... I * '. i - ; - A Macintosh'personal computer i and an Apple ImageWriter" II printer will save you hours of time. Not to mention gallons of cor rection fluid and reams and reams of paper. And, if you buy both now, the first ream of paper vail I save will liave a lovely green glow. You’ll save a bundle of cash when you pur chase an Imag^riter II printer along with wur choice of a Macintosh Plus or a Macintosh SE. Eitherway you’ll be able to turn out beautifully written and beautifully printed papers. And well even try to help vou pay for \our purchase with a variety of financing options. We feel compelled to tell you, though,that a deal like this can't last forever* So it's a good idea to see your campus microconi|xiter center today. And join the conservation movement. * The power to be your best' University Bookstore Computer Shop Lower Level Student Union