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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1988)
Sports Male intramural sports may be restructured By Jeff Apel Senior Editor A suggestion that male intramural sports be restructured so Greek and residence hall students will interact better was met favorably by Campus Recreation Director Stan Campbell. Campbell said the Office of Cam pus Recreation would be willing to re structure its five intramural sports that don’t allow Greek and residence hall students to face one another until championship games. He said those sports include flag football, slow pitch softball, outdoor soccer, basket ball and volleyball. Campbell said campus recreation classified Greek and residence hall students into different competitive categories even before he arrived nine years ago. He said residence hall and off-campus students also used to be in different categories, but that system was scrapped to bring the two groups closer together. “In all honesty, I don’t think it made a whole lot of difference,” Campbell said. Campbell said he doesn’t know if letting Greek and residence hall stu dents face one another more often would help break the animosity that exists between the two groups. A campuswide committee, formed in response to the snowball fights that plagued the University of Nebraska Lincoln late last year, suggested prob lems thatcxist between the two groups could be solved if they were allowed to interact more often in intramurals. Campbell said Greek and resi dence hall students compete through out the season in female intramurals and most of the male sports. He said the five male sports are an exception because so many students participate. Campbell said any change would have to be approved by the campus recreation advisory council. He said that council consists of Greek, resi dence hall and off-campus students as well as Office of Campus Recreation staff members. James Griesen, vice chancellor for student affairs and a committee member, said any actions taken at this time would be premature because the suggestions are still in their develop mental stages. The remaining sugges tions brought up at the December meeting included reorganizing the Association of Studentsof the Univer sity of Nebraska. The committee felt this would give residence hall stu dents more representation and in crease interests in University Founda tion classes, so residence hall students could be involved in more activities. Griesen said he will meet with Russ Johnson, president of the Residence Hall Association; representatives from the Abel-Sandoz Residence and Panhellenic associations; and two or three other students sometime next week to turn suggestions into reality. He said the process has been de layed because of the three-week se mester break. Neumann optimistic about wrestling meets By Chuck Green Senior Reporter Optimism is a trait required in coaching, and Nebraska wrestling coach Tim Neumann refuses to let a shutout ruin his. Nebraska lost to No. 4-rankcd Iowa 40-0 last Saturday in Iowa City, where the Hawkeyes haven’t lost in four years. It was the first time the Corn huskers were blanked since a 1979 loss to Missouri by the same margin. “We honestly went into the dual with Iowa thinking we could win it,” Neumann said. “I know that sounds strange given the score, but we even left thinking that if we had wrestled our normal style, we’d have won five of the 10 matches.” Nebraska, now 2-2 in dual meets this season, will try to rebound against North Dakota Friday in Grand Forks, and North Dakota State Saturday in Fargo. Neumann said the Huskers are ready to redeem themselves. “Really, the loss affected the kids in a positive way,” he said. “They’re working harder in practice. I thought we were working hard before.” North Dakota and North Dakota State are ranked Nos. 1 and 2 in Divi sion II, “which is the equivalent of where we’re ranked (No. 19) in Divi sion I,” Neumann said. “They have senior-laden teams with some really quality upperclass men,” Neumann said. “The crowd could also be a factor. Usually, they get 200 people to their meets, but against us they draw 1,000 or more.” North Dakota State defeated Ne braska 25-15 in a dual meet last sea son, “and they’ve got everybody back,” Neumann said. North Dakota beat North Dakota Stale last week. Neumann said the Huskers have been working on technique this week during practice, especially in setting up for take-downs. “We had problems with that at Iowa,” Neumann said. “We’ve got to be less tentative on our feet. There’s a certain point in a match when you can take an opponent down, and we weren’t taking those opportunities against Iowa.” Neumann said the score against the Hawkeycs wasn’t indicative of how far Nebraska’s level of competition is from Iowa’s, which has won eight national wrestling championships in the last 10 years. “The thing that makes that clear is that we’ve beaten some of their people before,” he said. “We had five kids wrestling for us from Iowa, and I thought that would help us, but it actually worked against us. They were a little in awe of the Iowa program, having grown up there. “We were trying to explain to them that this was a Iowa team, not the teams that won all the national cham pionships.” Nebraska will complete it’s road trip against Minnesota Sundav in Minneapolis. Nebraska’s first home dual meet of the season will be Jan. 30 against No. 6-ranked Northern Iowa. Kansas estate to open Big bight season against booners By Tim Hartmann V Senior Reporter Despite reluming four starters from last year’s 20-11 team, Kansas State coach Lon Kruger said the Wild cats’ experience has not been a factor this season. Kansas State finished fourth in the Big Eight Tournament last season and advanced to the second round of the NCAA Tournament The Wildcats defeated Georgia 82-79 in the tournament’s first round and then lost to thcn-No. 1-ranked Nevada-Las Vegas 80-61. “We would like to think that they have been through it all and that helps,” Kruger said. “But then again we have played without consistency so far.” Kansas State, 7-4, opens its Big Eight season Saturday against No. 3 ranked Oklahoma. Kruger said Okla homa, Missouri and Kansas are the teams to beat in the conference. T4 KANSAS y®STATE Kruger said the Wildcats will have a big home court advantage against Oklahoma. Kansas State, which was 10-3 at Ahcam Field House last year, has won almost HO percent of the games it has played there since the fieldhouse opened in 1950. “I think that’s always a factor in the FOR SALE ______ B/W and color darkroom equipment Cal Jim, 43*5888 or 472-3*17.___ Howtott Packard 12C Calculator Now with instruction book. *50. Call 474 3565 aak lor Joai IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARETTES am1* Smoko Shop 140 No 12th Stroat (NEW LOCATION) 47*4)11*_ JVC TO- WftOJ and a Konwood KX-86W Both arablar* Tap oltha Una dual oaaaottadaokal Thav both hove every option and hava never boon uaad. Stt* hava Warranty. Call Marty al 477-3613.____ Mountain Bika: Y at tow Cannondala SM- 700. Lika now. Call 4*4-67*3 aak tor Bruoe REDUCED! Only a law lad I Throo cubic loot dorm ratrlearatora, Ui 85 Dora* Company 1422 South Stroat _436-5*34 _ Big Eight,” Kruger said. “The crowds are big and noisy everywhere.” This will be the last year that the Wildcats will play in Ahcarn Field House. Next season Kansas State will play its home games in the 13,500 seat Fred Bramlage Coliseum, which is under construction. Kruger, who was the Big Eight Player of the Year in 1972-73 and 1973-74, said one of the big obstacles that the Wildcats will face this season There are 3 parts to a trip Going, conning and being there When you leam to fly you can be sure that at least 2/3 of the trip will be fun. And that other 1/3 can be more fun, too. you can arrive sooner and stay longer And you don t have to own an airplane to enjoy that 2/3 of the fun you can rent airplanes like you rent cars ybu do have to learn to fly, though But not to worry We specialize in a course that is fun and easy — in equal parts. UMAlRE ~i (409) 475-6000 Cmmm cSl is a lack of height. Kansas State’s starting front line consists of 6-foot-7 center Fred McCoy, 6-7 forward Charles Bledsoe and 6-5 forward Mitch Richmond. The two tallest players on the team are 6-9 reserves Ron Meyer and John Rettiger. Kruger said Richmond, a senior who earned second-team all-Big Eight honors last season, will be a key player this year. He said Richmond is the player that the team will go to in a “key situation.” Richmond leads the team in scor ing with a 21.7 points-per-game aver age. Senior guard Will Scott, who Finished sixth in the country in three point shooting last season while hit ting 52.9 percent of his three-point shots, is second with an 11.5 average. Kansas State’s remaining starter is sophomore guard Steve Henson, who started 22 games as a freshman. -r————————t All-Campus Leadership Conference t‘&e<xdei<i6,ifa *76at tit& r—-r— iii.— r t—r—t—i 1 1 I \ 1 1 1—I For More Information Contact: Sponsored by The Division of Student Affairs, City CAP Office 472-2454 The CAP Office, and East CAP Office 472-1780 University Housing/Residential Education RHA, P»nh*ll*nlc, IFC, UPC 4 A SUN f a 0 3 << re 3 3 re ** c a re a s *d ?a O qS Z ■ rt •-« 1 M* 0 3 3 2 C 1 Sometimes schedules just don't mestv Sometimes you need two courses offered at the same time. Or your work and class schedules are at odds. Or a class you need isn’t available when you need it. For those times, UNL independent study can help. UNL independent study offers day and evening testing hours, and you can examine course syllabi before you enroll. Visit room 269, Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, 33rd and Holdrege, or call the number below. Over 70 courses are available. 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