Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1987)
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $3 00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words ncluded $2 50 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads • $ 75 oilling charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid VO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. VO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION t-OUND ads rhay be submitted nee ot diarge DEADLINE I p.m oetore publication The Daily Nebraskan will not Knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers VISA MASTERCARD AUTOS FOR SALE 1982 AUDI COUP Spotty, metallic charcoal Mint con dition. Fully loaded Excellent Alpine Steieo and security .ystem Must sell 423-6981 after 6 p.m 81 HONDA PRELUDE. Great gas mileage. Nice cai, >3600 or best offei 489-4123 FOR SALE UNL IN THE 20TH CENTURY The history of UNL as it happened1 See UNL? growth as repotted by the daily Ne braskan UNL s official newspaper lor 86 years. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AN 86 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE perfect ior anyone wifh an interest ;n lournalistn or Nebraska nisfory. Only S3 00. available in the Daily Nebraskan office, 34 Nebr Union, V 00 R Street HAi.t- -■'Hl'CE' Save 50V Best arge flashing arrow sign S3391 ighted. non-arrow S3291 Llnlighted S269! Free box letters Warranty Factory direct, ball ‘oday 800-423 0163, anytime._ fOH iALc: 10'Park Model SantaFetrailer Livinaroom bedroom lip juts Beautiful Roadrunner Lake Hesori. Scottsdale. M Awnings, patio, carport Thelma Cooks ley, 602-947-6268 ___ ELECTRIC YPEWRITERS $159!(ListS249} Surplus*** o the electronic age Royal otters brand new all electric nodel? with error-out correction Reliable five year warranty Electronic office models slightly higher Check, uedit cards, COD or layaway Free delivery1 1-714 548 U25 anytime! P & J Cox Agency_ NEW, USED over 150 RV'-. NuWa. Alpenlite. Piowler. Alumalite ind more Trades welcome Were dealing 'eebles RV. Caspei WY 1-307-577-9350 SAX FOR SALE Armstrong Alto Saxaphone Excellent condition. $290 or jest offer. Call 477-9210 FINE AND BAD CIGARS! CUFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street LINCOLN POLICE DEPT NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED BICYCLES AND IMPOUNDED VEHICLES DECEMBER 19. 1987 Unclaimed bicycles will be sold at 11 a.m. at LincoInLand Towing, 410 West pStreet Vehicles will be sold at 12 p in with bids no less than$100 accepted. No checks acceptd USED 5-PC dium set — yellow pearl finish Excellent condition Includes cymbals, throne and all hardware $350, 474-2540 _ ___ nordica men's ski BOOTS foi sale Excellent condition Size 11, $100 or best offer Call 423-7913. 4-COLOR PORTABLES, RCA, Zenith, GE and Sears $55 00 each, work good 467-5189 FORT LAUDERDALE 2 RT an from Omaha, December26th, return January 2nd $250/ea Call Cathy G , 472-1776, evenings, 488-8362 Olivetti ETV 240, Dedicated word processoi, 1 year old. Call 475-8888 THE PERFECT Christmas- Gift - SPARE ANIMAL CRACKER PARTS' For information/price list send $1 to A CAN . Box 30243 Lincolm NE 68503 RT TICKET Lincoln to NYC $200 Leave Decembei 16 return January 5. 474-0288 APPLE IIC, Software $500 or best offer (4021331-7961, Tim IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARETTES CUFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 Notth 12th Street SAX FOR SALE Aimstrony Alto Saxaphone Excellent condition, $290 or best oiler Call 477-9210 FOR SALE 60 head Holstein heiteis bied to Angus nulls S585 Also 45 tned gills 402 893-2841 FOR SALE Whiteline cioss gilts ioi Oec Jan and‘el turrowing Hand mated bleeding dates available Coin pletely vaccinated pseudo Biucellosis bee heid $775 Kent cry Ewing Nf 402 626 ’60’ a GREAl gitt idea Old tamilv movies transferred onto videocassette (8 :6 mmi slides and photos too1 Guai anteed finest uualitv available Call toi special oftei 1 800-888-8808 _ CHRISTMASSUNBEDS Sunal-Wolf! sunbeds Fqi faniiTy oi ousiness SlendeiQuest toning tables Supei money maker Cali toi tree color cataloque and Xmas specials ' 800 835 3826 MIRACLE SPAN steel buildings Buy factory direct and save while '987 inventory asts 2-25x30 2-42x60 1 55x120 Immediate oi '988 delivery Call collect 308 382 0979 SHOP SHELDON Ait & Gift Shop Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery 12th S fl Streets FOR RENT % 1 BR-furnished-unfurnished. ^rea 3th % 1 duality, modest ent. only 3 units ieft. Gall leave message r 250 <35-3605 17 tT>' nice couu »droom laths )arage .. , ecently refinished. '1st & Holdrege near campus >500. 188-006!. 46b 166 640 SOUTH STH 2 BR with new arper, $310/mo. up. Laundry. Available Ian. '.475-7262. 3PIRALSTAIRCASE TO LOFT New 2-bedroom unit with lott and patio oft bedroom. All appliances laundry facilities S435 1444 Peach 483 WALK TO CAMPUS Studio really nice with glass doors :o patio, breakfast bar and only $245 489-3387. 474-2529 MOST UTILITIES PAID Spacious 1 bedroom, close to campus Spotlessly clean, quiet, and well-kept $285 489-3387. 474-2529 EAST CAMPUS Decorations and spaciousness are features of this uni quely different unit. Enclosed patio, glass doors, plush carpeting with ceramic accents make it outstanding $305 Most utilities paid 489-3387, 474-2529 BETWEEN CAMPUSES Styled for comfort Big closets and nice sized rooms —private patio and most utilities paid 489-3387, 474 2529 _ TOTALLY REMODELED rooms lor rent, kitchen and lounge privileges, utilities paid $120 477-2610 or 423 9800 _ JONES APARTMENTS 475-7262 20th & G, 2 bedroom, laundry, $285 and up 2301 A, 1-bedroom, laundry, $250. 4-BEDROOMS, newly remodeled, close io campus 2434 W Street $500/month 475 1579.488-0061 2605 EVERETT 3 oedroom plus study room, shower oil-sheet parking $375 plus. 475-4725 evenings 4 BEDROOM newlv remodeled with rhowei 483 5573 SPACIOUS, 3 nediuom lurmshed ist ‘lour oil-street parking. S350 olus deposit plus lights. Available now 1 bedroom lurmshed 2nd floor iff-str eet parKiny. $210 olus deposit plus lights. Available Jan 12th & A 2 bedroom furnished. 2nd floor. $225 plus deposit plus nghts and gas Available now 26th A L. 166-4512 nr 174 0273 -OR BENI j oedroom Mouse $450 pins utilities plus deposit 435-7447. M ' 1ST floor ot large home Stove, relilg. washing lacilities. garage basement storage No pets/smoking Graduate students /couples prefer red $325 Call 483-6378 Available January til PARTIALL’/ FURNISHED apt neai cast Campus. 2nd floor large home 3 rooms, bath and 4 walk-in closets Parking No pets/smoking Graduate students/couples prefened $275 Call 483 6378 LARGE HOUSE. 1002 G St S400 per month jlu^ deposit Rent to three students, no pets Call after 5 on weekdays 435-4953 420 NORTH 24th. 2-2 bedroom, walk to UNL newlv remodeled $300 each Call Kim .it 421 187; U TIL IT It S PAID Spacious2 bedioom Close tocampus $300/month plus deposit No pets 135-0363 evenings EAST CAMPUS redroom. 1 block liom campus in brick 12-plex' i aundiy 'utilities and off-street parking. Call Mega 475 8407 423-4726 _ APARTMENT FINDERS FIND /OUR DEALS' Studio. 2511 H Street, lutnisbed & unfurnished, $259-5279 2521 R Streeet, unique, $259 1739 G, heat paid, $269 1948 Q, close to campus, DT $225 1 BEDROOM 1035 So. 17th, utilities included, $310-$324 4912 Cleveland, heat paid, $279 453 So 26h, new paid/carpet, $260 6011 Queens, large, $339 Woodshiie Manor, $289 2 BEDROOM Woodshire Manor, $299-5309 4700 Baldwin, close to East Campus. $329 447 South 26th, great value, $310 2901 No 56th, tree heat/cable, $399 Call today tor details. JOSEPH E KEAN CO _474-1666 2-BEDROOM house, l-block trom Law & Dental school $250/mo plus utilities Darin, 467 5438. DESIRE MATURE tenant, ground level efTiciencycottage with parking 476-2069 _ tna oi bemesiei bpeciai HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. —Move in now! —Pay rent January 1. 1988 —Call for details 3300 Huntington Avenue 466-8611 JOSEPH E KEAN CO 474-1666 _ Holiday Special at WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS —Move in Jan 2, 1988 —Pay rent January 11 1988 -Beautiful ?-bedroom. 1-bath 2-bedroom. 2-bath units — Laundry facilities 4 off-street parking Call today loi details 1800 KNOX 476-6200 JOSEPH E KEAN CO _ 4741666 ROOM FOR RENT Graduate or regular student Male preferred 488 1763 NtW, -BEDROOM duplex'or ent S315/month Close !o univeisitw 176-3389 mornings DAIRY ',0W lease mciease cash flow puichase option Anderson ease Co.. 701-493-2241 Evenings 701-493 2048 NICE NEAR new I 4 2 bedroom apaitments Near j campus From$275-$330^month 47 / 4434,421-3989 HELP WANTED DIRECTOR OF nurses position 61-bed skilled/ICF facility Career opportunity Competitive wages, mileage paid Contact 308-762-2525 or resume to St Joseph 416 West 11th. Avenue NE 69301 EARN $100/day or mote, hand delivery ot tiyersaoor 10 dooi Permanent part/tuh lime No experience >equired Call 24 houis 1-800-255-5110 ext 600 PARI TIME AFTERNOON and nights Apply n person Mike s 0 Street Drive-In 22nd and O Street 18 & older earn $200 fait time dacmg at 'lie Happy Horn Lounge 1705 0 Street 474-6469 aftei 12 00 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS Now taking applications tor the Spring semester Advise and aide students in micro or maintiame computer labs Experience in one or more of the following preferred; Mainfiame-CDC/NOS, VAX/UNIX, IBM/CMS (SPSSX SAS), Micio-IPM-PC. MACINTOSH $4 00/hr , 10-20 hrs / week, full time students, at least junior status Apply at loom 326 Aministration, call 472-5879 tor more informa tion. __ INTERN AND summer work, communication tower maintenance. Earn money while training for summer work Heights to 600 feet. Statewide travel. $6-$12 per hour plus travel expenses. Call Greg, 489-7976 CHRISTMAS WORK $6 97/hour. Lincoln or Omaha 488-1227 _ _ JUVENILE CARE SPECIALISTS ATTENTION CENTER 2 Positions Female Only Some experience working with juveniles, ages 12-18 preferred. 1 — 40 hrs./wk. Hours: 11 PM Sun.-7 AM Mon.; 2:30 PM-11 PM Mon.; and 7 AM-3:30 PM, Wed., Frl., Sat. 1 — 16 hrs./wk. 11 PM-7 AM, Frl. 8 Sat. Must have access to 24 hr. transportation in order to get to work when scheduled and/or upon short notice. Valid NE drivers license. Indivldial must also have home phone and/or voice pager Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addition to Clty/Co application. Closing date: 4:30 PM Friday. December 11, 1987. Apply at: Clty/Co. Employment Otfice 555 So 10th Street, Rm. B113 Uncon, NE 68508 EOE/AA GRADUATE IN December with no job" bast Coast nanme positions available Salaries comparable to tirst year teachers in Nebi aska plus living expenses paid Call our local representative for more information and rntei view 308-234-2523 WHIUH0USI NANNIES L)o you love kids’ We need responsible reliable and caring people to be nannies tor top families in the Washington, D C aiea Childcare experience, valid drivers license, and references required Immediate placement available for qualified applicants For more information call Jennifer at 4/4 0578 VALET PARKING ATTENDANT Friday. Satuiday nights 21 vears old Good driving record Wage plus tips Apply 2-4 p m Brittany ? OCCASIONAL BABYSITTER needed 3 children Need own transportation 4? 1 1800 oi 475-2102 WANTED AG diesel mechanic, experience m Case IH pieteired Hand tools required Wages negotiable Apply in person at Stebbins Implement Co . Box 210, Gothenburg NE 69138 Phone 308-53 / 4631 _ DIRECTOR OF sales and legislative lobbying needed Some sales experience necessary Salary low 20 s plus commission Apply to Wyoming Press Advertising Ser vice. 710 Garfield. Suite 248 Laramie WY 82070 STUDENT TRUCK drivers wanted In cooperation with training and on the job training program tor qualified persons interested in an over the road driving career Z5 years o( age or older, good driving record Need experienced dr iveis also Apply inpeisonor call Monday through Friday. 9 a m 4pm 402-476-9819 Pride Lease Company, Crete Carrier Coip 241 p St Lincoln, NE 68508 WANTED AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED United Bonus Tickets Western Extra other a Up to S350 'm 800-255-4060 ADOPTION IN CALIFORNIA Stanford University professor and wile Happily mained toi many /ears Anxious o adopt newborn intant r,ersonal meeting welcome Lawtul and pioper piegnancy elated xpenses paid Couple approved jy 'California adoption authorities in advance of placemen! Slate jupervised adoption procedures Please call • erri and Michael Fayei (415) .128-8723 vouh OHRiSTMASuiit to he little rtd stocking inswt 'he prayers and needs ot children all yea ong hank tor helping Nebraska Childrens Home Society STUDENT GOVT DAILY NEBRASKAN PUBLICATIONS BOARD APPLY FOR < POSITION IN THE AUVIS0HV BOARD 'HA T HIRES HE EDITOR AND ACTS AS rHE PUBLISHERS FOR THE BOARD OF .REGENTS DEADLINE - DECEMBER TST APPLICATIONS N 115 _NEBRASKA UNION GLC MEMBERS Do not rorget your advising sessions this veek' Bring your information packets ANNOUNCEMENTS AN IDEAL Christmas present — a vacation at warm and sunny Rockport, Texas, on the gult coast Call 1 800 826 6441 tor tree inf or matron ALASKA 13 fabulous days Travel and cruise wills trtends Summer 1988 Latly reservation discount For information contact Roland Cooksley, Box 146. Elwood. NE 68937 308 785-2357 MISS UNL /Miss Star City Scholarship Pageant post poned tor Decembei 8th New date is March 6. 1988 Contestant and ticket information, call 474 0569 r -1 Abortion Services with real sensitivity... you really helped me\" ■ Free Pregnancy Testing ■ Free Pregnancy Options Counseling and Referrals ■ Abortion Procedures to 12 Weeks ■ Speakers Bureau ■ Routine Gyn Care ■ Visa MasterCard and Some Insurance Plans Accepted i WOMEN S MEDICAL CENTER OF NEBRASKA 4930 L" Street Omaha NE 681 17 (402)734-7500 (800)228 5342, I oil her outside Nt. Call your mummy You remember. She was always there when you were frightened. And if you got hurt, she was standing by with ban dages Wouldn't it feel good to talk to your mother again right now? Calling over AT&T Long Distance Service probably costs less than you think, too. And if you have any questions about AT&T rates or service, a customer service repre sentative is always standing by to talk to you. lust call 1 800 222-0300. Sure, your school work and your triends keep you busy. But call home and find out w hat she s wrapped up in El AT&T The right choice.