The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1987, Page 5, Image 5

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    * —■ ■ r aye o
science books contain sexist language
"V r “ " J
Staff Reporter
When Peggy Bolick failed a math
test in second grade, she went home
with the idea that it was alright for a
girl to flunk.
Her father told her that it didn’t
make any difference whether she was
a boy or a girl, she still had to pass the
test. And it was the last math test she
ever failed.
Since then, the associate biology
professor at the University of Nc
lmaaiya-i^iiicuui, uiscoverea mat
there is a lot of sexist language being
used by current scientists, especially
those involved in sociobiology, she
Much of the sexist language was
found in articles written since 1971,
Bolick added.
Bolick spoke Tuesday afternoon
in the Nebraska Union.
Sociobiology is the study of how
behavior is shaped by genetics, she
Bolick said that although one can
« a . _ ^
go back to the Charles Darwin era to
see the bias in the language of scien
tists, there is still much sexism dem
onstrated in writing.
Women arc often referred to as
subordinate and homemakers in this
literature, Bolick said. Such attitudes
will lead eventually to such things as
rape, father-daughter incest, child
abuse and wife beating, she said.
Bolick said that sociobiology has
been criticized by such personalities
as biologist and author Stephen Jay
Gould of Harvard University, she
said. Gould has said that the disci
pline harms women.
One problem with sociobiology is
that those involved lend to have a
blind spot about the fact that males
are larger than females, Bolick said.
“Sociobiologists dismiss the idea
that culture may have a determining
influence on certain female behav
iors,” she said. “Behavior may have a
genetic component, but it is vari
Bolick also said that some socio
biologists think that it is possible for
rape to occur in the plant world be
tween the male and female parts of
the plant; even though their repro
ductive biology is greatly different
than that of mammals.
This is evidence that males are
predominant over female counter
parts even in that low life forms, she
Despite these problems in the
language of scientists, Bolick said
that not all of science nor all male
scientists are sexist.
i\uouop pairoi slows thefts
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r i will C1UIII Hepuris
Auto larcenies caused University
of Nebraska-Lincoln police to station
officers on top of residence hall roofs
in recent weeks.
Police were stationed on top of the
residence hall roofs in October as part
of an effort to catch car stereo th ievcs,
said Sgt. AI Broadstone of the UNL
Police Department. Four people were
arrested during the roof patrol times,
he said.
An officer was stationed on top of
a residence hall one night during peak
theit hours. The officers used a dircc
uonai speaker, which enabled them to
hear shattered glass in the parking
lots, Broadstonc said.
Police haven’t been stationed on
residence hall roofs in the past few
weeks. Auto larcenies have “slowed J
down considerably,” Broadstonc said. j
About $58,000 in damages and
thefts to parked cars were reported in I
Broadstonc estimated that thou
sands of dollars worth of stereo equip
ment was recovered as a result of the
officers stationed on residence hall
book nag theft major problem
I*y Victoria Ayotte
Staff Reporter
Stolen book bags have become a
major theft problem on University of
Ncbraska-Lincoln campuses, said
Sgl. Al Broadstone of the UNL Police
Eighty-one thefts have been re
ported this year, Broadstone said.
Seventy-two percent of the book bags
were taken from the University Book
store. Ninety-eight percent of the bags
contained books, Broadstone said.
Book bags arc stolen because stu
dents either don’t bother to check
them or get in a hurry and just throw
them on the floor in front of the book
storc, he said.
Dick Lewis, merchandise opera
f tions manager of University Book
| store, said the bookstore offers free
| checking of backpacks at the service
desk. Lockers for students to store
their book bags also arc located out
side the bookstore.
Book bags have been forbidden in
the store because they pose a possible
shoplifting problem, he said. The
policy has been in effect for as long as
he can remember, Lewis said.
The bookstore is not responsible
lor stolen articles, and there is a sign
telling students that, Lewis said.
Broadslone said the police recover
quite a few book bags, but without
billfolds or books.
Students can avoid having bf >k
bags or books stolen by chct ing
them, putting them in IcKkers or iden
tifying the books on a page with their
Social Security number so bookstore
personnel can check when someone is
trying to sell the books back, Broad
done said.
► More than $100,000 of cocaine seized
From Sufi Reports
Lincoln authorities seized
about two pounds of cocaine
Monday that has a street value
from $100,(XX) to S4(X),(XX), said
Lt. Duane Bullock of the Lincoln
Police Department narcotics divi
Lab results are not back, but
Bullock said the cocaine appeared
to be rock cocaine, a pure form of
the drug.
When cocaine is sold, Bullock
said, it is “cut” by adding another |
substance, like v iamin B. That I
way the dealer ha^ more to sell, but |
the drug is not as pure, he said. p
Bullock said a Crime Stoppers U
lip led police to the bust, one of the It
largest in Lincoln in flic last few fit
years. II'
The Lincoln-Lancaster Narcot- ly
ics Unit, the Nebraska State Patrol, |J
the federal Drug Enforcement k
Agency and FBI agents were in- (f
voived in the bust, Bullock said.
Bullock said the bust did not i
involve university students. [/
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Scalpers beware
NU-OU tickets
are selling fast
SCALP from Page 1
unless they are selling more than lour
or five tickets at a time.
Capt. Ron Flansburg of the Lincoln
Police Department said selling tickets
on private and UNL property is legal,
but he said scalping becomes illegal
when people venture onto city prop
erty. Flansburg defined UNL property
asany land leading up to the sidewalks
around the university campus.
Norm Langcmach, chief city
prosecutor, said city-owned property
also includes any private property
owned by the city. Langcmach said
the maximum penalty for scalping
tickets on city property is a $500 fine
and six months in jail, or both.
Langcmach said scalping hasn’t
been a problem so far this year.
“I heard during the last game
(Lincoln police) gave out warnings,
but I haven’t seen any official tickets
come through lately,” Langcmach
I said.
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