Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1987)
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 53 00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included 52.50 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 1 p.m before publication. The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers VISA MASTERCARD FOR SALE UNL IN THE 20TH CENTURY The history of UNL as it happened1 See UNL's growth as reported by THE DAILY NE BRASKAN UNLs official newspaper for 86 years THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AN 86 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE perfect for anyone with an interest in journalism or Nebraska history Only $3 00, available in the Daily Nebraskan office, 34 Nebr Union, 1400 R Street CIGARS FOR PINNING CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street _ 476-0119 ★ FUTONS are here from California Four difleient styles, three different sizes, various color mats. 27th & 0 Street Town Center Showcase 475-6698 16 LB Mmeo TYPING PAPER $1 25 per REAM (500 sheets) Stephenson s 1112 "0_ FOR SALE One female ticket foi NU/OUgame Cheap' 9-8936. keep trying Lisa NFtDFD 7 male FB tickets lot NU-0U game Will pay $40 on up Call 472-0997. ask 'or Pam INCOME PR0PERIY with living quaiteis Small college town location Buy on contract with low down Great potential Call 308 357-4431 Write Box 24. Curtis, NE 69025 _ _ US TRUSS steel buildings Must sell immediately, two unclaimed buildings Deposit forfeited buy for balance due 140x60. 1 60x108 Call Richaid 816 758-6/62 USHER’S GIFTS CUFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street 476-0119 HALF PRICE1 Save 50' Best, large Hashing arrow sign S3391 Lighted, non-arrow S3291 Unlighted S2691 Free box letters' Warranty Factory dnect Call today 1 800 423 0163 anytime BACK YARDFarmer 1988calendai cofoi pictures.lips Send check S5 plus lax payable Umveisity ol Nebiaska. Back Yard Farmer Box 80234. Lincoln NE 68501 0234 I WO GENERAL ADMISSION tickets to NU/OU game S100- AHei6pm 475-9301 AUTOS FOR SALE 1983 DODGE OMNI 5 speed A/C. steieo. one owner 489 5820 day 475-1132 eves 15,1 VOLKSWAGON squaie back, runs well S500 475 7/18 FOR RENT 2S04 VINE pm i 1 bedroom new carpet most utilities paid S290 2222 VINE large 2 bedroom. 2 bath, most utilities paid Available __ EAST CAMPUS In • bedroom one block Horn campus in buck 12 plex' laundry tacilities and oil sheet paikmg Call Mega Imputation M F 475 8407. 467 1579 2540 S Street He* ledutediaies $1/5 Call Kim 421-1871 or 489 6258 1 & 2 BR furnished unfurnished Area 13th 8 F Duality modest tent, only 3units left Call leave message 435-3605 4,7 361/ AVAILABLE DEC 1S1 Nl WE H uuiet spacious 2 BH all electric laundry parking FREE CABLE no pels S345 plus 1910 Knox 41 < ,684,435-7770 NICE I OUR bediuom 2 baths, gaiage basement itif.illy retintshed 21st & Holditge neat campus S500 488 0061 466 1168 SAN EHANCISCO-S1YLE Queen Anne bbedioumsaiid 2 ; Dishwasher central an , new cairating Henovahon npltl.'d by Dec 31st 1603 N 29th near campus bus S63b 423J535 WO SOL) 1M 20 E H ? BH with new caipel S310 nio up Laundry Available la • 475 7262 16 & l 2 laiue bedroom air.cameled ALL utilities paid laundiy paikmg no pels $350 483 2141 3220 APPLE Homey dean 1 BR new caipet palio heal paid $305 464 4862 oi 488-5750 1121 NOHIH 281H Niu 1 BR palio. hreaklasl bai . heal paid $285and $295 464 4862 oi 488 5750 822 V clean 3 BH house close (o UNL 435-5565 2137 P SI 1 E<H newly ledecoiated, $220 4W 8355 or 488 2228 1826 A 2 bediooni. ntwei unit dishwasher disposal laundiy ■ A caipeted No pets, no cltildien nowaleibeds S310 plus deposit Oil street paiking 423 1838 HELP WANTED CHRISTMAS WORK LINCOLN & OMAHA $7 00-S9 00 per hour flexible hours and guarantee plus two supervisors needed 488 1227. HIRING BASKETBALL OFFICIALS ' a YMCA Voulh games Satuiday games beginning m January Will ham new olhuals Apply at 1039 P Sheel VMCA Youth Spoils Office oi tall 4,5-9622 loi moie mloimation S.I.D.S. FOUNDATION (CHIB DEATH) Needs help Call Rom uui office Houilywau. ami bonus t . mg shifts available Call Cathy al 466 5068 01 IN POSH IONS Due lu expansion. Pude Lease Co needs qualified 0R1 buck dtiveis Tiammg available loi '"experienced diivei > Musi be 25oi older good driving r" aid, 21C per mile loaded and empty, vacation pay In hUIi msuianct. other bonuses Call collect, 102 4/6 9819 Pride Lease Co Crete Cainei Coip . Lincoln. Nl i.t Nl HAL I HEIGH I hauling - Commercial Transport veil:, owner upei atois1 li you need tiainmg wewillhain yuu You will opeiale youi own liactot If you don I haw "lie Commetcial Tianspoit offers a puichase proQiam we ihmk is one ol the best in the industry II you aie iver and think you may quality call foi a compline mluimaiion package Call week day, loll hue 1 800 .i48 2147. ask fur Opeialoi 28b Commercial Tianspoit is a division of noi thAmerican Van Lines, a Nor folk Southern 1 oipoialioii subsidiary iMMLDIAIf OPE NlNG lor a Med lech iA S C P I that lias had some X lay experience Contact Hoy Vap. Adm., Webstei County Community Hospital Hed Cloud, Nl '<8970 402 746 3291 AMIGOS * $3.50 to start up to *$ 4.25 after training * Great work environment * Meal discount * Paid vacation * S T E P tuition, reimbursement, scholarship plan * Flexible schedule Amiaos is seeking an aggressive, dynamic person to work part-time to lull time Must have strong customer orientation and ability to work at fast intense pace Apply now at Amigos, 14th & 0 from 9 a m. to 5 p.m Ask for Lance or Ben CHI CHI S Due to the increase in business, we are looking for responsible, reliable and enthusiastic people to join our restaur ant team Positions available are rood services, bartendeis. cocktail servers, service assist and hosting F ull and par t-time hours available Experience not neces sary Inquire in person at 201 North 66th between 2 & 4 p.m. INFORMATION BOOTH PERSON Earn extra money for Chnstmas! Immediate temporary part time position open. Person must be responsible, able to handle money accuiately, have a professional de meaner and enjoy working with the public Apply in person, 9 a m,-5 p.m , Gateway Managers Office (lower level). Gateway Shopping Center EOE/M-F. EXPERIENCED LIBRARY research assistant needed immediately Call 474-2464. ENERGETIC RESPONSIBLE peison toi counter StltS clerk position. Part-time flexible hours No experience necessaiy. For interview call 488-9493 LeMetro Food Court Seeking friendly and energetic people for bussing crew Noon hours and some evenings Apply in person The Atrium, 1200 "N St.. Lower Level Great SUMMER CAMP JOBS in the Colorado Rockies near Estes Park as counselors, cooks, nurses, office, wranglers, divers, unit directors, childcare Room and board plus cash salary and travel allowance Fully accredited Must be at least 19 to apply Interviews on campus in early Februaiy. Write CHEIEY COLORADO CAMPS, Dept C, Box 6525. Denver. Colorado 80206, 303 377-3616, FOR THE SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE' RESORT HOTELS. Ciuiselmes, Airlines, and Amusement Paiks NOW accepting applications for summer jobs, internships and careei positions For information and application, write National Collegiate Recreation P0 Box 8074 Hilton Head Island, SC 29938 CLERICAL POSITION Southwest Lincoln business has immediate opening for part-time clerical work Duties include typing, filing, computet terminal operation Flexiblehouisand excellent pay Send lesume to Personnel Director. P O Box 81906. Lincoln, NE 68501 EVfNlNG DESK help wanted, apply in person. Mon . Tues, Wed Great Rains Motel, 2732 O' St JUVENILE CARE SPECIALISTS ON CALL Attention Center Work as needed in one ol 1 ull-stime statt and as extia absence coverage Willing to work 7 out ot 21 shifts per week Some exp working with juveniles, ages 12-18 preferred Must have own transportation and home phone Vacancies 8 10 temales and 6-8 males needed Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addi tion to City/Co application Closing date extended to November 20. 198/ Apply at City/Co Employment Olfice 555 S 10th Street, Rm B113 Lincoln. NL 68508 EOE/AA MINGLES IS now accepting applications lor part time waitiesses. bartendeis and floor men Apply in peison. M & Tues , 2-5 oi call 474-6602 for appt AN EXClIINGcareei in image compulet analysis-cloth mu style/facial shape/ hair style/dressing toi body shape/ color analysis/cosmetics tiaming available 308 384 0856. Melanie NANNIES CAN they cam 5250 pei week’’ Yes Ask about oui training and nationwide placement Nannies ot Nebiaska PO Box 463 Norfolk NE 68701 402 379-2444 AG STUDENTS Earn SI 000 to $2,000 by Christmas Ag Suppliei needs part-time help Flexible hours we tram Sendiesumeto Sales Manager P0 Box 6665 Lincoln. NE 68506 USA TODAY NEWSPAPER needstempoiaiy help Could lead into route position Call Impala Distributing 476-1213 leave message_ CBA STUDENT-TO-STUDENT ADVISERS Ttie College ot Business Administration currently has openings roi student advisers Applications aie available in CBA 241 Deadline November 24th SALES PERSONS check Hus Immediate openings peimanent woik, cat necessary f or furthei information wide Title Atlas Co , Rt 1*3, Battle Lake. MN 56515 oi 218 864 8407 Thank you ASSISI AN 1 DIRECTOR ol nursing position Broken Bow Meihum Medical Center Skilled long term caie 70 bed t xcellent benefits, hours and stalling Contact Directoi ot Nut sing 308 872 5349 FULL OR pail-time spoils repot ter with photogiaphy skills Job tailored to person Will Ham Sendiesumeto Ihe Wayne Haiold Box 70. Wayne NL 68787 WANTED MODELS WANTED1 Modilim hair cutting class call the Slylmg Company 466 2233 WANTED 1 WO tickets to Ihe Munlieal Ballet and,oi Moinix Call Todd at 794 5070 NANNIES NEEDED Spend 88 in sunny California1 Join oui Nebiaska netwoik Supei positions no lees Call Elbe now Ini details Aichei Dawson Agency Omaha NL 402 453 7666 ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS 0PP0HIUNI1Y Radio IV sales and set vice in Hastings NE Reasonably pnced owneis want to teliie Will sell oi lease budding 402 46,’ 4030 oi 463 7675 BEAUT IF UL LINGERIE by Undercover Wear Only at homeshows E xcellent earnings No collecting no deliver les Bonus incentives Call Elizabeth 402-78?-8083 REMINDER Look lot money saving coupons in College Coupon and Papei Money coupon books THE TUBBERY N.U MEDS MEETING 6:30, Wednesday, Nov. 18 City Union Admissions St Thomas Aquinas, 320 No. 16th Thursday, Nov 19th, 10 PM Thanksgiving Liturgy: A Multitude Followed By A Man” Please bring a can of food for the poor Posters and Pizza ★ CAMPUS RED CROSS Tues. (Nov. 17) at 4:30 in the Union Pnvate FOR PROFIT Fire Departments WORK1 Call NE Libertarian Party to find out how! 477-4678. Grumpy, Cheer up at the Arts & Crafts Fair 87 November 18,9-6 p.m , November 19, 9-5 pm, East Union Sleepy ★ ★ Ao Econ, Aa Business Club Meeting Nov 17 Pictuiestobe taken at 5:45, wear semi-formal attire LOW MILEAGE Japanese engines, transmissions anri remanufactured domestic motors Guaranteed 6 mont' with freight prepaid 1-800-727-8779. TOGOS Combo Burrito and 24 oz. drink, $1.75. PHI CHI IHt TA PLEDGES Make-up pledge test, 2 p.m., Wednesday, November 18, in the Union. Roman, I'm still alive1 Meet me at the Arts & Crafts Fail 87 November 18, 9-6 p.m.; November 19, 9-5 p m., East Union Marlena COLLEGE REPUBLICAN meeting Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in the Union. COLLEGIANS FOR Hal Daub, Tues. in Union alter College Republicans. ATTENTION' COLD weather blitz Gobble up the savings with our pre-holiday sale on America s ffl all-purpose building Limited supply 1-800-362-3145. Ext 168 Ask for Bill. CHART YOUR POLITICAL POSITION! Free chart tells if you are Populist' Liberal’ Conservative’ Middle of the road’ Libertarian’ FUN FREE and surpris ing' Call 477-4678 for your copy CAMPUS REDCROSS ★ ★ ★ Posters and Pizza Meet First floor of the Union at 4:30 Tues . Nov 17 IURNFAT into dollars Needoverweightpeoplewantmg to lose weight and make money Herbal weight control program, medical breakthrough, no drugs Anne or Russ 503756-5262 DO THE buds know something that we have gotten too busy to remember’ They winter in the South Call 1-800 826 6441 lor fiee information Rockport, Texas REGISTERED NURSES Woik in all phases of nuising in a modern, well equipped health care center. Four GPs and surgeon on stall Excellent pay and benefits Carol Stukel/Duectoi of Nursing. Gregory Health Care Center, Gregory SD. 57533 605-835-8394 TURN FAT into $' Lose 30 pounds, inches, cellulite this month! Heibal weight contiol progiam. seen on TV No drugs - exercise Susan, 303-237-0756 DRY BASEMEN l 7 We can give it to you Unconditionally guaranteed from the hardworking people at B Dry Systems Locally owned Nationally recognized since 1958 1 800 642 4449 DOG BREEDtRS 7 op prices plus holiday bonus toi AKC puppies, registeied kittens Good bank releiences Call Lambriai Kennels. 913-245-3383. 245-3367 tor prices, pick-ups neai you 515 ACRE tanch 3 miles from Pine Blutfs, WY (NE lint} 135 x 75 indoor aiena. runs shop, sheds, crossfenced 3-bedioom home 2 wells 307 245-3818 A GREAI gill idea Old family movies tiansfened on lo videocassette (8 16 mm) slides and photos too' Guaiante ed finest quality available Call toi special otter 1-800 888-8808 _ PUBLIC NO I ICt Inventory clearance sale pie-engineei ed steel buildings 24x27-1z retail S6596. youi costS2290, 30x50x10 letail S7940. youi cost S4665 30x90x12 retail S 16.515 youi cost S8 159 50x100x14 retail S26 356 your cost $11.980 Prices limited to inventory stock Call now 512-789-3664 Pioneer Building Systems CHHISTMASSUNBEOS Sunal Wolftsunbeds For family oi business Slendei Quest toning tables super money maker Call toi tree color catalogue and X-mas specials. 1-800-835 3826 CAN-IT A week long canned lood drive CAN IT boxes toi cans aie in Res Halls and Gieek Houses PLEASE DONATE For Malone Community Center & Lincoln Eood Pantry Sponsored by C0RNERS10NE UMHE Nov 16 to 20 Tins is youi English Depaitment' Undergiaduates tind out about the depaitmenl and the majoi Monday. Nov 16, 3 30 Andrews 228 JUNIOR SCHOLARS Don I tmget the MORTAR BOARD Junior Recognition address Tuesday Nov 17,7 30 p m at the Wick Alumni Center Featured speaker Dr Patrice Berger STRING BRACELETS All colors now available Cycle Woiks 27th & Vine BIG RLO SPECIAL It s Gonna Gelcha Sooner IhiS wt uk. D P PHI CHI THETA Inter mat meeting and pledge lest Tuesday. November 17 at 6 00 Please bi ing checkbooks tor dues ATTENTION. COMMUNICATORS! GET THE INSIDE STORV! FREE! I he Real World ot Business Communications What you need to know and wtiat you can do with it Special Speakei Maicia White Former Pi ess Liaison to ex governor Bob Keney President ot lABC/Lmcoln Monday. November 16 Barnett Hall 6-7 p m, Room 324 Refreshments Mmt Cmmes compliments ot I J Cinnamon Seminar sponsoied by IABC- Lincoln I All You Can Eat Steak Fsgitas All You Can Eat Tacos All You Can Eat Tostadas All You Can Eat Soft Tacos All You Can Eat Mini Chimichanga All You Can Eat Taquitos All You Can Eat Refritos m All You Can Eat Spanish Rice All You Can Eat Burrito’s All You Can Eat Cheese Enchiladas 1 I - . k All You Can Eat Mexican Buffet! Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Night $ From 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m._M KIDS UNDER 12 $325_ADULT *5^ | Also Featuring Mar^aritas *1W) Coronas fig] Bring in your student I.D. and get a half order of beans and rice, 3 flour tortillas and a soft drink, for $2.00. And when you’re ready to cool down, try any of our ice cold beers. llth&“Q”St. Between 2-5 PM Mon.-Fri. FAITH NO MORE and THIRTEEN NIGHTMARES Thursday, November 19th (Tickets at Pickles and Dirt Cheap) $8.00 advance $10.00 day of show Doors open at 8:00 PM Must be 21 Chesterfield’s. . ,13th & Que Palm trees, balmy breezes, sun-drenched beaches. Movie stars, fast cars, wide awake nightlife. In California, there’s no such thing as all work and no play. Even work itself can be exhilarating, if you come to Lincoln Savings. Lincoln has a unique management training program that recognizes-and rewards-talent. We’re one of the country’s fastest growing savings and loans, a $4.6 billion subsidiary of a Fortune 500 company. One with openings in all 27 of our Southern California branches. We’re looking for bright, motivated workaholics with retail flair, a 4-year degree and insatiable cravings for success. If that’s you, put down the paper and pick up the phone. And go for the jy l IMfY}! N sunny California job M/A l-INIwwI-ri that'll give you JP/ mm SAVINGS gOOSe bumpS. A Subsidiary at American Continental Corporation For more information call Edyc at ext. 35.3: 1-800-654-4626 An Lqual Opportunity Fmp yei * 1‘JIM l.llte ,’III NlVIllg' & I Ml' A' .'I Mttv'll