The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 25, 1988, Page 12, Image 12
Classified 472-2588 SAVE TWS AD SKI Beaver Creed/Vail spring break Nioe 3-bedroom townhouse 303-5260064 GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, CITY UNION 615 pm CBA Semester rt Japan. Tall 1966 sponsored by UNL Colege of Business Administration Open to al UNL students Study and tve at Tokyo's Senshu University Earn 19 credits Japanese language. Japanese business, Japanese civilization For informal on and application (by Match 1st), see DVee Buss, CBA 242, 472-2310 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY ELECTED SPEECH COMMUNICATION CLUB OFFICERS: President - Lea Pojorte Vice President - Sa Petrow Secretory/Tneasuner - Terri Nielson Spectaf Events Comm Wee - Co-chairs • Jenny Woodward, Lisa Ebef Public Relations Committee - Co-chaws - Susan Wiliams, Juts McPheeiers Social Comm nee - Co-chan - Vicki Domna, Sarah Holmes Education Committee - Co-chaws • Heather Burnham, Maria Burley AMATEUR MGHT $5000 - 1st piece $2500 - 2nd place Every Thursday right al the Happy Hour Lounge, 17th A O Sues* Sign up by 10 30 pm _ WORLD PEACE Internatnnaf Undemanding One heck of a party* A IE SEC New Mentor Meeting January 26 and 27 at 5:30 pm in fhw I Inmn Women- Hating, Racism and Violence in the Top-40 A multi-media presentation by AUX DO0KIN on Thurs day January 28, at 7 30 p m Nebraska Union, room TBA Cal 472-2597 for information Innocents Society appteatione available now' City and East CAP offices COMMUTERS Are you tired at ndng alone’ Use the Commuter Board located n the Student Information Center, (Rm 116 Nebr Union) to fill your car _ FRESH TOBACCOS Clift's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 IjKbLK ArI'AlKu ACACIA LITTLE SISTER RUSH GET EXCITED! -eb 2 4 For more information call Sue 474-1872 or Renee 177 8710 Congratulations to Ray A (Sig Ep) on being chosen for Regional Director of Sgma Pni Epsilon The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon Congratulations to the newty elected executive members of Sgma Phi Epsilon Todd B - President Kurt O - V Prescient Matt B • Alumni Relations Troy B - Treasurer Rchard K - Pledge Educator Bruce B • Parlimentanan Tom M • Secretary Congratulations to Bruce B (Sr a) and Sandy S (Delta Gamma) on their pinning. The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon STUDENT GOVERNMENT Represent students m the Arts A Science College on the Student Government Senate Irter-Colegute Athletics Committee has a vacancy For more irformabon and applcations stop by 115 Nebraska Unon Deadline Jan 27, 1988 PERSONALS JERI.YN FOUND THE CURLING IRONS' TERI, MARY, and LEE, WHERE ARE YOU71 Give a call 475-9452 Jana A Sanna Bob- Happy Anniversary Thank you for the beat year of my Me> (Just think,al ot this from a blind datel) Love Always and Forever, Knsty Banjchies, Too bad you oouUnl come out to play You folded We have your badges Chary Colleen and Erin Anyone havng vtormaton about a hit and run on Satur day. January 16th at 1 15 am oocumng on Centennial Mai (15th & O) Mazda iryured three pedestrans Please cal 421 5202. days Brian, Das Heidatoeiger Sc floss war ausgezechnet aber vielhcht Lincoln konnte besser eem Chns Susan (Sigma Nu Little Sis), Happy Birthday' We miss you! Your (rands in KC CHILDCARE NANNIES NEEDED: MATURE, OUTGCHNG, PRO FES StONAL PEOPLE wth ability to relate to chldren needed tor hgh paying nanny positons Prater 20* year old and willingness to comm* to summer or 1 year positions East or West Coast Contact Nannies of Nebraska PO Bo* 463 Noitofc NE 66701. 402 379 2444 HELP WANTED DAHCfAS WANTCO Toptoss or non-top loss Earn up to $6 OOhour part time Must be 18 Of older Cal 474-6469 after 12 00 noon REWARDING SUMMER for sophomore and older oolleg« students in Colorado mountains working with children Backpacking, horseback riding, crafts, wildlife, many outdoor programs Write now, include program interests and goals SANBORN WESTERN CAMPS, FLORIS SANT, CO 80816 Part-time, male or female, mornng, afternoon, and eve mng positions available Apply m person at Mke's C Street Drive-In 22nd 4 0 AMIGOS 14th 4 Hwy 2 OPENING SOON $3 75 to start (M-F day or closing shifts) Up to $4 25 after experience Great work environment 50% meal dwcourt Paid vacation FtoxibJo schtdutr S TE P. Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarship Plan Up to 40% oolega tuition reimbursement depending upon ooDege. work avatabikty 4 job tenure Amtgoe, an awarding quafcty oriented mexcan last foot chan, haa excellent part-time 4 fu*-bme job opportunity at ft newest location n Unooti at 14th 4 Hvnr 2 If you art an aggreaaive customer oriented person 4 we to work a a fast ntenee pace, apply NOW at the corporate office a 5500 Hokkege, from 4am-6pm, Mon-Thors CAMP COUNSELORS • MaMemale Outstanding Sin and Trim Down Campus Tennw, dance, s fen nasties WSI, athletes, nutntiotYdiotetica Age 20* 7 weeks CAMP CAME LOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massa chuaetta, Pennsylvania, No. Carolina, Catfomia. Con tact Michels Friedman. Director, 947 Hewlett Drive, No Woodmare, N Y 11561, 600421-4321 Uve-n jobs Summer nanny's. East coast (617)755 9264 LATE NIGHT PART-TIME CUSTOOIAL HELP NEEDED APPLY IN ROOM 314, EAST CAMPUS UNION GOOFATHER'S PIZZA Now bring for the folowtng positions at aH restaurants detvery drveis day prep, day cashw, mght kitchen, r*ghi cashiers Apply m person to 1209 Q Street. 841 N 4811' Street. 5220 S 48th a COUNTER HELP needed, lextote afternoon hours Apply in person at Tha Serving Spoon, 1033 O Street, Su«e 210 MAKE A DIFFERENCE lisping people with mental retar datxm in daly kving skills Lancaster Office of Merita Retardation s seeing inckviduels (minimum age 19) for thr following positions to work in residences HUMAN SERVICES INSTRUCTION ASSISTANTS Instruct people In social, daily living and educations skits Duties aieo include house1- management 8 recordkeeping Vaned shifts it $5 37/hr plus benefits tor fun and part-time Some relates experience andtor educaton re Valid NE driver's lioenee desired This regwter is valid until kst is depleted Register ol ehgbles w4t be used lor al part time openings n the l its Skids Training Division Must oomplete a Supplemental Questionnaire m addition to CfyCo application Closing date Friday, February 26, 1988 City/Co Employment Office 555 So 10th Street F»m B113 Lrvcoln NE 68508 EOE/AA Counter/Kitchen Help Fult and part tme. tlexble hours, excellent tor student o housewfe Apply in person RUNZA DRIVE-INS 13th A E and 11th A Comhueker stores. Cocktail Waitress Early evening hours Call Bill at Lincoln University Club 435-2902 ^ _ JAN DRAKE S GARDEN CAFE ,s taking applications tor the follovijng positions hostess cashier, delivery, and wartery Apply at 131 So 13th between 9 00-1100 am and 1 30-300 pm. Part-time Secretary General Oftice/Clorical Will assist administrative assistant 2-3 mornings FREE per week a must 15-25 hours/week Call Dave at 423-0818, 9-3 daily PART-TIME Marketing opportunity' EARN MONEY and Gam Experience marketing FORTUNE 500 Companies' products ON CAMPUS' Flexible house' Reference given Cal MBA at 1-800-843 2786 ROOMMATES Female to share 2-bedroom apartment Large bedrooms $ 150/month plus utilities 477-0790 Male roommate to share two bedroom apertmert 24th & W *157 morth ♦ 1/2 utikbee Cal 476-8875_ LOOKING FOR A ROOMMATE? Slop m tie Student InkxmjSion Center and check the Wes of students lock mg for a roommate Rm 116, Nebraska Union. ___ WANTED Male roommate to share loft on 11th 8 K Nke. new, and aHordabla Only *131/month. Please can 435 7705 __ M/F roommate *18<Ymorsh 1/2 lAiRies Apartment oompiex located 1910 Knox Cal 477-2329 _ 44 and Hottege Male non-smokna reeponsble *156 and iJUtiaa 464-1263 evennga Need one male to share 3-bedroom house 2 bbcks from ctfy campus *120/mo plus 1/3 uttoet 477-0702 Roommate Wanted Female, responetole, non-smoker, to share nice 3-bedroom house, w*h two other students Close to campus *140/month plus unities Call 475 4376, anytime _ FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED (or two bedroom apartment, $ 180/mo ♦ 1/2 utitoies 18th & L, 477 0991, evenngs WF roommate wanted Neat, responsible considerate person to share luxury apartment $225/month Near campus 435-8802, evenings and »»ekends 472-1301 weekdays, Ask for Mark Mai or Femals, great 2 Bedroom apartment 166/month, ♦ i/2 utilities swimming pool Cal mornings or after noons 476-6140 Keep tryng HOUSES FOR RENT 4-5 bedroom house garage 3001 South Street $526/mo Call 464-4273, 488-0061 Mamed couple looking tor house to st or apartment for 6 months or year Would need May or June References available call evenings Luke 784-6902 Two bedroom house, $350 ♦ deposit and utiltes 483 4692 _ Nice 5-6 Bedroom Home Close 10 campus 621 N 24th $550 4880061 466 1168 APARTMENTS FOR REN1 APARTMENT NEEDED’ Check the current kstng (updated weekly) of apartment and houses avatable Student irtormaton Center, Rm 116, Nebraska Union __ 30TH & HOLDREDGE Large, dean. 2-bedroom parking, bus $285 476-6669 90% OFF FEBRUARY UtMies paid One bedroom $236 a month 477-0569 East Campus SuUble tor sm^e person Basement apartmen, $195 Cal 472 2175 or 489-6668 1824 S 15th New large. 2-bedroom apartmen $325, 488 2982 iwn a tupuu avenue Spacious accommodations for 2-3 adults Parkng, shower, appliances, bus, W/D hook ups, $300 4756669 2403 LYNN One bedroom, close to campus, cable, $255 ♦ deposit and utilities 464-7977 after 4 00 pm Move in now Willow Haven apartments 2-bedroom, 1 bath and 2-bedroom, 2-bath unts Fireplace, laundry facilrties on premises, oft-street parkng Call today Sorry, ro pets or children 1800 Knox 476-6200 Joseph E Kean Company, 474-1666 Effkaency apartment 14th 4 E Strew $17S/mor*h 474 5830, leave message Two bedroom apartment $380 + deposit ALL UTILITIES PAID! Call 435-2520 _ _ 640 So 20th 475-7262: Large 2-bedoom laundry, bus. $299 5 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Two bedroom Just remodeled $275 Call Km^42jM 871^ AVAILABLE NOW-NEWER 2 bedroom, doee to campus Carpet, apptiancee, laundry, parkng, no pets $345 ♦ 521 North 25th 4750539 1910 Knox 435-7770 Owner 477-7844_ 931 Sou* 11* Clean, ona bedoom apartment Laundry, shower, private entrance new part and binds $210. 477-2610, 423 9800 2301 A 475-7262 1-bedroom, laundry, bus_$240 CRESCENT PLAZA. 363$ NO S2ND 1 aid 2 bedroom, all appliances, laundy (salty, off-street parkng 2-bedoom offers 1 3M bath and balcony .garage available Call 464-4751 Monday-Fnday, 3 00600 pm Saturday 900-1200 noon Mega Corporation 475-8407 BETWEEN CAMPUSES 1121 North 28*. 1 BR, all appkances Indudng ckah washer, daposal Extra closets, tub/shower in bath, swimming pod $265 486-3387 2222-2244 VME STREET Ready now or hold lor February 1 4 2-bedrooms 2 baths AJ kitchens mdude dishwasher and disposal Central air, laundry, df-street perking $266-395 wth heat peto See manager. 2244 Vt» Street #282 475-1879, 489-3387 LOST & FOUND LOST Gold band ring w/ eras* Loal in 1st floor bathroom in Andrews If found, please call 475-6594 No questcns asked Reward Whoever found bo* of AFROTC uniform parts Call 464 0109 claim REWARD FOUND A long gray scarf 9 30 am Wednesday morning Area 24 west ol HSS Call Bob al 477-2996 HOMES FOR SALE 1,630 feet totally remodeled 4-bedroom home located between campuses at 512 No 26th FHA appraised at $46 250 Any reasonable offer will be considered Cal 477-7181, M-F. 8 30 5 00 pm £ A DOF HON Lawyer A teacher waitng for precious newborn to shower with love Private school muse lessons beautiful clothes, toys, summer weekends spent on a large boat E*>ense* paid Completely legal «~kJ confidential Please call Marti and Joan coOad anytime 212-876-1589 We are a devoted couple who want to share thee love wth an infant Wa can hep make the difficult time easier lor you Cal ue oolect anytime 516-354-3984 SOCIAL SERVK ES FREE FTFEGNANCY TEST Corfidertal oounselrig available Call lor appointment Lmcoh Cnsis Pregnancy Center. 475-2501 Blow your Valentine a Kiss in the DN Classifieds. You can send your Valentine a special greeting in the Daily Nebraskan on Friday, February 12th. Personals are only $2.50 for 10 words and 15$ per additional word. Also, add a box, large type, boldface or a heart for only 50$. Deadline is Thursday, February 11 at 1 p.m. 34 Nebraska Union -====55—S=5=i==55SS==-= Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Cadore 5 Harass 10 Volition 14 Boor 15 Hall’s partner in musu 16 Personal: Comb, form 17 Palindromic name 18 Bore excessively 20 Indolent 22 Inquisition ceremony 23 Caressed 25 Mauna l.oa goddess 26 Balances 28 Grated 32 Yell 34 Norse pantheon 36 Psychic Geller 37 Eft 38 Disney "vocalist” 39 Move 40 Eur. republic 41 Opera great -Casazza 42 Rapidly 43 Gateway 45 Occupants of trunks 47 Unilsof reluctance 49 Gourmet 52 Shoulder ornaments M Caussd travail 57 I nd 59 African gazelle 60 Image 61 Quechuas 62 German flax 63 "Red” coin 64 Desist's partner 65 Sp. miss DOWN 1 Reserved 2 Game of chance 3 Given sovereignly 4 Was conspicuous 5 Pith helmets 6 -de Cologr 7 Heine’s “ Troll” 8 Arrangement 9 Recondite 10 Oscar and Cornel 11 Notion 12 Gladly 13 Poet-de Vega 19 Heliacal 21 Cut 24 Distributed 27 What students take 29 ,, let no man-" 30 Pitcher Show e 31 Menacing 32 Bit 33 Protagonist 35 Take pot shots 38 In the style of Joffrey 39 Items on sale 41 Krse speakers 42 Tune for Tebaldi 44 Hooky player 46 Place side by side 48 "Platoon" director 50 Send payment 51 Suburb of Minneapolis 52 Heroic 53 Purple-brown 54 Like-of bricks 55 Animal lovers' org 58 Pile, in Pan.1