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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1987)
Official: plan aimed at Contra defeat WASHINGTON — The Nicara guan government’s cease-fire pro posal is little more than a disguised attempt to help the Sandinista army achieve victory over the U.S.-backed Contras, a top State Department offi cial said Tuesday. The official said the proposal, unveiled here last week by Nicara guan President Daniel Ortega, “is the type of thing a conquering com mander would issue as terms of sur render to a defeated foe.” The official spoke to a group of reporters on the condition that he not be identified. Later Tuesday, House Speaker Jim Wright and Secretary of State George P. Shultz made an unusual appearance before television cam eras to try to settle what Shultz called “a little Tiff’ over the speaker’s embroilment in the Central Ameri can peace process. “The important thing is to look ahead and focus on things we agree on, insofar as our Central American policy is concerned,” said Shultz, after coming to Capitol Hill for a hastily arranged meeting with Wright. Sharp difference over U.S. policy and tactics in Central America re mained between Wright and the administration, but the meeting ap peared designed to quiet the public clash that officials feared was dis tracting attention from substantive peace talks in Central America. Under Ortega’s proposal, any Contras who lay down their arms and accept a government offer of am nesty may rejoin the political life of the nation “with full enjoyment of rights.” The government asked rebels to move to any of three cease-fire zones where their safety would be guaran teed once the 30-day truce goes into effect on Dec. 5. Humanitarian aid could be sent to the Contras, but military resupply would be forbid den. Ortega has made clear he secs his offer as a proposal and not an ultima tum. Iran claims Iraq attacked nuke plant MANAMA, Bahrain — Iran said Iraqi warplanes bombed an unfin ished nuclear power plant in southern Iran Tuesday, killing 11 workers including a West German engineer. An Iranian nuclear official claimed the attack could lead to another Chernobyl. Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency, monitored in Cyprus, i .■ l quoted energy official Reza Amrol lahi as saying the plant contained nuclear material. He said the raid might lead to “the same transfrontier radioactive re lease and radiological consequences as the Chernobyl nuclear accident,” IRNA said. Iraq did not announce that it had bombed the plant and there was no fig-=.L-L-nClHE independent confirmation of the at tack. Iraq has raided the plant at least five times since 1984, Amrollahi, president of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, sent an “urgent protest note” to Hans Blix, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, IRNA reported. Earn Extra j| Christmas Cash & 1 , 9 while giving the M £) gift of life. .. I 1 ‘ I Donate your 5 plasma at fi LINCOLN PLASMA CENTER g New donors receive $30 this week 12 hours free parking for everyone! jg| No appointment necessary. ^2 For more information, call the friendly professionals at ■ Lincoln Plasma Center II 126 N. 14th Suite 2 474-2335 H Between Ted & Wally’s and the Zoo Bar ^ Bright Briefs Lonely guards find hope in seedlings JUNEAU, Alaska — “On Atlu there’s a woman behind every tree,” is an old saw in the Coast Guard, which keeps 24 men on “remote duty” at the westernmost island of the 1,100-mile Aleutian chain. The catch: there wasn’t a single tree on the island. But now there’s a glimmer of hope, with some 200 seedlings taking tenuous root in the tun dra “Can women be far behind?” asks Ll Kyle Moore. A small forest planted by American soldiers in the 1940s has died, except for a few speci men he says arc too small to call trees. Still, he’s keeping faith. “The three 1 planted in my office are doing really well,” Moore said. “I’m one of those waiting to have the last laugh.” Americans lavish Raisa with keys MOSCOW — Raisa Gor bachev says Americans are anxious for her and her husband, Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gor bachev, to visit them during their trip to the United States next month. “Every day we get an enormous amount of letters from the Americans,” she said at an opening of an art exhibi tion in Moscow. “People of all ages, of all walks of life write to us.” In a brief but rare question and-answer session, she told ABC News, “many Americans ask us to visit their towns, cities and states, their farms, their homes. Some of them even send their keys to their houses in the envelopes.” Scientists heed cry of dog-like frog WILMINGTON, Del.—An “endearing, weird little frog” has been discovered in Dela ware. How weird? It barics. Nature experts say the lime green frogs arc common to swamps along the southern East Coast, but were not previously known this far north. The frog is formally known as Hyla grati osa. Jim White, naturalist for the Delaware Nature Education Society at Ashland Nature Cen ter, said guide books call the frog’s sound “a single, explo sive doonk or toonk.” But “I just think it sounds like barking dogs,” he said. I [ Anniversary 111 1 SALE 1 '• ^B f Everything I J ^B ? 1 ^ ^B $ (and we mean everything) ^^B * j H l is on sale for this, our { ^^B jf * f 21st Anniversary Celebration! j |Bfl i Join our celebration and enjoy special sale prices on the best in men’s and women’s clothing, sportswear, and footwear! "SPECIAL HOURS:==j Today 10-6 Fri.-Sat. 10-6 Thursday 10-9 Sunday 12-5 i II— | This is our BIG sale of the fall. DON’T MISS IT!_ I MEN'S SPECIALS (values to $34.50) (values to $55.00) $19.90-$24.90 Sweaters: __. __ (values to $47.50) (values to $69.50) $34.90-$49.90 (values to $39.50) $14.90-$19.90 (values to $47.50) $19.90-$24.90 Long Wool Coats: (values to $215.00) $129-$159 Leather Flight Jackets: $179 Sportcoats: (values $185-$215) $99-$119 Suits: 100% Worsted Wools I (values $285-$475) *179-*_2ig__l WOMEN'S SPECIALS Sweaters 1/2 Price Blouses 50-60% Off Pants 50-60% Off Skirts 50-60% Off Shoes 1/2 Price Coats 1/2 Price Jeans 1/2 Price 4 ^B V Our way of saying "Thanks” for all the great years: X ^B f 11 ^Post "'Nickel j I j ^ r Downtown Lincoln at 144 N. 14th J ^ BBBMBjBPBpii