The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1987, Page 8, Image 14
® 475-6363 230 N. 17th Mon.-Sat. 11:00 a.m.- 2 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m.- 1 a.m. ^MENII WE FEATURE ONE S!ZE pIZZA. 1(1 iNCHES. , pizza 2 PIZZAS 3PIZZAS^ 6 SLICES. FEEDS ONE TO TWO PEOPLE. Our Small Our Medium Our Large STANDARD A HAN0 ASHI0NED CRUST WITH A GENEROUS * A 00 £"700 £000 ll pur-ror topping of tomato sauce ano cheeses the ',4A,ju ** / rf CHEESE each additional pizzas I LaLL TOPPINGS 50$ PER TOPPING PER PIZZA J “NO COUPON SPECIALS” WE ACCEPT CHECKS Senrfc# Chmrgt) mm i tm Valuable Coupons aii ■ ih i ■ i ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i j i •2“ OFF I *100 OFF ■ 50C OFF | Any Three I Any T Any Pizzas ■ Pizza Ordered ■ Pizza “ 475-6363 iiam -4p.m. * 475-6363 _ _ ■ NAME_" NAME _. ■ • m m m | ADDRESS _ | ADDRESS_ | ADDRESS_| ! DATE _ " DATE _ " DATE _ . | EXPIRES • p EXPIRES IMI II ^ EXPIRES I? 31 •/ J limited delivery area WE DELIVER DURING LUNCH! (NOW ACCEPTING DELIVERY APPLICATIONS) Loss of players won't stop Sooners' Husker-shucking SOONERS from page 7 while filling in for Carr and Holieway. Another example of Oklahoma’s superior depth can be found in Mitchel, who made the switch from quarterback to halfback and back to quarter back after Holieway’s season-ending knee in jury. Another argument that has fallen by the wayside is the one that says Oklahoma hasn’t played any close games this season. All year long, Nebraska fans said the Corn 11 uskers were preparing themselves for “The Game of the Century II” by defeating such top notch teams as UCLA, Arizona State, South Carolina and Oklahoma State. While these opponents left the H uskers as one of the most overly respected teams after their 4-0 start, they also provided Nebraska with that close edge many fans said would be needed in the Okla homa game. Bui just last Saturday in Norman, Okla., the Sooners survived their scariest game of the season when they defeated Missouri 17-13. This win will not only help Oklahoma prepare for what should be a moderately close game against Nebraska, but also gave Thompson valuable game-on-the-line experience. Any way you look at it, the 1987 Ncbraska Oklahoma match-up promises to be one of the best college football games of the decade. But the Sooners’ depth, speed, and superior coaching will be too much for Nebraska. Prediction: Oklahoma 35, Nebraska 14 Stadium s locks to change, leaving Sooners out in cold NEBRASKA from page 7 Sooners’ star fall to Nebraska. Last year, Oklahoma pulled off a 20-17 comc-from-behind victory over the Huskcrs in Lincoln. After the game, Holieway said he had the keys to Memorial Stadium. But Nebraska defensive end Broderick Thomas said he changed the locks this season. “I got my keys changed,” Thomas said. ‘‘They might have a few keys, but they don’t have the same combination to ‘Our House’ as my keys have. Basically, they might get caught stealing, breaking into our house. But if you get caught stealing, you go to jail or get punished. And that’s what will happen.” The last two weeks, the Sooners haven’t I seemed to have the keys to their own house, Owens Field in Norman, Okla. Oklahoma defeated Oklahoma State 29-10 and Missouri 17-13. Against the Cowboys, the defense scored two touchdowns. Although the Sooners have a tough defense, Nebraska’s offense will be unpredictable this year. Besides Nebraska’s running game, the Sooners must also worry about the Huskers’ passing game. If I-back Keith Jones and full back Micah Hcibcl can establish a running game, look for Taylor to cause Switzer and company fits. Whether Nebraska can run the ball or not will make no difference. Prediction: Nebraska 31, Oklahoma 17 -1 Midwestfs best joins team By Lori Griffin Staff Reporter The Nebraska women’s basketball team hit a recruiting jackpot when it signed Rissa Taylor as its fourth recruit during the NCAA’S early signing period, Coach Angela Beck said. Beck said Taylor, a 6-foot-1 center from Peoria, 111., signed a letter of intent to play for the Cornhuskers on Friday. Taylor is “probably one of the lop players from the Midwest,” Beck said. Taylor joins the Huskers’ other early signees: guard Kim Yancey of Holden, Mo.; center Kristi Anderson of Council Bluffs, Iowa; and forward Sarah Muller of Fremont. Beck said she has known Taylor since 1984. She said she discovered Taylor when she was an all-state selection playing for Peoria Manuel High School. Beck said she was pleased to sign Taylor, who averaged 18 points and 11 rebounds per game last season, because Manuel has a rich tradition of producing fine basketball play ers. ■ ' ' I $&#£ l.wfy * ?A ~ .'t-.V A'fiV jV&i <.*i»V latVft l£»M WftJ liin. iajiIj im,(a .vv/ i%v»v Julio is celebrating his recent arrival in Lincoln with “get acquainted” deals. 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