The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 19, 1988, Image 1

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    Weather: Tuesday, windy and colder
with temperatures in the 20s, occasional
snow, 2-4 inches possible. Tuesday
night, windy and colder with flurries and
temperatures in the upper teens. Wed
nesday, high in the upper 20s.
j A&E: 'Harveys' not a
rabbit, it's a dog — Page
I 6.
Sports: Smith succeeds
after swithcing - Page 5.
Libertarian offers alternative
Smaller government, less public control of platform
By Amy Edwards
Libertarian presidential candidate Dr. Ron
Paul said Monday that his party gives an alter
native for people who think the Republican and
Democratic parties “don’t have a whole lot to
Paul and his vice presidential candidate,
Andre Marrou, signed a certificate of nomina
tions Monday that puts them on the Nebraska
ballot for the 1988 presidential election. The
two candidates later spoke to about 20 people at
Commonplace, 333 N 14th St.
Paul, a practicing obstetrician from Hous
ton, was elected to the U.S. House of Represen
tatives four times as a Republican. He an
nounced his presidential candidacy in February
Before the speech, Paul said one goal of the
party is to create a smaller governmental body
that has less control on the public.
He said the Libertarian government is “more
in tune with the original Constitution.” If he
were elected president, Paul said, he would
strive to separate education, business and
communication from government.
Paul said the Libertarian Party “starts with
the premise that an individual is a free individ
ual and as long as he doesn ’ t do any thing to h urt
anyone else, he can do what he wants.”
This causes people to accept the risk and
responsibility ot their own lives, he said. Even
tually, Paul said, people will return to the
original ideals of the Constitution and no longer
rely on the government to solve their problems.
Paul said applying non-intervention policies
across the board is the key to saving the govern
ment. One of his policies involves abolishing
drug restrictions.
The idea is not to promote drugs, Paul said,
but to promote the freedoms that would allow'
people to smoke marijuana if they wanted to.
Paul said his policy would reduce the
amount of money spent on drug awareness and
education, and reduce the number of drug
related crimes caused by the high cost of illegal
Marrou, a state senator in Alaska, said sepa
rating education from the stale would reduce
the cost of public education and create compe
tition in the job market.
Although this would cut state and federal
Dave Hansen/Daily Nebraskan
Ron Paul announces his candidacy for president on the Libertarian ticket.
funding of education, Marrou said, there would
probably be more loans at a lower interest rate.
“Ultimately, everyone should pay for what
they get and get what they pay for,” Marrou
Paul said the government should only inter
vene when fraud was involved.
He said this policy would also stop the
redistribution of wealth in a government that is
supposed to be based on free enterprise.
Paul said his campaign is geared toward the
interests of college-age people. Because of this,
one of his major goals is to abolish income tax
and social security.
“I’ve never met anybody younger than 30
who thinks they will get a dime from Social
Security,” Paul said. “A voluntary system
should immediately replace this government
Paul said several “transition years” would be
needed to take care of people w ho rcl y on Soc ial
Security, but people “need to know that there is
no Social Security system, just a welfare trans
fer system.”
People should invest in individual retire
ment accounts as an alternative to social secu
rity, Paul said. This alternative, along with the
end of a mandatory retirement age, would “let
people workout responsibility for themselves,”
he said.
Paul also said a Libertarian government
would apply non-intervention tactics to foreign
Supporting and protecting other countries is
not only expensive, Paul said, but an unproduc
tive way to make allies.
“Why should we pick and choose dictators
around the world using your taxes and drafting
people to support an individual who is no better
than the opposition,” Paul said.
Although Paul is not predicting a win in the
presidential election, he said the Libertarian
Party will have a “major impact” in the election
and that once he gets on the ballot in each state,
“there is the danger that I may win.”
Man arrested
for robbery
had UNL job
By Anne Mohri
Senior Reporter
Stan Campbell, director of the Office of
Campus Recreation at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, said he was surprised to
learn a former campus rec employee was
arrested in connection with a bank robbery
last Friday.
Charles Mark Goodwin, a former UNL
psychology student, allegedly robbed the
Union Bank at 19th and O streets last Thurs
^ampoeu said Liooawin became a iacil
ity supervisorduring the 1987 fall semester.
Goodwin began working at campus rec six
or seven months ago as an office aide.
Campbell said Goodwin quit his job at
campus rec in December because he was
transferring to Nebraska Wesleyan Univer
Goodwin attended UNL and worked at
campus rec through a work-release pro
gram offered to inmates at the Community
Correctional Center of Lincoln.
Goodwin received a 12- to 20-year sen
tence for kidnapping and sexual assault
convictions in Omaha. He served nine years
and was paroled on Dec. 12.
Chris Eskridge, UNL criminal justice
professor, said work-release programs
originated in Texas and are used throughout
the United States.
Eskridge said the parole board or prison
officials determine if inmates are reliable
enough to be released on their own recogni
Through work-release programs in
mates are able to leave the correctional
facility during the day to attend school or
work, he said. The slate and federal govern
ments pay for inmate education.
By attending school, inmates can cam
degrees to support themselves after their
release instead of returning to street crime,
Eskridge said.
Work-release programs help reintegrate
inmates into society, he said.
King’s efforts for peace
must be emphasized
By Gretchen Boehr
Staff Reporter
About 100 people attended a sym
posium in memory of Martin Luther
King Jr.’s birthday last night at the
Culture Center, 333 N. 14th St.
The symposium featured a six
member panel, which spoke about
King’s importance and answered
questions from the audience. The
event was sponsored by the U niversity
Program Council’s Black Special
Events Committee and the Afrikan
People’s Union.
After a performance by the APU
gospel choir, the audience walked
down 14th Street to the Capitol for a
prayer and a candle lighting service.
The panelists included Gerald
Henderson, an equal opportunity offi
cer of Lincoln; Buddy Hogan, repre
sentative for the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People in Omaha; Lawrence Meyers,
executive director of the Nebraska
Equal Opportunity Commission;
Brad Munn, affirmative action/equal
opportunity officer at UNL; Rev.
Andrew Lee Simpson of the Allen
Chapel African Methodist Episoepol
Church in Omaha and Colin Ramsay,
professor of actuarial science at
Meyers said more emphasis was
needed on King’s efforts towards
“We need to remember what he
stood for, and that was the poor and
oppressed,” he said.
Speakers also stressed the impor
tance of education and encouraged an
increase of black student involvement
in campus and community activities.
Hogan said the civil rights move
ment of the 50’s and 60’ s was concen
trated on the right of access. These
rights included the desegregation of
schools, restrooms and public trans
portation, he said.
Hogan said now that blacks have
these rights of access they need to
decide what’s next for the civil rights
movement and the NAACP.
Simpson said, “Today we may not
be denied a Big Mac at McDonalds,
but what we arc denied is the possibil
ity of owning a McDonalds.”
Hogan said to truly commemorate
King, students should ask themselves
what they are doing at the university
and what they can do for others.
Doug Carroll/Daily Nebraskan
The APU Gospel Choir performs at the Culture Center Monday night at a symposium
honoring Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.