NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new, 2 bedroom, from $335 a month. 474-1064, 1 474 4434. One bedroom also available, $275. 931 South 11th riean one bedroom apartment. Laundry, shower, pri vate entrance, new paint and blinds. $210. 477-2610, 423-9800 ___ 2301 A 475*7262 1-bedroom, laundry, bus. $240. LOST & FOUND mcr Pair of perscription glasses in black case. Reward 472-3745/472-Ofoe. _ i n^T Pink leather address book basement Andrews $5 00 Reward. 489-2494. ADOPTION _ ADOPTiOhTTawyer and professor with lots of love to I've seek a newborn to make their family complete Wonderful loving home awaits arrival of baby who will be surrounded by warmth and security. Expenses paid. Please call collect, after 5pm or weekends (212) 249 5954 _____ adoption, choose the best for your babyi Happily married professional couple promises a loving ‘andsecure future for your newborn. Expenses paid. SSJSfinC^dsan2d12^3Ma,,er 5" pm announcements ■4r + SAA j Chair Meeting Today at 4:30 SKI STEAMBOAT Celebrate Spring B'eak a! Steamboat Springs Colorado. Great ? 5-7 day packages Call tor details Four Seasons Travel 476 8795 YOUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting 7:30 pm. Thursday. Union. See Yal SKT VA1LUEAVER CREEK!! LodqmgS Lift packages from $219per son. Pool.hottub, firepace, ski shuttle Call Suri n' Ski at 800 822-6755 today STUDY IN MEXICO” Fall. Spring, Summer temis For .n'ormation on programs at ITESM -Monter rey at iow cost, seerrot. Kay Nickel. 1028 O Ufather, or UNL INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1237 R St.. Rm 201, M-F. 1-5 pm (472-3076) NU ML US Meeting Thursday. Feb 4th 6:00 p m - City Union STUDY AT OXFORD CENTRE FOR MEDIEVAL & RENAIS SANCE STUDIES Summer or Academic Year UNL INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1237 R St.. Rm. 201. M-F, 1-5 pm (472-3076) ACTION MEETING Sunday 4 30 p.m . Union ALL CANDIDATES MUST ATTEND bring your checkbooks. HNANCt CLUB MAHKelINLi CLUB Join! Meeting, Thursday, February 4 6:30 p m Nebraska Union Presentation by Volume Shoe Food Atterwardsll UNL MARKETING CLUB presents Greg ones and Karen Meenen of Volume Shoe tomte at 6 pm in the Union. New members welcome and free appetizers11 UPC CHAIR APPLICATIONS A'e now available in the CAP Offices of both Nebraska Unions. STUDY IN DENMARK UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN Fall and/or Spring Semesters IN ENGLISH, Social Sciences, International Business, Lan guages UlML INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1237 R St., Rm. 201, M-F, 1-5 pm (472-3076) STUDENT FOUNDATION: There will be a mandatory meeting this Thursday at 5:30 in the Union. GREEK AFFAIRS CD's. , thanks *or showing your support and enthusiasm at he PEP. You're the best! Love, Aerobic ATO LITTLE SIS Bowling Staggette. Tonight, 8 pm Bring $$. Bowling duds. No elections. SAE LITTLE SISTER RUSH FEB 28 - MARCH 4 It questions call Tim or Brad at 435-4383 ADPi VIP s: We love you all, hang tough, we all share the same dream and soon too it will be yours! Pi Love, The Actives Soon to be ADPi Aclives Lookmg forward to this special weekend. The long /vait is soon to become a reality! GET EXCITEDIII Pi Love, The Actives 3UARANTEED COUNTRY offers a free gift for hosting private showings of hand crafts and collectables at your sorority. 643 3182 after 5:00. Carolyn (KD) and John (EN). Congratulations on your pinning. Love, Kappa Delta P S. FINALLY! Soon to be Alptvr Oelts The day has come and soon you will understand the true meaning and love of Alpha Delta Pi. You have all more than deserved itll Pi Love The Actives SIGMA NU LITTLE SISTERS Initiation tonight at 10:00. Be there by 9:45 It you have questions can Brent at 474-9525. SAE LITTLE SISTERS Important meeting Thursday, 6:30. Officer elections, pick up active pms, set up rush. Pi Mu Epsilon National Math Honorary application dead line is Friday at 5:00 pm Applications are available outside OldH 810>. Alpha Chi Omega CRUSH Will YOU be invited7 ★ Congratulations to the New AGS Little Sister Actives We re PROUD of you!! Love. AGS actives and Little Sisters PERSONALS Julie7 What Bet7 Who are you7 R W. (Sigma Nu) THINKER. FEELER. DOER. GIVER SM. 25. 5 8". blonde, dazzling blue eyes, available for friend/relationship7 l"m responsible, sensitive, affec tionate. I value warmth, honesty, physical and mteilec tualflexibility. I Ike casual clothes, "comfortable people and clean air. Would like to meet attractive, fit. SF, 21 28. to share social interaction, indoor relaxation, outdoor recreation. Interested RSUM: SM, Box 4236, Lincoln. NE. 68504. Roland, l was told you could help me with my accounting Kris (475-8804) To the note leaver, meet me at Burger King 9:30 a m Friday if you can. You're right it is "killing" me! RSVPvia Personals if you can't make it, Please7 Greg Hey Craig How about those Lady Huskers! Th«6e Gymnasts are lookin' pretty HOT' Don't forget their season opener this Friday night. Can t wait to check them out in the.r new leotards. _ . „ , See you there, Rick * Roses are red Violets are black this is platonic Because ot your back -Barta BDC (Zero Builder); , Happy 23rd Birthdayll Hope you have agreat day and we don't celebrate too hard tonight. I'm still hanging in ,herel! Love Ya. ME Roses are red Violets are black This is platonic Because of your back -Barta Happy Birthday"Tod (arnie) Roses Are Red Violets are Blue You Mean The World To Me I Love You We re gonna have a great time tonight and always ° Rainier and Shasta Loser party, Friday? Your place9 7 009 III bring MS Ms you supply the cheese puffs. Maybe a CB mntoi PP7L0vaya' Wimpy (NJ] DESPERATE FOR DATES 1 SM Two Carolina girls in need. _ Spring formal soon. Tall, lank / blonde and short, healthy brunette preferred. Respond by air to: Marinn and Velvet TALL, BLONDE. HUNK OF A MAN SEEKING EXPERI ENCE OF A LIFETIME. RESPOND VIA THE PERSON ALS. GARY KAHLE In time and space, we ll find our place: ! Friendship lasts forever i So do valentines. v Love, Your girlfriend ; _t CHILDCARE _ COULD YOU BE A BOSTON NANNY? Are youa loving, nurturing person who enjoys caring for children? Live in lovely, suburban neighborhoods, enjoy excellent salaries, benefits, your own living quarters and limited working hours Your round-trip transportation is provided One year commitment necessary. Call or write Mrs. F'scn, Child Care Placement Service, Inc. (CCPS). 149 Buckmimster Road, Brookline, MA 02146. 1 800-338-1836. BOSTON NANNY Professional couple seeks reliable, young woman, 21 + . non-smoker, to provide live-in childcare for one toddler. Good salary, pleasant household. 1-year commitment. Beginning 8/88. Call collect 617-237-4179, 6-8:00 PM HELP WANTED INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED S'arting Wage: S3.65/hour. No previous experience is necessary, although it is very helpful. A meeting for soccer officials will be held Sunday, Feb. 7th at 3:30 in the Cook Pavilion. This meeting is very important. We will be holding a rules clinic at this meeting OFFICE OF CAMPUS RECREATION, 1740 VINE STREET, LIN COLN, NE 68588-0601, 472-3467. FOOD SERVICE WORKER Part-time position, evening shift, $4.49hourly. Contact L ancaster Manor for further information and application. 471-7101. EOE.AA PHOTOGRAPHIC DARKROOM ASSISTANT Good pay, flexible hours, nea' downtown Must have experience! R. Bruhn Photography, 474-6434 Telephone ticket salea. Teletalkers needed. Pays cash. Day or evening shifts. Call 466 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE JAW sMa c e r b®za r f ERA t|v' I S O r|e R I E STR I KTE A S O U rTn O TIE t e m!p OBBtoSHE 2 ■iMMBE L B a! HEN DHEH B A L L P AR K Tpi G U|R E S E V I B| L TTa "Rifs M[T L_ T_ d i n kBm opr JE SBAp J_ 2. Ts Y oiuMs U s "hIHiT o n "d'OU BL E|0 Rpr 0|T H[T N G ■BBaT n sKlo ptT ijn Z I G|A C E S ME PSOM EVE Nlslu PTf H E[S CORE NEfl E|D ORA D >1 "ATir A N o]s|s|a|o|s s]eUt{21 n[e ML THE Cm\ oRTb n( Hc**L WITHtXJT THL RELATIVE* WV pRtaNfrM'AU.WM.' jiafeuTH 9M* 6THECT, UK*** WE 6*&0e 476 “ 9 ' ] I BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed IPZOPtf, I f=6AR OUR OPTIONS FOR A MFAPOPJ PARry PRtSIPBNVAL CANPUMTZ ARE AS WLV AS USUAL.. PORTNOY, Give MS 0 CURRENT SCONML RRPORT ON MU. TNS CflT OLSON , ASASORY'9 \ deMNP. \ A c\ NO WOMANIZING, NO PLAGIARIZING. NO NiARIJVANASIZING, NO ANTI' 56MITICIZING, ANP NO STUPIPICIZING FOP AT U.AST IN He'S TEQUILA 9t£N COMA. KEZPlN' ILL CX) low r pea him off v M &ATHKM\ \ FLOOR. errilfLuncfi part-timelunch help needed apply in per >n Monday-Friday 201 N 8th in the Haymarket. INTRAMURAL INNERTUBE WATER POLO/WATER POLO OFFICIALS NEEDED ITARTINGWAGE: S3.65<hour. Nopreviousexperience 5 necessary, although it is very helpful. A meeting for vater polo officials will be held Sunday, Fob. 7th at 3:30 it the Mabel Lee Hall Pool. This meeting is very impor ant W° will be holdinq a rules clinic at this meetma JFFICF OF CAMPUS RECREATION, 1740 Vlhft STREET, LINCOLN, NE (LB5G8-0601, 472-3467. Kitchen/Counter Flelp :U|| and part-time; flexible hours, excellent for student or \ousewife. Apply in person. Runza Drive-Inn 33rd & Pioneer FOR SALE _ 13" COLOR I V f-OH SALt EXCELLENT CONDITION; ONLY ONE-YEAR OLD. BEST OFFER: $110, PHONE: 474-2155. 1981 CltationT 4-door ST.400 Sofa" and chaTr. S50. Chest. $25. Call 472-2635 and ask for Helen. Delux answering machine with remote. Used little. Great unit!! Call Patty 464 0513 after 6 p.m. For Sale. 2single J.C. Mellencamptickets Call-435 4114 after 6:00 p.m. Full-Size Kenmoore Microwave less than 7 months old Call 474-0917 or 474-0918. 2 YEAR WARRANTY!! IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARETTES Cliff s Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 Olympus OM-1 camera, case, flash. Cai1483-0236 ask for Brad. VEHICLES FOR SALE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Leonine name 6 Dress 10 Dallas univ. 13 Regarding expanse 14 James-, U.S. author 15 Suffix with labor or victor 16 Vt. site of British defeat: 1777 18 Pretext 19 Finish 20 Travels 21 How we stand 23 Takes offense 25 Big Broadway success 26 Actress Michele 27 Lee J. or Ty 28 Youth org. 31 Intense; violent 34 Roaring 20’s dances 36 Tucked in for the night 37 Flogged 39 Burden 40 French President: 1954-59 42 Versifier Nash 43 October brew 44 Firpoof boxing 45 Mrs., in Madrid 46 Dental 48 Intermittent light 52 Narcotic 54 Usher’s concern 55 Pitcher’s stat 56 Choir member 57 Charitable 60 Golfers’ pegs 61 Yale Bowl, e g. 62 Sublease 63 Dejected 64 Shrill barks 65 Pantywaist DOWN 1 One-edged sword 2 A Castle 3 Repairs 4 Prohibit 5 Evenly placed 6 Duelists’ pledges 7 Business reps. 8 Antique auto 9 Stupefied 10 Fighting Irish campus site 11 Ponder dreamily 12 Employed 15 Eye part 17 Short letter 22 Arrests 24 Skip over 25 Audio measure 27 Buffalo Bill’s family 29 Mold overflow 30 Org. 31 -avis 32 Fourth person 33 Gained (from) 35 Robes for justices 37 Young servant 38 Medical suffix 41 Jumbled mass MBn-■ 4i ii i* n 42 Platform pundits 45 Ruthenian 47 Cambodian neighbor 48 Senses 49 What celebrants kick up 50 Sea eagles 51 Shabby 52 Dobbin’s dinner 53 -bargain (legal stratagem) 54 Crisp cookie 58 Actress Le Gallienne 59 Hawaiian garland ■ ■ I ■ III I