons wanted Ur -ed rJonjs Tickets. Northwest. Delta, etc Will pay up to S350 each 800 255-4060 SERVICES I TYPEWRITERS - WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE BLOOMS 323 North 13th St. 474 4136 TUTOR AVAILABLE Mathematics and Statistics Call 477-7266. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO __423-2709_ SAVE BIG BUCKS AT DUDSN’ SUDS 30 cents per/lb. Drop oil laundry every Fri day. Try us because nobody "Duds" it cleaner. Duds n Suds 939 N. 27th Have vacuum will travel Regular weekly or bi-weekly 7gi^ecle‘,nirig Excellent references Flexible 464 QUALITY TYPING Term papers. Theses. Reports, etc. S'/page 466 3489 49 day til'Spring Break i vext . jjorcise class starts Monday Feb 8 Body Flex Fitness and Tanning Centers. 1316 N St. 476 149? Gateway North 464 7969 . ‘LOVE NOTES* a mes5a9e on ,he L TsT INFOR Kiry-v i located at the Student Union' See KS teSSblS T.S*??9’8:00 4 30 pm “F I I v 1*IN<; & RESUMES ^ RESUMES^ PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET, $15 ♦ TAX. DAILY NEBRASKAN. ROOM 34, NEBRASKA ^ UNION, fl AM -5 PM. MONDAY-FRIDAY, ^ GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE IBM WORD PROCESSING AND TYPING REASONABLE 488-9294 MISCELLANEOUS DIAL-A-VALENTINE Send your sweetie a Truffel Valentine Call Dial-a-Gift, 435 7123 ANNOUNCEMENTS LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS Meeting this Sunday at 7:30 pm in the Union. POCKET CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Cliff s Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476 0119 Attention UN-L Students'! You are cordially invited to the season opener for the women s gymnastics team. We aie currently ranKed #6 in the country, and on our way up' Join us Friday. February 5, 7 p.m. at the Sports Center. Come watch us whip Ohio State Thanks, The Women s Gymnastics Team i-:-1 X ORCHESIS First meeting ot second semester. Thursday. February 11th,6 30pm Room 109. Maybel Lee Hall (Officers: 6 00 pm for meeting) Dress to dance' Attention College o' Arts 4 Sciences SAB Meeting IMPORTAN T. Election of Officers Sunday, February 7, 1988, 7:00 p.m. in the Union. SEX GODS (and a girl too) Come, drool and en|oy the Return and Out of Habit Sat, Feb 6 at Duffy s 9 11 p.m, $2 Cheap Thrills THANKS MARY YOU WERE THE BEST! FROM THE STAFF AT DUDS N’ SUDS * Parking Advisory Board Meeting 1:30 pm, City Union, 2-8 88 Room number will be posted Arts n' Sciences Student Advisory Board Meeting Sun day, February 7, at 7:30 Union Elections and Reforming the Board We Need Your InputH UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL IS not just a place of worship. There are fnends, fum and much, much more. Come check usoutl Sunday Services at 9 and 11 am Neod a relaxing place to study7 Try the COFFEE HOUSE 1324 P. PRESBYTERIANS UNITED METHODISTS COME CHRISTIANS, JOIN TO SING UCC. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST SUNDAY MORNINGS I0:00 Bible Study 10 30 Fellowship Hour 11 00 Morning Worship CORNERSTONE, UMHE 640 NO 16TH STREET All student, taculty and staff welcome. BLOODMOBILE AT CORNERSTONE Feb. 9, Tues. 11-3 640 N. 16th Comfortable Chairs, Pleasant People, Neat eatsM Help us help you to help others PLEASE GIVE Meet at the COFFEE HOUSE For hot coffee or tea and great cheese cake 1324 P NEBRASKA UNION BOARD is looking for students to be Advisory Board Members For more information and a copy of the application stop by 115 Nebraska Union Deadline February 12th. 4 0C pm • SKI STEAMBOAT Celebrate Spring Break at Steamboat Spr.ngs Colorado Great 2-5-7 day packages Call for details Four Seasons Travel 476-8795 SUNDAY SPECIAL Sunday night is party night at The Tubbery What a better way to finish a stressful week than soaking in a hot tub surrounded by friends. (S20 per tub per hour with a party of 4 or more) 475-8989. SKI VAIL BEAVER CREEK!! Lodoinq & Lift packagos !rom S219-person Pool, hot tub. firepace, ski shuttle. Call Sun n Ski at 800-822-6755 today._^____ ★ ACTION MEETING Sunday. 4:30 p.m.. Union ALL CANDIDATES MUST ATTEND bring your checkbooks. FUNDAMENTAL BIBLE TEACHING Now studying Jude 1-3. "The Eternal Security of the Believer In the midst of false teachers.' Sunday. 11 am, at the Haymarket. 808 P, 3rd floor Drop, in and study with our small and informal group ... Thecoffee son! Call489 0613 or 423-1535 for information or taper. ★ Power trio at Duffy s the Return Out of Habit WASP Sat. Feb 6, 9-11 p m., 52 Rock On 11 UPC CHAIR APPLICATIONS Are now available in the CAP Offices of both Nebraska Unions INTERNSHIP JUNIOR HIGH TEACHER PREPARATION PROJECT LINCOl N PUBLIC SCHOOLS UNiVERSlTY OF NEBRASAK-LINCOLN A fifth year internship experience is being offered for people suecifically interested in teaching in the |umor high This is a unique experience designed to provide supped between the studnet teaching practicum and a full-time teaching position. The internship is part of a collaborative project between the Lincoln Public Schools and the University of Nebraska-Linooln Taachers Col lege This internship is a full year's experience, combin ing a half-time teaching assignment in a junior high with a half-time graduate studies component. A stipend will be paid for teaching three classes in a |umor high m Lincoln. Nine hours of graduate credit per semes ter may be earned from UN-L. Completion of the Intern ship may lead to a middle school endorsement. Students who will have graudated by August, 1986 and have applied for both a teaching certificate and intend to see admission to a graduate orogr am «re eligible to apply tor an internship. CONTACT: Dr. Lynn L. Mortensen for information ol application forms at: 114C Henzlik Hall, UN-L 472-1992 APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1988 SUBMIT TO. Junior High Project Team C/O Dr Lynn L. Modensen 118 Henzlik Hall University of Nebraska-uincoln 68588 0355 The Lincoln Public Schools and the University of Ne brasha are equal opportunity employers._ GREEK AFFAIRS Michelle Pfeiler. Cindy Richtson & Gina Sutko Dorm living, sunshine, campus tours. pariies-FUNI New Student Orientation will never be the same. Con gratulations! Delta Gamma Sisters Today is the day to ski your BRAINS out. Beta Sigma Psi Fire and Ice SAE LITTLE SISTER RUSH FEB 28 - MARCH 4 If questions call Tim or Brad af 435-4383 GUARANTEED COUNTRY offers a free gift for hosting private showings of hand crafts and collectables at your sorority 643 3182 after 5 00 Sigma Alpha Mu proudly presents .LITTLE SISTER RUSH! Sunday, February 7, 7 pm and Thursday, Febru ary 11,9:30 pm. Hurryand sign up or feelf reetocallEmily (472-8700) or Maura (472-9049) if you have any ques tions. -> V.I.P. Drink Specials For Everyone 7-11 Every Fri. & Sat. 991 call drinks 99C imports 99<t blended drinks 99<t ice cream drinks $1.49 pitchers BBC Mina test