The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1987, Page 12, Image 12
FRESH TOBACCO CUFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 North 12th St 476-01 19 ADOPTION Loving, professional couple desue to adopt newborn All medical and legal expenses paid Confidential Call collect (617) 474-53ZZ. TWO BICYCLE RIDERS THAT WITNESSED AND reported CAR accident that occurred at 13th & K St intersection, Thuts. evening, Sept 3. Cai accident involved a red Rat and blue Datsun Additional mfotmalion Is needed to complete accuiate accident repoit Please call 477-5315 or 489 4969 ROOMMATE MALE TO share 3-bedioom bouse on Capital Beach. Call 435-8690 3M ■ ROOMMATES 4BHduplex own room Twotul baths. EP. garage S143 plus deposit plus utilities 483 7120 _ NEED TWO roommates S175 a month, no utilities. 6728 Stare 466-1579 _ MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bedioom apart ment Call 464-5392 PERSONALS Scott C. (First Owner), You d bettei come into the office today — if you know what s good for you! ★ DESPERATELY SEEKING KATHRYN (Alpha Phi) ★ Cameia Shy You wearing glasses but one of your shoes was untied (I think ) Meet me in the Union at Burger King Tuesday at noon. In Focus. Was I wearing glasses7 Camera Shy Student riding bike hit by white LT&T van at 2 p m Thursday November 12 at 16th & R Street Contact John at 477-2791 I have the truck and license number Malt M (ATOi No way did you win' Congratulations' By the way I like Michelob Light' Me iKAli Nanny Thank youfoi the blue book, the cookie and everything Love Brian IHlRD FLOOR lunch loom, NL Hall cat keys Second floor hallw ry calculator To identity 225 Nebraska Hall talk to Lu Make Nebraska #1 All new national poll Vote daily until Nov 21 at Noon Nebraska 1-900-490-5210 _ or (if you must) j Oklahoma 1-900-490-5211 Current results Nebraska. 1127 Oklahoma. 1128 $2 charge + toll (it any) We’ll give you a look you’ll love NOVEMBER SPECIAL $5.00 OFF Any Perm through November Featuring Nexus and Paul Mitchell products. NEW IMAGE 2705 Randolph 476-3078 SERVICES TYPEWRITERS — WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL-SALES - SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 TYPING One day service quality results Reasonable rates 474 2150 PERFECTWORD TYPING SERVICES Reasonable Rates — Quality Service Close to both campuses Call Connie at 466-8751 after 3:30 _ BONNIE S WORD PROCESSING Term Papers. Theses. Resumes Letters. Editing 476-1635 PROFESSiONALTYPInG, 20 years experience 423 2410 Job Search Typing Resumes starting at S6 Cover Letters Multiple Mailings Computer Type & Services l63(JQue 476-8973 _ Word Processing/Typing Semester Papers Fast. Efficient Beat the Rush1 Computer Type & Services 1630 Que Street 476-TYPE_ RESUME SERVICE Nebraska Bookstore 1300 Q Street One page resume only S12 95 Nine different typestyles Thurs night til 9 00 COPY CENTER AVAILABLE 25$ LASER COPIES with UNL ID No limit and no punch cards needed DeskTop Publishing Lower Level. Nebraska Bokstore 1300 Q Street _ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475-2253 Dissertations. Theses, Term Papers. Etc Quality Work Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE - Reductions and Enlargements RESUMES Professionally typeset. S15 plus tax Monday thiough Thursday Daily Nebiaskan, basement of Nebiaska Union 8 00 a m -5 00 p m REX ROBISON S MOBILE SOUNDS Private parties. Wedding receptions Bookings 435-4263, 477-4826. _ _ PVM PROPHARM CLINIC Small animal services, special lates G Witherwax, Or of Veterinary Medicine 489-9161 PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners of Advanced ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 NEED CASH? We ve raised our rates and donating plasma is an easy way to earn money while you study Were c eniently located downtown next to Ted & Wally s New plasma donors this ad is woith $15 on youi first visit LINCOLN PLASMA 126 North 14th Sheet Suite H2 474-2335 2 hours free parking — Park n Shop NEEDED RIDE to see Fleetwood Mac in Omaha. Nov 25th Call Jeff between 4 & 7 PM 474 3277 Carol (Phi Mu), Congratulations on your nomination for the Miss Nebraska USA pageant Love, Your Phi Mu Sisters ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE A I ClE | R[6 ML |A ImIPM JlUlOTE LAME rBe M I LMUlRIAl L AMIN 0BBm A R aT~ S pTr" I NIGIU P 0 NMPjATCTA] MMMb7|T[RC) ■ E [s T hTeTr] RAT [aTt]C Hpppl A G I OMM|A|A MMA E S Of Tj ff p * n* A 6e> tNaiM_LInHu L AlE MBBT nTeIpJt ■ t oTn e r s [COG N AJCMA jDTTTpMpii HUN GBB a g r eTa T[l[E IaTP| AItIoIMMR 0 T SMA O R fra OTnTE IOM El Y lw IE A IMIOI WIG] -. Free Barbecued Ribs Free Beef Ribs. Only at Grandpa’s Buy a “slab" of pork ribs and get beef ribs free. Need to present this coupon Grandpa’s Ribs and Secret Sauce 476-6076 2297 Holdredge | Home of The BIG Slice | [T H Monday Breakfast Special-two donuts and cof fee for 99C. Monday Lunch Special-eight-inch meatball hoag ie with chips and a small drink for $2.65. Tuesday Breakfast Special-Bagel with cream __ „ cheese and choice of a small drink for 99C. EATERY , . . Tuesday Lunch Special-The New Yorker BIG Original Slice with chips and a small drink for $2.25. New York- y^js coupon is redeemable for $2 off a large Style pizza, pizza, or $1 off a medium pizza We accept pizza competitors' coupons. 1227 R Street 435-6931 This coupon is redeemable for $2 off a large pizza, or $1 off a medium pizza. BLOOM COUNTY_by Berfce Breathed M6M. _ AHZM. MH1 SURE LIKE PEN SORORITY OIRLS wim ur ume Noses-- m \ 5mi-N0 %h BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed _ in .. in. m ■— i ^ —pgy '»■ -i ' ■" ' ■ w GOP. it sumo *-*'* somur m stock mRKer rr cRMHeP f our Bcue chip STOCKS CRUMBtPP ' ftLPNb WITH MY HOPBS TO BUY A NEW 30AT MtS ^ , \ SUmeR p Jo s> mew/ fT WAS AU, JUST A HORRIBLB NI6HTMARE, WASN'T TT 7 Of covxse IT WAS CAN I HAVf SOM WARM BULK f " / , am me *4 20 am UbHT ON. 1$ no me okay r . FOR MOMMY \ v" ■ Free Pregnancy Testing ■ Free Pregnancy Options Counseling and Referrals ■ Abortion Procedures to 12 Weeks ■ Speakers' Bureau ■ Routine Gyn Care ■ Visa, MasterCard and Some Insurance Plans Accepted O WOMEN’S MEDICAL CENTER OF NEBRASKA reet Omaha. NE 681 I 7 (402)734-7500 (800)228-5342, loll tree outside NE .vw/A\W/AVW/AXWeAVWeAN'V k* AvT/AvT/AkvT/AvTyAO Nebraska Football Fans... Kick-off your weekend with a special friend. Nebraska Cornhuskers vs. University of Colorado Buffaloes November 28. 1987 •Only $59.00 For Two Nights!!! (Single or Double Occupancy) Features/Accomodations -116 guest rooms and suites -FREE sauna/hot tub/exercise room FREE passes to the RUSH nightclub -FREE continental breakfast/evening snack FREE color cable TV HBO & ESPN premium channels -Only IS Minutes from Folsom Field/Boulder -Additional nights: only $15 00 a night Rgdeway ]NN DENVER NORTH 12055 Melodv Drive Westminster. CO 80234 (303>451 7200 (800i228 2000 Toll Free Located off 1-25, exit 223. west to Melody Drive •Advance Reservations Required Subject to Availability I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Iose -flesh -tones, Sonf''lj oo yellow...flow much^ y^' you for fhi's? ^ my cfay wed finish Y 5 '?Wf -M/S ki'g ftan a week1'Course, ? dfeys we had id > <?ur0U*» brushes/ ■ I*-*_ ©•Mr Uni«*rM< Pf0*« S^r>dK I Michelangelo’s father CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA AIKUM 1 Of the ear 5 Cicatrix 9 Communion table 14 Fibber 15 Rounded ear projection 16 Skin layer 17 Water plant 18 Paradise 19 Sharp-tasting vegetable 20 Fighter of the Year:1956 and 1960 23 Cereal grain 24 Before, to Poe 25 Squandered, perhaps 28 Gumbo 30-Ketl of comics 34 Indisposed 35 Roof edge 37 Altruistic person 39 Fighter of the Year: 1979 42 In the middle of 43 Deserve 44 Equal: Prefix 45 Give temporarily 46 Terminates 48 Organic compound 50 Mining find 51 Doctrine adherent 52 Fighter of the Year: 1937 60 Wanderer 61 On one’s (alert) 62 Always 63 Existent 64 Twin of Jacob 65 Identical 66 Ustinov or Stuyvesant 67 Neural network 68 Dilatory DOWN 1 Norwegian king 2 Cultivate 3 Villain in “Othello" 4 French pencil 5 “Washington -here” 6 Ending passage in music 7 Help a hood 8 Tenant 9 Revere 10 Magnifier 11 Music for three 12 Egyptian god 13 Operated 21 Post-office equipment 22 Chalk remover 25 Rope fiber 26 Feather 27 City WNW of Chicago 28 Eggs, to Cato 29 Attuned 30 Suffix with Jacob or Euclid 31 Peculiarity 32 Concise 33 Passion 36 Aorta, e g 38 Truthful 40 Increase 41 Spanish article 47 Less messy 49 Strain 50 Command 51 Offspring 52 Aperture 53 Give forth 54 Part of a church 55 Ascended 56 Gist 57 Elliptical 58 Verne character 59 Expanded 60 Siesta o